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Capitol Attack - Resources Oct.

20, 2021
@capitolhunters et al.
updated 6/05/2023

A. Resources

1. Summary
2. Timing and maps
3. Synchronized videos, security and bodycam, and perp reels
4. Video archives
5. Suspects databases
6. Parler posts

1. Summary

This document summarizes resources created by the online investigative community and other
links useful for understanding the Jan 6 Capitol attack. The community has archived more than
22,000 videos from January 5-6 and prior rallies, hashtagged and collected information on over
1700 suspects, and worked out the timing of events unfolding over the day, which allows
identifying signs of coordinated action.

2. Analysis: timing & maps

Core timing analyses

● Big Timeline - events on Jan 6, and leading up to it, back-stories of VIPs associated
with it, and the aftermath of the attack. Primary sources but limited video links.
● Capitol Attack Timeline Phases of attack & key events, as table, w/ video links
● Capitol Attack Timeline - Sources Attack timeline as a list with source detail
● Capitol Attack Timeline - Messages Timeline of communications of key people
● Capitol Attack - Agency Response Timeline Chart of the attack phases and events, list
of all 25 breaches, also conflicting information on agency responses
● Capitol Attack Maps - the phases of the attack, breaches and major signals
● Key VIP Tweet timeline, searchable
● Capitol Siege Timeline - Long Derived times of many events on Jan 6 (some errors)
● Timeline for #Individual4 - Google map includes major events as well as I4 sightings
● Breaches of the Capitol - description and video links for each breach of the interior

Maps and location names

● Visual Guide - Capitol Exterior (includes standardized maps showing restricted area)
● Visual Guide - Capitol Interior
● Capitol floorplans are at
● Statues in the Rotunda:

References for timing video

● Visual guide for timing video - key visual clues that help in determining times
(some discrepancies, not updated since Aug. 2021)
● Timing of speeches and music at Ellipse rally on Jan 6, 8:29 AM - 1:15 PM
● List of timestamped media - video / photos with EXIF or other information about time
(note: last updated in Sep. 2021. For CCTV & bodycam released, see links on p. 4)

3. Synchronized videos, security and bodycam, and perp reels

Hunting Insurrectionists sync videos on YouTube and Rumble

West side
● Sync’d video: W. walkway breaches and early W. Plaza 12:53-1:16 PM
● WaPo analysis: W. Plaza fight with police communications 1:13-2:31 PM
● Sync’d video: NW scaffolding breach and first entry to Capitol 1:50-2:13 PM
● Sync’d video: Retreat from W. Plaza, early tunnel fight 2:27-3:21 PM
● Sync’d video: Early tunnel fight + Fanone rescue 2:52-3:21 PM
● Sync’d video: Mid-stage tunnel fight 3:50-4:21 PM
● Sync’d video: Tunnel ‘rescue” and late tunnel 4:25-4:51 PM
● Sync’d video: Very late tunnel 5:01-5:06 PM
East side
● Sync’d video: E Capitol front and Columbus doors 1:45-5:05 PM
● Sync’d video: NE barricade breach 1:55-2:00 PM

● Sync’d video: Senate Wing Door breach 2:11-2:16 PM
● Analysis: NW Courtyard / Senate Wing Lobby part 1 2:13-2:51 PM
● Analysis: NW Courtyard / Senate Wing Lobby part 2 2:52-3:30 PM
● Syn’d video: #HelmetBoy / House Speaker’s Lobby 2:33-2:47 PM
● Sync’d video: Clearing of the Capitol Rotunda 3:03-3:25 PM
North side
● Analysis: North Doors Attack 2:49-4:46 PM

Other video timing analysis

● NYT visual timeline (video) (40 minutes)
● WaPo article on MPD arrival and decisions on W. Plaza
● Timeline for #Axehole (William Chrestman) and the #OrangeTapeGroup
● E steps Gadsden flag timing (also ShadowFlynn sightings)
● Multiple analyses by OsintYeti, including timed security camera
● PortlandAndy show: multicam livestream, screengrab

