En - 1. Соглашение о Строительстве (Многоквартирные Дома)

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___________, 202_

Minsk district

(hereinafter referred to as (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer)

the Seller)
represented by

acting on the basis of power of

No._____ dated ______________

have concluded this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") as follows below:


1.1. The Seller undertakes:
 to organize the construction of the residential premises (hereinafter referred to as the
"residential premises");
 to ensure the issue of the housing bonds for the purchase of the residential premises by the
 upon completion of the construction, to transfer the residential premises to the ownership of
the Buyer in exchange for an equivalent amount of the housing bonds purchased by the
Residential premises
Residential premises No.:


Residential building according to the

master plan:
(hereinafter referred to as the
"Residential building")
As part of the object:

Total floor area* according to the

project documentation, sq.m:
Other characteristics of the residential see Annex No. 1 to the Agreement
* hereinafter, the total floor area is determined in accordance with the project documentation of a
Residential building (hereinafter referred to as the "Project Documentation of a Residential building"),
Technical Code of Common Practice 45-3.02-324-2018 "Residential buildings. Building design standards"
and construction standards "Residential buildings" (СН 3.02.01-2019) (hereinafter referred to as "Technical
Code of Common Practice").

1.2. The Buyer undertakes to acquire title to the registered residential non-documentary convertible
non-income producing bonds (hereinafter referred to as the "bonds") in the process of their
placement on the following conditions:
Number (amount) of the bonds:

Equivalent of the nominal value of one 1 (one) square meter of the total floor area of the
bond: residential premises
Total equivalent of the nominal value ______ square meters of the total floor area of the
of the bonds: residential premises
Nominal value of one bond:

The sum of the nominal values of the _______ (________________) Belarusian rubles
Contractual price of one bond: Amount in equivalent
_______________________ US dollars*
Total contractual value of the bonds = Amount in equivalent
The cost of the residential premises _______________________ US dollars*
(the amount of money to be paid for
the cost of the residential premises):

Interest income on the bonds not charged and not paid

Full name of the legal entity issuing

the bonds
Bonds issue number

The Seller ___________________ The Buyer _________________


Date and number of registration of the __________ No. __________

bonds issue in the State Securities
* Is determined at the exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble to the US dollar set by the National Bank of the
Republic of Belarus on the date(s) of transfer of funds by the Buyer.

1.3. Material provisions of the Agreement, as well as the conditions for purchasing the residential
premises by the Buyer are:
 the Buyer's obligation to acquire ownership of/ to rent from the Seller
_______________(a parking space/ non-residential premises/ shares in the right to non-
residential premises) according to standalone agreement (contract) No. _________ dated
___________, (hereinafter referred to as the "Standalone agreement");
 joining the Housing Cooperative by the Buyer or another organization (body) created for
the management and operation of the common property of the joint homeownership that is part
of a Block of residential buildings (hereinafter referred to as the Operating Organization), taking
into account the conditions of Annex No. 2;
 conclusion of contracts with the Operating Organization, the list and main conditions of
which are given in Annex No. 2.


2.1. The Buyer undertakes to pay for the Bonds according to the following schedule:
Payment term Payment amount
in US dollars equivalent
no later than
2.2. Payment for the bonds shall be made in Belarusian rubles at the official exchange rate of the
Belarusian ruble to the US dollar set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date
of transfer (in case of payment for the bonds by way of transferring funds from non-resident
banks of the Republic of Belarus – on the date(s) of receipt of funds to the Seller's settlement
2.3. Payment for the bonds shall be made to the Seller's details specified in section 11 of the
2.4. No interest for commercial loan shall be accrued and paid on the funds paid by the Buyer in
payment for the Bonds.
2.5. The Buyer acquires the bonds in accordance with the procedure, within the terms and under the
conditions specified in the bonds issue prospectus and the bonds purchase and sale agreement.
2.6. The Buyer confirms that he/she pays for the Bonds at the expense of his/her own and (or)
borrowed funds without using preferential loans, subsidies and other forms of state support.
2.7. In case of payment (refund) of any funds by the Seller to the Buyer, such funds shall be
transferred exclusively by bank transfer to the Buyer's account opened in the bank of the Republic
of Belarus. To do this, the Buyer should provide the Seller with his/her bank details in writing.

