Cad 1-6 Module Notes

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Computer Graphies t. Campuley Graphics fis the etd ade Sepresentation maniputatian add display . op picture with. “the help! of eat puter * Graphics is the ability fox giving | compute %: fo exprer its data in. pictovia form. | > Companents ok computer Graphics t- @_ Modelling ee ‘ Gy. Stating [Ragires ec batist, Gi. ManiButadian_/ Tra nsfoxma Kon @) Rendeving (y_ Tn tetac-tHan QW sVieweng [Presentation . i) Modelitng » In CG, an object is mado up ok pixels, eo 2 deals with the object definiHon: in terms ak Pivels theis addresies and Totenstty vatuea. ¥) Sterng [Representation » It deals with the Stertg gcenes : and imagen _memosy and O. dive Objects, image OY Scenes ave “gtexed 7a computer In _binay: ~sepresentehon. So th cleats watt bhava. "reps esen tation at og pinelo fo. dektne _obgeet, Images’ etc i Manipulasion | Transformattn > T+ dequ wtih the Charging ing | the shape, pdsiffan and eharacierstit? ab objeek. Th also Tochides various operaliona Such as translation, volatfon Scaling — ete ping - [Pe —— = [@ Bendeving - T+ deals with the applying physically based proceduures to _genevat€ Imager fom scence . t | y. goteweetoo tn InteracHon of the sex can be achteved by hardware “anc soptware _combiaabion - [ helps te Select oy pick an object with the help [sk Enped _dowicen. To) Viewing [Presentation 2 meat with displa Fmegen th 29 $ 3D ofpplications ag Compoter Gora phics t= L CAD (computer Aided. Design) a Presentation — Gwaphics. sentextain ment and tratary, ov Edvcatie— q + vicalay ian - : + GuT (Graphical sey Toterface) 2 Texminologtes 2m computer _ Grapbiee y= @ Piyel /Pel t Tt is the Smattest seven ov Petuxe element. | +> “Graphics. mages Op the screen are. built-up fsom ting dots Ov eoints called “Pixels” - Rach pixel | ft, Z tort ‘ 5 Ll) Recototton 2 The number ef Pirels (Pofot) Po gvaphics Rmages withoot overlap ¢s colted _Resolub’on. PD Hfanes 90 Of pixels means heghes - weaotubton ancl Aégher ~esolution means meowe Shayp and __cleay picture tebe ]F A vestubhe SF (280K1024 mene | bee Resoivbon = WY Te uagopirela tm each Row. | 6X3 1024 pleats 24 eoeh Coton re t wh = (ii) Phyel Pew tha Cap) te Wor! of |! Pikel To We Toctiog seven + Tneh ‘gelt Shoe. akways Jbe den along difagonalty . @ Colewtite pe1' inp tne ccveen|emye Whore Hésolubar i's LAY LORS." ahd tenth! of! dlagoncil: is! F?rch . ay) a a sot) Using PY Has ovatis ! ae : ~ TST [eters Naz of Pixela._atony dag aral = ps $ - u Se =) Wg “a forgt a are 22a See a ice hat eo S* S$ inch 9202 pire ! fie ea inch 92202 piel = YUo pinel. ete Rents, PPT op the ‘timage = 440 ! ‘ fy Aspect Ratio» 4 is the! vaWolok Ok Pixelt alony we horizontally te the no, ay Piuelo verteatly Aspect Rao = wl i : a E Garmevally oopect alo, W962 y ey sey ona BY + : v)_ Frame Buffer 3 Th stored all whe lata dnd tn Porinahion : Sk the images te he shawn on tre dinplay - - Fspakhk ————[@yaiivy cheer ———| Component [ase tea i ant Fig Product cyete before troduction ap eno lenn. seater Daya oan yee {Pbestgn Modan Heese Avatar Onin ation Analy es Flys Product cyete abter. Yotraduction of cro LAM Deshag moan Ae OD- fom