Perp reels & analysis

key episodes or perps whose movements are significant and help show organization
Alex Jones (and thread / unrolled)
Joe Biggs
#MaroonPB (Ronald Loehrke)
#LemonyKickit (and thread)
#VIPCamel (Jason Jones) thread w/ video / unrolled
Attack on Officer Michael Fanone
Jason Dolan (#SourOK)
“Stop the Steal stack” moving from Ellipse to Capitol
Cindy and Scott Chafian: Chafian video and thread
Doug Mastriano: Movements or military background
Joey Gilbert (and Vets 4 Trump) thread
Brandon Straka thread
Capitolhunters threads:

4. Video archives

Original video
The complete Capitol Media archive is over 22,000 videos, plus still photographs and other
social media evidence (screenshots of Tweets, Venmo transactions, etc.) All videos have been
backed up to 6200 videos have been tagged
with times and locations and are viewable on the interactive site

● Parler videos with hand-annotated locations and perps are listed and linked at

● The ProPublica ‘What Parler Saw’ timeline includes a subset of those Parlers from Jan 6
that had geolocation data putting them at the Capitol, organized by time.
● All footage used as evidence in individual cases is at this ProPublica site

● All security camera released as part of court cases is organized here

● All police bodycam released as part of court cases is organized here

● Some difficult-to-find video is highlighted at

Compiled video
● Sync’d video & perp reels - many are at these two sites
○ YouTube: Hunting Insurrectionists (holds most videos, tho some are banned)
○ Rumble: Hunting Insurrectionists (includes videos banned from YouTube)

Searchable video lists

● Archived sources (non Parler) are listed in the Public Source List - Updated Live.

● All videos including Parler are itemized in the media list. A searchable
list of all archived media is at, and there is a
separate video annotations sheet.
● You can also go to - you will be prompted to log in
with a google account, then will see the full list of entries.

Lists of photojournalists / videographers

● Legit press, 12/12, 1/6 Ellipse, 1/6 Capitol (> 400, includes locations & links)

● Photojournalists & streamers, Capitol 1/6 (160 as of Nov. 21. Includes “grey-zone”
independent photojournalists + livestreamers not ordinarily considered press)

5. Suspects databases

The Capitol Suspects Database currently tracks over 1700 individuals seen on Capitol grounds
on January 6th, 2021. A separate count has inventoried over 2000 individuals who entered the
Capitol building, most untagged. If the Washington Post estimate of ~15,000 people at the
Capitol is correct, nearly 25% of this total is tracked in some way.

● The CS database consists of a master spreadsheet holding all suspects and notes on
their actions and affiliations, an “appearance” spreadsheet with annotations useful for
filtering data, individual folders holding pictures for each perp, and for selected perps, a
full ‘media sheet’ listing video in which they appear. All are publicly accessible.
○ Main spreadsheet:
○ Developers: contact for more information

● Visualization: several websites document “perps” at the Capitol on Jan 6.

Hashtagged perps
○ Jan6attack: Holds all perp information,
with full charging documents for arrested individuals. Allows filtering on
appearance and major affiliations (Proud Boys, 3 Percenters, Oath Keepers)
○ Jan6evidence:
○ (Not completely harmonized with Capitol Suspects Database)

“Insiders” - those who went into the Capitol building itself

○ The SeditionInsiders inventory of > 2000 individuals who entered the Capitol

● Other websites of interest:

○ Arrested individuals and charging documents can be seen at
■ SeditionTracker:
■ GWU Extremism Program:
○ Statistics and graphics on arrestees
■ Capitol attack arrest dashboard
■ Family connections among arrestees
■ Ideological and group connections, by U MD

○ Proud Boys at the Capitol on Jan 6 - over 230 tracked, more info is at
■ - table of Proud Boys with state affiliations

○ Groypers at the Capitol on Jan 6 - over 220 inventoried, list not yet public

○ Law enforcement officers (perps) at the Capitol on Jan 6

■ LE table (last updated July 2021)

6. Parler - resources for searching Parler posts

● Searchable database by “A datascientist”:

○ Note: no longer functional

● Table of Proud Boy Parler usernames: PBParlerList

○ Currently private, contact for access or selected information

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