Getting The Best Out of CO2 Enrichment For Cucumbers

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Factsheet 29/05 Horticultural Bradbourne House

Development East Malling

Council Kent ME19 6DZ
Cucumber T: 01732 848383
F: 01732 848498
PC 159 E:

Getting the best out of CO2 enrichment

for cucumbers
Derek Hargreaves, Horticultural Consultant

This factsheet provides information on CO2 toxicity of cucumbers and guidelines for growers on how to optimise
CO2 enrichment without running the risk of crop damage.

Introduction now commonplace in commercial trations of CO2. HDC project PC 159

glasshouse crop production. identified the underlying basis of this
It is well established that CO2 enrichment Increasingly however, many cucumber leaf bleaching which has led to these
improves the productivity of many crop growers have reported the develop- guidelines being developed.
plants through increases in plant growth ment of phytotoxic plant symptoms,
and yield. As a result CO2 enrichment is mainly leaf bleaching, at high concen-

Biology behind CO2 convert it into organic molecules such tion slows down (where the slope
as sugars. This process, known as changes to horizontal). Beyond this
enrichment photosynthesis, increases with point, increasing levels of CO2 actually
increasing light, temperature and avail- reduce sugar and starch production
The processes involved in CO2 assimi- able CO2 and is represented by the so- and correspondingly plant yield (when
lation by plants are complex. Plants called carbon dioxide (CO2 ) curve the curve starts to move back to the
give out (respire) CO2 all the time just (Graph 1). This curve shows that the origin). In practice this means that as
like we do as a natural process of living production of sugars and starches (and the CO2 level is increased, the growth
– hence the increase in CO2 levels in hence plant growth and fruit yield) of the crop will respond at differing rates
glasshouses at night. During daylight, increases with increasing levels of CO2, according to the position on the curve.
however, they also take in CO2 and until a point is reached where produc-

1 CO 2 damage of cucumber plants

Graph 1 The carbon dioxide curve

Increasing sugar production

Increasing CO2 concentration

A area of most rapid increase in growth (best economic return on CO 2 used)

B slight reduction in the rate of increase in growth (but still worth enriching)

C rapid reduction in the rate of increase in growth (only worth enriching if source of CO 2 is very cheap)

D virtually no increase in growth for any increase in CO 2 (not worth enriching whatever the cost of CO 2)

E actual decline in growth from extra CO 2 (toxic effects starting to be seen)

Note: Because the levels at which the line curves depends on light levels and temperature as well as CO 2 no units are given

Economic Putting actual CO2 levels onto these many days after it occurs; keep levels
areas of the curve can only be a guide below 1000 ppm at all times but
importance of the because light levels and temperature below 800 ppm in poor light levels at
also affect the curve – for instance the the start of the year particularly when
CO2 curve poorer light at the start and end of the fixed screens are used.
day reduce the rate of photosynthesis
If you think of the CO2 curve as your and this reduces the levels at which
chance to improve the production of the curve changes.
your crop then in the section marked However, if you aim for CO2 levels
‘A’ it is easy and relatively cheap to of 500 – 600 ppm at the start and end
get an increase in production from of the day and work up to 800 – 1000
increased levels of CO2. ppm during the brightest period in the
In the section marked ‘B’ that increase middle of the day you should get the
in production becomes more expensive, best return from your CO2 enrichment.
but it is still worthwhile if the heat Higher levels of CO2 risk
produced with the CO2 can be used. phytotoxicity, particularly in the poor
From the section marked ‘C’ onwards light levels at the start of the year and
the use of CO2 is no longer worthwhile, when the crop is under fixed thermal
and will actually begin to reduce screens. Damage caused by high
production by damaging the crop. levels of CO2 may not be seen for
What are the which reduces the overall efficiency of of CO2 include: a reduction in stomatal
photosynthesis. It is important to note density and therefore the ability of the
symptoms of CO2 that these effects of high CO2 are not plant to take up CO2; and a reduction
seen within the leaf tissue for a in evaporation, which can cause leaf
toxicity damage? considerable period after the damage temperature to increase. Increasing
occurs. This is often up to 10 –12 days leaf temperature can damage the leaf
The main symptom of CO2 toxicity in after the high CO2 level has occurred, tissue and accelerate the breakdown
cucumber crops is inter-veinal leaf but can be up to 30 – 35 days when a of the green pigment chlorophyll,
bleaching, which is first seen around prolonged period of low light levels which is manifested as further leaf
the edge of leaves (Figure 2). Continued are followed by brighter weather. bleaching (Figure 3).
exposure to high CO2 levels can then Other morphological changes to
result in bleaching of the whole leaf area, cucumber plants grown at high levels

2 Initial leaf bleaching occurs around the edge of the leaf (left) and damage is more evident where the leaf has been exposed to more sunlight (right)

