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Introduction by Leo Stern

Bulk is generally associated with Power. A big man is thought of as a strong man
. . . if he has the right kind of bodyweight!

The majority of men who exercise today are concerned with gaining bodyweight
and/or strength. For those interested in Bulk and Power, here are three training
programs personally used by Bill Pearl and Leo Stern and thousands of our

It may seem to you that the exercises in this book are very similar for each
course. In a way, this is true, but these exercises have been developed with but
one goal in mind . . .
Building Bulk and Power. What makes them effective is the way in which they are
programmed. It is important that you follow these exercises exactly. Breathing is
extremely important, as is the correct number of sets and repetitions. There is a
definite relationship between these things . . . so do not improvise!

We have outlined three scientifically planned programs for you to follow. It is

recommended that you start with Course No. 1 regardless of how long you have
trained. We agree that it may be less than what some of you are now doing in
your training, but it will give your body a chance to rebuild itself and prepare your
ligaments and tendons for the strain that will be placed on them in the two
programs that follow.

All of the exercises are placed in the program exactly as they should be followed.
In performing these exercises, it is important to do them exactly as prescribed in
order to get a complete contraction and extension on each movement. At first, it
is advisable to handle lighter weights in order to get the recommended
repetitions. do about two-thirds of your maximum effort on your exercised in the
beginning. This will enable you to use a progressive method of adding weight to
the exercises, as you follow the course.

While training for Bulk and Power, do not hurry through your sets: rest
approximately 3-5 minutes between each set. This pace will enable you to use
heavier weights as your stamina continues to build. Of course, your individual
recuperative power will be the true measure of how fast a pace you should
maintain. Because of the long rest periods between sets, we recommend you
wear a sweat suit. This will conserve energy that would normally be required to
keep your body temperature to the point needed to get the maximum from your
Keep accurate records of your training. Then, there will be no guesswork at our
weights and sets and of your progress each week. Record your weight and be
sure to weight yourself before the workout and in the same training outfit each
time. There is a fluctuation in everyone's bodyweight, so do not become
discouraged if it bounces up and down from time to time. If you do not gain
bodyweight n a period of a few weeks you c an then experiment by increasing
your caloric intake and consuming more liquids. Do not expect a big increase in
bodyweight the first week or two, for your system must adjust itself to the change
in work.

Course Number One

Follow this course of exercises for a six weeks period:

1.) Dumbbell Swing 1 set of 10

2.) Leg Raises on Floor or Bench 1 set of 30
3.) Bendovers 1 set of 10
4.) Breathing Squats 2 sets of 15
alternated with
5.) Bent Arm Laterals 2 sets of 12
6.) Calf Raises 3 sets of 20
7.) Shoulder Shrugs 2 sets of 8
8.) Bench Press 2 sets of 8
9.) Rowing Motion 2 sets of 8
10.) Press Behind Neck 2 sets of 8
11.) Two Hands Barbell Curl 2 sets of 8
12.) Bent Leg Dead Lifts 3 sets of 5

Do three workouts per week

Exercise No. 1
Dumbbell Swing
This is the best exercise for limbering up and starting the blood to circulate. Use
a light dumbbell, keep the feet flat, back straight, head up ad the arms straight.
Start from a squatting position. Swing the dumbbell overhead. Come to a
standing position. You should inhale as the dumbbell is swung overhead and
exhale as you return to the starting or squat position. Do not remain tense while
squatting and swinging the dumbbell. Because this is a warmup, keep the
poundage light.

Exercise No. 2
Leg Raises on Floor or Bench
Place your hands under hips, palms flat and facing downward. Keep the legs
straight and the toes pointed. Keeping the toes pointed helps maintain the
straight leg position and places the work on the abdominals. Inhale as you lower
your legs and exhale as you raise them. Do the exercise slowly and with a
smooth rhythm. Do not swing the legs; raise them with the abdominal muscles.
This is the purpose of the exercise. Do not relax the abdominal muscles whole
doing the exercise. You can keep them tense by not allowing the feet to rest and
keeping them suspended throughout the exercise.

Exercise No. 3
This is a warmup exercise for the lower back. Use a light barbell. Place it on the
shoulders, spread feet a distance a little wider than shoulder width, with toes
pointed outward. Start the movement with the stomach drawn in and the chest
out. Keep the knees locked, lean forward and maintain a straight back
throughout. By looking up and holding the head back slightly, you will prevent the
barbell from moving from the shoulder position. Arch your back and contract the
muscles of the lower back when you stand erect.This will give proper extension
and contraction to the muscles.

