Lesson 1234 Sy 2021 2022

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This lesson is very important in ensuring healthy seedlings growth and for a good
harvest. It is all about how to prepare the seed bed, how to sow seeds, and take care of
seedlings. You will learn these within twelve days.


At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

1. prepare seed bed, sow seeds and care for rice seedlings;
2. sow seeds in wet and dry seed bed;
3. practice proper care and management of rice seedlings; and
4. internalize the relevance of proper seedbed preparation, sowing and care
of seedlings.

In rice farming, it is very important to know the varieties your neighbor will be
planting, as well as their expected date of sowing. This will give you the best idea when
to sow your seeds to have almost a uniform date of harvesting, and for a more
convenient transport of farm equipment and harvest.

Once you have identified the best variety of rice suited to the climatic conditions
of the locality which is high yielding and with high quality of harvest, you must decide
on the method of raising seedlings you will use based on the availability of water. The
following points should be considered:

1. Select a site far from the residential area and away from wandering chicken. If
not, protect the area against stray animals with a nylon net or chicken wire.

2. The site must have undergone soil analysis to be able to correct soil deficiency
and to ensure healthy seed growth.

3. Make sure it is far from fields infected with tungro, grassy stunt, and other
diseases. It should not be lighted at night to avoid attracting adult stem borers,
brown plant hoppers, and green leaf hoppers.

4. Monitor fields nearby to detect the presence of virus-infected plants particularly

from ratoon of previous crop.

5. Protect against insect vectors. If there is an abnormally high incidence of virus

infestation in the area, look for better site.

Methods of Raising Seedlings

1. Wetbed Method

Seedlings raised in wetbed method

Photo Courtesy of Mr. Efrelito Jay M. Guittap, Faculty, College of Agriculture, CLSU

The wetbed method is widely used in areas where water abounds, even in
rainfed areas and in the second/dry cropping season. It is usually done 25-30 days
before transplanting. The steps in the wet-bed method are:

a. Plow and harrow the field a day before sowing of seeds. Then prepare
seed bed plots of any convenient length, approximately 1-1.5 meter wide.
Do this in 1 to 2 days. While harrowing, allow water to flow out of the bed
for some time. This will allow the weed seeds to be carried out thus
leaving lesser weeds to grow in the seedbed.
b. Use mud around to raise the seedbed to about 4-5 cm. higher than the
original soil level. Level the bed and slightly incline to the side using a
wooden plank. This will facilitate irrigation and drainage, and to ensure
uniform growth of the seedlings.
c. Incorporate carbonized rice hull or organic materials on bed for easier
pulling of seedlings later.
d. Use a plot of about 400-500 sq. meters to sow 44 kg. of inbred seeds and
20 kg. for hybrid seeds (adjust seed bulk based on actual % of
germination) for a one-hectare field .
e. For seedbeds with poor soil, apply 60-100 grams of nitrogen fertilizer
before sowing. Then sow seeds uniformly.

Incubating the Seeds

1. Put the seeds in a container filled with water for 24 hours. Stir the water in the
container while pouring seeds to allow the empty ones to float thereby
separating them from the good ones.

Photo Courtesy of Mr. Efrelito Jay M. Guittap, Faculty, College of Agriculture, CLSU

2. After 24 hours of soaking, transfer the seeds in sacks. Half fill the sacks with
seeds for easier germination.

3. After soaking and putting in a half- filled sack, incubate the seeds in a warm and
shady place for 36-48 hours. Moisten the seeds regularly by sprinkling with water
to speed up germination.

Photo Courtesy of Mr. Efrelito Jay M. Guittap, Faculty, College of Agriculture, CLSU

Sowing the pre-germinated seeds

After the seeds have germinated, they are broadcasted uniformly on the surface
of the seedbed. Avoid sowing too thickly to ensure healthy seedling growth. Too dense
sowing will result in thin and weak stems.

Courtesy of Mr. Efrelito Jay M. Guittap, Faculty ,College of Agriculture, CLSU

Care and maintenance of the Seedlings

After sowing, the pre-germinated seeds should be submerged in water overnight.

Drain them the following day to ensure uniform germination.

Start shallow irrigation 2-3 cm depth within 3-5 days after sowing. Then apply
nitrogen fertilizer at the rate of 5 kgs per 40-50 sq m seedbed. Continue irrigation, by
gradually increasing the water depth to 5 cm. As a rule of thumb, you have to visit your
seedbed always to detect occurrence of insect pests and diseases. Upon detection,
immediately spray with appropriate insecticide or fungicide, following the rate
recommended by the manufacturer. Transplant the seedlings using the following guide:
16 - 18 days old for the early maturing varieties harvestable after 116 days, and 20 - 25
days old for varieties that are harvestable after 126 days or more.

2. Dapog Method

Photo Courtesy of Mr. Efrelito Jay M. Guittap, Faculty, College of Agriculture, CLSU

This method is used in irrigated land with a well-managed and controlled
irrigation system. It is characterized by the absence of the soil medium, restricted area
(40 sqm/ha.) and early transplanting.

Preparation of Seedbed

1. Construct seedbed the same way as the wetbed method.

2. Cover the bed with banana leaves Remove the midrib, plastic sheets or heavy
coarse paper to prevent the roots of the seedlings from getting in contact with the
seedbed underneath and to facilitate separation of seedlings.
3. Surround the seedbed with bamboo slats or banana stems held in place with a

Pre-germination of seeds

1. Soak and incubate the same way as in wetbed.

2. Sow seeds uniformly at the rate of one cavan (44 kg) per 40 square meters. You
will need 1 ½ cavan (66 kg) seeds for one hectare field. Adjust seedbulk based
on the percentage of germination of the seeds.
3. Keep lining the roots in contact with the banana leaves or plastic to prevent the
seedlings from drying.
4. Press the seedbed lightly using a wooden board every morning and afternoon for
3 - 4 days.

