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Certainly, here are the answers to the questions and all the options:

1. One of the students **B) is** not following the instructions.

2. Musicians and performers **D) are** often the most appreciated artists.

3. She **A) reaches** the office at 9 am daily.

4. Neither you nor your sister should **A) talk** to them.

5. A large number of soldiers **A) ** died for the country. (Note: The correct option is missing. The
correct option should be "A large number of soldiers **D) have** died for the country.")

6. A lot of food choices **A) were** given.

7. My friend, a philosopher, and guide **B) is** going abroad.

8. Each of the winners **C) receives** a scholarship and trophy.

9. The police **B) were told** to be careful since the criminal was dangerous.

10. Each boy and girl **B) has** to attend the function.

Certainly, here are the correct answers with the phrasal verbs:

1. The manager was **D) called to** an explanation of his conduct.

2. The prisoner **C) broke away** from his guards.

3. We should **B) abide by** the traffic rules.

4. The whole program was **A) set up** by them.

5. The judges will **B) hold out** to their decision for a while.

6. The convention was **A) called off** due to the pandemic.

7. It’s a bad habit to **C) makeup** lies about things that you know are wrong; no one will believe

8. Many things around us have begun to change so quickly that we cannot **B) keep up with** them

9. The secret information was **D) held back** from me.

10. You are unable to **A) make out** the meaning of this passage.
Sure, here are the sentences changed into passive voice:

1. Beautiful songs are sung by her.

2. The students were being helped by the teacher.

3. My book was taken by someone.

4. The desk is being built by the carpenter.

5. The tree was cut down by the woodcutter.

6. This matter has been discussed by the man.

7. The glass was broken by the naughty boy.

8. Physics is taught by her.

9. The pets were being disturbed by them.

10. The field will be plowed by the farmer.

Certainly, here are the sentences changed into reported speech:

1. Arya said that she had been writing that letter.

2. She said that Sam was driving the car.

3. My uncle said that he had lost his money.

4. My brother said that he had to write the test.

5. The old lady asked the girl where she came from.

6. He said that he liked to play rugby.

7. The teacher told me not to disturb the class.

8. He enquired why he had brought it.

9. He asked if I had sold my bike.

10. The traffic police asked us where we were going.

**Report for College Magazine - Adopted Village Social Responsibility**

In pursuit of our commitment to social responsibility, our college has undertaken an inspiring
initiative by adopting a village. This noble endeavor entails regular educational programs where our
dedicated students impart knowledge to the village children. Through an array of thoughtfully
organized programs, we have embarked on a journey of knowledge-sharing and community

The programs conducted in the village have been meticulously designed to cater to various
educational needs. Our enthusiastic students, driven by a sense of purpose, engage with the village
children on a regular basis. These interactions encompass a diverse range of subjects, promoting
holistic development and fostering a love for learning among young minds.

From interactive storytelling sessions that ignite imagination to hands-on science experiments that
spark curiosity, our students strive to create engaging learning experiences. Additionally, workshops
on vital life skills, environmental awareness, and health education are conducted to empower the
children with knowledge that transcends conventional academics.

Furthermore, our college has taken the initiative to provide essential educational resources to the
village school. These resources include books, stationery, and learning aids that supplement the
students' academic journey.

In conclusion, our college's adoption of the village has not only enriched the lives of the children but
has also nurtured a sense of social responsibility among our student body. As we continue to
organize and partake in these programs, we hope to witness the transformative power of education
in bridging gaps and creating a brighter future for all.

**Formal Letter to the Mayor - Seeking Solution to Water Logging**

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


[Mayor's Name]

[Office of the Mayor]

[City Hall Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Seeking Urgent Solution to Water Logging Issue

Dear Mayor [Mayor's Last Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing as a concerned resident of
[Your Area], regarding a persisting issue that demands immediate attention - the problem of water
logging. Our community has been grappling with this issue for an extended period, and it is causing
significant inconveniences and disruptions to our daily lives.

The recurring episodes of water logging, particularly during the monsoon season, have resulted in
not only damaged infrastructure but also health and safety hazards for our residents. The stagnant
water has become a breeding ground for pests and mosquitoes, leading to an increased risk of
diseases. Additionally, the water logging obstructs roadways and affects the smooth flow of traffic,
causing avoidable delays and public frustration.

As a concerned citizen, I humbly urge the city administration, under your esteemed leadership, to
take swift and effective measures to address this issue. Comprehensive drainage systems, regular
maintenance, and appropriate urban planning are essential to mitigate the problem of water logging.
By investing in sustainable solutions, we can ensure the safety, health, and overall well-being of our
community members.

I kindly request your urgent intervention in this matter and would greatly appreciate updates on the
steps being taken to rectify the situation. Our collective efforts can pave the way for a more livable
and resilient city that prioritizes the needs and concerns of its citizens.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I remain hopeful for a positive response and eagerly
await news of progress on this matter.


[Your Signature]

[Your Typed Name]

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