Exercise No. 4
Breathing Squats
Start with a barbell on the shoulders. Do not bounce up and down, but make a
regular momentary pause at the bottom. There should be a definite pause at the
low position. Special attention should be given to the breathing on this exercise.
This is the key to the exercise, so read the instructions carefully. Use only a
weight that allows you to keep the chest high and inhale properly. Individual bone
structure is a leverage factor and some people prefer a raised heel to maintain
balance and keep the back straight throughout the execution of the exercise. Use
the sequence recommended. On the first five repetitions, take two full breaths
before each squat, holding the second breath until you come back to the
standing position. Repeat, taking two breaths. On the second set of five
repetitions, take three breaths on each repetition. On the third grouping of five,
take four breaths each repetition. Attempt to take large, full breaths through the
mouth and keep your chest high. Squat as you hold the last breath an exhale as
you return to the standing position. do not remove the barbell from your
shoulders until you have completed the required 15 repetitions. A total of 45
breaths will be taken during a set of 15 repetitions.
Exercise No. 5
Bent Arm Laterals
This exercise is strictly a breathing exercise. The purpose is to expand and
enlarge the rib cage. Therefore, use the exercise right after completing each set
of Breathing Squats. Use a light set of dumbbells so that you can breathe deeply
and stretch. Do not place too much emphasis on the muscle effort. Lie on a flat
bench, feet to the side and flat on the floor. Hold the dumbbells at arms' length
over the chest. The palms should face in. This grip allows you to bring the
dumbbells closer together and work the inside portion of the pectoral. Bend the
elbows and loser the dumbbells, down and out. This style of bent laterals will
allow you to raise or elevate the chest. Inhale as you lower the dumbbells and
exhale as you bring them back together at arms' length overhead. Be sure to lock
the elbows at the top.

Exercise No. 6
Calf Raises
Start with the barbell on your shoulders. Step up on a thick board or raised
platform. Place your feet on the raised object to help balance yourself and also
get full extension and contraction. Place heels down, push up on toes. Both the
top flexed part of the exercise and the bottom extension are important, so do the
exercise slowly and completely. Inhale as you raise your toes, exhale as you
lower your heels. To work the inside part of the calves, turn the heels in toward
each other and point toes outward. In working the outside of the calves, reverse
the foot position and turn toes inward and heels outward. Do not bend the knees.
do not bounce up and down. A slow deliberate action on the upward and
downward motion will produce better results.

Exercise No. 7
Shoulder Shrugs
Assume a comfortable stance. Grip the bar a little wider than shoulder width with
palms facing downward. Keep the legs locked and stand straight. Raise the
shoulders as though trying to touch them to your ears. Try to keep the arms
straight during the entire exercise. Next, lower the shoulder to a downward
position (a little lower than normal). This will give a little extension to the
trapezius muscle. Inhale as you raise your shoulders and exhale as you lower
them to the down position. Do the exercise slowly and attempt to hold at the top
position to contract the muscle.

Exercise No. 8
Bench Press
Lie on a flat bench, feet to the side and flat on the floor. Bring barbell to arms'
length and use a grip slightly wider than shoulder width. Lower barbell to nipple
area of chest. Inhale as the bar is lowered to the chest and exhale as the barbell
is pressed back to arms' length. Keep the elbows under and slightly in toward the
sides when in the down position. do not relax and drop the weight to your chest,
but lower it and make a definite pause at the chest before pressing it back to the
starting position. Keep your head on the bench. Do not arch the back too sharply,
as this will raise your hips off the bench.

Exercise No. 9
Bent Rowing Motion
Use a wide grip on the barbell and a wide foot spacing. You can bend the knees
or deep the legs straight. The important thing is to bend forward at the waist,
maintain a straight back and attempt to remain close to parallel to the floor. Start
with the arms straight, pull the barbell up to the chest and make a definite pause.
Lower the barbell back to arms' length. Be sure to work the muscle both ways
when pulling up and letting the weight down. Do your repetitions slowly and
smoothly. Do not drop the shoulders or round the back. Inhale on the upward pull
to the chest. By keeping the waist drawn in and the chest out, it will be easier to
touch your chest with the bar and maintain a flat back position. Exhale when
lowering the bar back to arms' length.

