Plastic Heart Exhibition

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“Plastic Heart: Surface All The Way Through” Exhibition

The visit to the Canadian Cultural Center, Paris to view the Plastic Heart exhibition was

an interesting visit. The atmosphere of the exhibit was tranquil, the displays and their

arrangement somehow exuded a serene aura while still drawing attention to the important issue,

which was very welcoming and increased my interest in the displays. We also had the liberty of

viewing the exhibition from different angles, further increasing the depth of the exhibition.

The exhibition was a great example of science diplomacy as it is the result of

collaborative efforts between scientists, researchers and artists in regards to human relationship

with plastic, presented on an international plane where there is ease of access. It features displays

made up entirely of recycled objects and materials gathered from the leftover of everyday lives.

For example, the Plastic Basket display by J. Blackwell made from collected plastic bags and

yarn and transformed into art by traditional embroidery techniques. Displays like water song by

Hannah Clause, which was inspired by wampum belts, a Native American traditional belt of

shell beads used for various reasons, such as diplomatic purposes. The piece aims to show that

humans and nature are connected and our actions in the course of our relationship with nature

have effects on both humans and nature alike.

Art is a popular method of conveying messages which can be open to interpretation

centered on a theme and the exhibit showed work inspired by different walks of life and proved

further that the relationship with plastic is not limited to any one nation or place. Rather it exists

everywhere in everyday life and the issue and is a concern for everyone on the planet.

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