OA an GH 89 F coment wa PB at Smawe aod H DPhp o aah a oe pew 3M Onoure OA E gk SE Feed, wee Be MEE etolert 2 oes oH vegan on ¥ snd rent a at @ deiady Proven @ forkwer ogee eh G a we OW meaichy wooly er Antzattors WO. Sficiene, Reciacdy COmpleny, Reducty Ree fglcen eFC - _ Dele Cutie a Rel amy cypevieved anys. 961 PF cheek may BF Doin GAH Hy wptnite~ 5 ee a TE RN Documentation 2 8 (OL Sleps of He desiguhy procers % property documented for fatore Rebererce. Precen ‘flanay 2 npicy conjlcn dacaueehlny €4 Pram wencer & ume OnE E aa) Toe precem OER Oat Pe produel ar MAA I J i i Proctuctton plamuhy a HWW Sequenciy Sh Mackheray May wlet Fae -mauabeckh Bee tompdnens a sot Reyudred oH geu water Ay vk Toot Requived “EG Sak ure SP aR aire EE 2g productos System Tn + Sequen¥al Engineeving * which a group witht an Organisation! wows sequentalty’ +8 create ‘neta | predicts and Sexvieces , ° The def feyent Steps ave done One _agtes One, 3 I ro i a ges T MARKET., Destaw. PROCES Ovality Le! PRoouei. | | ING PLANNING) Cheek : | pie Tea ete as ipl Lay 7 Advantages 3 (4) Enforced déscipléne approach (i)_Smpie_ and well defied — methad, + Disadvantages t- _(y longer tead time Gi) Product Changes and modification will slow Wi) Quality | win “be (ow : ?o * Concurvent Engineering ¢ E+ 75 a production’ system’ which sevesal_ groups within an OvgaNisation Wovks Simultaneously te _cveate nei product and __sevieces i er TH i a non ~Uncax product design process’ dure which alt stages of _manvfacturtiy operate ah the Same Hime. oa Hater Ee pee ath i [Design precen| \ layout of concusvent Engg. a advantagess: @ High Goality. (i) Product changes and modifications will Casies + > Disadvantages 2 Complicated psccexo Computer Sided Desig inty "Design vk AMA _componerb by toeiy Compaley is oatted ’ CAD Faraone CAa> CAD “is _a_ designing process which Utilises the compules as. a tool fer alt PencHons hot are volved Io the deoiyn process. TEE dy) deat, Pree tn tows Ways er elps the goes Lengine felloweng. ys O cnn fe faster and move Gecurate than convenNenal _Methato i) Modigicatron ok the modet _is_very eaay.- Ly You can Gecuvaleley _cateutade various _geomelsic a properties Tn clucting. _d?menarona. Li) You wil never have to repeat, the design O* # dean ° a component . gs 9°, CAD system : ! = | A i | | t _% Computer Hardware :- @) CPU Central Processing Unit [rath meney ete nine fo CPO vy eee Conhalley TORTTG We emery = SSE devices: hae ae Te Thsagh which he hes opera CH) Tn pad: Devices 9 communis with sea icompuler for feeddy aside sae Rekemavy + Key board a * Mouse * Light Pen + Doystig + Tablet * Scanner A) Display Deviced 9 Th thio mast ok the eats. Geek gad + Cathode ~Ray Tube (cat) Display + Plasma Panel Display. Ye tquid “crystal aisptay (ven) ok Heese thee methads PM is the CRT Arsplays tak ac [ost advanced and _extenoive 3n_use he t Vy Hard- Copy Devices t once the autpat ix (Pralted on i. : the display device, % can be teansfor- med he hayd Copy ustag > oe = Graphical Prtnters * . PloHex: Photographic devices W Storage Devices g- Peymanent _wequires a large amount ek Stevage devices. ¢ Floppy Disics 2 : eee * Wnchester disks. = + Magnetic tapes oe + Magnebic tapes _calvidge 2 Dv® L CAD software AVIWCAD i Solid Works Unit- Graphics cATIA CREO ete, © Advantages § Laing cn Jeans UY Productivity increases W_Producton dine deuveases iii) Reduces Man - power fy) Acceray trcvease? PApPWeatlon of CAD Y_ Braking. i) Optimtzatton by Using numerical methods i) Fox 9-9 and _38-D drabtng We) pov 3D modectity os well os vistualizabtn ¢ v) For modeliiy — curver, SuYfaces Solids and aioembbieo Gre To-ordinate System ts, depined as a — mefewence system U9-%. to — which atk. the geometrical datos of Model ave dekned. e Mes can be ars bi taxi t p_ Model ~ Co-Ordtrate Systemt- mes (User ~ co-ordate eye] choasen by the ‘user. user 9 meg — Userng) mes oan Fis Mes. @) World Co-Ordinate System + The wes fs used te relate = . the different M-¢-s of, “a Mollipte models which aye now 2a F —— [a a fame, Working “—— ie eat 7 Rige Wes. } — “The defautt co-Ordihale. System _adhen the user shart the Modelling i the WES. 3 Nill Seveen - Co-ordinate syslem is; This xefess fe the actial (@isploy Co-ordthahia) Coraxdlinates to be used fay displayihy the mage _on the scveen 2 NETH basically ‘relates aly _pinels « rr ce 4 System Translation TTxa0S format on Th cds — The -translormation actually convert the, geomerry Grom one _Co~ovdfnate ois. | n sane Ro taton - Scalfng Se tage inert ie T Fe 3 Reklecton compastte Tsans{ormahi Shearing @ Ved Translation 3- A anglaves moves an object te L a diferent posPtons. on the; scveen Tnitoy Postifoo , P (2s 'y) “ P= Ue) ox shift vector Fig. translation vec ri ie) Then, ®nal Postitons will be.fP" (xc! yi) ete) och = det To 1 fea ye yt Ty ' te Ce) | \ Perk aT : FPaal Hen Thi tal Poston * ele weotor 7 Gi) 22 Botatfon t Ta rotation, we vokate the object at _partewlay angle @ from fs onigin Enitial “Poston (2,8) Z aa es ¥cos> We tsing - a ciel ie Final Postion _e! (4!) { E w= vcos(otd) = ¥ C056- cash — ¥ Sind -senO COW Rolahon. SOAP), » FO Cent PCa Se % = Ystne De COS iquee pnd. Bornes —_ w x sin(h+9) ra y = Vth cso +. % cos b sino : = .4cos8. + 2c sino o = €sing +y cove, a ae = ia x! LOH. ~Ystng 2\)= [Be a) wi = scsin® 4 Yeos® —_ Tie above eq” can. be wepresented tn. the form of i matrices, as follawe - spo (etal = [sey] - [oso sto] 5 oe. i [=sine cote f. ‘ CE cca Raat = Initio! __-Bolationals : sap Peaitian Position Mabry, : : Foe clockwise Relation Tostead. of faklng © (ve) fake th as. negative _€ 0 9 Cve) a Le! yt = ely Coste) sin (-o) a Su =sin(-s) | costo) Cs an = ix y C086 7 Ssin stn8 Cos is hee where, wade R= Rotational muletter mate. ae detesminant of above mals + dei[m] = Rotation by 180° Gow & + | Rew = | oe sno] = [v0 | =stoe cas Oc cletesminant of above matrix? det[M] =.» Rotation ok 230" Ge. Reew Cose sind elo -! [=sie~ cose | (ae ee determinant ‘ej above matre > det(m] = onclusion = . . Th dedevminant of the moltieites mak ts 4 theo fh wt! be a pore yokatonal _matsik. * i . ' @@ Ih the postifon vector oF of P(2410) is wotated antfotockutse %n -y Plane by an angle Q=20", such Xhak eotot _occepfes _pestHon_@. Find Co-ordinate af @ gol x=90, Yyd10 O= 30 @ee' =[x'a) = [9010] [cosac” fo3e 7 [EStnav® Cos36 Qocos3ae ~yostn3e = 12-32 3 = 208238 + 1cosast = 18-66 