AGE and CARE - Coordination Meeting - Plan Vs Achievement To 15 Sep

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AGE communication Channal

Multisector gender responsive emergency response project in Northern Rakhine State

Twonship Name Village Tract Village Name HH Population
1 Maungdaw Inn Din(Na Ta La) Inn Din(Na Ta La) 94 178 204 382
2 Maungdaw Inn Din Pay Rone 120 215 231 446
3 Maungdaw Inn Din Inn Din Ywa Thit 189 358 374 732
4 Maungdaw Kyauk Pan Du Kyauk Pan Du 157 306 343 649
5 Maungdaw Kyauk Pan Du Myo Yu 112 343 306 649
6 Maungdaw Ah Lel Than Kyaw Maw Tu Lar 31 59 78 137
7 Maungdaw Ah Lel Than Kyaw Zay Kone Tan 30 58 56 114
8 Rathedaung Nyaung Pin Lel Nyaung Pin Lel 330 805 881 1686
9 Rathedaung Nyaung Pin Lel Leik Htaunt Teit Su 58 156 164 320
10 Rathedaung Nga Tuak Tu Gyi Nga Tuak Tu Gyi 97 251 234 485
11 Rathedaung Kha Naung Gyi Kha Naung Gyi 132 230 332 562
12 Rathedaung Pyar Pin Yin Pyar Pin Yin 92 332 335 667
13 Rathedaung Mi Nyo Htaunt Thar Si 60 120 129 249
14 Rathedaung Mi Nyo Htaunt Mi Nyo Htaunt 174 399 423 822
15 Rathedaung Kyaung Daung Aout Kyauk Taung 196 504 560 1064
Total 1872 4314 4650 8964
rn Rakhine State

Village Name

Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Detial Implementation Plan
CARE International in Myanmar
CARE USA - HT- Humanitarian Ref.
Project Name : Multisector gender responsive emergency response project in Northern Rakhine State
Project Area : Rathaedaung Township, Maungdaw Township
Duration : 1 June 2023 - 15 November 2023
Sr. Key Activities Detail Activities
1 Agreement with AGE Agreement with AGE

Staff contract Partner staff contract agreement by AGE

Need Assessment and village selection

Rapid Needs Assessment (RNA)/ Market Anal

Village Selection

Monthly meeting
Multipurpose cash assistance

Identification beneficaries
CVA training for Staff
Conduct the coordination meeting
between CARE and finicancial service
Agreement letter with ongo
Cash transfer to ongo service
Beneficaries registation process
Submit the beneficiary list to Coordinator-
Field Office or CO humanitarian response
Combine the beneficiary data and submit
to finicial service provider to prepare cash
distribution process
Operation catch up meeting between
CARE, partner and financial service
provider for cash distribution in
Distribute thelevel
cash all of the target
population with the financial service
provider in the village
Maternal and child
2 Person*month
cash transfer
Identification beneficaries

Beneficaries registation process

Distribute the cash all of the target


3 Water purifiers distribution

Identification beneficaries
Transportation from Yangon to Field
Awareness for Water purifiers for Sataff
Distribution in target villages

4 Female dignity kits distribution

Identification beneficaries
Transportation from Yangon to Field
Distribution in target villages

5 Safety audit and GBV prevention nos

Basic gender and Gender-based Violence
concept training to Staffs

Safety audit training to staff

Conduct the safety audit in Field

Transport/medical care support for
survivors in Field
GBV awareness raising and GBV
6 session
services support

Gender-Based Violence Awareness Raising

Training to staff

Refresher Gender Based Violence

Awareness Raising Training to staff
Conduct GBV awareness training in the Fiel
7 Women and girl friendly space
Training on the Women and girls friendly
spaces SOP to implementing partners
Site indentification
Procurement for Materials
Setting WGFS in the site

CBFM awareness Session to staff

CBFM awareness Session to community
8 Post Distribution Monitoring monitoring

Montly report
9 Reporting Final Financial and Narrtive Report
hern Rakhine State

1st - week July August
Target Unit Target Achieved Remain 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd
week week week week week week week week week week

no 1 1 0

no 1 1 0

time 1 1 0

1 1 1 0

No 5 2 0

household*two weeks 300 0 300

household*two weeks 300 304 -4

time 1 1 1

time 3 0 1

No 1 1 0
time 1 0 0
person 300 0 600

time 1 1 0

time 1 1 0

time 1 1 0

person 304 0 304


household*two weeks 400 400 0

person 400 400 0

person 400 400 0

nos 250

No 250 250 0
No 250 250 0
No 250 250 0
no 1 1 0
No 250 0 250

kit 400

No 400 400 0
No 400 154 246
No 400 400 0
No 400 154 246

6 6 0 6

time 2 2 0

time 1 1 0

session 6 0 6

Person 20 0 20

24 24 0 24

1 1 1 0

1 1 1 0

session 24 0 24

space 2

time 1 1 0

site 2 0 2
site 2 0 2
site 2 0 2
Session 1 1 0
session 10 10 0

1 10 1 9

month 6 0 6
1 1 1 0
August September October NoV
3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd Responsible Remark
week week week week week week week week week week week week



AGE on the process

AGE Finished

Field Visit or by
AGE phone
CARE to AGE inperson

CARE ,AGE, Ongo online

CARE. Ongo online
CARE. Ongo online
CARE, AGE online

AGE online

AGE online

CARE ,AGE, Ongo online


field visit or by
AGE online


CARE Finished
Field visit or by
CARE Finshed


CARE Finished
Field visit or by
CARE Finshed

CARE to AGE online

CARE to AGE online

Field Visit or


4 4 4 4 4 4 AGE




Multisector gender responsive emergency response project in Northern Rakhine State
Twonship Name Village Tract Village Name HH Population
1 Maungdaw Inn Din(Na Ta La) Inn Din(Na Ta La) 94 178 204 382
2 Maungdaw Inn Din Pay Rone 120 215 231 446
3 Maungdaw Inn Din Inn Din Ywa Thit 189 358 374 732
4 Maungdaw Kyauk Pan Du Kyauk Pan Du 157 306 343 649
5 Maungdaw Kyauk Pan Du Myo Yu 112 343 306 649
6 Maungdaw Ah Lel Than Kyaw Maw Tu Lar 31 59 78 137
7 Maungdaw Ah Lel Than Kyaw Zay Kone Tan 30 58 56 114
8 Rathedaung Nyaung Pin Lel Nyaung Pin Lel 330 805 881 1686
9 Rathedaung Nyaung Pin Lel Leik Htaunt Teit Su 58 156 164 320
10 Rathedaung Nga Tuak Tu Gyi Nga Tuak Tu Gyi 97 251 234 485
11 Rathedaung Kha Naung Gyi Kha Naung Gyi 132 230 332 562
12 Rathedaung Pyar Pin Yin Pyar Pin Yin 92 332 335 667
13 Rathedaung Mi Nyo Htaunt Thar Si 60 120 129 249
14 Rathedaung Mi Nyo Htaunt Mi Nyo Htaunt 174 399 423 822
15 Rathedaung Kyaung Daung Aout Kyauk Taung 196 504 560 1064
Total 1872 4314 4650 8964
rn Rakhine State

Village Name

Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished
Assessment Finished

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