Chapter 3 Yoga

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Yoga eel » Meaning and Importance of Youa, |» introduction to Ashtanga Yoga |» Yogic Kriyas (Shat Karma), |» Pranayama and its Types ja Active Lifestyle and Stress Management through Yooa Yoga originated in India in the pre-vedic period, It is mentioned in Rigveda that yoga was performed as an Indian tradition. The practice of yoga in India is also mentioned in the Upanishads. The first systematic presentation of yor ga—Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, was written in the second century. A few centuries later, Kabirdas, Tulsidas and Surdas included yoga in their teachings. Yoga Gurus from India ve been instrumental in spreading yoga in the western countries, In the 19th century, Swami Vivekananda spread yoga through his teachings and works. Yoga Guru, Baba Ramdev is also credited for making yoga a popular physical exercise all over the world, hi I. MEANING AND LMPORTANCE OF YOGA Meaning of Yoga The word ‘yoga’ has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’, which mean to unite, add or bind. Yoga has been referred in our Vedas, Puranas, Upanishac and the Gita, In ancient times, this word was associated with sadhana or effor' to control the body, mind and emotions for attaining unity with God | Paramatma, The Bhagwad Gita refers to various forms of yoga such as Saankh Yog, Karm Yog, Dhyan Yog, Gyan Yog and Bhakti Yog. On the basis of our ancient text, the main paths of yoga are: 4, Bhakti Yoga 5. Hath Yoga (Physical discipline) 6. Raaj Yoga (Mastery of the self) 1, Karm Yoga 2. Gyan Yoga 3. Dhyan Yoga Noga | »velopment of 1 Ail these forms of yoga emphasise on ies Je atanial on spiritual and physical well-being of ee Saks ne eriphiah SI ii fury co yoga called Yor Shastra in 2™4 seg BC and keep the t id help in achieviny of different yogic practices to con it that coeath, This eight fold had referred to eight stages of you? ‘ Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Yoga has eight fold pal ashlenga yoga ue 1. Yama 2. Niyama pe 4. Pranayama 5, pain 7. n 8. Samadhi Sint ood by students and laymen yoga is misunderst et ryama. Actually, these are JUS ‘whole. Yoga as a Ww! y of life or sadhana tha fect and keep the body healthy, Tht | the mind, intell y yoga is said to destroy all pains and 5 fferent ways. Some definitions of yo Very often, vogmudra and pra not represent the w! individual to contro! feels eternal joy. In this way, Yoga has been defined in dif below: ices Definitions of Yoga Yoga is a deliverance from con! Yoga is the control of mental mo The steady control of the senses and mind is yoga. Oneness of man with God Is yoga. The knowledge about Shiva and Shakti Is yoga. tact with pain and sorrow. difications or fluctuations. We can define yoga as an effort to obtain inner peace and hap] also be defined as the method by which we can calm the mind and direct the energies into constructive channels. In fact, all and methods in the field of spiritual sadhana are called yoga. importance of Yoga Yoga, consisting of its eight branches or stages such as asanas and been practised in India since ages. Asanas and pranayama were pi to remain healthy, to enable them to concentrate and attempt to atte Lomi v the rm is still relevant in the present-day world and now it was in the past. We are living i i n tno was : g ina rapidly d =“? oe ite tensions, miseries and threats to health. It is believed: ya Calls BOWWE Many problems of the modern world, For this reas popularity in the western countries : rn ee as well. Its branches dian. etc. are being applied in the medicalworlaann ee correct certain postural defects and remove tension, Pye Nealthy cure maladies, In the modern times, i 1 , yoga and its various fe ii because of the following, seasons: RE Bay BSL iniportance 1. Improves health: Yogic asanas help to maintain and improve health by makin imp: 8 our muscles strong, joints flexible and regulating functions ration, circulation, excretion and coordination which are meee Sitferent systems of the body. Thus, an all-round dev elopment of an indivi place through asanas that help him lead a carefree aoe Nowadays, care for health’ is an important requirement, Health is bein % seriously impaired in the world today and the practice of yoasanas is maki . a very valuable contribution to solve many health problems. 