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Writing My First Lesson Plan

NCBTS Domain 5 Strands 5.1, and 5.3;
LET-TOS Nos. 1 (1.5, 1.7), 2 (2.1-2.7), 3 (3.1-3.4), 4 (4.1-4.5)

My Learning Episode Overview

This episode allows me to plan and write my first lesson plan in my
cooperating school. This will enable me to apply all the theories in my teacher
education institution.
My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I will be able to;

 Explain the different components of a lesson plan
 Analyze the various parts of a lesson plan
 Write the lesson plan required by my cooperating teacher
My Map (Learning Episode Directions)

These are the things I need to do:


Re-writing the
lesson plan
2 Evaluating/ and executing
critiquing the the plan, if
1 Writing the required
lesson plans
lesson plan by my
based on the cooperating
with my
results of the teacher
teacher on

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

There are different formats in writing a lesson plan base on one

prescribed by the school. Some of the formats used in schools are given
1. Traditional Plan
 Objectives
 Subject Matter
 Learning Materials
 Assignment
2. UBD Lesson Plan Template
 Subject
 Grade Level
 Title
 Number of Meetings Days
 Topic/s

Figures Below (this are samples of different lesson plan)

My Tasks (Activities)

A. Write or paste your first lesson plan

B. Paste your revised / corrected lesson plan

C. List down the best features and areas of improvement of my lesson plan.
Have this matrix noted by my cooperating teacher.


My Analysis
My thoughts on writing my first lesson
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
My thoughts on writing my first lesson
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
What areas of the plan did I find challenging?
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________

My Reflections / My Insights
My Applications (From Theory to Practice)

As a teacher, I need to prepare a lesson plan so that


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