fin Object fs volated by angle © tm ¢-w direction. sing = 0.6 CDSO= 0-3 ) What will be the New CO-Or- nade ok Very @ as. shown in fg. Th volation eceurs |. about _pofot Pp. get By faking Pay arigin ex © (4, 5) Tefal positon @ my) -@(aa) TR” Yiven, SIMO =O-6 | CosO -osp LS A(5.35) | rund > [3.2] | ok -@o-4| a So [aoc oe | os (anny tr¥0-6) (av 0-6-4 207) ot = (ee) ‘(@¢, ~o.) And, i with “wespect to dhe “0” the co-gsdimates pt Perot 0 wit be (1¢3-6)_ (24-02) =e, 2-9) at ee a = > Ui) Reflection & Retlectfon “WS the: MisToN image ok oviginal object» RS “Tt 3s a votaon operation with tte’. + The _s?ze ok the object doen't Changes w Reflection — about a-axis 2 > when a point is *ehlected along sc-axis . then the ae-covdtnate ssematns same. bat Y-co-dsdincde Ss a aa) tsanstormed to 2 Oppastte sin. > The weflecton of (x.y) | across o-pxis will be (x,-W) ~~ : : ley) aaa Ces) {sess => Reflection Mater ok Gay) point about © xc~Axr's & a spectat case ok rotation about or-Avis by 180", Reklection about Y-axis o- — yw covdinate same o'r bet prCiay] ACL x co-Ordtnake -e ej aarem- a \ ae GR 7 \ Retlecina i t (ey SSP (x.y) Ra %ea-y > Reblection about dhe Ifne gee «+ The -seblection Oka palin: fey) gesoss the tno Yaz oo is potot CY, x) (ow) > (ye) we ReblecHon about the ttre ys noe ate weflecton of ne potot (x.y) acvoss the (ne youw _fs._potnt (~y,-a0) (Gera) ae ' ; & jealing ~ this_operatlon size 0; an object is_efther a Sealecl up or Scalod down. é | ot yt) = {= v Soe 0 | Sx and Sy ase - Mr a ae eels Ss] Scatiny factors. ier Scate vp 2 Scaling factors > I + wi Scale down: scaling factors <] - ext ; . ENE Sh oe Sig) untpesin Sealey a i Soc #Sy 1 Non-uniferm — scaliay @gheaving es 2 (ocd s Spends co-oxdioate Of a pornts Gely) + €%d — co-ovderate of a. part Site. Sheaving parameter: along Pd — SHy + Sheaxtng | parameter; along | 4 Shearing 09 -Axk Shearing on _B- Sxts_ ws, oe 48H KY Nels 96 i 4! =_Y + Sty x@ > sheared pasion’ ip Deighel pootton E?qe sheav?ng on ce-Oyis * Fig heaving a0 y-axic ©_8-D Tans formation s- Q Weansta tion [x [reo wie | w[ plot oy ly 2! a8 i Br ee t oo 8 1 t 1.0 oo | [=| za v ON CeO Sealed - - a 0 , see cas 0 z - i ' o. 0 a1 a - ~ Piao) ype | coe 0 sho O | | . = [a fefo ro oly i: = ai [> lane oO ae.O t z Zz 1 Lo 0 0 !} d US —__Abouk _ z~ Ars Te cose_-sing © 0 { = ia Se y sho esa 0 || Y i 2} o 8. 9 8 \ z ees o.0 ov74 . r aa i) Sealtng = Sx O09 ~ 4! = oO sy ad ie ca 7 | 2 OP er 2 Pa z ta 0-0 Ot I a “~B_Retleotfon al [21 0 © 6 | Ta a . 2 y' QO -tt o 0 \ _ ¢ | ra 4 : 2 LO. Otte OLA) st 7 Lt L.O-0 O-¢e) 4 a ©_ Viewing Twansfoymation s- _ 2? Windes + A world Co-oxdtnate _avea__ Selected fos display Ys called as a soipdowd => View potrts An ayvea ON: display devies, 40 wobich a window %s mapped called as a veiew paint. waaow view pom - EAR = ee sae : sok | he. * Vee Women Ry 7 Weld" eo-oxdtrale Far Asplay “eo-osdhhale systed Tah . * Viewing Transfermationt- The pocess ok mapping a Raxt of the World’ ¢o-Orsdiinate Scence _to__device | co-ordinate viewing trans fermaton. > View?ng transformation system #s pawn as 3 done? to 4)_Nosmatization Transformation iy Workstation Trans formation. proceyo. WD Nermalzatton Transformation 