Scope and Importance of Traditional Medicine

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Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge

Vol. 2(3), July 2003, pp. 236-239

Scope and importance of traditional medicine

S Vedavathy
Herbal Folklore Research Centre, Tirupati 517502

Considerable knowledge accumulated by the villagers and tribals on herbal medicine

remains unknown to the scientists and urban people. Many plant species associated with the
rural people are on the verge of disappearing and are on vulnerable list. The impact of
deforestation, urbanization and modernization is shifting the rural people from their natural
habitats and their very knowledge particularly with respect to herbal drugs is slowly
disappearing. Our immediate concern is to preserve this knowledge. Whatever knowledge exists
today is mostly confined to older generation . In this context some approaches needed for the
preservation and development of traditional knowledge are presented here, based on the
author's experience in ethno-medico-botanical survey since two decades.
Keywords: Traditional medicine, Ethno-medico-botanical survey, Ethnomedicine.

Traditional medicine The traditional medicinal knowledge is

A traditional health care practice of thought to be within everyone's reach
indigenous people pertaining to human and does not require any study or training
health is termed as Ethnomedicine. The to practice it. In some families almost all
knowledge of certain herbs, animals and the members are acquainted with some
minerals that have curative and palliative part or other of herbal remedies. The
effects were transmitted from one traditional healers specialize in particular
generation to another and it is the areas of their profession. Thus we find
outcome of bold experimentation through some medical practitioners are expert in
trial and error method over hundreds of
bone setting, wound healing, poisonous
years. Ethnomedicine is the mother of all
bites, neurological disorders, etc. and
other systems of medicine such as
. some others in spiritual healing,
Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Nature cure
especially the use of incantations while
and even modern medicine. The
others combine both in their treatment 2 . It
traditional herbalists are part and parcel
of the community and are often familiar is important to note that there is no doubt
with the details of each family and its about the efficacy of herbal medicine
environs, so that they are in a better among its users. Rural and urban poor
position to deal with their day-to-day people in India rely on herbal remedies
problems. In fact the native healers take since these are within their reach. In fact
care of the common ailments of the folk in remote areas this is the only source of
in their home setting'. health care available.

Status of traditional medicine in the asthma and rheumatism have been

world clinically examined by number of
Folklorists, anthropologists and researchers in pilot trials. Attempts are in
medical scientists alike are studying progress to prepare a compendium of
traditional medicine or ethnomedicine in household remedies from different parts
some countries like Russia, Africa and of India, for the treatment of common
few European countries 3 . In Russia ailments 8 . The efforts of World Health
particularly serious attempts have been Organization (WHO) in compiling a
made in the post revolution period to global inventory of medicinal plants are
scientifically investigate the natural and note worthy and if adopted by the
herbal remedies of native medicine. It is primary health care (PHC) as strategy, it
understood that in Russia if a good home could provide the people of all nations
remedy is found for any serious ailment it especially in the developing countries,
is usually publicized and praised at the with comprehensive health care.
highest medical level. This is indeed a
highly commendable trend not so evident Traditional medicinal contributions to
in other countries. In India treatises primary health care
prepared by Chopra et at as well as In this context the contribution made
Nadkarni and Kirtikar & Basu are well by the traditional medicine to modern
known 4 -6 . system of medicine is worth noting. The
China for example is able to provide well-established drugs given in Table 1
adequate health care coverage for its vast are among dozens that have been
urban and rural population due to developed by the scientists after
amalgamation of traditional health care analysing the chemical constituents of
system with modern medicine7 .The plants traditionally used by tribals and
inability of the poor countries to develop villagers. For instance, researchers
their own legacy of indigenous medicinal isolated reserpine in 1952 from the herb
knowledge is because it is denied official Rauvolfia serpentina that has been
recognition. This is partly responsible for employed in India for many centuries by
the current inadequate health care in the natives to treat snakebites and mental
underdeveloped countries. Modern health illness.
care is not equitably provided due to
financial limitations and majority of the Approaches needed for the develop-
people lack access to adequate health ment of traditional medicine
care. As herbal medicine is the first level of
contact for rural people when they require
The claims of traditional medicine medical care, it is imperative for
The claims of African and Indian governments to take immediate steps to
healers to offer drugs for such conditions introduce the use of traditional medicine
as herpes zoster (modern medicine has no to supplement PHC. The government
cure), psoriasis, hypertension, bronchial should provide environment to the people

Table I-Modern drugs developed from traditionally known drugs

Modern drug Traditional medicinal use Plant source

Aspirin Reduces pain and inflammations Filipendula ulmaria

Codeine Eases pain, suppresses cough Papaver somniferwl1
Ipecac Controls vomiting Psycholria ipecacuanha
Pilocarpine Reduces pressure in the eyes Pilocarpus jaborandi
Ephidrine Reduces nasal congestion Ephedra sinica
Quinine Combats malaria Cinchona pubescens
Reserpine Lowers blood pressure Rauvolfia serpentina
Scopolamine Eases motion sickness Datura stramonium
Theophyllin Opens bronchial passage Catharanthus roseus
Diosgenin Contracepti ve Dioscorea floribunda
Digitoxin Dropsy, relieves heart congestion Digitalis purpurea

to take responsibility for their own health. ensure sustainable supply of safe,
Health education should be given to the effective and affordable medicinal herbs.
people especially concerning the use of Steps taken by various government
indigenous herbal remedies. The PHCs departments and NGOs in this direction
should impart education regarding the in recent years would definitely
identification of various medicinal plants strengthen the traditional healthcare
and their usage for the treatment of systems. This type of initiative will
common diseases. There is need to enable the developing countries to look
explore the medicinal properties of plants, inward rather than continuing to rely on
which are readily available, and extracts expensive, imported medicines having
of animal and mineral substances used in side effects.
traditional medicine, through careful
observation and validation for References
application. The government should 1 Jain S K, Glimpses of Indian Ethnobotany,
provide financial support to promote the (Oxford lBH Publishing Co, New Delhi),
potential role of traditional medicine in
2 Jaggi 0 P, Folk Medicine, Vol Ill, (Atmaram
primary health care. Inventory and and Sons, Delhi), 1973.
documentation of various medicinal 3 Paul M Koarenoff & George SI. George,
plants and herbs, which are used to treat Russian Folk medicine, (W.H. Alien .
common diseases, should be developed. London), 1970, 175.
4 Chopra R N, Nayar S L & Chopra I C,
For the preservation of medicinal plants, Glossary of Indian Medicinal plants, (Council
establishment of community gardens and of Scientific and Industrial Research, New
kitchen gardens is necessary. This will Delhi), 1956.

'i Nadkarni A K, Indian Materia 7 Chinese Medicinal Plants ill a barefoot

Medica.(Popular Book Depot, Bombay), Doctors Manual, (DHEW Publication), 1974.
6 Kirtikar K R, Basu B D & an I.C.S. (retd), 8 Ancient insights and Modem discoveries,
Indian Medicinal Plallts, 2 nd edn, Vol I-IV, (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay),
(Lalit Mohan Basu, Allahabad), 1935 . (Unpublished).

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