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Chapter 2: Newton Mechanics

2.4 Inertia (Inersia)

 The property of matter that causes it to resist any change in its

motion is known as inertia.(Keadaan sesuatu objek untuk mengelak-
kan perubahan yang berlaku padanya)


Effects of Inertia (Kesan Inersia)

Passengers move against the motion of the bus

Multiple tanks are used

2.5 Momentum
 Is a effect of collision which is depends on the mass and the veloc-

ity of the object (Suatu kesan perlanggaran yang bergantung kepada

jisim dan halaju object)

 Vector quantity

 Symbol, p

 Units, kgms-1

 Formula

Principle of Conservation of Momentum (Prinsip Keabadian Momentum)

States that the total momentum before the collision is equal to the total

momentum after the collision, if no external forces act on the system

Total momentum before = total momentum after

i) Elastic collision (Perlanggaran Kenyal)

ii) Inelastic collision (Perlanggaran Tak Kenyal)

iii) Explosion (Letupan)

2.6 Force (Daya)
 Is an ability to change the position and velocity of an object
 It’s depends on the mass and the acceleration of the object
 Symbol_____
 Units_______

Newton’s First Law

 Also known as Law of Inertia
 States that an object continues in its state of rest, or if mov-
ing it continues to move with uniform velocity, unless com-
pelled by some external force to act otherwise

Newton’s Second Law

 States that the rate of change of momentum of an object is
proportional to the applied force and takes place in the direc-
tion in which the force acts

Newton’s Third Law

 States that for every action force there is an equal and oppo-
site reaction force
2.7 Impulse and Impulse Force
(Impuls Dan Daya Impuls)
 Change of momentum
 Formula:

Impulse Force
 Is a short moment of force during the collision
 Is define as the rate of change of momentum
 It is inversely proportional to the collision time

 To reduce the impulse force, time of collision must be


Frictional Force
 A force due to the surface condition and mass of the object
 It is not depends on the surface area
 The direction of the force is always against the movement
of the object
2.8 Weight (Berat)
 Is the gravitational force that acts on the object with mass
 It is depending on the mass and gravitational field strength
(Kekuatan medan gravity)
 For the object on Earth, gravitational field strength is

 The value of the gravitational filed strength is depending on

the position of the object on Earth

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