3 Considerable damage caused to the upper leaves following high levels of CO 2 exposure under a fixed screen. Damage was not seen for some
time after the problem (caused by inaccurate analysis). But note new growth produced at normal CO 2 levels is unaffected
What are the causes components in the process of photo-
synthesis. This effectively allows
in rates of photosynthesis compared
to older leaves. Experiments at 2000
of leaf damage? electrons to build up in the chloroplasts ppm CO2 on high wire crops with a
and these have an oxidising effect on leaf age of 20 – 25 days did not
The visual symptoms of CO2 toxicity in the tissue – probably producing the produce the damage seen on cordon
cucumber plants occur in the leaves bleached appearance of the older crops at the same CO2 concentration,
and result from a combination of high leaves. Both high levels of CO2 and which had a leaf age of 10 – 15 weeks
atmospheric CO2 concentrations (eg high light levels are needed to cause (Figure 4). The decline of older leaves
above 1000 ppm) and high light the damage! seems to be complex and is not just a
intensities (eg 500 – 850 W/m2). This Leaf age is also an important factor factor of leaf age.
damage was originally thought to be in the amount of damage seen in the
due to a build up of starch in the leaf crop. In the experiments carried out in
tissue, but appears to be because of HDC project PC 159 younger leaves
a super-abundance of intermediate showed little or no signs of reduction

4 The upper leaf damage to a cordon crop grown at CO 2 levels of up to 2000 ppm. The high wire crop in the background was grown at the same
level but has no signs of foliage damage

When is CO2 saving. This combination of short days easily occur. These high levels of CO2
and low light levels produces a very can persist for long periods as plant
damage likely to weak leaf structure that is easily uptake is low due to the low light levels
damaged by elevated CO2 levels. This and ventilation is minimal. This can be
occur? damage may not be seen for many particularly damaging to young plants.
days after the problem occurred
Damage is most likely to occur during because of the need for higher light
the establishment phase of a winter levels to bleach the leaf tissue.
planted crop. Light levels are low and Glasshouses will also be sealed at
these are usually reduced further by the this time to reduce energy losses so
use of thermal screens for energy high levels of CO2 (above 800 ppm) can
How can CO2 desire for increased crop production starch and sugars and associated crop
without increasing the risk of disease yield. Where screens are available they
toxicity damage from reduced ventilation and without should be used at light levels above
increasing the risk of crop damage 650 W/m2 – this will also reduce
be avoided? from high levels of CO2. general stress on the crop and can be
particularly useful on high wire crops.
By maintaining a specified set point
that will not damage the plant – this is Shading
usually around 600 ppm in the low light
levels of February to March and 800 Whilst leaf bleaching can be avoided
to 1000 ppm during spring and (even at high CO2 concentrations) by
summer. It is important to ensure that shading the plants (<75%) during the
the set point is not exceeded by proper brightest periods in the glasshouse, it
calibration and maintenance of the can also reduce the production of
detection and dosing equipment.

Maintaining desired levels

of CO2
The set points you enter into the envi-
ronmental control computer should be
aimed to deliver enough CO2 to provide
the increase in growth you require,
without allowing the actual levels to
climb to toxic levels. The graph in
Figure 5 (taken from the HDC experi-
ment on 52 week production using
lighting) shows a stable level across the
day. This graph was produced on a dull
day when light levels were stable and
low – and more importantly when venti-
lation levels were low. The day starts
at 650 ppm – during the period when
the lights are on and rises to 800 ppm
when natural light levels increase. 5 Actual graph from STC readout showing stable levels over the 24 hour period – with CO 2
In comparison, Figure 6 shows the enrichment from 2.45 am, increasing at 6.45 am when natural light levels increase (sunrise), then
same environmental control settings falling away at 6.30 pm – one hour before the lights are switched off. Note the increase over night
and the actual achieved levels on a from 11.00 pm to 1.30 am – when plant respiration is adding to the CO 2 levels in the glasshouse
bright day – when ventilation levels
were higher and it was more difficult
to achieve the set points.
It is important to ensure your set
points do not aim to give levels above
1000 ppm. It is also vital to ensure the
delivery system does not overshoot
especially during the early morning
period and in the early stages of the
crop under thermal screens when
foliage is more susceptible to damage.
It is also important to bear in mind the
effects of ventilation on your ability to
enrich with CO2. Restricting the amount
of ventilation – especially wind side
ventilation – gives a higher and more
stable CO2 level, but it may give
reduced humidity deficits (increased
RH) that may have undesirable effects
on disease levels. You need to balance
all the requirements of the plant and try 6 Actual graph from STC with the same settings as Figure 5 but on a bright day showing fairly stable
to achieve the high levels of CO2 you CO2 levels up to the point where increasing ventilation makes it difficult to achieve the set point
Strategy for about 45 – 60 seconds on each sample • Increase this level as the light levels
to register any change in levels so increase and plant activity and
avoiding CO2 don’t set cycle times too short! uptake increase eg increase from
600 to 600 + 300 ppm with the
toxicity extra 300 ppm being controlled by
Early stages of crop increasing light levels from 150 – 400
Glasshouse management development W/m2.

