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Connective Words adalah kata atau frasa yang menghubungkan antara clause atau kalimat.
Connectives itu sendiri berfungsi untuk menghubungkan antara kalimat yang satu dengan
yang lain, maupun antara paragraf yang satu dengan paragraf berikutnya. Connectives
dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa jenis berdasarkan kesamaan atau kemiripan maknanya.
Connectives membuat tulisan lebih indah dan membantu pembaca memahami point penting
dari satu titik ke titik berikutnya.


addition of and, also, besides, further, furthermore, too, moreover, in

ideas addition, then, of equal importance, equally important, another

condition or in that case, otherwise, if not, however, nevertheless, despite

concession this, besides, yet, on the other hand, however, on the contrary,
anyhow, anyway, instead, still, even so, all the same, in any
case, at least

time next, afterward, finally, later, last, lastly, at last, now,

subsequently, then, when, soon, thereafter, after a short time,
the next week (month, day, etc.), a minute later, in the
meantime, meanwhile, on the following day, at length,
ultimately, presently

Show so, therefore, then, consequently, in/as a consequence, as a

Cause/Effect result, for that reason, due to, owing to, accordingly, because
of this, in that case

order or first, second, (etc.), finally, hence, next, then, from here on, to
sequence begin with, last of all, after, before, as soon as, in the end,

space and above, behind, below, beyond, here, there, to the right (left),
place nearby, opposite, on the other side, in the background, directly
ahead, along the wall, as you turn right, at the top, across the
hall, at this point, adjacent to

to signal an for example, to illustrate, for instance, to be specific, such as,

example moreover, furthermore, just as important, similarly, in the
same way

results as a result, hence, so, accordingly, as a consequence,

consequently, thus, since, therefore, for this reason, because of

purpose to this end, for this purpose, with this in mind, for this

comparison like, in the same manner (way), as so, similarly

contrast but, in contrast, conversely, however, still, nevertheless,

connectives nonetheless, yet, and yet, on the other hand, on the contrary,
or, in spite of this, actually, in fact

to summarize in summary, to sum up, to repeat, briefly, in short, finally, on

or report the whole, therefore, as I have said, in conclusion, as you can

clarify to be more precise, to put it another way, for example, for

instance, in other words, or rather, I mean, in fact, namely, that
is, in particular

Example on Sentences

All metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. Moreover, they can be bent without
Semua logam adalah konduktor panas dan listrik. Selain itu, mereka bisa ditekuk tanpa

Romeo loved Rosaline before he met Juliet at the Capulet’s ball.

Romeo mencintai Rosaline sebelum ia bertemu Juliet di pesta Capulet.

Calcium is an important mineral, especially if you need to strengthen your teeth and bones.
Kalsium merupakan mineral penting, terutama jika anda ingin memperkuat gigi dan tulang.

Although he's lives in Japan, he doesn't speak Japan.

Meskipun dia tinggal di Jepang, dia tidak berbahasa Jepang.

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