AU2308 Auto Fuels and Lub Lab

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Ex.No.9 Date: AIM: To determine the viscosity of given lubrication oil by Redwood viscometer. APPARATUS REQUIRED: i. ii. iii. iv. Redwood viscometer Thermometer Conical flask Stop watch

DESCRIPTION: Viscosity is the property of a fluid or liquid by virtue of which it offers resistance to its own flow. It is measured in poise. The kinematic viscosity of a liquid is the ratio of absolute viscosity to its density at the given temperature and the unit for kinematic viscosity is centistokes. Viscosity is the most important single property of any lubricating oil, because it is the main determinant of the operating characteristics of the lubricant. If the viscosity of the oil is too low, a liquid oil film cannot be maintained between two moving or sliding surfaces, and consequently excessive wear will take place. On the other hand if the viscosity is too high, excessive friction will result due to fluid friction. Measurement of viscosity of lubricating oil is made with the help of an apparatus called the viscometer. In a viscometer, a fixed volume of the liquid is allowed to flow from a given height through a standard capillary tube under its own weight and the time of flow in seconds is noted. The time is proportional to true viscosity. The redwood viscometer is commonly used in commonwealth countries.


Tabular Column: S.N0. Temperature Time taken for 50ml collection of oil C 1 2 3 4 5 in seconds


Redwood viscometer is of two types: Redwood viscometer No.1 is commonly used for determining viscosities of thin lubricating oils and it has a jet of bore diameter 1.62mm and length 10mm. Redwood viscometer No.2 is used for measuring viscosities of highly viscous oils. It has a jet of diameter 3.8mm and length 15mm. PROCEDURE: 1. The leveled oil cup is cleaned and ball valve rod is placed on the gate jet to close it. 2. Oil under test, free from any suspension and dust is filled in the cup upto the pointer level. 3. An empty conical flask is kept just below the jet. 4. Water is filled in the bath and side-tube is heated slowly with constant stirring of the bath. 5. When the oil is at the desired temperature, the ball valve is lifted and suspended from thermometer bracket. 6. The time taken to collect 50ml of oil in the flask is noted and the valve is immediately closed to prevent any overflow of oil. 7. The result is expressed in redwood No.1 seconds at particular temperature. 8. Similarly the above procedure is repeated for the oil at various temperatures and the viscosity is found out. 9. Now a graph is drawn between the temperature and viscosity of oil. GRAPH: Temperature Vs Redwood Seconds RESULT: Temperature dependence of viscosity of lubrication oil is determined by using redwood viscometer and is shown in graph on page. ____



Ex.No : 10 Date AIM: To determine the viscosity index of given lubricating oil by Saybolt viscometer. APPARATUS REQUIRED: i. ii. iii. iv. Saybolt viscometer Thermometer Conical flask Stop watch :

DESCRIPTION : Viscosity is the property of a fluid or liquid by virtue of which it offers resistance to its own flow. Viscosity of liquids decreases with increasing temperature and as a result the lubricating oil becomes thinner. Hence the viscosity of lubricating oil should not change much with temperature. The rate of change of viscosity of a oil with respect to temperature is known as viscosity index. If the viscosity of oil falls rapidly as the temperature is raised, it has a low viscosity index. On the other hand if viscosity of oil is slightly affected on raising the temperature, its viscosity index is high. For determining viscosity index of a oil we use a series of two types of standard oils. Paraffinic-base Pennsylvanian oils (V.I = 100) and napthanic-base gulf oils (V.I. = 0). Against each of these is marked their viscosities at 100F and 210F. The former are known as H oils and the later is known as L oils. The Saybolt viscometer is commonly used in U.S.A.


Tabular Column: S.N0. Temperature of oil F 1 100 2 210 Time taken for 60ml collection in seconds



PROCEDURE: 1. The oil cup is cleaned and the closer cork is placed on the gate jet to close it. 2. Oil under test, free from any suspension and dust is filled in the cup upto the pointer level. 3. An empty conical flask is kept just below the jet. 4. Water is filled in the bath and side-tube is heated slowly with constant stirring of the bath. 5. When the oil is at the desired temperature say 100F, the cork is opened and suspended from thermometer bracket. 6. The time taken to collect 60ml of oil in the flask is noted and the valve is immediately closed to prevent any overflow of oil. 7. The result is expressed in saybolt seconds at particular temperature. 8. Similarly the above procedure is repeated for the oil at temperature of 210F and the viscosity is found out. 9. Let the viscosity of the oil at 100F be U and at 210F be V. 10. Now from the list of H oils (V.I.=100), the oil which has the same viscosity at 210F as the oil under test is selected, and its corresponding viscosity at 100F is read off. Let it be H. 11. From the list of L-oils (V.I =0) , the oil which has the same viscosity at 210F as the oil under test is selected, and its corresponding viscosity at 100F is read off. Let it beL. 12. By substituting the values in the formula the viscosity index of the given lubricating oil is found out. RESULT : Temperature dependence of viscosity of lubrication oil is determined by using Saybolt viscometer and is shown in graph on page. ____



Ex.No : 11 Date : AIM : To determine the drop point of grease and mechanical penetration in grease APPARATUS REQUIRED : 1. Drop point apparatus 2. Thermometer 3. Penetrometer 4. Stop watch DESCRIPTION : Drop Point: Drop point is the temperature at which the grease passes from the semi-solid to the liquid state. So this temperature determines the upper temperature limit of the applicability of the grease. Mechanical Penetration: Consistency or yield value is expressed in terms of penetration, which is defined as the distance in tenth of millimeter that a standard cone penetrates vertically into the sample, under the standard conditions of load, temperature and time. The value of load temperature and time are taken respectively as 150g, 25C and 5 seconds. Consistency of grease depends on the structure and interaction of the gelling elements in it and to some extent on the viscosity of oil used. The consistency is determined using penetrometer.


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