Exercise No. 10
Press Behind Neck
Stand with feet spaced a comfortable distance apart. Use a slightly wider than
shoulder width grip on the bar. Keep the elbows directly under the bar. Press the
barbell over head, inhaling as you press and exhaling as you lower the bar to
your shoulders. Maintain a solid foundation by keeping the legs straight and the
hips flexed. Pause at the shoulder before pressing the barbell overhead. Make a
full movement of the exercise by touching the barbell to the shoulders each time
it is lowered and locking elbows each time it is pressed overhead.

Exercise No. 11
Two Hands Barbell Curl
Begin with arms straight, palms facing up. Curl the weight to your shoulders,
inhaling as you curl and exhale as you lower back to arms' length. You must
keep the elbows fixed at your sides, but still not have them pressed tight to the
sides of your body. It is necessary to raise the elbows slightly when the barbell
comes to the contraction position at the shoulders. do not swing the weight, but
curl it with your biceps. Do the exercise smoothly and you will get far better
results. Try to keep the body stationary throughout the exercise. Use only your

Exercise No. 12
Bent Leg Deadlift
First, place the feet under the bar. The feet should be close together to get a
proper grip on the bar. Use a palms facing downward grip. In the set position the
head is up and the back is straight. Keep the head back slightly and look directly
ahead. This will aid you in keeping the correct posture. Keep the arms straight,
do not bend the elbows. Press your feet into the floor and pull up on the bar
when you stand up with the weight. The work is to be done with the legs and
lower back. When you are standing up completely, lean back very slightly and
contract the muscles of the lower back. Bend forward when lowering the barbell
back to the starting position. This will enable the barbell to clear the knees when
squatting down. Inhale as you stand up and exhale as you lower the barbell to
the starting position.

Course Number Two

Follow this course of exercises for a six weeks period.

1.) Dumbbell Swing 1 set of 10-15

2.) Sit Ups 1 set of 15-50
3.) Side Bend Dumbbell 1 set of 15-50
4.) Alternate Leg Raises 1 set of 10-30
5.) Deep Knee Bend 3-5 sets of 6-8
6.) Bent Arm Pullover 3-5 sets of 8-10
7.) Calf Raises 3 sets of 15-20
8.) Upright Rowing 2 sets of 8
9.) Military Press 2 sets of 5-6
10.) One Arm Rowing 3 sets of 8
11.) Bent Leg Dead Lift 2 sets of 8
12.) Incline Dumbbell Press 2 sets of 6-8
13.) Bent Arm Laterals 2 sets of 6-8
14.) One Dumbbell French Press 3 sets of 6-8
15.) Standing Dumbbell Curl 3 sets of 6-8

Do three workouts per week.

Exercise No. 1
Dumbbell Swing
This is the same exercise as Course No. 1. The weight used is still light, as this is
solely to limber you up. It will warm up the legs, shoulders, back and start the
blood circulating. Inhale on the upward motion and exhale as the weight returns
to starting point.

Exercise No. 2
Sit Ups
This is the standard sit up. Inhale as you lie back and exhale as you come to a
sitting position. Keep the elbows back. It is not necessary to keep the legs or
knees locked out. Bending the knees does not have an adverse effect on this

Exercise No. 3
Dumbbell Side Bend
To maintain control over your mid-section and the oblique muscles, we
recommend you do side bends with a light dumbbell. So a lot of repetitions,
forget about the poundage. Begin in an erect position. Pull the body with the
oblique muscle. It is important to bend well to both sides. After completing the
required number of repetitions change the dumbbell to the other hand and

Exercise No. 4
Alternate Leg Raises
This is a rather difficult movement until you get the proper timing. It would be best
described as a scissor movement, which is exactly what it is. Place the hands
under the buttocks, begin with right leg raised and the left leg in a straight or
horizontal position. Lower the right leg and elevate the left leg, as the right leg is
coming down. It is the same principal as the kick given with the legs in swimming,
but with a higher leg lift. Extend the foot and point the toes to keep the legs rigid.
Try to do the exercise with a steady rhythm.

Exercise No. 5
Deep Knee Bend
This exercise is a regular full squat. Keep the body erect, back straight, toes
pointed outward slightly and the feet spread a comfortable distance apart. Keep
the back straight when lowering and keep the weight on he heels. This will work
the thighs more and bring faster results in leg size. When you lean forward and
use the back more it relieves the thighs of the bulk of the work and it is then a
semi-leg and back exercise. Take a deep breath before squatting and exhale as
you come up and remember - keep the weight balanced in your heels.

