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Discussion: Audience Analysis

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Discussion: Audience Analysis

For this discussion post, I have chosen Research and Development (R&D)

1. Demographic Analysis

 The reading audience is heterogeneous. It consists of individuals of diverse ages with

varied values, attitudes, and characteristics. Despite these differences, the readers are all

knowledgeable and experienced.

 The average age of my readers is 37 and the age range represented is 27-53. Working in

the R&D department requires vast experience and therefore there are fewer young


 My readers are of high socioeconomic status. They are highly educated, highly

experienced, and highly compensated. The R&D department enlists the services of top

brains who take home fat paychecks.

2. Disposition Analysis

 My reading audience does not expect much from this document. They are the people who

designed and tested the product and therefore they understand everything about it. So

they only expect to know the new product release date and how the event will go.

 My readers are concerned that the release might not be a success. They have worked hard

in the design and development of the product but they need to be sure that the other

departments especially the sales and marketing have done a good job to ensure the

product takes the industry by storm.

 There are a couple of things that will motivate my readers. They are eager to know about

the exact product release date and how the event will unfold. Moreover, they want to

know what measures are in place to facilitate a successful product release.


3. Knowledge Analysis

 My reading audience already knows a lot about my topic. They are the ones who

designed the product and tested it. Therefore, they know that soon there will be a release.

In addition, they are highly educated and experienced.

 There are a couple of things that my readers do not know and I need to inform them. First

of all, they are not aware of the exact product release date. In addition, they do not know

how the product launch will go down.

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