(MARKPUB K31) PR Plan - DLSU-PUSO (Group 6)

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A. Company Background

In 1985, the necessity for more parental engagement in university activities was
recognized by Br. Andrew Gonzales, who was then the president of De La Salle
University. Up to that point, the administration, faculty, students, and non-teaching
employees were consulted on all major university decisions. A core group of
supportive parents who encouraged Br. Andrew was the driving force behind the
formation of the Parents of University Students Organization.

With that, De La Salle University-Parents of University Students Organization

(DLSU-PUSO) was established on December 27, 1985, that aims to “create an
atmosphere of conducive to good and harmonious relationship between parents,
teachers, students, the community and school authorities, as stated in its Articles of
Incorporation.” PUSO also seeks to engage completely in the university's
decision-making process as the fifth sector of the academic community. The link is
provided by PUSO. In order to foster a sense of community and solidarity within the
institution, the group considers itself as a mediator between potentially conflicting
sectors. (About Us | DLSU-PUSO Manila Inc, 2015)

B. Key Stakeholders

DLSU-PUSO is an organization with the objective of playing a participatory and

pivotal role in the lives of the undergraduate students at De La Salle University. It is
mainly made up of the board of trustees, beneficiaries, volunteers, and honorary
members. These groups of people strive to keep the organization running smoothly.
With its partnership with DLSU, the non-profit organization receives a fraction of
the tuition, which is then used to fund future programs benefiting the students and
their families.

C. Needs Analysis

a. Organizational Challenges

As the university accepts more and more students, DLSU-PUSO aspires to

make a significant impact on them by providing assistance while continuing to
improve their services and plans for the future. However, some challenges discussed
were the lack of proper planning for every activity they hold. They were transparent
enough to mention that the organization isn’t at 100% since the conflict of schedules
between parents always arises, hindering the organization’s productivity.

Low membership involvement also became another obstacle for the

organization. At every meeting, the volunteers are only there for consultation and
nothing more. Active participation isn’t recognized since most of the parents who
volunteered are working. This, then, limits the ability of the organization to
accomplish more well-thought-out programs.
A lack of planning and participation may lead to missed opportunities to
successfully execute a program and the waste of resources before, during, and after
the program commences. DLSU PUSO needs to find ways to mitigate these
challenges by acknowledging clarity in task distribution and continuous monitoring
of progress for every volunteer.

b. Communications/Public Relations Challenges

Aside from the organizational challenges which highlighted the lack of effort
due to time management from the parental organization. The awareness of students
and parents of De La Salle University has been one of the weaknesses of the
organization. In the present time, social media has been an essential part of each
individual's life. Hence, DLSU-PUSO has lacked spreading their information
directly to the students on online platforms.

A lot of parents are unaware of the said organization and would ask what it is
and what they do. Their DLSU-PUSO Facebook Page has been outdated in terms of
their profile and layout which may confuse students or parents when they search
their account to find more information about the board members and trustees. While
the last post on their page was about Mother's Day last May of 2023. The outdated
PUSO page and lack of posts in their offered programs and projects aimed towards
parents and students of DLSU is a weak point for the organization. Thus, resulting in
not being able to disseminate more information in different colleges of the university
and not being able to let parents and students know what benefits or support can they
be able to apply to.

D. Focal Issue

The purpose of the DLSU-PUSO support group is to help and involve the parents
or guardians of DLSU students. In order to improve students' educational
opportunities and all-around growth, the organization works in conjunction with the
university administration and engages in a number of initiatives. However, a lot of
DLSU students are unaware of the organization's existence and function, thus they
are missing out on any possible benefits and possibilities it may offer.

Due to a lack of awareness of DLSU-PUSO, students at that institution are

unable to take full advantage of the organization's benefits and programs for tuition
aid. It also results in lost chances for financial aid, hindered involvement and
support, underuse of resources like seminars and workshops, and insufficient
representation of student needs. It is essential to raise student knowledge of
DLSU-PUSO's existence and services in order to solve this issue, assuring fair
access to financial aid, chances for holistic development, and a deeper feeling of
community within DLSU.