Care and maintenance of the seedlings

Water the dapog seedlings every morning and afternoon, using water sprinkler
until the seedlings are ready for transplanting. Seedlings will be ready for transplanting,
10-12 days after sowing. Instead of pulling the young plants, cut into one square foot or
to any convenient size, then roll each piece.

Control of insect pests and diseases will be done following the same procedure
in the production of seedlings in seedbed method.


The farmer’s decision on the method to use in raising seedlings depends on the
availability of water. However, wetbed method is widely used in areas where water

Production of healthy seedlings require utmost care, to ensure healthy plant

growth and high production.


Form a group to perform the following activities in an identified area.
1. Prepare a 3m x 1m seed bed.
2. Germinate seeds just enough for the area.
3. Demonstrate proper sowing.
4. Discuss how to take care of your seedlings.

Assign an observer group to fill up the rubric for scoring on the table below to
determine how good the work group manage their activity, and vice-versa.

A. Seedbed preparation

1 2 3 4 5
1. Cleared the area
2. Prepared seedbed about 4-5 cm
3. Leveled the seedbed surface
4. Selected the proper site for seedbed
5. Sowed seeds uniformly with the right

B. Care of seedlings
1 2 3 4 5
1. Visited the seedbed at least once
2. Sprayed insecticides when there was
occurrence of insect pests
3. Collected golden apple snail (GAS) eggs
4. Removed weeds
5. Applied irrigation water at recommended

1 = 75-79% 2 = 80-85% 3 = 86-90% 4 = 91-95% 5 = 96-100%



Present and discuss to the class the findings of the observer’s group performed
in the activity above. Prepare a plan of action on how to improve one’s performance in
doing the same task.


Activity #3

Using the experiences gained from the above activities, and enriched by
extensive readings on the topic, present to the class a discussion paper on the best
method of raising seedlings for rice production both in irrigated and rainfed field

Direction: Choose the correct answer and write the letter on your quiz notebook.

1. The ideal size intended for raising seedlings using seedbed method is
a. 1-1.5 m wide with any convenient length. c. 4m x 2m only.
b. 1-1.5 m wide x 10 m. d. 5m x 5m.
2. The recommended soaking time for rice seeds before sowing the seedbed
a. 20-22 hours. c. 28-30 hours.
b. 24 hours. d. 36-48 hours.

3. How many hours of soaking will it take to incubate seeds before sowing in the
a. 36 to 48 b. 40 to 48 c. 46 to 50 d. 48 to 72

4. Five days after sowing, the seedbed is irrigated for two days at a depth of
a. 1-2 centimeter. c. 3-4 centimeters.
b. 2-3 centimeters. d. 4-5 centimeters.

5. Rudy wanted to produce healthy seedlings in his rice farm How many times in a
week should he visit the young plants?
a. Only once b. Twice c. 3 times d. 4 times

6. Which among the following methods of raising rice seedlings is more

a. Dapog b. Dry bed c. Seed bed d.
Seed box

7. How much nitrogen should be applied per square meter in a seed bed with poor
a. 50 to 80 grams c. 60 to 100 grams
b. 55 to 85 grams d. 100 to 125 grams

8. What is the average seeding rate of seeds sown using the dapog seedbed
a. 22 kg b. 33 kg c. 44 kg d. 66 kg

9. What is the recommended age of seedlings for transplanting of late maturing rice
varieties that are harvestable in 126 after sowing?
a. 12 - 15 days c. 18 - 20 days
b. 16 - 18 days d. 20 - 25 days

10. Which of the following methods of raising seedlings work best in areas where
water is sufficiently available?
a. Wetbed b. Seed box c. Dry bed d. Dapog


1. area for the seed bed 6. draft carabao/hand tractor

2. seeds 7. shovel
3. bolo 8. fertilizer
4. plow and harrow if needed 9. PPE
5. plunks 10. Insecticides


Seedbed – a well-prepared plot where seeds are sown

Dapog method – a method of raising rice seedlings characterized by the

absence of soil medium

Fertilizer –any substance which is added to the soil to supply the nutrients
needed to enhance plant growth.


Photo, Courtesy of Dr. Pedrito S. Nitural, Faculty, College of Agriculture, CLSU


Just like any other crop, raising rice seedlings needs extra care during planting
and transplanting. This lesson discusses the steps in pulling seedlings, the system of
transplanting, and direct seeding. You will these within twelve days.


At the end of the lesson you should be able to:

1. discuss the steps in pulling and bundling seedlings;
2. pull and bundle seedlings appropriately;
3. transplant seedlings following the recommended distance , depth, and rate of
planting; and
4. state the advantages of direct seeding.


Proper Way of Pulling Seedlings

Hand pulling of seedlings Pulling

seedlings with the use of scythe
Photo Courtesy of Pedrito S. Nitural,
Faculty, College of Agriculture, CLSU

1. Irrigate the seedbed

overnight to a depth of at least 3-
5 centimeters
to soften the soil and facilitate pulling
of seedlings
2. Hold the seedlings close to the
base and gently pull them.
3. Another method is to use a scythe to cut through the soil half inch below the
stem, This method is faster, and avoids stress and damage to the stem while
ensuring that adequate roots of the seedlings are retained.
4. Bundle them in any convenient size for ease of handling.

Seedlings raised through dapog method are prepared following the steps below.

1. Cut the bed into convenient size of at least one square foot and roll each piece.
Do not prune the seedlings.
2. Roll the matted dapog seedlings.
3. Tie the rolled seedlings.

Pulling and Transplanting of Seedlings

Pulling of seedlings will be done one day before transplanting. According to the
CBLM year 3, early maturing rice varieties that can be harvested from 110 to 115 days
after transplanting will be transplanted from 16 to18 days after sowing. However, late
maturing varieties will be transplanted from 20 to 25 days after sowing.

Proper Transplanting of Seedlings

Right after the final harrowing, level the field using a wooden plank attached to a
harrow. Then allow the mud to subside. With the aid of a wooden planting guide prepare
lines by pulling on the leveled field. These lines will serve as guides in transplanting at
a uniform p distance of planting. An example is 20 cm x 20 cm or any desired distance
depending on the variety. This is to allow the plant to attain its maximum tillering and it
also facilitates weed control later, using a rotary weeder.

