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Mona Lemonier, Manuela Martínez Guerra,

Tanguy Pean, Pierre Royer and Martin - Louis
In July 2018, Steven Dickinson, Group Biodiversity Coordinator
communicates about the ambitions according to bio diversity that
Total Ernergies have for 2023.
4 Pillars :
Maintenance of Voluntary Exclusion Zones

Preserving UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Protecting the Arctic Ice Cap
No oil field exploration in these regions

Biodiversity Management in New Projects

High Ecological Value Areas (IUCN I to IV)

Ramsar Wetlands
Specific action plans to minimize negative impacts
Net gain action plans for IUCN I, II, and Ramsar zones

Improvement of Existing Practices

Biodiversity action plans for ISO 14 001 certified sites

Redevelopment opportunities for biodiversity-rich areas

Promotion of Biodiversity

Data sharing with the scientific community via Global Biodiversity Information
Total Foundation's support for youth education and research
Employee engagement through the Action! program
Company objectives to reduce its
negative impact
In the sustainability
report, Total Energies
establishes a
comparison of its
performance in the
years 2015 and 2022
and its plans for the
years 2025 and 2030

Taken by:

How do you assess their reporting
and objectives? Is anything missing,
underestimated, inaccurate?
Total's reports and objectives are mainly
communicated via their website. Indeed, the
sustainable development tab is visible on the
first page of the company’s website. Total is a
petrochemical company, whose sector is
recognized for its negative environmental
impact. Although sustainable development
is written on the first page, Total talks very
little about the impact of its current activities
and projects. However, certain NGOs such as
Greenpeace denounce Total's lack of
commitment to a rapid and sustainable
transition of activity.
What are the measures already
taken to mitigate the negative



2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Taken by:

What is the gap between the current situation,
the company's objectives, and what would
need to be done to comply with the climate
change and biodiversity loss planetary

Currently, there is an inconsistency between the company's

objectives and what it is actually doing. As previously stated,
the company is being sued by NGOs for its bad activities
regarding its economic activity and damage to the
environment. The company should really reduce its
greenhouse gas emissions, so that there is no more global
warming and it stops affecting biodiversity.
For example:
Use of renewable energy (solar panels)
Investing in technology
Achieve established objectives
How could the company act to
further reduce its negative
Total Energies, instead of
investing in organizations
outside the company,
could invest in its own
facilities: for example, it can
change all its vehicles for
electric cars, change the
lights for LED lights, invest
in the environmental
education of its employees,
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 and more. things.

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