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Banking in India

Phase I –Pre-independence
Phase (up to 1947)
 India had centuries old tradition of
indigenous Banking.

 There existed many evidences showing that

the concept of Banking was not new to

 As Chanakya’s Arthashashtra about !!!

B.C. showed facts that Banking was already
there in powerful existence in India.
Bank of Hindustan to Presidency
 The Bank of "industan was established in
#$$! and due to the %nancial crisis& it was
closed in #'(.

 )mergence of three *residency Banks+ Bank

of Bengal ,#'!-& Bank of Bombay ,#'/!
with a capital of 0s.1( lakhs& and Bank of
2adras ,#'/
Bank of Cacutta
 The Bank of Cacutta was founded on (
4une #'!5& mainly to fund 6eneral
7ellesley8s wars against Tipu 9ultan and
the 2arathas.

 It was the %rst bank of India and was

renamed Bank of Bengal on ( 4anuary #'!-.
Bank of 2adras
 The Bank of 2adras
was one of India8s three
*residency Banks.

 The Bank of 2adras was formed in #'/ as

a :oint stock company with a capital of 

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