Photo Courtesy of Pedrito S. Nitural, Faculty, College of Agriculture, CLSU

1. Straight row planting. Seedlings are transplanted in straight rows where definite
spacing is maintained between plants.

Straight row planting enhances the attainment of an optimum plant

population and it facilitates the application of fertilizer and weeding operations
using a rotary weeder.

Use guides or markers to attain straight rows. Hold the seedlings in

between the thumb and the first and second finger and insert these gently into
the soil. Plant seedlings in spots indicated by the guides or markers.

After planting a row, move backward to the next row and resume planting.
Handle seedlings carefully before transplanting to avoid injury. In case there is a
delay in transplanting, it is suggested to increase the number of seedlings per hill
by one for each day that transplanting is delayed. This compensates the reduced
tillering capacity once the seedlings get older due to transplanting delay.

For inbred varieties of rice, transplant 2-3 seedlings per hill and 1-2
seedlings for the hybrid varieties at a depth of 2-3 centimeters. Transplant early
maturing varieties 16-20 days after sowing while medium maturing ones at 16-30
days after sowing.

If transplanting is delayed up to 30 days for early maturing and 35 days
for medium maturing varieties, increase the seedling rate to 5 – 8 seedlings per

For highland rice culture, cold tolerant traditional varieties are transplanted
30 – 45 days at a distance of 15 cm x 20 cm with 2 – 3 seedlings per hill

Proper way of holding seedling to transplant Random transplanting

Photo Courtesy of Mr. Efrelito Jay M. Guittap, Faculty, College of Agriculture, CLSU

1. Random transplanting. This method of transplanting has no specific distance in

planting. However, planters tend to plant too close or too far which sometimes
adversely affect the potential yield of the variety and the use of rotary weeder.
This method is faster but it requires use of more seeds (66 to 68 kg/ha.). It is
economical, however, because it does not entail high cost of labor.

Seedlings raised in dapog method should be transplanted 4 - 7 seedlings per hill

using the straight row or random planting method.

After planting, place extra seedlings along the alleyways of the field to be used for
replanting 3-5 days after transplanting.

Direct Seeding

This method could be done in irrigated and dry rainfed planting. Direct seeding in
puddled soil is recommended in areas where irrigation facilities are costly, scarce, and
just rely on rain.

For land preparation, follow the procedure in preparing irrigated field for
transplanting. Follow the procedure in pre-germinating the seeds. Broadcast 80-100
kg/ha of pre-germinated rice seeds in well-prepared and leveled paddies. A new
technology has been introduced with the use of a drum seeder. The drum seeder
regulates the distance of planting and the number of seeds per hill. For upland or
rainfed areas, pre-germinated seeds are drilled in rows or in furrows at the rate of 2-3
seeds/hill at a distance of 20-30 centimeters. Drain the field the following day to
facilitate uniform germination of seeds.

Direct seeding with the use of drum seeder.
Photo Courtesy of Dr. Pedrito S. Nitural, Faculty, College of Agriculture, CLSU

Direct seeding of pre-germinated seeds using the drum seeder saves seeds and
facilitates mechanical weeding. Drum seeder regulates plant distance with fairly low rate
of seeds at 50-100 kg per hectare.

A mechanical seeder
Photo Courtesy of Dr. Pedrito S. Nitural, Faculty, College of Agriculture, CLSU

For rainfed rice planting, seeds are planted by means of mechanical seeder seen in
the figure above. Another method is by dibbling or drilling.
 Dibbling. Seeds are dibbled in straight rows at 15 cm x 15 cm to 25 cm x 25 cm.
with 5 - 8 seeds per hill.
 Drilling. Seeds are planted in furrows made by plow with the same distance and
rate of seeding as in dibbling.


 A day before transplanting, pull seedlings carefully to minimize seedling damage.

 Clean and bundle seedlings for ease of transporting.
 Random transplanting has no definite distance and alignment between plants
while straight row planting has uniform distance and spaces.
 Direct seeding can be done by broadcasting or with the use of a drum seeder or
mechanical seeder. It requires less labor in planting.


Activity #1

1. Divide the class into two groups. The first group will pull seedlings while the
second group will transplant seedlings.
2. Demonstrate direct seeding by broadcast system.

The teacher will fill up the rubrics based on student performance in the activities to find
out their learned skills.

Hold Pull Clean and Follow proper
Name of students seedlings seedling bundle distance and
close to gently seedlings rate of

ground planting
1 = 75-79% 2 = 80-85% 3 = 86-90% 4 = 91-95% 5 = 96-100%



Watch a video presentation of new technologies in transplanting rice seedling like

the use of a transplanting machine. Brainstorm on the advantages and disadvantages of
mechanical seeder over the manual transplanting method. Emphasize on the positive
impact of farm mechanization in boosting production.



Organize a small farmer learning cell and act as an agent of change in the
community. Demonstrate the use of transplanter and seeder technologies in the locality.
Each student should have at least five farmer- learners/cooperators.


A. Answer the following test items. Write the letter of your choice in your quiz

1. The random system of transplanting

a. provides enough space for growing plant.
b. makes weeding using rotary weeder difficult.
c. makes hand pulling of weeds difficult.
d. causes overcrowding of plants.

2. What is the average number of transplanted seedlings per hill?

a. 2-3 seedlings c. 4-5 seedlings
b. 3-4 seedlings d. 6-7 seedlings

3. What should be considered in straight row system of transplanting rice?

a. Its variety, season, and fertility of the soil
b. The provision of enough space for photosynthesis
c. Its spacing of the plant for easy weeding
d. The harvesting of rice plants during the maturity period

4. What is the average rate of transplanting for hybrid seedlings per hill?
a. 1 – 2 b. 3 – 6 c. 4 - 7 d. 7 - 10
5. When is the right time to replant missing hills after transplanting?
a. 3 – 5 days after planting c. 7 – 9 days after planting
b. 5 - 7 days after planting d. 10 – 12 days after planting
B. Answer the following:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of direct seeding?