Prior to the start of the growing season: Start CO2 enrichment early in the life • To prevent high levels occurring at
1.Check all analyser equipment for of the crop. This is most important on the start of the day it is worthwhile
accuracy: summer crops where establishment is starting at a level of 600 ppm and
• check for correct readings – rapid and CO2 usage can be high. The adding to the level 2 to 3 hours after
calibrate equipment against CO2 supply from flue gas also supplies sunrise to (say) 600 + 100 ppm and
standard gases – especially at the moisture that helps reduce the humidity then only adding 200 ppm for
start of the season when damage deficit and therefore reduces estab- increasing light levels.
is more likely to occur lishment pressure on the crop.
• Do not set CO2 levels above 600 ppm • Reduce the level at the end of the
• check for leaks in sample tubes – in the early stages of the crop – day back down to 600 ppm and
or better still replace them regularly especially if fixed thermal screens then switch off at 30 – 60 minutes
are used. before sunset to prevent high levels
• check for blockages in sample occurring overnight.
tubes – tubes easily collapse over • Make sure you do not exceed this
heating pipes or fill with water 600 ppm set point by balancing This should give you a steady
where they move from warm to cold CO2 production from boilers or increase in demand as the light levels
conditions (outside) engines with demand from the crop. increase across the day, with supply
matching that demand. Then as the
• check for leaks on valves in • Set a low CO2 alarm level during light levels reduce the set point and
multiplexors etc – cracked pipes this period – say 900 ppm – this the actual levels will decline. This
or loose valve seats can produce will then allow you to vent off any avoids any peaks in measured levels
inaccurate readings high levels and may avoid leaf that produce the problems involved in
damage and crop losses. CO2 enrichment.
2. Consider using an analyser in each
block being sampled:
• this reduces the problems with Established crop Costs
multiplexor system leaks
Once the crop is established and Remember the cost, NO CO2 is free.
• it eliminates any delay in sample time the fixed thermal screens are removed • CO2 coming in from outside the
with multiplexor systems which can or moveable screens are off during glasshouse can only get in if you
produce overdosing of CO2 levels the day you can move to a more open the ventilators – this
normal regime. exchanges the ‘free’ CO2 for heat.
• Remember, you still need to check • Increase set points to 700 – 900
the individual analysers! ppm. Do not exceed 1000 ppm • Burning gas for CO2 has cost –
there is no production advantage even if you are using heat dumps to
3. If you do not use single analysers in and it can still damage the foliage. conserve energy. The installation
each block – pump every sample line and maintenance of the heat dump
so that a fresh sample is available at • Check analysers regularly – under system has costs.
the analyser for each cycle and use dosing does not damage the plant
short cycle times to reduce errors. but it does not increase production • The only time you can justify
On large systems where there are a either. Some growers have second burning gas for CO2 without consid-
number of glasshouse blocks being ‘check systems’ in all blocks to give ering the cost is during the first part
sampled the time delay in getting a constant check on levels. of the CO2 curve – and that demand
around the blocks can produce is supplied when you are heating
considerable over-dosing. For instance the block.
if it takes 2 minutes to check each Day to day maintenance
block and there are 6 blocks on a • It is no longer economic to burn gas
system the full cycle time is 6 x 2 To maintain the set level of CO2 across just for CO2 production.
minutes = 12 minutes – this is the time the day it is important to balance
between each check and the levels the input with the removal of CO2 to • Running levels above 1000 ppm
can easily overshoot in that period the plant or to outside the glasshouse CO2 will only increase your CO2
and may cause damage. Try to keep by ventilation. use and it will have little effect on
cycle time delays as short as possible, • Start at sunrise with a level of production and may actually
but remember that the analyser needs 600 ppm reduce it. Also the costs involved
in maintaining these levels during • It is important to remember, however, should be large enough to maintain
any period of ventilation make the that you need to maintain the set level the set point, but sensitive enough to
whole exercise uneconomic. and this is where the production gains maintain it without going too high
can be found. Your CO2 system above or too low below that set point.

Figure 4 courtesy of Dr A Lee (formally
Stockbridge House – now Substratus).
Additional information:

Whilst publications issued under the auspices © 2005 Horticultural Development Council.
of the HDC are prepared from the best available No part of this publication may be reproduced in
information, neither the authors or the HDC can any form or by any means without prior permis-
accept any responsibility for inaccuracy or sion of the Horticultural Development Council.
liability for loss, damage or injury from the appli-
December 2005 cation of any concept or procedure discussed. Design and production: HDR Visual Communication

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