2. Cures diseases and deformities: Many diseases and deformities can be cured by practising yogasanas and pranayama. The diseases that are claimed to be cured by yogasanas and pranayama include bronchitis, asthma, gout, high and low blood pressure, cough, cold, indigestion, constipation, diabetes, piles, backache, deformities in legs, etc. The curative values of yoga have made its practice very popular in the world. 3. Develops mental faculties: Yoga not only develops physique but also helps to develop mental faculties and control over the mind. It is an accepted fact that body and mind are interrelated and interdependent and the body is an extension of the mind. Therefore, the practice of asanas helps in the development of muscles, body parts and nerves which are vital links between the body and the mind. Yoga is beneficial in treatment of mental health issues like stress, anxiety, depression and is also used as a tool in psychotherapy. aoe ee 4. Emotional development: An important contribution of yoga is in the development of powers of concentration, control over one’s feelings anc desires and detachment. In the modern world, lack of self-control is th cause of fear, anger, jealousy, sorrow, etc. Therefore, the practice of yor can help an individual to free himself/herself from such emotional state and to lead a happy and stress-free life. : . 7 2 A 5. Moral development: Moral degradation is the See Oy eee " world. Yama is a branch of yoga that teaches moral discipline by practisi truth, non-violence, non-stealing, brahmacharya, etc. Such -qualit developed through yoga can help an individual to raise his ae — develo a z c nei lead a contented life and contribute towards the upliftment like asanias, pranayama, ik 48MP Al QUAD CAMERA Shot on realme 5s i) eee ene re Mean to be kind, frlendly, loving anc affectionate towards people Nanel 4 , ourselves fam all the vslent act yan Se, shoul abst phynical ond mental harms comw uncer vielenue ee (Hi) Asteya or non-stealing: Auteya means jot atwall thoughts or items, Using them for own benetite iy ierally not correct We should be happy and satistled with whatever we have, (ie) Bralimacharya: We must follow the path of Arahmachayya whieh mean controlling our sexual desires, I meane celibacy before marriage ane fidelity after marclage, (0) Aparigraha or nongreed: Aparigrala means non possensivencsa or ne hoarding or collecting things. It means not holding on to whatis ne: longs needed, 2, Niyama: Nivama refers to the rules of conduct for individuals. These pul: are meant for self purification, They include; () Shaucha (Self-purification Shaveha means cleanliness or purity. includes external as well as internal cleaning. Outer body should be fh from dust and diseases, There are Shiddhi krlyw in yoga that help clean internal organs, (ii) Santosha (Contentment); Santosha means contentment or to appreel what you have. We should be happy with whatever we have and | a happy life, We must be satisfied and content, (iii) Tapa (Self-discipline): Tapa means culture of facing, diffieultion | obstacles in life, We must endure difficulties in life and concentrate advancement, We should aceept the challenges in lite, (iv) Svadhyaya (Self-study): Seadhyaya means study of sacred seript Geeta, Vedas, Guru Granth Sahib, Upanishada and Yogdarshan, Svadh also means introspection. (v) Ishvara Pranidhana (Self-surrender): Ishroara pranidhana means to ded all the happenings to God, We must eracticate ego, price and impurities from our mind and surrender to almighty God. Asana: Asanag mean postures which discipline our body in order to de the ability to concentrate for meditation. Asanas are practised to al health and internal physiological balance. These are also benefical in ree anxiety and stress es 4. Pranayama: Pranayama means the science of breath control, It includ process of: (i) Inhalation (Puraka), (ji) Retention or holding, the breath (Kumbhaka) and (ai Te: ny other's meaney, = DOAMER Ya ik 2) Mee UO LO NBL | ais2.y ES ire ota retel nest CLAS echt of Lemos: Relaxative Astmas: These asanas are used for relnation purposes, Smaart and Mislarasons are Keown as relmative asm. These asses ase practiced ster heavy workimits to bring our bedy beck i the sclned position both Comextive Asanas These ames are used to comect posteral defame actor of these aumus make the body movements gracfal Helm, comqesmer, Disnmraseei, Mayurasus, Saslabieesee: and Chakressee are the aR gasped practised to correct postural deformities, Pranayama, queen is the scence of breath control. The 1. Inhalation or breathing in (Page). 