2 World —Normatizahy wermatize [oT] Coverdale FR — coroyainake L X = mn X Xw and Y= Yo % Yo io LY Actuol device CO-ordinate Xo rd Yan lier beer (Ors) nn? Normalize cond rdinate. > Seabiy Koto 9 WOsld /windo® co-Ovdinate. “workstation Transfes mation & Ths trans loymation can vents Normal’ co-ovdinates to chevice "Con OFel Polen world sormatteate Oval wer Ks tetZon Device Cd-ovdirate . Co-banate Co-Drd Inala Treaoborranie viewing Transkormation = Normal Co-ordihale % Wayk station Co-B7clinaP 32 teenguien Shovae Tea ae~ Ul = esa! [awl | Les . * Formulae fox calculating Blorid ca-ordenale to Viewing Co-Ordinabe a - esto) ea : i (aw) : : - Hal Lt Zain tenes Yvan Yona For Xv _ Xv ~ Kumite = Xe. = Xwmla 7 Kamar — Kean Xreniye — tWeke ae ae ee ee ee ee _ \Reaman = 0 0 Yong, = Muah Lisle = Kemin) \ Yom = Kw oth » [he = Kenta + We ~ a ty =. Vio ~ Pumte. Yemen —Yonia (Mu man = Porte Pour Yemta ie.) Me ~ Sond ‘dvmar ~ dvmia. mn Memes = Wants iy ‘ Seay (Yas sam) 2 Sy a ee aha eas | toes Ae s SMats%e for wort siaiton “Teansformation = We Fett . JP bo SbF ee Te 0 6] frat is 8 PO Sy o | PR Sada valem ewe TT, 88 td 2 whey, oo | ee fo 1 of {8 Si (Bain Gate O | i or | Tor, ao TS.T! = | Sx 9 o | : ° en 0. | i ; “Rare Ea hee ic “Tre Ynta Sy. — Oxieed M wat 9, sic rmdlling 14 clare 4 alu Ka conn? putes gets "pac haa lati ao Onic: dle MO MMTOLAG2AU QO thexe C1920 Ou POUe Mads ube to? CAD. 1 are OE i © \Fr0I0 2 Mae CAD OM x ND TA OD OhHSD» sefotone > 8 y i U +(e off 2alid smadeling’ feclrntgues % re ot e Sra af easel gfe oe Asal closigan i a’ Gg 1 ctanulatara, i hang amd v9.14 —F Siieoieasn Siam OdseMaky UXLG. OK Kae ° Dis aduamto © Lhf OLo 0 Cp @u a 1 © comsowictinve 3 Sebi oo corner (C8 br g gf cremations parcroges B teal Gute CAD => Damaalelen 20 ae 5D Pawar, ebhorenrta tan ((9- —&). Pasanmobate ana a TORS wap tia es huttel lla ie etl 4 Porclpeodon MOBvr205; Uvive £ Loss Yo Jhne Nm- af a / # Blemding gon-!— Bea iat (A= areeruisc) Bee of! (ay $0, ered 3 palyenactotal gon loekwuemn Fa fo Pats {Pine se ees. tal} © -O. wired e Pi 2 conc! por pezin oe Gon Berres, Cine fo 9 Point + Bao (W)= BEE), ae =Bi2W= tu we Us 85, (Cu): 2 u* Geue 2 ao Q(u)= P, (ea) FR2UG-w) BU) =U Ugroe O 0) _= U-u)*y, atu) [O- a DPo+ UP Jee Dei(t-u) 0 ee 1th ase ou Cia ae ms WIG Oe £ a B yen 1a)? +9u0-u) ®, Qu? (ii UbOed) B 4U? ba meen Pork Su (IU) 0s Be (1) Pr Pa I : = : e ai - i _ F A ies “calculating co add i= : JA Le A “_ee() = (n i £0; : oe a ; Ba stoi Catach ha He= Meyer bo ke Ke O24 betty cp et cn Tien 08,02 Oo speupyterg. a apne Cara. ifs 0, (2) eee ba toe. € i + (2 Ae . SE pelt) PU Rr gle) + hy © : 1. | ee Se Me th) Yel) a rm 20 Ausfare ramdellinn Mp} ects oe depitiic lu, | 7 Henan pe bleendlecng gap + losis, bomadkigigaits | 1 a ar : es Sr umfate Gord eg 3 1 B moa CUR eee ’ ib oh Hey tpolymemiats © nal .de Emitttes fonrly ale t= | spakicos Lol tm in0%, O82 ¢ : 0nd dypaNootie, Cues Fo ciate Oeactioma) wey walmorertss alpoird wish — © Hosmeike Cubs hone gemenurs co wrcdlidiote syerracr a > OS ain tS BD coo Gr climate » AzKON) tis Corker 019 _ OD woms fay No O'heradan Auwrhorte he : h Modeltime i- 4 eee ce 2 = ao 4 fe i el 5 F beneath INS oO. S F ee oes eos Plo); Pl.2) a) 