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Health Corner

23 AUGUST 2023

Is fatigue a workplace issue?

What is fatigue? Everyone should be concerned about the impact of fatigue
as it can be considered a form of impairment, making fatigue
a workplace hazard. However, fatigue levels are not easily
Fatigue is often thought of as the state of measured or quantified; therefore, it is difficult to isolate the effect
feeling very tired, weary or sleepy, resulting of fatigue on incident and injury rates.
from various sources such as insufficient Workplace factors that may influence fatigue are shift rotation
sleep, prolonged mental or physical work, or patterns, balanced workloads, timing of tasks and activities,
extended periods of stress or anxiety. Boring availability of resources, and the workplace environment (e.g.,
or repetitive tasks can intensify feelings of lighting, ventilation, temperature, etc.).

fatigue. Fatigue can be described as either However, be sure to consider other factors beyond a lack of sleep
acute or chronic. including mental fatigue, such as mental workloads, demanding
mental activities or stress, long periods of anxiety or long periods
of monotonous tasks, etc.

Many studies focus on the amount of sleep required. Some

However, fatigue can include mental, physical or research studies have shown that when workers have slept for
subjective states. For example, as summarised by: less than 5 hours before work or when workers have been awake
for more than 16 hours, their chance of making mistakes at work
Mental state: due to fatigue are significantly increased.

Research has shown that the number of hours awake can be

Reduced mental capacity I Inattentive I
similar to blood alcohol levels. One study reports the following:
Indecisive I Physical state I
Physiological weakness or degradation
17 hours awake is
Physically exhaustion I Weak
equivalent to a blood alcohol
Subjective state: content of 0.05
Tired I Drowsy I Weary I
Sleepy 21 hours awake is
equivalent to a blood alcohol
content of 0.08

24-25 hours awake is

equivalent to a blood alcohol
content of 0.10
Fatigue is regarded as having an impact on
work performance. Most incidents occur when
What are the signs
Signs and symptoms of fatigue can vary, and
people are more likely to want sleep - between of fatigue?
• weariness
midnight and 6 am, and between 1 to 3 pm.
• tiredness
Fatigue affects people differently but it can
• sleepiness, including falling asleep against your
increase a worker’s hazard exposure by: will (“micro” sleeps)
• reducing mental and physical functioning,
• irritability
• impairing judgement and concentration,
• reduced alertness, concentration and memory
• lowering motivation,
• reduced ability to be productive
• slowing reaction time, and
• increasing risk-taking behaviour. • mental tiredness
• physical tiredness
• lack of motivation
• depression
• boredom
• giddiness
• headaches
• loss of appetite
• digestive problems
• increased susceptibility to illness

How is fatigue
How can
To find out what is causing your
I manage
fatigue, your doctor will ask you
about any other symptoms and FATIGUE?
do a full examination. They may You should make sure you have good
order blood tests or imaging tests, quality sleep to help you manage fatigue.
depending on what they think your Ensure you go to bed at the same time
condition might be. each night and stick to healthy sleep
Treatment will depend on the habits.
condition that is causing your Eating a healthy diet and doing regular
fatigue. Sometimes, after treatment, physical activity will also help improve your
you will feel better almost straight
sleep and lessen fatigue. Eat small, frequent
away. However, it might take several
meals throughout the day with plenty of
weeks for your fatigue to lessen.
fresh fruit and vegetables. Avoid junk food
Mindfulness, meditation, yoga and and try to avoid alcohol and caffeine since
cognitive behavioural therapy are these may affect your sleep.
non-medical treatments that may be
effective for some people to treat
Other ways to Can fatigue be
help lessen fatigue prevented?
Losing weight: if your body is carrying Fatigue is a symptom of
excess weight, it can exhaust you. It also
puts extra strain on your heart, which can several conditions, so it is hard
make you tired. Lose weight and you will to prevent. But it is important
feel much more energetic.
that you get enough quality
sleep to help minimise the risks
Reducing stress: feeling stressed uses up
a lot of energy. Try to introduce relaxing of fatigue, such as workplace
activities into your day. This could be accidents. If you do feel
going to the gym, or gentler options like
listening to music, reading, or spending fatigued at work, take a break.
time with friends.

Listen to your body, and

Talking about it: chatting with a friend may
help ease the stress of feeling fatigued. if you have a sleeping
problem, see a doctor
Cutting out caffeine: if you are feeling
tired, you should cut down on caffeine to
so they can address any
help improve your sleep. You should have underlying causes.
no more than 200mg of caffeine a day
and not have any at least 4 hours before

Drinking less alcohol: although a few

glasses of wine in the evening may help
you to fall asleep, you will sleep less
deeply after drinking alcohol. You will feel
tired the next day, even if you sleep for
8 hours.

Drinking more water: you may feel tired

because you are mildly dehydrated. A
glass of water will help to hydrate you,
especially after exercise.

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