2 Exhalstion or breathing out (Rechste) Retention or holding of breath after inhalation or exhalation (Kuehiztz) These are the pattems or the processes of bresthing that help us i soothing the nervous system veloping the power of concentration. coo cf promenade The peacheg at panenins SYS) ee S in Bie. Vi amuloms and pratilemz are concemed with the me thods and a0 of inhalation and exhalation, Other forms of pronigaer are Bastia, palatal secamari, Sheviali, shevthari, sama pritti and vistemen oviti The Meditation 5 ane Meditation is termed as diyan in you? and is the means the practice of focusing one’s mind on ‘or for relaxation and relief from anxiety: ae concentration on something. This tyP® of Sere wets accomplish anything in life. Without concent nel BBE worldly or religious objective- Meditation can ae Sees of mind and its innate power fo enter into ano! . Definition of Meditation . Meditation is uninterrupted thinking of one « Meditation is the focusing of the on one object it can concentrate on It is increasingly being felt these days that meditation should cour daily routine to provide a counterbalance to the intensely The advantages of practising meditation are: 1. It calms the mind. 2 Tt develops the power of concentration. 3. It develops the mental power to resist all distractions of m 4 It leads to self-knowledge. 5. It leads to laying the foundation for mutual faith and 6. It leads to the restoration of one’s well-being—physical spiritual. Ill. YOGIC KRIYAS (SHAT KARMA) Besides asanas and pranayama, many other practices are emplo the purification of certain body systems. These Kriyas are: 1. Neti 2. Dhauti 3. Vasti 4. Tratak 5. Nauli 6. Kapalbhati L Neti: There are five different types of Neti. These are: (i) Jal Neti, i) Ghrit or Ghee Neti, (iv) Tel or Oil Neti and (v) Dugdha ¢ help of a nozzle of a tumbler. The saline introduced oe, ‘i Fs 2 . L. = the other nostril which is below the level aie Heres then alternated with the other nostril. o This and other form of net should be pi 8 wrloy : yoga teacher Jal Neti hol Li i pata Pe iy cleaning our inbaliny, it is also said to improve fc aelet suidanes of a int theoat and diate relief front respiratory hay fever, ate, Dhauti: Bor beginners, only vastra dhauti iw recommended, tn this kriya, a four inches wide and 22 feet long sterilised strip of malnal cloth Is gulped inside the mouth ina sitting pose. After standing and employing naull kriya, the cloth strip is pulled out slowly, This Kriya to said to be extremely useful for curing problems like acidity and bronchitis. 3, Vasti: ln this Kriya, an attempt is made to clean the large intestine by taking, in or sucking in water or air through the rectum, 4. ‘Tratak: This kriya involves sitting in padmasina tn front of a lamp and looking, at the flame of lamp without blinking the eyes. This kriya should be performed till eyes become teary, It ean also be done by drawing a dark circle on a wall and focusing eyesight on that spot. It helps to improve eyesight and to solve many problems related to vision. 5. Nauli: In this kriya, after exhaling from a couch position, the stomach is contracted in such a way that the front abdominal wall almost touches the back wall. Thereafter, an attempt is made to draw out the two vertical muscles (recti abdominis). With hands resting on the thighs, one should try to rotate these two vertical muscles clockwise and anticlockwise, This kriya is useful in solving problems of gas, constipation and many intestinal problems, 6. Kapalbhatiy The process. of kapalbhati is somewhat similar to bliastrika pranayama. In kapalbhati, air is inhaled slowly and after retaining tt for a split second, itis quickly and forcefully exhaled, Kapalbliati invigorates and keeps the liver, pancreas, spleen and abdominal muscles healthy. IV