The objectives of this PR plan are:
● To enhance awareness of DLSU-PUSO among students and parents by
maintaining a social media presence via Facebook.
● To connect to students that are in dire need of financial assistance or help that
would contribute to the overall quality of their student life.
● To encourage parents of students in DLSU to join and be part of DLSU-PUSO in
changing the lives of other students on the campus.

A. Target Audience
DLSU-PUSO is devoted to empowering and supporting financially challenged
undergraduate students enrolled explicitly at De La Salle University's Manila and
Laguna campuses.

B. PR Campaign
DLSU-PUSO is a service-oriented organization that provides financial support to
students in pursuit of their educational goals, including their lodgings and
allowances. Nonetheless, there is a notable lack of awareness among students
regarding the organization’s existence and the opportunities it offers.

The theme of this PR campaign will center on testimonials and firsthand

experiences from current students and alums, effectively portraying the support
given by DLSU-PUSO in alleviating the challenges faced throughout their academic
endeavors within the university. Through testimonials, the organization can build
trust and credibility within the target audience, especially when given proof and
insights from students or alums that the organization supported. The importance of
testimonials would be the impact on the target audience as it would lead towards the
conversion of those interested in the organization.

To further increase awareness and engagement for this campaign, DLSU-PUSO

would create promotional materials such as posters and a video that would include
testimonials and stories of current students and alums supported by the organization.
The materials would highlight the efforts done by the organization, emphasizing the
improvement of students’ educational opportunities and overall growth.
Furthermore, it allows involvement within the community, especially since only a
few students are aware of the initiatives made by the organization. They are, further,
acting as a form of persuasion to future members coming from the parents or
guardians to join the organization in making a change in a student’s overall school
C. Timetable

JULY 2023


PLANNING AND 3 Meeting for the 4 Meeting for the 5 Identification of 6 Email identified persons 7 Collaboration with 1 8 Finalize the
CONSULTATIONS proposed campaign: proposed campaign: Current Students and to interview. A schedule Student Organization for the number of
Identify the purpose and The key details and Alumni who have been a shall be given to said creation of materials. materials:
reason why the breakdown of the part of DLSU PUSO. interviewee for purposes of (3) Posters
challenges and project for one month. consent and approved Partnership with all student (3) Videos
objectives identified Trustees Organization of appointment. organizations in the sharing
should be raised at the identified persons to of final materials. Identify final
board meeting. contact through division interviewees.
by college the individual
had come from.

INTERVIEW OF 10 11 Start interviews of 12 Start interviews of 13 Start interviews of 14 15

STUDENTS, scheduled persons for scheduled persons for scheduled persons for
PARENTS, AND testimonials testimonials Photoshoot testimonials Photoshoot (if
ALUMNI Photoshoot (if needed) (if needed) needed)
Scheduled Person (1) Scheduled Person (2) Scheduled Person (3)

CREATION OF PR 17 Start the creation of 18 Editing of Poster 19 Editing of Poster 20 Editing of Poster (5&6) 21 Polishing of final 22
MATERIALS Materials. (1&2) and Testimonial (3&4) and Testimonial and Testimonial Video materials.
Division of tasks Video Video Creation of captions for each
assigned material.

POSTING OF 24 Post materials on 25 Post materials on 26 Keep Track of 27 Post materials on online 28 Post materials on online 29 Keep Track of
MATERIALS online platforms online platforms Insights and platforms (Facebook and platforms (Facebook and Insights and
(Facebook and DLSU (Facebook and DLSU Engagements of DLSU DLSU PUSO Website) DLSU PUSO Website) Engagements of
PUSO Website) PUSO Website) PUSO's Facebook page, Material (3 & 4) Poster & Material (5 & 6) Poster & DLSU PUSO's
Material (1) Poster Material (2) Video Official Website, and Video Video Facebook page,
Student Organizations Student Organizations Student Organizations' Student Organizations will Student Organizations will Official Website,
will also share DLSU will also share DLSU pages. also share DLSU PUSO's also share DLSU PUSO's and Student
PUSO's posts on their PUSO's posts on their posts on their own posts on their own Facebook Organizations'
own Facebook page. own Facebook page. Facebook page. page. pages.

About Us | DLSU-PUSO Manila Inc. (2015). DLSU-PUSO Manila Inc.


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