3.1. Estimated date of completing the
construction of the Residential building
Construction completion date is the date when the Seller approves the Act of acceptance of the
Residential building into operation with completed construction works.
3.2. The Seller can unilaterally change the deadline for completing the construction of the Residential
building in the event of extending the deadlines set for the performance of construction and
installation works in the course of the construction of the Residential building due to
circumstances beyond the Seller's will (including through the fault of the contractor(s) (other
counter-agents of the Seller)), amendments in the Project Documentation of a Residential
building, suspension of the construction of the Residential building. The deadline is changed for
the period of time required to complete the construction.
3.3. When the Residential building is accepted into operation during a period that is unfavorable for
the performance of certain types of work, the Seller has the right to unilaterally postpone the
deadline for the performance of such works for a favorable period of the year.
3.4. The Seller has the right to accept the Residential building into operation before the scheduled
date and transfer the residential premises to the Buyer, whereof the Seller should notify the
Buyer within the time, in the form and in the manner established by the Seller. In this case, the
Seller may demand early fulfillment by the Buyer of his/her obligations regarding the
purchase of the Bonds and making payments, as well as acceptance by the Buyer of the
residential premises. If the Seller announces the early repayment of the Bonds, and if
the Buyer expresses the intention to receive the residential premises upon the early
repayment, the Buyer should fulfill the obligations to purchase the missing amount of
the Bonds before the scheduled date (no later than 7 (seven) business days before the
date of the early repayment of the Bonds).

4.1. The fulfillment of the Seller's obligations in respect of the Bonds (at the time of signing the
Agreement) is secured by the pledge of real estate/ by the surety.
4.2. The Buyer agrees to and provides the Seller with the right to perform the following actions
without additional approvals:

The Seller ___________________ The Buyer _________________


 change the method of securing the fulfillment of the Buyer's obligations in respect of the
 change the subject of the pledge/ the guarantor
 make appropriate changes to the bonds issue prospectus and the decision on the issue of the
If the pledge of immovable property is used as a collateral, the pledgor specified in the bonds
issue prospectus has the right to alienate the pledged item, transfer it for rent or gratuitous use
to another person or otherwise dispose of it without obtaining the Buyer's consent.
4.3. The Buyer notifies the Seller of his/her intention to receive the residential premises upon the
repayment (early repayment) of the Bonds, and guarantees its unalterability. The amount of
funds in the amount of 20% of the nominal value of the Bonds owned by the Buyer is used as a
collateral of the unalterability of the Buyer's intention. The Seller withholds this amount from the
nominal value due to the Seller upon the repayment (early repayment) thereof, if the Buyer
claims to receive the nominal value of the Bonds instead of receiving the premises.


5.1. Purpose of the Bonds issue and areas of using the funds raised by the Bonds issue:
 construction of the Residential building,
 financing of the Seller's business activities related to the performance of the functions of
the developer (customer),
 construction of other real estate objects, including reimbursement of previously incurred
construction costs,
 financing of other activities related to the construction of the Residential building,
 temporary allocation of funds received from the open sale (placement) of the Bonds to
bank deposit accounts opened in the name of the Seller.
The Seller has the right, at its discretion, without additional coordination with the Buyer, to use
the funds received from the Buyer in accordance with the specified purposes.

6.1. The Seller organizes and ensures the construction of the Residential building in accordance with
the Project Documentation of a Residential building, the requirements of the mandatory Technical
Statutory Legal Acts, Construction Standards and Regulations (taking into account design
solutions, features and withdrawals defined by the Project Documentation of a Residential
6.2. The Seller has the right to unilaterally change the Project Documentation of a Residential building
in the course of further design and construction without additional coordination with the Buyer;
6.3. The Buyer has the right to receive information from the Seller about the progress of the

Registration of the Residential building

6.4. After accepting the Residential building into operation, the Seller:
 conducts technical inventory of the Residential building,
 registers the creation of a real estate object – a permanent structure.
6.5. The actual total floor area of the residential premises and its address will be determined based on
the results of the technical inventory and address assignment carried out by the Agency for State
Registration and Land Cadastre. Therewith, the actual floor area may differ from indications
specified in the agreement, its annexes and in the Project Documentation of a Residential
building, as well as from the total equivalent of the nominal value of the bonds. In this case, the
cost of the residential premises is not subject to change, and no additional payments or refunds of
money to the Buyer shall be made. The transfer of the residential premises to the Buyer repays
the entire amount (package) of the Bonds purchased by the Buyer.