Exercise No. 6
Bent Arm Pullover
Place the barbell on the chest. Use a fairly close grip, place head over the end of
the bench, keep elbows in and lower the weight to a comfortable position. Inhale
as the barbell is lowered and exhale as the bar is brought back to starting
position. Be sure to keep elbows in and this will eliminate shoulder problems. If
you allow your elbows to spread out wide and do an extended pullover, it might
cause a shoulder dislocation. Use a light enough weight to enable you to do
heavy breathing and expand your chest.

Exercise No. 7
Calf Raises
This movement can be done with a barbell placed across the shoulders. It is
preferable to use a calf machine. A dipping belt can also be used. Use a raised
block and come as high up on the toes as possible, then lower back to the
starting point, stretching down low. Try to work the calves and do not bounce up
and down. Pointing the toes in, out, or forward will work different portions of the
muscle, as mentioned in Course One. Try to get a full extension and contraction
for the best results.

Exercise No. 8
Upright Rowing
This is an excellent trapezius and deltoid exercise. Place hands on barbell
together or with a closer than shoulder width grip. Keep the body erect and
stationary and pull the weight up to the top position under the neck. Keep the
barbell in close and pause momentarily at the top. Development is faster if the
muscle is worked in both directions. Inhale very deeply when lifting the bar up
and exhale when lowering.

Exercise No. 9
Military Press
This is the standard military press. Clean the weight to the chest. Lock the legs
and hips solidly. This will give you a solid platform from which to push. Keep the
elbows in slightly and under the bar, press the weight overhead, lock the arms
out. When lowering the barbell to the chest, be sure it rests on the chest and is
not held with the arms. If he chest is held high it will give you a nice shelf on
which to place the barbell and to push from. Inhale before the press and exhale
when lowering the barbell.

Exercise No. 10
One Arm Rowing
Use a bench, placing one hand on the bench for support and spreading the feet
wide. This will give you balance. Keep the back straight and extend the arm fully.
Next, pull the dumbbell to the chest, keeping the elbow pointed outward. This will
enable you to pull the dumbbell higher and work the latissimus more fully. The
dumbbell is pulled in a straight line. There is no rotating motion. Inhale on the
upward pull and exhale when extending the arm to straight position.

Exercise No. 11
Bent Leg Deadlift
This is the same movement as in Course One. Keep adding weight to the bar

Exercise No. 12
Incline Press With Dumbbells
As this exercise is for the upper chest, it must be done as instructed to work the
muscles properly. Use a hand position on the dumbbells similar to that of holding
a barbell. Start with the dumbbells together and at arms' length. Slowly lower
them to the down position. The elbows are drawn backward. The forearms are
slightly out of a vertical position. Be sure to keep the dumbbells away from the
body. Do not under any circumstances let the dumbbells hit or rebound off the
chest. The press back to starting point is done with either an outward arch, to
place more work on the pectorals, or with a straight up press back to the starting
point (arms extended and dumbbells together). If you flex the pectorals at the
starting position, you will find it will work the inner portion of the pectorals more
than is normal. Inhale on the down movement or just prior to lowering the
dumbbells and exhale at the top position.

Exercise No. 13
Bent Arm Laterals
Do not confuse the hand position in this exercise with the Incline Press. This
exercise is done exactly as shown. Start with dumbbells together, the palms
facing one another. Lower the dumbbells downward and slightly outward. Again
bring the elbows backward. Remember to keep the forearm vertical and the
elbows directly under the weight at all times. Maintain a balance of the dumbbells
at all times. Try to bring the dumbbells back to the top position with either a slight
outward arch or straight up. You can work the inside portion of the pectoral
muscles by locking your elbows and pressing the dumbbells together at arms'
length over your chest. Inhale as you let the dumbbells down and exhale as you
bring them together at the top.

Exercise No. 14
One Dumbbell French Press
Stand with feet in a comfortable position, toes turned outward slightly. This will
help to maintain balance. Hold the dumbbell overhead with two hands below the
uppermost plates. Keep the elbows pointed upward and hold them in as much as
possible. Lower to a position behind the head. Be sure to get a full extension in
order to force the locking of the elbows and contract the triceps when pressing
the dumbbell back to arms' length. Inhale when lowering and exhale while raising
the bell.