2. How and when do you pull seedlings for transplanting?


1. references
2. seedlings raised in seed bed
3. pre-germinated seeds
4. string (planting guide)
5. dibbler


Random planting - a system of planting with no definite distance or alignment

usually done by contract

Straight row planting - a system of planting with specific distance and spacing

Transplanting - means to plant the seedlings from the seed bed to the paddies

Dibbler - a small pointer tool used for making holes in the soil for planting

Dibbling - the process of preparing the holes in the field for planting of seeds or
seedlings using a dibbler..

Mechanical seeder- a machine used in direct seeding of pre-germinated seeds

in either lowland or upland field condition.

Drum seeder- an equipment used for direct seeding of pre-germinated seeds,

either lowland or upland field condition.


Photo Courtesy of Dr. Pedrito S. Nitural, Faculty, College of Agriculture, CLSU


This lesson will equip you with the knowledge on the macro and micro elements of the
soil and their functions, the kinds of fertilizer materials, and amount of fertilizer to apply,
methods of applying fertilizer, and the time to apply it. You will learn these within thirteen days.


At the end of the lesson you should be able to:

1. identify the macro and micro elements needed by the plants;

2. state the functions of each macro element;
3. enumerate the kinds of fertilizer materials;
4. apply fertilizer appropriately;
5. compute the recommended rate of fertilizer per given area;
6. appreciate the value of proper fertilization.


Proper application of fertilizer will give you more returns from your rice crop at less cost.
For maximum returns, fertilizer should be applied at the right amount, place, and at the time the
crop needs it. Indiscriminate application of fertilizer will result in plant over growth which will
make the plant susceptible to pests and diseases causing it to be less productive.

The result of the soil analysis explained and discussed in Lesson 2 should be the basis
in determining the right amount of fertilizer to be applied.

The assigned Municipal Agricultural Officer in your locality could be tapped to provide
assistance in case the soil intended for rice production has not been analyzed.

In the absence of soil analysis, refer to any available Fertilizer Recommendation Maps in
your locality. Follow the average general recommendation and time of application.

The Macro and Micro Elements of the Soil and their Functions

According to the CBLM Year 3 there are 10 essential plant foods needed for the
development of any crop. However, only three are usually taken from the soil, air and water in
sufficient amount. These are the macro elements: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P2O5) and
potassium (K2O) or NPK. The micro elements are sulfur, zinc, molybdenum, copper, boron,
manganese, and magnesium. The functions of the macro elements, signs and symptoms of
deficiency, and sources are identified below:
Nitrogen (N)

 Stimulates growth of the leaves and stems
 It gives dark green color to plant

Deficiency symptoms:
 Pale yellow in color
 Lower leaves will die early
 Short and stunted plant
Excess of nitrogen causes the plant to lodge before booting which will cause
decrease in the yield of rice. If you observe the plants to be dark green it is already
prone to lodging. Do not apply nitrogenous fertilizer anymore.

Sources of Nitrogen
1. Ammonium sulfate (21 – 0 – 0)
2. Ammonium phosphate (16 – 20 – 0)
3. Urea (46 – 0 – 0)
4. Organic fertilizer
5. Liquid fertilizer

Phosphorous (P)
1. Encourages root growth
2. Hastens maturity of the plant
3. Helps in the production of seeds

Deficiency symptoms:
 Not enough tillers per hill

1. Superphosphate (0-20-0)
2. Ammonium phosphate(16-20-0)
3. Triphosphate(0-45-0)
4. Complete fertilizer (14-14-14)
5. Liquid fertilizer
6. Organic fertilizer

Potassium (K)
1. Increases the vigor of the plant.
2. Plant becomes more resistant to disease.
3. Stalks become stronger.
4. Grains become bigger and plump.

Deficiency symptoms:
 Plant growth, root development, and seed development are usually reduced.

1. Muriate of potash (0-0-60)
2. Complete fertilizer (14 – 14 – 14)

Proper Storing of Fertilizers

Although fertilizers are not highly poisonous chemicals, always keep them out of reach
of children and away from the supply of foods. Store fertilizers in a dry and cool place. They
should be protected from moist and rain. Do not allow the fertilizer bags to touch the cement
floors to prevent caking due to accumulation of moisture.

Kinds of Fertilizer

There are two kinds of fertilizers: organic and inorganic.

1. Organic fertilizer refers to the fertilizer that comes from decayed plant and animal
residues such as:

a. Animal manure. Animal manures are especially valuable in crop production.

In addition as plant food, they supply large amounts of organic matter to the
soil. The composition depends chiefly on the kind of manure and the
condition of their storage. Well-decomposed manure is better than fresh.
These are main components in composting and vermi-composting.

Average Chemical Composition of Manures

Manure Type Moisture% Composition %
N P K Ca Mg
Cattle Fresh 79.9 2.06 0.66 0.77 0.7 0.16
Decomposed 71.4 2.41 0.75 0.88 0 0.12
Carabao Fresh 71.0 1.22 0.85 0.79 0.1 0.09
Decomposed 67.8 1.09 0.82 0.70 5 -
Swine Fresh 73.8 2.76 2.64 1.47 1.2 0.09
Decomposed 70.5 2.11 2.41 0.97 6 0.04
Poultry Fresh 82.2 3.17 3.25 2.35 0.5 0.25
Decomposed 44.6 3.17 3.29 2.41 2 0.37
Source: THE III, SEDP Series

Preparing soil mixture using organic fertilizer as one of the component

Courtesy of Pedrito S. Nitural, Faculty ,College of Agriculture, CLSU

b. Green manures are green growing plants that are plowed under. Leguminous
plants are mainly used for this purpose due to their capacity to produce
nutrients in their root nodules. Upon decomposition, nutrients become available
to new crops grown in the area. Green manure supplies the crop its needed
nutrients like nitrogen and others.

c. Compost is an organic material consisting of very fine, thoroughly decomposed

mixture of manure, plant parts, and other organic matter. It contains mineral
elements needed for plant growth. It is prepared by piling up animal manure,
soil, crop residues, lime or wood ashes. It could also be produced through
vermi-composting using African night crawlers (ANC) worms which produce
cast which is a very good source of organic material.

