Ballot Box Check List and Tricks

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PACA Role Play Stationery And Item List

Particular Quantities

PA Role Play

1 Electoral Roll

3 PA 3 sets

KTM 1 sets

Kerani 1 1 sets

Kerani 2

Kerani 3

Kerani 4

2 Ruler

3 PA 3


Kerani 1 1

Kerani 2

Kerani 3 1

Kerani 4 1

3 Pencil 5

4 Ballot Book 2

5 Ink and brush 1+1

Whiteboard pen (if above item 5 is not
6 available) 1

7 Rubber stamp & stamp pad 1+1

8 Normal IC 8 sets

9 Fake IC 2 sets
10 Saluran tag 10

11 Ballot Box 1

12 Polling Booth 1

CA Role Play Quantities

1 Tray 6

2 Ballot paper - loose sheets 50

Others Items For PACA Role Play Quantities

1 Table and chair for clerks 3 sets

2 Table and chair for PA 2 sets

3 Chair for KTM 1

Presentation Quantities

1 Laptop for presentation 1

2 Projector 1

3 Pendrive
Play Stationery And Item List


Total 5 sets of electoral roll. (Refer to sample attached)

Total 7 rules

To cross out the voter's name in the electoral roll

50 pieces per book with serial number. (Refer to sample attached)

To colour the finger of voter

To colour the finger of voter

1 set for KTM and 1 set for Kerani 2

Follow those names in the electoral roll, just write down the IC
numbers and names in a IC size paper will do.

Just any IC number and name in a piece of IC size paper

Sample provided. Bilangan numbers same as the bilangan number
as in fake IC above. You may leave the bilangan number out to be
filled in later.
Any kind of transparent box with a drop hole on top to drop the
ballot box. (Refer to sample attached)

Big carton box (Refer to sample attached)


For counting

Can be more and this is for actual similation. Partly from the PA
role play. Must be properly marked and calculated to include
below 4%, rejected vote and missing vote.


Kerani to use

PA to use



Trainer's own property

For presentation purpose.

Participants to backup training material files for training purpose
back home on their own.
Electoral Roll

Ballot paper. Each ballot book has 50 pieces of ballot paper.

Saluran tag Saluran Slip - New forma

The bilangan number to be

the same as in the electoral roll.
To avoid problem, just leave the
bilangan number out at this

Ballot box
Saluran Slip - New format
Type of tricks that may happen


A. Phantom voter

1 Additional ballot paper

2 Fake ID

3 Premarked electoral roll

B. Kerani 1

1 Forget to check the figure of the voter

Forget to check the photo in ID to the

2 face of the voter

3 Read from electoral roll

4 Forget to cross out the name of the voter

B. Kerani 2

1 Overlooked to ink the finger of voter

C. Kerani 3

1 Mark the ballot paper

2 Overlooked to stamp the ballot paper

3 Torn ballot paper

4 Give additional ballot paper

D. Kerani 4

1 Block the view of PA

2 Put some ballot papers in the ballot box

E. KTM Forms

1 Form 10

2 Form 10A

3 Form 11

4 Form 757

18 cases
What to take note? Who involved?

Phantom voter bring in additional ballot paper and spend too

long behind the polling booth. Phantom voter

Kerani 1 read from the electoral roll not from the ID. The ID is
different from the electoral roll. Take note of race, sex and or Kerani 1 and phantom
nationality voter

Phantom voter comes in with someone else's ID which tally with Kerani 1 and phantom
the premarked electoral roll voter

Request voter to show the left fingers Kerani 1 / Voter

To keep an eye on Kerani 1 Kerani 1

To keep an eye on Kerani 2 Kerani 2

To keep an eye on Kerani 3 Kerani 3

Kerani 2 and phantom

Kerani 2 intentionally overlook to mark the voter's finger voter

Intentionally mark the ballot paper so that it will be rejected or

accepted during counting Kerani 3

Intentionally overlook to stamp the ballot paper so that it will be

rejected during counting Kerani 3

Intentionally tear a small piece off from the ballot paper,

creating chance for rejected vote Kerani 3
Two or more ballet papers are given to the phantom voter Kerani 3

Kerani 4 always stand in front of KTM Kerani 4

Kerani 4 should not block the view of PA Kerani 4

For OKU who are blind and or no hands Voter and nominee

If KTM refuses to issue the ballot paper to a valid voter Voter and KTM

For voter whose identity is in doubt Voter and KTM

For OKU who cannot go to the designated saluran in top floor

but requests to vote at ground floor Voter and nominee
PA Action

Take note of the time taken for each voter. Request to

check together with KTM

If suspect race, sex or nationality different from the

voter, request to check together with KTM

To minimize this by checking the electoral roll in the

morning to ensure no premarking

To bantah and insist Kerani 1 to get voter to show the

left fingers

To bantah to ensure Kerani 1 to check the photo of ID to

the face of the voter

To bantah to ensure Kerani 1 to read from ID

To bantah to ensure Kerani 1 to cross out the name of

the voter

PA must pay attention on this.

To request to change the ballot paper. PA must bantah.

To request to stamp the ballot paper

To request to change the ballot paper.

To request to cancel the additional ballot paper.

To bantah to get Kerani 4 to move away from the

position that block the view of PA

To bantah to issue surat bantahan to Kerani 4

To ensure KTM issue Borang 10

To ensure KTM issue Borang 10 A

To ensure KTM issue Borang 11

To ensure KTM issue Borang 11

Type of tricks that may happen
Tricks Yes/No
A. Phantom voter
1 Additional ballot paper N
2 Name and or IC number not tally with DPPR Y
3 Premarked electoral roll N
4 Age issue Y
5 Sex issue Y
6 Race issue Y

B. Kerani 1
1 Forget to check the figure of the voter Y
2 Forget to check the photo in ID to the face of the voter Y
3 Read from electoral roll Y
4 Forget to cross out the name of the voter Y

C. Kerani 2
1 Overlooked to ink the finger of voter Y

D. Kerani 3
1 Mark the ballot paper Y
2 Overlooked to stamp the ballot paper Y
3 Torn ballot paper Y
4 Give additional ballot paper Y

E. Kerani 4
1 Block the view of PA Y
2 Put some ballot papers in the ballot box N

F. KTM Forms
1 Form 10 N
2 Form 10A N
3 Form 11 N
4 Form 757 N
Tricks Yes/No
A. Phantom voter
1 Name and or IC number not tally with DPPR Y
2 Age issue Y
3 Sex issue Y
4 Race issue Y

B. Kerani 1
1 Forget to check the figure of the voter Y
2 Forget to check the photo in ID to the face of the voter Y
3 Read from electoral roll Y
4 Forget to cross out the name of the voter Y

C. Kerani 2
1 Overlooked to ink the finger of voter Y

D. Kerani 3
1 Mark the ballot paper Y
2 Overlooked to stamp the ballot paper Y
3 Torn ballot paper Y
4 Give additional ballot paper Y

E. Kerani 4
1 Block the view of PA Y

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