Exercise No. 15
Standing Dumbbell Curl
Stand witht feet in a comfortable position, toes turned outward slightly. This will
help to maintain balance. Keep palms facing toward the thighs in the arms
extended bottom position. Turn the palms upward when curling. They turn back
to the starting angle just before they are returned to the start position. Keep the
legs hips flexed, as this will maintain the proper body position. Do the exercise
slowly and strictly. Do not just swing the dumbbells. Do not just curl them to the
shoulders and semi-relax the tension on the biceps as you lower them to arms'
length again. Keep a consistent tension on the biceps. Contract the biceps at the
peak of the curl and flex the triceps when straightening your arms. Inhale as you
curl the bells to the chest and exhale as you slowly lower them down to arms'

Course Number Three

Follow this course of exercises for a six week period.

1.) Sit Ups 1 set of 25

2.) Leg Raises 1 set of 25
3.) Bench Press 5 sets of 5
4.) Press Behind Neck 5 sets of 5
5.) Barbell Row 5 sets of 6
6.) Bent Arm Pullover 3 sets of 8
7.) Barbell Curls 4 sets of 6
8.) French Press 4 sets of 6
9.) Box Squats 4 sets of 5

Exercise No. 1
Sit Ups
This is the same exercise as used in Course Two.

Exercise No. 2
Leg Raises
This is the same exercise as used in Course Two.

Exercise No. 3
Bench Press
As this is the final program, we emphasize heavy poundage on all exercises.
After a light warmup, work the weight up on the barbell where you are forced to
work hard. As is normal with heavy work, more rest must be taken between sets.
This is to allow the muscles to recuperate before doing the next set. A rest of 3-5
minutes is normal. Inhale before lowering the weight to the chest. Exhale as the
barbell returns to the chest.

Exercise No. 4
Barbell Rowing Motion
Use the same style as in Course Number One. Although you are using a heavy
weight, try to do the exercise with the latissimus and arms. Do not jerk the weight
up with your back.

Exercise No. 5
Press Behind Neck
Use the same form as in Course Number One. Start with a light poundage to
warm up the shoulders and arms, then move to heavier weight. Take a deep
breath before pressing the weight. Do not exhale until it is back on your
shoulders. This exercise will be difficult because just prior to it you have heavily
worked the triceps and shoulder muscles.

Exercise No. 6
Bent Arm Pullovers
This was used as a breathing exercise in Course Number Two. We now want
you to handle a heavy weight and strive to work your latissimus and get a good
stretch. It may be necessary to shorten the depth used in lowering the bar in
order to handle a heavier weight. Keep the elbows in. Use a bench at least 16
inches to 17 inches high. Using an Olympic set and 45 pound plates, you will be
able to touch the floor, but if using a barbell with smaller diameter plates, do not
force yourself to go the full depth. A pair of blocks can easily be constructed to
bring the bar up to the desired height.

Exercise No. 7
Barbell Curls'
This is the standard curl, but we use a heavier poundage and lower repetitions.
Do them strictly. It is correct to let the barbell hang at arms' length and take a few
breaths before doing the next repetition.

Exercise No. 8
Barbell French Press
This is done with a fairly close grip. Begin with the arms fully extended over the
head. Slowly lower the bell to a position behind your head. Try to keep the
elbows pointing upward and held in as much as possible. When using heavy
poundage, you might have to give a little jerk to start the weight upward. Try to
do the majority of the work with triceps. If you do not feel it in the triceps you will
know you are jerking the weight or cheating too much. Inhale and exhale at the
top position.

Exercise No. 9
Box Squats
A great deal of weight can be handled in this squat. It is done exactly like a
regular squat, but we use a box which is high enough that contact with the
buttocks is made at a height a few inches above parallel. Your height will, of
course, determine the height of the box used. When squatting, take a deep
breath and hold it until you are back to an erect position. Keep the chest high,
head up and weight on your heels. Care should be taken that you do not sit down
too hard. Lower your body to the box, do not simply drop and bounce. Make a
momentary pause before returning to the standing position. Take a deep breath
before squatting. Exhale as you return to the starting position.


Correct breathing is a very important factor when training for power and bulk.
Forced breathing stimulates the system and improves you ability to put more
effort into training. When performing breathing squats, the execution of the
breathing sequence is more important than poundage use. Special effort must be
made to keep the chest high at all times. If the weight is too heavy, you will
forced to lean forward, which, in turn, restricts your lung capacity. At first, there
will be a tendency to become dizzy. Do not become alarmed, as this will cease
when your system becomes used to deep breathing.


It is very difficult to recommend a diet for everyone using this manual. Several
things have to be considered. First, individual taste in foods; second, economic
conditions; third, locale and availability of items suggested. Some persons are
allergic to certain foods and cannot eat them under any circumstances. From a
medical standpoint, one's doctor would obviously not recommend such a diet.
Therefore, you can only become enlightened about what foods are suitable and
produce results. You must choose the diet best suited to your needs, which will
change over time. It is always a good idea to check with your family physician
before making major dietary changes, and to implement such changes gradually.