2 ee fayaiiog town ‘ae _ MG Gost Vp(Gie eee Peal +(- 1) Plo —* The Yohosmetsaic veers alles ehiecn lie ta Pre =. ae TTT hee Eile ines of te opt ctl oa, vs AED, T thus contro i ee OED en tenant Og ato: ata fa . —— = 8) rea a + E pad we iS Nc he i lt = m L fd ee el wee ‘. a Nt, be f= dO- v) P@0) = uve dy » whore Big. tro ofthe ne 1.29f.c oe ee me, bitubic path dy mrefinoa oe. Beith fame ag btubic_potinis —___} Fie = eat). a = UPN OL OUD Ush Cre Hoot cam. eK, Qibd Qa ere iro ; — Satine =tatctlost tea cd, te olepiione_9 s piame.The lo OTL 811544 he cast bo i t, oturtern 2 =; Eg pociftedl ob y k blo al ke Uo Biik Onels Of toy 2 Grtolo acnsle- #O-Rep (Ba " dase oe amadelicn2) ae arn ty acmcknac ab0alae bay legaeag se testes i SO faq mn cee pouwrdual_ eo avalidite, checkin “ “leak Onpieakert umn -Uual glaaoas Oeelat\ oy + Valliclity Chosbion g fas, riendple i __ See Ae ar fy ' LWT Prema veg, Ave + A= aan 23D pealen ob mat: . CSG Twe > 1. mnten (Vast) 3 Used te Combine 2. stembifintg b$ — i. BD) -auned teoget (airman {oe ; Peo en Saclay | : — os - : a Ohi= ee [ \ Toto + ®vtsualizodiam pn ¥ i f / ) is i ; - Seal A \ im z SS __ J uciualibatioag tag e@nmotdt : = s eis (nell ton Aion e : é E4mp CSG. To.c0 J obblicatten. i Nadie 2hoder eres) bso re | (On TeCorg, nai ¢ 0 SCO terre © y ‘on? A Teacher's Signature. OI oN tne Meu ALLO clicnate. value ap earl Drone? oo20 Qotenared 1 5B pcb, epee Ocee ode = __] wiatble te _Ae,8¢ CB,DA, AD DF, fi, AG-Dc, CE ees DE > | Gd. wiszilole- DD urddeen liens qermaual i it idiized bya cod | P%4e£Ftu, ACE BD edtabloy sileiinl tencs. i ——— spat gieatiors db a leap on? eubdnten a ch cn@ulel mathe : oni 2 gz a) c2bylayto ox homage Grey Jeane __* Paimtes algwedtom ee aeatmate 4 O41 called i : ~~ Guile iomoge b akopariticnn is righir x00? 2 values — tre rain ord: fa 2a alts He bore eo al One pati oA odoas 11) a asst 0 exr-cl.o% ug uxt > oe wage acam saa LO, oa “image aT oe. ecules ae 1B Gay rs.cvettng. tater a BAMGL¢ af @iatical eff Ls ies E Tohenct LO LR UL taniolues : — : Me botdolero lime, — = 2> @mo : coin ee 14 ko flumimate La chask, s@erm. ANatnba fs 4 = the augh alate tena lelerck bane ar cost parameters cop hale. bs : oo token cscneaie ae 2 Zen : an Boe ddan Coan be duiided torutey class —SHocese fp coloel Eee: alaus Y op light te wae $90 Retet Pees th dlepe MAY Kah b% 0 ct sl Os Oy OK) NAA eee ere Rb KYLE P2Mt mI J.0 od nd * Trmporntac? ob © ul aoe a CoE Oerag inane 0° 2 crnrou Any teo_ kre Spaphu bce 100 tM osrcor fon od a ok ‘ eee eR eter clin | Trelrame omalysts 20 tie fe c.clpfpenzrd Tret}o rAd Ben Se 1 high Costucanods sot fe emocnuyfoucte 3 4 qe ‘Aeeottation = £ One Coraumnteng \rocwes « -@ deel) wequtl a, for (corenolose Abeseatingy = — sesh ly fon on * Qbun Gu (noapic dmg) She a ress lomgucge ; doers flor eS rg Se Te ae ae Application Rosia brent Baereted Jaye, dornguoge Tadepardaret Joh | Ganapraic Kevwmel Saki Operating syitenr [ere tcreunus] trophic! oan as Teacher’: Signature. —@GL-TaaNGies ¥<\ 5 ve af F fms, i WW ng a @S7ee lrarndlcerd Jar Hae S Poredixce add | al.citer ~ Ootnmnderd Gumsraltzed % \ BGM) = duselalcel ica 1960 —

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