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Week 2 Assignment: Plan of Action & What Did You Learn

List your stressors by the amount of stress it causes or the frequency. Create a plan of action for each stressor as well as an Action
Type to help you determine habits to improve your current stress levels. Complete the What Did You Learn section. Turn this
completed sheet in to your Thrive Coach at the end of Week 2 (Friday).

How often does

Stressor Action Type Explanation of plan:
this occur?

Ex: Preparing dinner Start meal planning. Map out the dinners I am going to make for the week
6 nights a week Time Management
for my family and add ingredients to my grocery list.
What Did You Learn?
 What is one items you have discovered that is causing you unnecessary stress?
 Is there something in your life you have always stress about but now find unimportant or undeserving of your time? Do not feel
guilty about this. Being able to prioritize what is important is itself a grand accomplishment.
 Outline what you learned from this module and how you will incorporate it into your life to better mange your stress, or how you
respond to it.
 What tools and strategies will you use when you feel yourself being triggered?

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