2. Inorganic Fertilizer. These are the commercial fertilizers. They are concentrated
form of plant food which maybe complete or incomplete. A complete fertilizer
contains all the three macro elements (NPK). An incomplete fertilizer contains only
one or two of these elements – N, P or K.

Inorganic fertilizers are classified according to the number of fertilizer elements

a. Single element fertilizers. These contain only one element. Examples:

Ammonium sulphate(21-0-0)
Urea (46-0-0)
Ordinary superphosphate (20-0-0)
Muriate of potash (0-0-60)

b. Incomplete fertilizers. These fertilizers contain only two fertilizer

elements. Examples:
Mono-ammonium phosphate (21-53-0) (18-46-0) and
(16-20-0) (11-18-0)

c. Complete Fertilizers. These contain all three major elements, N,P,K in

percentages indicated respectively by the three numerals .Examples:
12-12-12, 14-14-14, 12-24-12, 10-25-25, 5-10-16

All the commercial fertilizers are manufactured to meet the demands of different crops
and different soil types. They provide the plants with ready concentrated amount of nutrients for
plant growth, the same elements found in an organic fertilizer but greater in percentage. But its
excessive use results in depleted organic matter and losses in soil friability and its ability to
resist drought. Commercial fertilizers should be supplements but never as replacements for
compost and manures. It will be best to use a combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers to
be able to preserve and improve the quality of the soil.

According to the Palay Check Program of PhilRice, here is the recommended rate of
application of fertilizers based on the identified deficiencies. It will be better if you will still follow
your computed rate of fertilizer application based on the result of the soil analysis.

Deficiencies Irrigated Rain fed

First application: First application:

P and K are not deficient
3-3.5 bags 14-14-14-12S 4-4.5 bags 14-14-14-12S
For fine-textured soil: For fine-textured soil:
First application: First application:
3-3.5 bags 14-14-14-12S + 4-4.5 bags 14-14-14-12S +
0.5 bag 16-20-0 + 0.5 bag 1 bag 16-20-0 + 1 bag 0-0-
0-0-60 60

P and K are deficient For medium-textured soil: For medium-textured soil:

First application: First application:
3.5 bags 14-14-14-12S + 4.5 bags 14-14-14-12S +
0.5 bag 16-20-0 1 bag 16-20-0

0.5 bag 0-0-60 1 bag 0-0-60
First application: First application:
Only P is deficient 3-3.5 bags 14-14-14-12S + 4-4.5 bags 14-14-14-12S +
0.5 16-20-0 1 bag 16-20-0
Only K is deficient For fine-textured soil: For fine-textured soil:
First application: First application:
3-3.5 bags 14-14-14-12S + 4-4.5 bags 14-14-14-12S +
0.5 bag 0-0-60 1 bag 0-0-60

For medium-textured soil: For medium-textured soil:

First application: First application:
3.5 bags 14-14-14-12S + 4.5 bags 14-14-14-12S +
0.5 bag 0-0-60 0.5 bag 0-0-60

0.5 bag 0-0-60 1 bag 0-0-60


1. Basal Application. Right before the last harrowing, one or two days before
transplanting, drain all water from the field and apply 1/2 of the recommended
nitrogen (N), all the phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) depending on the variety
used and the age of seedlings when transplanted. It will be best to use a combination
of organic and inorganic fertilizers in the basal application using 10 bags of organic
fertilizer per hectare together with the ½ recommended rate of inorganic fertilizer

2. Top dress. Timely application of top dress fertilizer is very important to supply the
needed nutrients for healthy and long panicle. Apply or broadcast the remaining
nitrogen 5 – 7 days before panicle initiation or 70 – 72 days before maturity.

Photo Courtesy of Mr. Roger C. Nazareno, Farmer, San Pedro Apartado Multi-Purpose
Cooperative, Pangasinan

3. Foliar Application. Different brands of foliar fertilizer have different composition but
the method and timing of application are the same. Start application 45 days after
transplanting at 10 – 14 days interval. Refer to the table below for the direction.

Crop Fertilizer Time of application Interval Rate

day Tbs/16 l
Crop Giant (Orange Early in the morning or 10 – 14 4- 6
level) 15 – 15 – 30 + late in the afternoon.
ME Start application 45
days after transplanting
Foliar Plus Apply 15 days after 4 x / 15 6-8
15 – 15 – 30 + ME transplanting days

Proper Timing of Top Dressing In Rice

Sufficient nutrients from tillering to early panicle initiation and flowering stages will result
to good crop growth, good panicle development, and attainment of the yield potential of a given

18 – 21 days TRANSPLANTED
Panicle initiation (DAYS) 25 – 28 days
VEM (100 – 105)
IR -56, IR-58
IR – 36, IR – 60,
BPI R; 10
UPL R, -4 48 – 56
MM (115 – 130)
IR – 42, IR – 64
BPI R; 4,

IR – 46, IR – 52 58 – 66 48 -56
MM (120 – 130)
C – 22 58 -66 48 – 56
Wagwag 75 - 80
Legend: VEM = Very early maturity MM = Moderate Maturity

Correct Amount of Fertilizer to be Applied

In computing the right amount of fertilizers to be applied in a given area, make use of the
result of soil analysis and the recommended rate of application of fertilizers. It requires the
ability to compute for the fertilizer need in a given crop per unit area. One way of expressing
fertilizer rate is by kilogram nitrogen (N) phosphoric acid (P2O5) and kilogram soluble potassium
(K2O) per hectare. Another way is by bags of the fertilizer material per hectare. For farmers it is
advisable to use the latter but for extension men, the former is used to facilitate communication.