Transfer of the residential premises

6.6. Upon the repayment (early repayment) of the Bonds, the Buyer can:
 receive the residential premises.
In this case, the Seller transfers the residential premises to the Buyer according to the transfer
and acceptance act in the manner and under the terms of the Agreement;
 receive the nominal value.
In this case, the Buyer submits a written application to the Seller, and the Seller transfers the
funds to the Buyer's account specified in the application in the amount of the nominal value of the
bonds fully paid by the Buyer (but not more than the amount of money actually paid by the
Buyer). Losses, penalties and amounts of collateral due to the Seller under the Agreement shall
be deducted from the payment amount (clause 4.3). The funds shall be transferred no later than
two months from the date of the start of the repayment (early repayment) of the Bonds.
6.7. The Seller proceeds to the repayment of the Bonds by transferring the residential premises to the
Buyer subject to the following conditions:
 the Buyer has fulfilled his/her payment obligations,
 the Buyer has provided the Seller with an extract from the Buyer's "depot" account
confirming the availability of the required number of the Bonds and the absence of
restrictions on the disposal of the Bonds (encumbrances of rights to the Bonds),
 the Buyer has not expressed the intention to receive the nominal value of the Bonds upon
the repayment (early repayment) of the Bonds.

The Seller ___________________ The Buyer _________________


 the Seller has the right not to transfer the residential premises to the Buyer until the Buyer
fully fulfills his/her obligations under the Agreement.
6.8. Within 30 days from the start of the repayment (early repayment) of the Bonds, the Buyer should
accept from the Seller the residential premises (including a set of furniture and equipment, if its
installation is provided for by the Agreement) according to the transfer and acceptance act
(hereinafter referred to as the Act).
6.9. When signing the Act, the Seller should hand over to the Buyer a set of keys and documents
necessary to register the occurrence of the ownership right to the residential premises.
6.10. The Buyer shall indicate his/her comments on the technical condition of the residential premises
during its acceptance in the annex to the Act. If the comments are justified, the Seller should
eliminate them by its own efforts and expenses, or by the efforts and expenses of third parties
engaged by the Seller, within the time agreed by the parties.
Acceptance of double-glazed windows installed in the residential premises is carried out in
accordance with the Standards of the Republic of Belarus EN 1096-1-2015:
- look-over is carried out from a distance of at least 3 meters to the glass in natural light;
- look-over of each window shall take no more than 20 seconds.
The parties agreed that only those defects that were identified and declared during the
acceptance in accordance with the look-over method described above can be recognized as
reasonable comments on the quality of the glass (both coated and uncoated), and are recognized
as unacceptable defects in the outer appearance of the glass according to the criteria of the
Standards of the Republic of Belarus EN 1096-1-2015.
6.11. If the comments of the Buyer on the condition of the residential premises do not obstruct using
(exploiting) the residential premises for its intended purpose and/or the performance of finishing
works by the Buyer, this should not be a reason for refusing to accept the residential premises
and to sign the Act, as well as registering the Buyer's rights to it and obtaining a set of keys from
the residential premises.
6.12. In the event that the Buyer refuses (evades) to accept the residential premises, to receive a set of
keys from it and/or the related documents, the Seller shall sign the Act unilaterally and send it to
the Buyer by certified mail with return receipt to the details specified in the Agreement. In this
case, the Act is considered to be signed by both parties, and the residential premises (including
the keys and the specified documents) is considered to have been accepted by the Buyer. This
means that from the date the Seller signs the Act unilaterally, the Buyer acquires obligations for
the maintenance and operation of the residential premises (including ensuring the safety of the
residential premises), as well as for the transfer of the Bonds to the Seller's "depot" account.

Actions after the transfer of the Premises

6.13. The Buyer, at his/her own expense, should transfer the redeemable bonds to the Seller's "depot"
account no later than on the business day following the day of the transfer of the residential
premises under the Act (including if the Act was signed by the Seller unilaterally under the terms
of the Agreement) or from the date of payment of funds to the Buyer, if the Buyer, instead of
receiving the premises, declared of the receipt of the nominal value of the bonds.
6.14. No later than 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of signing the Act (or from the date of
sending the Act signed by the Seller unilaterally to the Buyer by mail) the Buyer should
independently at his/her own expense:
 make a technical passport,
 register the creation of the residential premises,
 register the occurrence of the ownership right to the residential premises.
6.15. From the moment of signing of the Act by the parties or from the date of signing of the Act by the
Seller unilaterally in accordance with clause 6.12 of the Agreement, the Buyer starts to own and
use the residential premises. This means that from this moment on, the Buyer bears the risks of
accidental destruction (damage) of the residential premises and any property located in it, as well
as the burden of maintaining the residential premises and the property of the joint homeownership
in proportion to his/her share in the common property of the joint homeownership.

