ART105 Module 2 Assignment Art Vocabulary

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ART 105 Module 2 Assignment Art Vocabulary

Module 2 Assignment:
Art Vocabulary Worksheet
10 points possible
Directions: Use the links from the class slideshow, the textbook or the provided websites to find
the definition of the art terms below. Be sure to cite where you found the definition (website
name, instructor slideshow, etc.)

- Art Vocabulary

- MoMa
- AbeBooks
- Wikipedia

Category Vocabulary Term Definition Source/ Cite

Elements Line The path that is created when a point

of a tool or instrument moves across a Art
surface. The one-dimensional mark’s Vocabulary
length is always greater than its width.

Shape An enclosed area that is different from

the space around it due to its Art
difference in color, texture, or value. Vocabulary

Form How elements such as shapes, lines,

colors, values, and textures are Art
organized in a work of art Vocabulary

Space The areas within, above, and around an Wikipedia

object. Space can either be two-
dimensional or three-dimensional.

Texture The perceived surface characteristics of

a piece of art that is achieved when an Art
artist manipulates the different visual Vocabulary

Value The lightness or darkness of a given

color Art

Color A hue that is produced when an object MoMa

reflects light into the eye

Principles / Pattern The predictable way in which MoMa

Relationships compositional elements are repeated

Contrast The striking difference between the MoMa

ART 105 Module 2 Assignment Art Vocabulary

dark and light areas in a composition

Emphasis The technique of drawing the viewers'

attention to an artwork's focal point Art

Balance The distribution of visual weight across Wikipedia

the composition of an art piece that
makes it pleasing to the eye

Scale The relative size of a piece of art or the Wikipedia

elements in it

Harmony How well the visual elements of an Wikipedia

artwork work together

Movement An art style or tendency with a specific Wikipedia

common goal championed by a group
of artists over a certain period

Art Media Painting The art produced when an individual MoMa

applies paint to materials such as
canvas, paper, or wood

Drawing The art created when a person draws Moma

lines and marks using charcoal, pen,
pencil, crayon, or other implements

Sculpture It is a three-dimensional piece of art Wikipedia

carved or modeled out of materials
such as wood, metal, stone, or

Installation A three-dimensional art piece created MoMa

and placed in a specific space for
spectators to walk around, view, and

Performance art Acted-out live or recorded art which is Wikipedia

created when an artist or artists use
their bodies to perform actions the
public to view

Photography The art of recording light electronically Wikipedia

or chemically to create durable images
ART 105 Module 2 Assignment Art Vocabulary

Digital Art Any piece of art whose creative process Wikipedia

or presentation relies on digital

Medium The material or techniques used to MoMa

make an art piece

Other Composition The way the different visual elements

Important Art come together to create a work of art Art
Terms Vocabulary

Analysis The process of trying to understand a Wikipedia

complex topic by breaking it into
smaller parts

Realism The accurate representation of the Wikipedia

subject matter without supernatural
elements and artificiality

Abstract People use this term to describe art MoMa

that is not based on any real or natural
visual references

Aesthetic Relating to the appreciation of an MoMa

object’s visual qualities

Modernism A cultural movement that rejected AbeBooks

classical and traditional styles and

Postmodernism A discourse that challenges the grand Wikipedia

narratives of modernism. In other
words, postmodernism can be
described as the rejection of general

Formalism The belief that an art’s form Wikipedia

determines its artistic value

Contextualism The view that the meaning or message Wikipedia

of something can only be evaluated
relative to a certain context

Please remember to save your work and upload this file to D2L. Contact your teacher if you
have questions.

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