A person's environment and the attitude of those he lives with about eating
something entirely foreign to their normally prepared meals also has to be taken
into consideration.
We do not live in a vacuum.
We do not wish to recommend that a person follow a specific diet and cause
conflict with the rest of the family. We feel it is best to recommend certain things
and if they fit into your own particular situation, use them.

Starting your day with a good breakfast is very important. You will fortify your
body with the fuel it needs to get the body operating efficiently. Protein is very
important. Your body is largely composed of protein. The muscles and internal
organs require a supply of protein. Eat the foods that will give you the proper
amount of protein. If possible at breakfast, 50-75 grams, plus some fats and
carbohydrates for balance.

Your lunch and dinner should be eaten at regular times, if possible. Eat a
comfortable amount. If you find this is not enough to afford you the required
amount of calories to gain, start eating four to five times a day. You may also
make outstanding gains by drinking a quart of milk during your workouts and
trying this for a length of time will be the only way to know if it will work for you. If
you do this, do not drink the milk cold. It is best to hold the cold liquid in your
mouth until it is near body temperature before swallowing. When the stomach is
over-heated through vigorous exercise, cramps will result when something cold is

According to reports, the average man consumes 2400 to 2800 calories a day.
Bear in mind that this is average. It is not recommended that a person working
out on a program such as we have outlined would be able to increase
bodyweight and size on this amount. It is best to raise the caloric intake to about
5,000 a day, depending on the individual's assimilation and his age and size.
Some persons require more calories than do others. You will have to judge for
yourself. This can best be determined by your progress after a short period of

Work In Relation To Training

Many men who work in a physical capacity each day become discouraged when
working with weights. Their feeling is that at the end of a hard day's labor, their
energy is depleted, and they are incapable of a thorough workout with weights.
Many "white collar" workers are taxed with mental fatigue, which, actually creates
real physical fatigue.

Whichever category you fall within, be realistic and work within your capabilities.
Proper diet is essential when working (be it physical or mental) and training. You
must consume enough food to handle your normal duties and training, plus a
little to build a reserve. If you are not making the normal gains, you must adjust
your training program and find which is the right amount of work to produce the
best results. To make gains in training, one has to train hard, but be aware of the
danger of over-training.

In case of an injury, it is wise to substitute an exercise that will not irritate the
injury, or eliminate the exercise altogether until you have fully recovered. If you
should have a bad back, give special attention to warming up. Never, under any
circumstances, round your back when squatting or executing the dead lifts and
bent over rows. Remember that your body gives warning. Do not push yourself
beyond your limitations.

Strength In Relation To Size

Many people argue that one becomes stronger if he increases his bodyweight. In
most cases this is not true. Usually, a person gains only fat, and this is more
detrimental than valuable.

You should strive to gain the right kind of bodyweight. This can be accomplished
by correct training, heavy weights, proper foods, and plenty of rest and
relaxation. Remember, consistency in your training and good daily habits are of
prime importance.

Training Hints

Several important rules should be taken into consideration when embarking on a

bulk and power program. Be regular in your eating and sleeping habits; follow a
well-planned program, have the proper mental attitude towards training and
everyday living. If any of these rules are broken, the end results may not be as
rewarding as desired.

It is out hope to get you started properly in these important areas in order to save
you hundreds of wasted hours of trial and error to obtain the same principles we
have discovered in our years of training champions in all fields of athletics, lifting,
and bodybuilding.

A diet of good wholesome food, properly prepared and taken at the same time
each day will produce results than irregular eating habits and haphazard planning
of meals. Sleep and relaxation are also important and should not be overlooked.
Because everyone has a different physical make-up, one cannot say that an
exact amount of sleep per night will be proper for all persons. However, we feel
that eight hours sleep per night should be sufficient. Ten hours sleep a night
should be considered maximum. Going to bed at the same time every night is
very effective and helps the system to regulate itself and produce a faster
increase in bodyweight. The ability to relax is a great asset to anyone seeking
added bodyweight and or strength.

A proper mental attitude plays a large role in your efforts. When thinking positive
thoughts, one has a happy outlook on life. You should think positively about all
your daily activities, physical, mental and moral. I will aid you in your training in
the gym, as well as your personal life. A healthy, positive attitude will improve
your body and make you a better person.

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