6.16. The Buyer undertakes to reimburse the Seller’s expenses for the maintenance and operation of the
residential premises and the common property of the joint homeownership, which the Seller has
incurred during the period from the moment of the acceptance of the Residential premises into
operation until the moment of state registration of the Buyer's ownership to the residential
premises. The Buyer shall reimburse expenses by transferring funds to the Seller's settlement
account based on the Seller's invoice within 7 (seven) banking days from the date of the receipt of
the invoice by the Buyer.
6.17. The Buyer is not entitled to carry out finishing works, redevelopment or reconstruction of the
residential premises, engineering and communication networks, systems and equipment until
carrying out the state registration of the Buyer's ownership to the residential premises and receipt
of the title documents.
6.18. The Buyer undertakes to ensure the safety of the residential premises and its elements, equipment
and engineering systems. For this purpose, the Buyer undertakes to exploit it in accordance with
the operating manuals (recommendations) that the Buyer can receive:
 from the Seller during the transfer of the residential premises,
 on the website of the Seller and/or the Operating Organization,
 in the A100 Comfort mobile app,
 on the website of manufacturers of materials, structures, equipment that were used in the
construction of the Residential building.

The Seller ___________________ The Buyer _________________


6.19. The residential premises can be equipped with water leakage protection system, smoke detectors,
burglary and penetration prevention systems or other security systems (if they are provided for by
the Agreement or the Project Documentation of a Residential building). The Buyer undertakes to
observe precautions and safety measures, requirements of fire safety standards, as well as to
remain vigilant inasmuch as the residential premises were not equipped with such protection
systems, as soon as the listed equipment does not provide for full protection of the residential
premises and the Buyer's property from fire, flooding/ leakage, burglary/ penetration by
unauthorized persons.
6.20. In order to ensure the architectural integrity of the interior space of the Residential building and a
uniformity of the entrance doors to the apartments, including entrance doors to the residential
premises purchased by the Buyer, the Buyer is recommended, when replacing the entrance door
to the residential premises, to adhere to the design code established by the Seller, description of
which can be obtained from the Operating Organization.

Management of the common property

6.21. By purchasing the residential premises, the Buyer acquires a share in the common property of the
joint homeownership of the residential buildings that are part of the Block of houses. The
procedure for managing the common property is determined by the agreement (Annex No. 2 to
the Agreement). These conditions are mandatory for the purchase of the residential premises
(transfer of the residential premises in exchange for the Bonds) by the Buyer.

Other issues referred to execution

6.22. The Seller should provide the Buyer with the opportunity to get familiarized with the Bonds issue
prospectus (a copy of the Bonds issue prospectus). The Buyer can get familiarized with the bonds
issue prospectus at the sales office. By signing the Agreement, the Buyer thereby confirms that
he/she has read the specified document.
6.23. The sale or other alienation of part of the Bonds to third parties is not allowed.
6.24. The Seller should return the funds to the Buyer in the amount and under the terms determined in
accordance with clause 9.8 of the Agreement if, before the start date of the repayment or before
the start date of the early repayment, the Buyer has purchased (paid for) the bonds in the
amount less than the total number of the bonds provided for by the Agreement;
6.25. After the state registration of the rights to the residential premises, the Buyer has no right to
transform it into non-residential premises.
6.26. The Buyer has no right to assign its rights and transfer obligations arising from the Agreement to
third parties without obtaining prior written consent from the Seller.
6.27. The Buyer has no right, without the Seller's prior written consent, to use his/her rights arising
from the essence of the Agreement in order to secure his/her obligations to third parties, to
encumber the purchased Bonds with collateral. The Buyer should compensate the Seller for losses
caused by non-fulfillment of the terms of this clause.
6.28. Storage room.
The Buyer acquires the ownership of one of the storage rooms designated for the tenants in the
basement of the Residential building simultaneously with the acquisition of the ownership to the
residential premises. The location, number and characteristics of the storage room are determined
by the project documentation for the construction of the Residential building upon the results of
technical inventory of the Residential building. The storage room is inhering to the residential
premises and its floor area is not included in the total floor area of the residential premises.
The Seller has the right to make changes to the Project Documentation of a Residential building,
as a result of which the floor area of the storage room will be included in the total floor area of
the residential premises in accordance with the Technical Code of Common Practice. In this case,
no amendments shall be made to the Agreement regarding the changes in the total floor area and
other characteristics of the residential premises.
The cost of the storage room equals to the amount in Belarusian rubles equivalent to 5,000 (five
thousand) US dollars. The cost of the storage room is included in the total contractual value of the
residential premises (clause 1.2 of the Agreement), and is not subject to additional payment in
excess of the cost of the premises.

