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1 Corinthians 13:4–8
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or
boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not

insist on its own way; it is not irritable or
resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing,
but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all

things, believes all things, hopes all things,
endures all things. Love never ends.
How can you tell if it's really love? Each
person's experience of love might differ,
and attraction and affection do not always
feel the same. Having said that, you'll need
to work at maintaining love in your union
over time.
On the origin of love, opinions vary.
According to evolutionists, love is merely a
For a lot of people, love is
physiological reaction that triggers certain a complicated thing. I
procreative drives. Geoffrey Millerwatched an interview where
suggests that "our minds evolved not they asked random
simply as survival mechanisms, but as strangers to define what
wooing machines," drawing inspiration love is using their own
from Charles Darwin's idea of sexual words. Most of them were
selection. confused and said that it
If, as Richard Dawkins claims, our genes was a hard question to
are hard-wired to reproduce themselves, answer. But if I'm not being
then love is nothing more than our genes asked in that interview, I
activating the chemical reactions
can define love as when a
required to ensure that our offspring
outlive us.
person's happiness is
Our species' rapid expansion may be important to you. Love may
explained by evolution, and every person seem complicated for most
experiences biological and physiological of us, and sometimes it's
processes that give rise to human
hard for us to notice that
emotions. The idea that our deepest
emotions are only the result of chemical
what we are experiencing is
interactions, however, may leave many of actually love. But I can say
us unsatisfied. that it is love once I see
myself doing something I
Stories of people who sacrifice everything never did, but for that
for the people they love—a husband for
special person, I will do it in
his wife, a mother for her child—move us.
the name of love. Seeing
This kind of self-sacrifice seems to be
motivated by love rather than our innate yourself suddenly try to
desire to protect ourselves. change yourself to be a
better version is basically
The majority of theists use this kind of love because you are
behavior as evidence to claim that love is
willing to become the best
something that begins outside of
ourselves, with God. Whatever its origins,
for that person. Just simply
one thing is certain: our understanding of making efforts for that
love is anything but straightforward. The person is already
Bible claims that God is love,5 and that we considered love for me.
humans are capable of loving because Love can mean different
God first loved us,6 both of which are true. things based on how we
experience it and how we
However, love does not come easy, and simply saying you love someone is
different than showing it. We show love in many about it. someone’s
hand when they are scared, calling a friend to ask if they got home safe, or
even through acts of marriage.


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