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HOW TO WRITE A REVIEW ARTICLE? \ ae, Afifa Shafique Ph.D. Pharmaceutics Department of Pharmacy Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Pakistan QUTCOMES OF THIS PRESENTATION » Types of publications >» Why to publish » Why review article » What is review article » Why is review paper very popular?? » What is literature? » What is literature review? » How to review the literature? » Ten simple rules to write literature review » Types of review articles » Components of review articles » Preparing review article in 18 steps » Sources and organizations providing publications @ Research may be done alone- But itis never done in isolation [> : Creation of new knowledge depends on past knowledge TYPES OF PUBLICATIONS Research paper in peer reviewed journals - Short communication Review articles (highly cited) - Conference proceedings (fewer citations) Popular articles (to promote your activity) Letter to editor WHY TO PUBLISH?? Research isn’t complete until it’s published. If research isn’t shared, it’s as if the research hadn’t been done. WHY REVIEW PAPERS?? ” a 4 eo oom ow wo Time after publication (Vears) Aresearch study about research studies... A critical, constructive analysis of the literature in a specific field through summary, classification, analysis, comparison. A scientific text relying on previously published literature or data. A stand-alone publication. Why IS REVIEW PAPER VERY POPULAR? ? ¥ It provides extensive review of previously — published literature and to put them into perspective v It offers critical evaluation of the published literature v It creates an understanding of the topic ¥ Identify gap in knowledge ¥ It provides a new approach/ perspective that would stimulate further research Review paper is more than annotated bibliographies! You are not trying to list all the published materials but to synthesize and evaluate it so as to provide a new approach or stimulate further research. REVIEW BEFORE DECIDING TO —— sane a PAPER, ASK T DoT know my stuff, sufficiently? Which Journal to Publish by review? Would it be Considered at aly? WHAT IS LITERATURE?? “A collection of all the scholarly writings on a topic.” WHAT IS LITERATURE REVIEW?? “A systematic method for identifying, evaluating and interpreting the work produced by researchers, scholars and practitioners.” Literature is about telling a story...kind of a chain story where each writer starts with a partial story created previously by others and expand on it...the existing literature is the story so far... HOW TO REVIEW THE LITERATURE? ? Explain the significance and Creation of an interpret the *integrated whole" evidence presented |— Coherent in each piece of argument of the base materials. literature = not topic that you are simply listed what | reviewing. others have written. ‘h ever published in It is impossible to read all the resea your ar The key is... be selective in what you read — or else you’ll rn get drown in too much * Te eee! information! wre = Filtering and sorting the essentials from the irrelevant... SEARCHING AND READING STRATEGY Field specific papers — Less specific, less =~ Yen Se SEARCHING AND READING STRATEGY (EXAMPLE) F Industrial application of gelatin | Halal gelatin alternatives in industry Ten simple rules for literature review . Define a topic and audience . Search and research the literature . Take notes while reading . Choose the type of review you wish to write . Keep the review focused, but make it broad. interest . Be critical and consistent . Find a logical structure . Make use of feedback . Include your own relevant research, but be objective 10.Be up-to-date, but do not forget old studies fone oI COND Types of review article r methodological By approach By objective - By mandate Narrative review Best evidence review Systemic review Status quo review History review Issue review Theory/model review Invited review Commissioned review Unsolicited review DIFFERENCE B/w NARRATIVE AND SYSTEMIC REVIEW = Describe and appraise published articles but the The query is well defined [review quest methods used to select the articles may not be question(s) andor subgroup analyses] described, (Clearly defined criteria for the selection of articles from the Explicit methods of extraction and synthesis of the data. (Comprehensive research to find all the relevant studies. ‘Application of standards for the critical appraisal of the | ‘studies quality, Uses/applications General debates, apraital of previous studies and Identify, assess and synthesize the literature gathered in the current lack of knowledge, response to-a specific query. Rationales for future research, Cok atin seat an ety eas Speculate on new types of interventions available. Compe pv pe pes anon : | Litmitations Te anes nee a ETN ee ee ‘the selection criteria Sa eae it Usually reader needs to reformulate the alternative questions | that have not been answered by the main query. Not reproducible. COMPONENTS OF REVIEW ARTICLE A review should consist of following... Title Conclusions nt List of authors ieee =e | , Table of contents Q The title must be informative. * The title has to include important terms + It has to indicate that the text is a review article. + It may include the message of the article, not just its coverage Q The title must be short: + Keep the title concise + A longer subtitle may be an option in we Noyes, S84 specification is necessary : ahopag 5 = Taya it os sn | Ulate a Patt ng “hesiny, Ee 2. List OF AUTHORS Q Declare intellectual ownership of the work Q Provide contact information Q Informs about the main objectives and result of the review article (informative abstract) or indicates the text structure (descriptive abstract), Some review journals Shows the readers the print an outline/table organization of the text. nes ae . beginning of the Helps orientation among article, others do not. sections. In general, these are recommended for extensive narrative reviews. 5. INTRODUCTION Q Provides information about the context , indicates the motivation for the review, defines the focus, the research question and explains the text structure. O Elements: >» Subject background. The general topic , issue, or area of concern is given to illustrate the context. >» “Problem”. Trends, new perspectives, gaps, conflicts, or asingle problem is indicated. > Motivation) justification. The author’s reason for reviewing, the literature, the approach and the organization of the text are described. 6. Bopy: MATERIAL AND METHODS Q Systematic and best evidence reviews have a methods section. Q This section enables motivated researches to repeat the review. Q Narrative reviews do not have a methods section but should include some information about applied methods at the end of the introduction. 7. Bopy: MAIN PART OF REVIEW ARTICLE OQ Section structure: > Acoherent structuring of the topic is necessary to develop the section structure. >» Subheadings reflect the organization of the topic and indicate the content of the various sections . > Possible criteria for structuring the topic are: * methodological approaches + models or theories * extent of support for a given thesis Q) Paragraph structure. » Cover one idea, aspect or topic per paragraph. > Avoid referring to only one study per paragraph; consider several studies per paragraph instead. 8. CONCLUSIONS Q Answer the research question set in the introduction. QO Elements : + implications of the findings interpretations by the authors (kept separate from factual information) + identification of unresolved questions 9. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT O Expresses gratitude to people who helped with the literature search, the structuring of the material or in the writing process (but whose contribution is too small to justify co-authorship). Q Expresses gratitude to funding organization and specifies the funding program(often required by funding agencies). OQ Shows interested readers how to find the literature mentioned in the text. O Acknowledges the work of other scientists. O Compulsory to avoid charges of plagiarism For narrative reviews the inclusion of all relevant ,high-quality studies is the target. Systematic and best evidence reviews need explicit criteria for the inclusion/ exclusion of studies from which they got the data. 11. ILLUSTRATIONS: CONCEPT MAPS Concept maps are used in review articles to visualize the structuring of the topic, to show the relationships between studies, concepts, models or theories. PREPARING REVIEW ARTICLE IN 18 STEPS Prepare Develop structure Write draft Revise: Revise citations and references ‘Correct grammar, spelling, punettiation ‘Draft the abstract Adjust the layout Hmmm... Where do I look for resources for Flaum liicsuclibt yma lay egg SOURCES AND ORGANIZATIONS PROVIDING PUBLICATIONS 4 Academic libraries 4 Database sources Google Scholar Scopus ISI Web of knowledge JSTOR Search Medline PubMed ScienceDirect Wiley Springer G (TURE > Summarize >» Tabulate > Use bibliographic software (Endnote) + Narrative reviews may range between 8,000 and 40,000 words (references and everything else included). Systematic reviews are usually shorter with less than 10,000 words.

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