7.1. The warranty period for the residential premises is 3 (three) years from the date of the
acceptance of the Residential building into operation.
7.2. The warranty period for technological and engineering equipment, materials, as well as a set of
furniture and equipment (if its installation is provided for by the Agreement) is set by the
manufacturing facility.
7.3. The Seller is not responsible for the defects found within the warranty period if they arose as a
result of improper operation of the residential premises, including improper operation of
equipment, engineering systems (communications) and networks by the Buyer or third parties, as
well as alterations, reconstructions, remodeling of the residential premises; the Seller is also not
responsible for the defects that at the time of the acceptance of the residential premises by the
Buyer were evident, but were not reflected in the transfer and acceptance act.
7.4. If hidden defects are revealed during the warranty period, the Parties shall record them in the Act
that is signed by both parties. The Seller shall eliminate the recorded defects at its own expense
and within the term specified in the relevant Act as agreed by the Parties.
7.5. The deadline for eliminating the deficiencies should be reasonable, but not less than the deadline
provided for the performance of a particular type of work in accordance with the regulatory and
technical documentation (statutory deadline) of the Republic of Belarus. The parties may agree to
extend or postpone the statutory deadline for the performance of works.

The Seller ___________________ The Buyer _________________



8.1. For the late payment by the Buyer (clause 2.1), a penalty will be charged in the amount of 0.15%
of the amount of overdue payment for each day of late payment.
If the payment is determined based on the equivalent in US dollars, the amount of monetary
obligation not fulfilled on time is determined in Belarusian rubles and calculated based on the US
dollar exchange rate set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the last day of the
contractual deadline for making the corresponding payment.
8.2. If the Buyer violates the deadline for transferring the Bonds to the Seller's "depot" account
(clause 6.13), a penalty will be charged in the amount of 0.15% of the amount of funds deposited
by the Buyer in payment for the bonds for each day of delay in transferring the Bonds.
8.3. If the Buyer violates his/her obligations, a fine will be charged in the amount of 50 basic units for
each fact of the following violations:
 registration of ownership rights within 15 days (clause 6.14)
 conclusion of a contract with the Operating Organization (clause 3 of Annex No. 2)
 submission of documents to the Operating Organization (clause 5 of Annex No. 2)
 alienation to third parties (clause 6.23)
 redevelopment before the registration (clause 6.17)
 notification of changes in information (clause 10.6.6)
8.4. If the Buyer violates the deadline for signing the Act (clause 6.8.), a penalty will be charged in the
amount of 0.1% of the amount of money deposited by the Buyer in payment for the Bonds for
each day of delay.
8.5. If the Buyer transforms the residential premises into non-residential, a fine will be charged in the
amount in Belarusian rubles that is equivalent to 10,000 (ten thousand) US dollars at the
exchange rate set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the day of payment of the
8.6. If the Seller violates its obligations with respect to the construction and transfer of the residential
premises to the Buyer:
 compensation of losses
 refund of money in Belarusian rubles paid for the cost of the residential premises in the
amount received to the Seller's settlement account
 interest in the amount of the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of
Belarus set on the date of payment of the funds by the Seller to the Buyer, accrued for the entire
period that these funds have been held by the Seller.
Refund to the Buyer in full amount of funds along with the payment of interest shall be carried out
within 3 (three) months from the date of signing the agreement on termination of the Agreement
with the Seller, but not later than one month from the date of the start of the repayment of the
Bonds established by the decision on the issue of the Bonds, except in cases of termination of the
Agreement with the Seller by a court decision.
8.7. Losses caused by the Buyer to the Seller as a result of improper execution of the Agreement are
collected in full in excess of the penalty.
8.8. Force majeure
The Party shall not be liable for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the
agreement if it proves that the proper fulfillment thereof has become impossible due to
extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances under these conditions (force majeure) that arose
after the conclusion of the agreement. Such circumstances include: a natural disaster, an act of
terrorism, an armed conflict, unfavorable weather conditions for the performance of construction
works, as well as other circumstances beyond the control of the parties. These circumstances
should be confirmed by a court, another authorized state body or an authorized organization. The
performance of obligations shall be suspended for the period of validity of these circumstances,
and shall continue from the date of termination of such circumstances.