The amount of fertilizer to be applied per hectare to supply a certain amount of plant
nutrient depends on the recommended rate and composition of the fertilizer material to be used.

Fertilizer Computation Formula:

Formula # 1

Weight of fertilizer material = Recommended rate x 100

% nutrient of the fertilizer material

Formula # 2

Number of fertilizer bags = Weight of nutrient

Weight of nutrient per bag

Sample Problems and Computations

The recommended rate is given in the form of NPK. Calculate the number of kilograms
of ammonium sulfate (21% N or 21–0–0) or Urea (45-0-0), super phosphate (20% P 2O5 or 0–
20–0) and muriate of potash (60% K2O or 0–0–60) to meet the 100–70–40 fertilizer

Example # 1
The recommended rate for Nitrogen is 100–0–0/ha. Convert the weight of fertilizer using
the formula:

Weight of fertilizer material = Recommended rate x 100

% nutrient of the fertilizer material

Step1. Determine the kind of fertilizer to use to meet the N recommended rate. The
recommendations could be supplied with ammonium sulfate (21 – 0 - ) or urea (46 – 0 –
0). If you use urea:

= 100 kg x 100
= 100 kg
= 217.39 kg

Step 2. Convert the computed weight of fertilizer material into number of bags by
dividing it with 50 kg which is the commercial weight per bag of the fertilizer material.

= 217.39 kg
50 kg/bag

= 4.35 or 4.4 bags

Therefore, approximately 4.4 bags of urea per hectare are needed to supply the
fertilizer recommended rate of 100-0-0.

Example # 2
Step 1. Determine the amount of fertilizer to use to meet the recommended rate for
phosphorous 0-70-0. The recommendations could be supplied with super phosphate (0
–20 -0 ):

= 70 kg x 100
= 70 kg or 3.5 x 100
= 350 kg

Step 2. Convert the computed weight of fertilizer material into number of bags by
dividing it with 50 kg which is the commercial weight per bag of the fertilizer material.

= 350 kg
50 kg/bag
= 7 bags

Therefore, a total of 7 bags per hectare are needed to supply the fertilizer
recommended rate of 0-70-0.

Example # 3
Step 1. Determine the amount of fertilizer to use to meet the recommended rate for
potassium 0-0-40. The recommendations could be supplied with muriate of potash (0- 0-
60 ):

= 40 kg x 100
= 40 kg or 0.6666 x 100
= 66.67 kg

Step 2. Convert the computed weight of fertilizer material into number of bags by
dividing it with 50 kg which is the commercial weight per bag of the fertilizer material.

= 66.67 kg
50 kg/bag
= 1.33bags

Therefore, approximately 1.33 bags per hectare are needed to supply the
fertilizer recommended rate of 0-0-60.

Example # 4

The fertilizer recommendation for a given area is 80–50-0 per hectare. Compute the kind
and amount of fertilizer needed to meet the requirement.

Step 1. Determine the fertilizer to be used. The recommendation could be supplied by:

ammonium phosphate (16–20-0) and urea (46–0–0) or ammonium sulfate (21-0–

0) or urea (46–0–0) and ordinary phosphate (0–16–0) or superphosphate (0–20–

Step 2. If you use two single element fertilizers follow the same sequence as example 1.
If ammonium phosphate is to be used (16–20-0) or superphosphate (0-20-0)

Step 3. Determine the weight of the fertilizer with the formula:

Weight of fertilizer material= Recommended rate x 100
% nutrient of the fertilizer material

= 50 kg x 100
= 30 kg
= 250 kg

Step 4. Change into number of bags by dividing with 50 kg/bag.

= 250 kg
50 kg/ha
= 5 bags

Step 5. Find the nutrient weight of nitrogen. Since 16–20–0 has 16% nitrogen and 20%
phosphorus 250 kilograms 16–20–0 contains 25 kg N and 30 kg phosphorus.

Therefore, 250 kg of 16–20–0 will supply 40–50–0 nutrient weight.

Step 6. Subtract the nutrient weight in step 5 from the recommendation rate.
80 – 50 – 0
- 40 – 50 – 0
40 – 0 – 0

Step 7. Suppose urea is available, compute for the remaining nutrient.

= 40 kg x 100
= 36 kg
= 86.96 kg

Step 8. Change the number of kilograms into bags per hectare.

= 86.96 kg
50 kg/bag
= 1.74 bags

Finally, 5 bags of ammonium phosphate and 1.74 bags of urea are needed to
satisfy the recommendation.

Example # 5.

Suppose the fertilizer recommendation is 100–60–60 per hectare. In this case, you may
use complete fertilizer 14–14–14 and urea (46–0–0) to come up with the recommendation.

Step 1. Compute for the smaller content first which is 60 to determine the amount of
complete fertilizer needed to supply the requirement .

Weight of fertilizer material= Recommended rate x 100

% nutrient of the fertilizer material
= 60 kg x 100
= 60 kg
= 428.6 kg

Step 2. Convert the weight of fertilizer material into number of bags by dividing
the weight of fertilizer material per hectare by 50 kg.
= 428.6 kg

50 kg/ha
= 8.6 bags
Step 3. Since 14–14–14 contains 14% NPK equivalent to 60 kg determine the
remaining or lacking amount of nitrogen by subtracting the computed
weight from the recommended rate.
100 - 60 - 60
- 60 - 60 - 60
40 - 00 – 00

Step 4. Compute for the lacking amount of nitrogen using urea (46-0-0)
= 40 kg x 100
= 86.96 kg

Step 5. Convert the number of kilograms into bags/ha.

= 86.96.2 kg
50 kg/bag
= 1.74 bags

So you need 8.6 bags of 14–14–14 and 1.7 bags of urea to supply the
fertilizer recommendation per hectare.