PRANAYAMA AND ITS TYPES Pranayam is. the science of breath control. The word Praviayart: is composed of two parts jie. ‘Pran’ meaning, vital breath and ‘Ayan’ meaning expansion stretching or restraint, Its technique includes basically three functions. They are (i) Inhalation or breathing in (i) Exhalation or breathing, out ; (iii) Retention or holding of breath after inhalation or exhalation, These are the patterns of the process of breathing, and help us in: (a) Strengthening the respiratory system (b) Soothing the nervous system eyesight, Ht gives inn disorders like sinusitis, allergy, asthma, Yoga fy This and other form of net should be pi 8 wrloy : yoga teacher Jal Neti hol Li i pata Pe iy cleaning our inbaliny, it is also said to improve fc aelet suidanes of a int theoat and diate relief front respiratory hay fever, ate, Dhauti: Bor beginners, only vastra dhauti iw recommended, tn this kriya, a four inches wide and 22 feet long sterilised strip of malnal cloth Is gulped inside the mouth ina sitting pose. After standing and employing naull kriya, the cloth strip is pulled out slowly, This Kriya to said to be extremely useful for curing problems like acidity and bronchitis. 3, Vasti: ln this Kriya, an attempt is made to clean the large intestine by taking, in or sucking in water or air through the rectum, 4. ‘Tratak: This kriya involves sitting in padmasina tn front of a lamp and looking, at the flame of lamp without blinking the eyes. This kriya should be performed till eyes become teary, It ean also be done by drawing a dark circle on a wall and focusing eyesight on that spot. It helps to improve eyesight and to solve many problems related to vision. 5. Nauli: In this kriya, after exhaling from a couch position, the stomach is contracted in such a way that the front abdominal wall almost touches the back wall. Thereafter, an attempt is made to draw out the two vertical muscles (recti abdominis). With hands resting on the thighs, one should try to rotate these two vertical muscles clockwise and anticlockwise, This kriya is useful in solving problems of gas, constipation and many intestinal problems, 6. Kapalbhatiy The process. of kapalbhati is somewhat similar to bliastrika pranayama. In kapalbhati, air is inhaled slowly and after retaining tt for a split second, itis quickly and forcefully exhaled, Kapalbliati invigorates and keeps the liver, pancreas, spleen and abdominal muscles healthy. IV PRANAYAMA AND ITS TYPES Pranayam is. the science of breath control. The word Praviayart: is composed of two parts jie. ‘Pran’ meaning, vital breath and ‘Ayan’ meaning expansion stretching or restraint, Its technique includes basically three functions. They are (i) Inhalation or breathing in (i) Exhalation or breathing, out ; (iii) Retention or holding of breath after inhalation or exhalation, These are the patterns of the process of breathing, and help us in: (a) Strengthening the respiratory system (b) Soothing the nervous system eyesight, Ht gives inn disorders like sinusitis, allergy, asthma, Yoga fy [x 48MP Al QUAD CAMERA Shot on realme 5s ik 48MP Al QUAD CAMERA Sie ela Ik es MeO LU DOE Laisda8 Shot on realme 5s ik 48MP Al QUAD CAMERA. te ela) Iping 4 inches th in a sitting po e eyesight of ap is done by B (i Assertion (A): Tratak kriya the mou! Jong, strip of malmual cloth inside Reason (R): Tratak kriya helps to improv many problems related to vision (ui) Assertion (A): Nanli kriva helpful in resolving probl constipation. i Reason (R): Nauli kriva is performed by sitting in padi (iv) Assertion {A): Kapalbhatt is the yogt Reason (R): Kapalbhati keeps the liver, spleen and healthy. {o) Assertion (A): Yama is the first element of you Reason (R): Satya, Alisa, “Asteya, Bralimeharya and Ap of yams (ei) Assertion (A): Shacasart and Makarasana are known a8 Reason (R): Shensana and Makarasana help to bring relaxed position both physically and mentally. : kriva similar to p Yoga is the deliverance from contact with pain and sorrow. Gi) Yoga is the control of mental [7 modifications or fluctuations, Ga) Oneness of man with the God is ee | yora Gia) | The knowledge about Shiva and ik 48MP Al QUAD CAMERA Rites solar IK 48MP Al QUAD CAMERA Shot on realme 5s

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