9.1. The terms of the Agreement may be changed by signing additional agreements, with the
exception of cases stipulated by the Agreement that do not require the conclusion of an additional
9.2. In cases stipulated by the Agreement, the Parties have the right to demand its early termination
on their own initiative.

Termination on the initiative of the Buyer

9.3. During the bonds circulation period, the Buyer has the right to offer to the Seller to terminate the
Agreement and to redeem the bonds before the scheduled date. The Seller has the right to
purchase (repurchase) the bonds from the Buyer, along with having the right not to carry out
such a repurchase.
9.4. The Buyer has the right to alienate the Bonds only with the prior written consent of the Seller. In
case of alienation of the Bonds by the Buyer, the person intending to purchase the Bonds, prior to
such purchase, should conclude a contract with the Seller containing the conditions provided for
by the law and the Agreement. In this case, the Agreement is subject to termination.

Termination on the initiative of the Seller

9.5. The Seller has the right to unilaterally, out of court, refuse to perform the Agreement, which, in
accordance with Article 291 and clause 3 of Article 420 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus
entails its termination, if:

The Seller ___________________ The Buyer _________________


 before the Bonds repayment start date or before the Bonds early repayment start date, the
Buyer acquires ownership of (pays for) the Bonds in the amount less than the total amount
of the Bonds provided for by the Agreement;
 the Buyer violates at least one of the deadlines of payment for the Bonds specified in the
Agreement (regardless of the number of days overdue and the amount not paid on time);
 within the period specified by the Seller, the Buyer does not conclude a Standalone
agreement with the Seller, or such agreement is terminated;
 the Buyer violates at least one of the payment deadlines, including payment of the
financial collateral (regardless of the number of days overdue and the amount not paid on
time), established by the Standalone agreement.
9.6. The Seller shall notify the Buyer in writing about the unilateral refusal to execute the Agreement
by sending a letter to the Buyer's details specified in the Agreement, or against signature with
written acknowledgement of the receipt, or by e-mail. The Agreement is considered terminated
from the moment specified in the Seller's notification.

Consequences of termination of the Agreement

9.7. In case of termination of the Agreement, the Buyer has no right to demand from the Seller the
transfer of the residential premises, which remains at the disposal of the Seller, as well as the
documents for registration of rights to the residential premises.
9.8. In case of termination of the Agreement and (or) unilateral refusal of the Seller from the
execution of the Agreement, the Buyer has no right to demand from the Seller the transfer of the
residential premises, which remains at the disposal of the Seller, as well as the documents for
registration of rights to the residential premises.
The amount of funds to be refunded to the Buyer as a result of termination or unilateral refusal of
the Seller from the Agreement is determined as follows:
- if the Buyer has paid an amount not exceeding the equivalent of US $ 16,700, the Buyer will be
refunded the amount of funds that follows from the equivalent paid by him/her in US dollars,
reduced by US $ 5,000. At the same time, the official US dollar exchange rate of the National
Bank of the Republic of Belarus set on the date(s) of payment of funds by the Buyer to the
Seller's account will be applied to the specified reduced equivalent in US dollars;
- if the Buyer has paid an amount exceeding the equivalent of US $ 16,700, the amount in
Belarusian rubles will be refunded to the Buyer that follows from the equivalent of the amount in
US dollars paid by the Buyer. At the same time, such US dollar exchange rate will be applied to
the specified equivalent in US dollars, which is determined by agreement of the parties as being
equal to the US dollar exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the
date(s) of payment by the Buyer, reduced by 30%. If the amount of money subject to the refund
and determined in the above way exceeds the amount of the nominal values of the Bonds paid by
the Buyer, the amount of the nominal values of the Bonds paid by the Buyer shall be refunded.
The refund is made exclusive of any losses and penalties due to the Seller under this Agreement
upon expiration of one year from the date of the Seller's termination or refusal to perform this
Agreement. At the same time, interest for the use of the Buyer's funds (including under the rules
of a commercial loan), as well as interest income, shall not be accrued and shall not be paid.
The difference between the amount paid by the Buyer and the amount to be refunded according
to the calculation given in this clause shall remain with the Seller.

