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Ext. A narrow street, Harajuku, Japan.

The sun sets in the

distance, raining sunlight down the middle of the street.

An old man, wearing old baggy jeans and an old jacket, wobbles on
down the bustling street of Harajuku with his walking stick.
Sunlight beams through the narrow streets, gleaming and
reflecting on every glass surface. Car horns drown out any
thought the old man could be having until he spots a woman in
around her mid 30s, walk straight past him. He double takes as he
walks past her. Her clothes are nothing special, just baggy
clothes and a bucket hat. She has earphones in, brown streaky
hair, and brown eyes that of an angel. She smiles at him as she
passes. The old man continues down the street as he thinks about
the girl. He hasn’t seen anything like her since his ex-wife. He
grimaces at the thought of his ex-wife. He thinks for a moment
and then turns to her to strike up a conversation. However, when
the old man turns, she is gone. The old man's smile fades from
his wrinkled face as he turns back around and wobbles his way
back home.

Int. The old man's small apartment, the sky darkening as night
gets closer, the light from a small lamp and his tv screen are
the only two things illuminating his room.
The old man sits in his lonely apartment, staring at a small tv
screen in his living room. His apartment is almost filled to the
brim with old trinkets, his guitars from his rockstar days, a
katana sits on a cabinet, also from his rockstar days. His face
speaks of levels of sadness unheard of. Although some may believe
he would’ve been sadder during his divorce from his ex-wife, he
was not. He smiles as he thinks back to that day. Yet the sadness
of missing the girl from earlier devastates him. The happiness of
his memory of the day he was set free from his ex-wife is
overshadowed by the memory of the girl and how he may never see
her again. He sits up from his sofa, turns his tv off, takes his
pills that lay dormant on his countertop, and wobbles his way to
his bed.

Ext. The next morning. The old man walks down the street

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