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➢ Interviewer: Hello, good morning, Ms. Nikole, I´m Cindy Avila, the personnel director. Please have a seat.

➢ Applicant: Thank you! It´s a pleasure to meet you

➢ Interviewer: Did you have any difficulties getting here?

➢ Applicant: No, luckily, I did not. Thank you for asking.

➢ Interviewer: So, tell me how did you find out about this accounting position offer?

➢ Applicant: Well, my teacher recommended it for me. So, I gave it a shoot.

➢ Interviewer: Okay! tell me a little bit about yourself.

➢ Applicant: Well, I recently finished my advanced degree in Finance and Administration. So, now I´m looking for a job
related to my education.

➢ Interviewer: how do you think you can help in our company?

➢ Applicant: what I think I am best at is accounting. I find accounting and dealing with number fascinating. It gives me a lot
of information about how businesses and people manage their money. So, I have a strong interest in financial reporting
and taxation.

➢ Interviewer: That’s great. In our company, we work in important projects in short periods of time, which it can be stressful.
How do you handle pressure?

➢ Applicant: I think I handle it well, even though it’s not related to this job, but I have worked as a waitress for some time
and I got used to handle difficult and stressful situations.

➢ Interviewer: okay, and what do you think are your major strengths and weaknesses?

➢ Applicant: I think my major strengths are that I´m hard working, dedicated and I´m also good at working in a group.
However, my weaknesses are that I´m insecure and impatient, but I´m working on them to improve them.

➢ Interviewer: That´s nice. Do you have any questions?

➢ Applicant: Yes, I would like to know about the office hours?

➢ Interviewer: The office hours are from 8:30 to 4:30, with an hour off for lunch.

➢ Applicant: Okay and can you tell me about the benefits you offer?

➢ Interviewer: Of course, since we are a big company, we offer full medical and dental coverage, a pension plan, and a
three-week holiday per year.

➢ Applicant: That´s very generous. When is the position available, Ms. Cindy?

➢ Interviewer: We are hoping the successful applicant can start at the beginning of next month. We´ll finish our interviews
tomorrow and make a decision by the weekend. We will contact you next week.

➢ Applicant: Thank you very much. It´s been a pleasure meeting you. I hope to hear from you soon.

➢ Interviewer: Thank you for coming to see us, Ms. Nikole.

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