 Oversupply of nutrients result to increased susceptibility of the crop to pests,
lodging, etc.
 Undersupply and untimely application slow down the growth of seedlings, lower
number of tillers, and lower grain weight.
 The macro elements are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK).
 The two kinds of fertilizers are the organic and inorganic.
 The methods of applying fertilizers are basal, top dress, and foliar .
 Fertilizer computation formulas:

Formula # 1
Weight of fertilizer material = Recommended rate x 100
% nutrient of the fertilizer material

Formula # 2
Number of fertilizer bags = Weight of nutrient
Weight of nutrient per bag

Solve these problems.
1. The fertilizer recommendation for rice crop planted in clay loam soil type is (45 –
0 – 0). Determine the amount of fertilizer needed to supply the recommended
rate if you use ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) and urea (46-0-0) to supply the

2. The fertilizer recommendation for clay soil is 40 – 20 – 0. Determine the kind and
amount of fertilizer needed to supply the recommended rate using ammonium
sulfate (21-0-0) as the source of (N) and ordinary superphosphate (0-20-0) as the
source of P2O5.



Research from the internet how to formulate soil nutrient booster, using materials
that can be sourced out from the locality. Present your output to the class for
deliberations. Once polished, each group should come up with their own sample output.

Conduct some field research on the possible combinations of different kinds and
amount of fertilizers to come up with the best yield result. Course the recommendations
to the farmer cooperators/learners for field trials to validate research results.

Compute what is being asked. Write your answers on your quiz notebook.

Mang Seve Dalaw, a traditional farmer was encouraged by the success stories
of farmers adopting the new technologies of farming. He had his farm analyzed for the
first time and came up with the recommended rate of fertilizer application of 95-65-
50.Find the number of bags needed using the following fertilizers:

Complete fertilizer 14-14-14

Ammonium phosphate 16-20-0
Urea 45-0-0

Fertilizer samples
a. Organic
b. Inorganic

Fertilizer – any substance added to the soil to supply the needed nutrient
elements for plant growth

Macro elements - substances or nutrients needed by plants in large quantities

Micro elements - substances or nutrients needed by plants in small quantities

Organic fertilizer - a fertilizer that comes from decomposed plant and animal

Inorganic fertilizer - a commercially prepared and in concentrated form of plant

food which may be complete or incomplete. It is complete when the three
macro elements are present (NPK); incomplete when one or two elements
are lacking

Fertilizer ratio - the relative percentage of N, P 2O5 and K2O in a fertilizer grade.
Example: 14–14-14 has a ratio of 1.1.1 NPK

Fertilizer recommendation - the recommended rate of fertilizer application

expressed in kilograms N,P and K per hectare
Example: 90–50–30 fertilizer recommendation indicates that in a certain kind of
soil you need to apply 90 kg N, 50 kg P2O5 and 30 kg K2O per hectare.

Fertilizer formula - the quantity and analysis of fertilizer materials which make
up a mixed fertilizer
Example: ammonium sulfate, urea, super phosphate and muriate of potash

Fertilizer grade - the minimum guarantee of the nutrient content in terms of
percent N, P and K.
Example: If urea is 46 percent N that means 46 kg of every 100 kg of the fertilizer
material (46%) is available N.



Water management is very essential in rice production. This lesson presents the
types of irrigation system, schedule of irrigation, water use and disposal and the six
stages of rice growth when the field is to be drained . You will learn these in thirteen


At the end of the lesson you should be able to
1. determine the right depth of water at a certain stage of plant growth;
2. irrigate and drain the field appropriately;
3. choose the appropriate method of irrigating the field; and
4. consider the importance of water in the management of lowland rice


Due to climate change, the supply of water is becoming scarce nowadays. The
extreme changes of weather conditions in the different regions of the country caused a
dramatic impact in rice production. Places with extreme rainfall experience flooding
while those with scarce rainfall face long drought. Both situations cause soil
degradation, resulting in loss of agricultural production.

Dams that hold water for irrigation purposes become destructive during rainy
season due to excessive supply of water, yet becomes inutile to supply water during
summer when it is needed most in the rice fields. Fanners turn to use of water pumps to
source out water from deep wells but the water level below is getting deeper each year
making it very expensive for fanners to sustain a profitable rice production.

Water is life. It is one of the most important factors in increasing production of our
staple food. It determines the availability of nutrients in the soil and control weeds.
Hence, efficient utilization and conservation of irrigation water are necessary.

Water insufficiency in any stage most especially during the vegetative and
reproductive growth stages is evident. It reduces plant height, tiller number, and yield.
Water is most critical from panicle initiation to grain development. Lack of water during
these stages leads to production of unfilled grains.


For efficient water management in irrigated rice production, take note of the
following desirable recommended water depth at different stages of growth:
a. After transplanting irrigate the puddied field with a depth of 2 - 3 centimeters.
b. Maintain this water depth from 3-5 D A T (Days After Transplanting), then
gradually increase the level up to 5 cm as the crop grows. Avoid deep
flooding to minimize percolation and seepage. Keep farm ditches well-shaped
and free of weeds to allow quick flow of irrigation water with minimum loss.
c. At tillering stage, keep water depth at 2 - 3 centimeters.

d. Maintain the water depth at 3-5 cm during panicle initiation stage.
e. At ripening stage, maintain deep inflow of water 20 days after flowering then
drain the field 2 - 3 weeks before harvesting.

FOR RAINFED AREAS construct bigger and higher dikes to impound more
water. It should be about 25 - 30 cm high to free it from rats, holes and breaks. Start
impounding water during the early stage of growth gradually increasing from 5 cm. to a
maximum of 15 cm as the crop becomes taller.

When there is abundant water supply, the field must be kept submerged for 3-5
days after transplanting. A depth of 2-3 cm is enough to get higher yield. But a depth of
5-10 cm helps control weeds. However, there are periods when the rice field has to be
drained for a specific purpose and water efficiency. These are:
1. during transplanting, for ease and more accurate distance and spacing of
2. during early stage of growth, to attain maximum tillering and to prevent late
tillers to come out for a uniform plant growth and development
3. during weeding, for easier control of weeds using a mechanical weeder
4. fertilizer application, for the plants to be able to absorb the maximum
nutrients from the applied fertilizers
5. maximum tillering stage, to attain uniform growth, and
6. two weeks before harvesting, to facilitate grain development and maturity
and for ease of harvesting and transport.