Other cases of termination

9.9. The Agreement automatically loses its force and is considered not having been concluded if the
first payment in any amount according to the schedule specified in clause 3.1 of the Agreement is
not received from the Buyer within more than 5 (five) calendar days.


The procedure for concluding and signing
10.1. The Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.
10.2. The Agreement can be signed by sending its scanned copy by e-mail, followed by the exchange of
copies of the Agreement containing original signatures of the parties. In this case, the Agreement
comes into force from the moment the Seller receives a scanned copy of the Agreement signed by
the Seller and the Buyer. The Buyer undertakes to sign and return to the Seller the original
Agreement on paper in one copy no later than seven calendar days from the date of its receipt.
Until the Seller receives a hard copy of the Agreement containing the original signature of the
Seller and the Buyer, the Seller has the right not to transfer the bonds to the "depot" account of
the Buyer.
10.3. The Agreement was concluded through the intermediary activity of Ecoreal LLC (license of the
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus No. 02240/338 dated 21.04.2017).

Validity period
10.4. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by the parties and is valid until
the parties fully fulfill their obligations.

Exchange of information
10.5. The Parties use the following methods of transmitting information – notifications, messages,
demands, notices, claims:
 E-mail
 SMS mailing, messengers
 Sending by post.

The Seller ___________________ The Buyer _________________


The above-mentioned methods of transmitting information are considered to be the forms of

written notification of the Buyer by the Seller.
10.6. Rules for transmitting information:
10.6.1. Notifications are valid if they are sent from the following e-mail addresses:
Seller's address – e-mail addresses with the domain name @a-100.by.
Buyer's address – the address specified in the Buyer's details or the address from which the Buyer
was sending letters to the Seller.
Any notification sent by the Seller by e-mail in accordance with this clause is considered to have
been sent and received by the Buyer from the date and time of sending the e-mail by the Seller.
10.6.2. The Buyer agrees to receive from the Seller any notifications provided for in the Agreement, as
well as advertising materials, invitations to participate in the events held by the Seller, through all
means of transmitting information.
10.6.3. The Buyer has the right to request from the Seller the immediate termination of sending
advertising materials to his/her address by sending the Seller a corresponding written notification.
10.6.4. A graphic image of the screen of an electronic device (a screenshot) of the corresponding page
with the sent letter to the Buyer's address is considered to be sufficient proof of sending a
notification by the Seller and receiving it by the Buyer.
10.6.5. The responsibility for receiving and timely consideration of notifications sent by the above method
lies with the Buyer. The Seller is not responsible for the delay in the delivery of the notification, if
such a delay was the result of a malfunction of the information and computing resources and
communication equipment of the Buyer, as well as actions (inaction) of the Internet service
providers on the Buyer's side.
10.6.6. If personal information of the Buyer specified in the Agreement changes, the Buyer should notify
the Seller of such changes in writing no later than 5 (five) days from the date of change in such
information. The Buyer shall send a notification to the Seller at the postal address or e-mail
address known to the Buyer. Until the Buyer's notification of the change of the relevant address is
received, the notifications are considered to have been delivered in a proper way.

Personal data
10.7. The Buyer agrees to provide his/her personal data specified in the Agreement, as well as the
characteristics of the purchased residential premises to the Operating Organization or other
organization established for the exploitation of the common property of the Block of houses, as
well as to the Seller's depository.

Dispute resolution
10.8. In case of disputes arising on issues stipulated by the Agreement or in connection with it, the
parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations. In case of failure to reach an
agreement, all disputes arising from or in connection with the Agreement, including those relating
to its execution, violation, termination or invalidity, shall be referred to court at the Seller's
The applicable law is the substantive law of the Republic of Belarus.

10.9. The following Annexes are an integral part of the Agreement:
Annex No. 1 – Description of the residential premises and the Residential building (housebuilding
Annex No. 2 – Agreement on the procedure for managing the common property
Annex No. 3 – Rules of good neighborliness. OR Annex No. 3 –Rules of GOLF COURSES.


The Seller The Buyer

The Seller ___________________ The Buyer _________________

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