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The wind howled, flashes of lightning revealed peculiar shapes, as the Lord of Darkness swept his

way past the indigo palace along with his shiny silver minions, making way for the King of Fire rising
from behind the scarred hills on his golden chariot. Sunlight flashed past through the window on the
eyes of Dr. Frank Hope and as he opened his eyes, they seemed to glow momentarily with an
unearthly pale light. As he looked far down the avenue of yews, he saw a white figure advancing in
the dim light. The silence was ear-piercing. Somehow Dr. Frank Hope managed to snap back out of
the dismaying moment and made his way to his laboratory.
Dr. Frank Hope had a strange interest in art in architecture. It was hard to determine his age as life left
a deep imprint on his face. His beady eyes once sky-blue, now were bearing the colour of pale winter
mornings. His eyesight also was not sharp as before and this could be judged by a pair of glasses lying
on the bookshelf. The man’s forehead was totally covered with wrinkles, which were uneven like his
turbulent life.
One day his strange interest grew so strong that it overtook his body and before he knew what was
happening, he was standing in front of the Paris Museum of Modern Art. The museum was covered
with orange and black and decorations; but Dr. Frank Hope was a grouch and thought that “Why
would the authority waste so much money to waste on these ludicrous items?”
As soon as he entered the art room, his eyes settled on a particular painting, the painting was dull,
monochromatic and was very detailed. First time in years he found a painting that had set his heart on
it instantly. He went closer to the canvas and gazed into it intensely indulged into the techniques used
in it. But soon he felt very peculiar. He snapped back out of the magnetism of the artwork and as he
turned his back; hands emerged from the painting and pulled him in.
Before he knew where he was a peculiar sensation struck him, he was feeling energetic and livelier.
He found himself standing on a small island of sand and to make matters worse, he felt a short of breath.
Thinking and reacting wildly he jumped in water. He felt more like a world with oxygen he was living in. To his
utter surprise he found a whole city built inside the sea, but the place wasn't pleasant. The buildings were
crumbling, and the streets were broken from the middle; this looked like the exact opposite of his own
world.Soon he spotted a strange light, and he decided to follow it. He swimmed until he found where the light
was coming from. His long swim did not go in vain .

He could see an ancient half-broken building which was covered with seaweed. He entered the building and to
his astonishment he found a merman with his tail stuck to a rock with sticky octopus’ ink which prevented him
from swimming. Without further ado he searched into his backpack and finally found black ink but to his
bewilderment it was labeled invisible ink . But then an idea flickered into his mind and he poured the
invisible ink on to the sticky octopus ink and the ink seemed to disappear gradually .

The merman got up and thanked Dr. Frank Hope, and on introducing themselves, Dr. Frank Hope got to
know that the merman was the king of the sea and was referred to as King Triton. Surprisingly he
could help him to get back to his normal world. But the problem was that he didn't have his trident .
As he neared the rocks and sea junk while swimming , Dr. Frank Hope felt an awful coldness in his
body and also felt like he could never be cheerful again . He looked up in the face of King Triton,
surely these were not ordinary rocks.
These were magical rocks with the curse binding on them of weakness. King Triton's face was pale
and the almost the colour of his face was drained out.Still after rescuing King Triton , the weakness
had its effect on them both.They pushed the rocks aside and to his wild delight, they had found 100
copies of the same trident King triton had.
But only one of them could be recognized as the real one had been made by magical components and
very precise enchantments.It was a glowing trident, King triton told Dr. Frank. It wasn't a long search
and they found the real trident .It had a glowing purple ruby handle, encrusted with strange signs , it
was like reading an alemenach ! It also had a rod , which had pure sea crystals and diamonds, along
with enchantments. Then came the three thorns carved very carefully and precisely which to Dr .
Frank Hope’s thought may have taken years to make .’Blimey, … if this would have been in my own
world then it would cost trillions, but who will want to waste money for only this in trillions!’ Dr.
Frank Hope murmured , while containing his grouchiness in his voice. After finding the ruby-
encrusted trident, King Triton invited Dr. Hope to stay with him in his palace for the night. Dr. Hope
readily agreed and they went along on a path that seemed different from the others. After a few hours
of walking, they finally reached King Triton's palace. Like the trident, the whole palace was covered
in ruby gems and gold everywhere. Four, crumbling gold pillars supported the shell encrusted roof of
the palace. As they walked up the wide, marble steps of the palace, Dr. Hope inquired,” So, King
Triton, I feel you are a big fan of rubies?” King Triton scoffed and replied,'' No, Rubies are very
common around this area”. After more conversation, King Triton led the way inside the palace to the
throne room. As soon as they entered the room, several courtiers were found standing in a line, as if
waiting for the king. King Triton ordered the courtiers to prepare a room for Dr. hope. After dinner,
Dr. Hope was escorted to his room which was again covered in rubies. He then went to sleep
blissfully after that.
When he woke up, he saw the view outside his window. He saw fishes of all sorts which had never
seen in his whole career. But he still had a sudden urge to reach home and was feeling sea sick. Who
knew a trip to an art museum could be a catastrophe. To finally load the triton Dr Frank Hope had to
fulfill the wishes of the merman citizens. They asked Dr. Frank to grant them three wishes they asked
for. They wished for wealth,happiness, and health . He thought a lot and granted them some of his
money , happiness(by providing them money and taking care of the citizens' needs) and health by
granting them education related to manufacture of medicines and usage of ayurveda.Suddenly a
merman spotted a shiny gold thing arriving towards them, as it came closer people were more certain
about what it was. It was the TRIDENT!! Dr . Frank Hope bloomed with cheer and hope(as his name
suggests )to get back to his home. Dr . Frank Hope finally bade goodbye to his new friends and used
the magic trident to return back home. When he woke up he found himself standing in the art museum
where he had come on halloween. But surprisingly everything was dull and gloomy. People there
were spending their life in poverty and grief. How did the real world change so dramatically? Did his
decisions in the so-called ‘parallel world’ change the aspects of living in the new world ? or is he
dreaming ?

This mystery still remains ……..

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