Draining the field during the maximum tillering stage prevents the emergence of
late tillers and the accumulation of toxic nitrogen which the plant needs. It is necessary
to let the water flow out of the rice field while the paddy is being drained. Water must be
channeled to other paddies that need it.

Types of Irrigation System

a. Reservoir type. A large dam or a small water impounding dam is constructed

across a stream of river where water is impounded for irrigation and for domestic
use. The flow of irrigation water is dependent on the selection of the methods of
water distribution to meet the water needs of the service area. The rotation
method is usually employed to ensure even distribution of available water supply
and to ensure that a wider area will be supplied with irrigation water.

b. The run-off-the-river type. In this method a controllable gate is constructed

along the river or stream. When water outlet is closed, water level rise which
could be diverted to the canals and laterals. The quantity of water entering the
main canal is regulated at the intake gate. The available water supply is
dependent on the elevation at the source. As a general rule, the supply is
proportionate to the height of the source and volume flowing from the source.
During periods of high flow when available supply becomes abundant, the
continuous method is usually practiced. When the supply is scarce, the rotational
method is employed.

c. Pumping type. This method makes use of a pump powered by an engine

installed to draw water from underground or open sources like rivers and lakes.
The available water supply is dependent upon the capacity of the pumps and the
water level. Energy is used to run the system, hence, higher operation expenses
are incurred. When using this type, never allow the rice paddies to dry and have
cracks, which will cause water seepage making irrigation more expensive.

Whatever type of irrigation is used, cooperation among farmers is to be practiced at
all times in order to implement the schedule of irrigation calendar for an efficient and
effective rotation method.

Irrigating the field using water pump, at the panicle initiation stage of rice where water
supply is very important.

Efficient Water Use and Disposal

To determine the right amount of water to use, consider the following:

1. Rice variety. You may need more water for the late maturing varieties
than early maturing varieties.
2. Season. Wet season crops need less water than dry season crops.
3. Types of soil. Clay or clay loam soil needs less water than light soil such
as sand.
4. Presence of weeds. Flooding the field always prevent the growth of

Water may be lost through the following processes:

1. Evaporation. It is the direct loss of water from the water surface or moist soil
surface. The amount of water that evaporates is influenced by high intensity
of sunlight, strong and dry wind, and high temperature. Second crop rice
production which is on time with the summer season needs more water to
sustain growth and yield.
2. Transpiration. It is the loss of water from the leaves. Transpiration is affected
by the weather condition. More water will be lost during dry season which
explains the need of constant irrigation.
3. Seepage. Water moves sideways within the soil. It may pass through the dike
or below the ground. This can be minimized if the dikes and levees are well-
4. Percolation. It is the downward flow of water. Its occurrence is high if the soil
is sandy, deep, and has a deep water table. Well-puddled rice paddies
minimize percolation and tend to hold water efficiently.


 The three systems of irrigation are:

1. reservoir type
2. run – off – the river or free flowing
3. pumping type

 The methods of water distribution are:
1. rotational
2. continuous method

 The factors to consider in determining the right amount of irrigation water to use
1. rice variety
2. season
3. type of soil
4. presence of weeds

 The six stages of rice growth when the rice field has to be drained:
1. during transplanting
2. early stage of growth
3. weeding
4. fertilizer application
5. maximum tillering stage
6. two weeks before harvesting

 Adequate water supply is needed to:

o facilitate land preparation especially leveling;
o ensure good crop establishment with faster root development;
o promote seedling vigor and normal crop growth and development with
minimal lodging; and
o facilitate better nutrient uptake with the right amount and timing of water.

 Efficient water management means

o Achieve 3-5 cm water depth every irrigation time from early tillering until
1-2 weeks before crop maturity or harvest.

A water depth of about 3-5 cm will be maintained from 10 DAT or 10-15

DAS to near crop maturity will ensure water status for optimum crop
growth and yield. However, under field conditions, irrigation water supply
may be insufficient to maintain a flooded soil condition or a certain surface
water depth. While a certain flood water depth can control weeds,
saturated soil condition at an early crop growth stage can reduce snail
mobility and damage.

 Stop irrigation one week before harvesting for medium textured soil and 2 weeks
before harvesting for fine textured soil.

This ensures sufficient moisture to complete grain filling and facilitates harvest
operations. This also helps ensure better grain appearance, i.e., grains will not
be splashed with mud and water.



Make a powerpoint presentation on effective and efficient water

management on rice production. Encourage fellow students’ interactions to
broaden your knowledge.



Access the website of the different agencies and companies engaged in

rice research. Study and compare their water management technologies. Select
one which you believe is best suited to the community and present it in class.



As an offshoot of your research papers that you had presented in the

class, demonstrate the technology selected in the assigned area in the school
farm. Encourage your farmer-cooperators/learners to explore the fun of
cooperative work and learn with you.

Answer the following questions. Write your answer on your quiz notebook.

1. Enumerate the procedure in installing the water pump to irrigate

rice paddies.
2. Describe in, at least, 10 sentences how to minimize water loses
in the rice paddies.

3. Identify the six stages of rice growth when the field is to be

drained and give the importance of doing it.


1. References
2. Foot rule to measure the depth of water
3. Irrigation pump, if necessary


DAT – days after transplanting

Tillering stage – starts with the development and appearance of the first
shoot/tiller and ends when the plant stops producing tillers

Panicle initiation – beginning of the reproductive phase characterized by the

formation of the panicle within the stalks

Milk stage – stage of rice growth when the content of the grain becomes

Irrigation – the application of water needed by the plant by means of any


Drainage –a shallow canal to remove excess water from the field when not


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