Knowing Your Audience

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Discussion: Knowing Your Audience

Warehouse supervisors are professionals tasked with the duty of overseeing and

coordinating day-to-day warehouse activities. These individuals have technical expertise. They

record and maintain an inventory of items exported and imports received. Warehouse supervisors

are therefore experts in coordinating warehouse operations. These professionals make up a

diverse internal audience. For an organization that has warehouses scattered all over the country,

this group consists of people of different ages, religions, and backgrounds. There are no language

considerations that should be made when communicating with this audience. All of them have

excellent communication skills both verbal and written. In addition, they are knowledgeable

enough to handle technical information including jargon, technical terms, and facts and figures.

This audience has various expectations. Warehouse supervisors work with other people

below and above them. As a result, they deal with both upward and downward communication.

They expect to receive orders and instructions from their seniors and also receive feedback and

suggestions from their juniors. The essence of drafting an email is to transmit information

effectively and efficiently. Therefore, when drafting the communication, I will ensure I use the

type of vocabulary that my audience understands. In addition, I will focus on the details that the

audience needs to know and avoid unnecessary information (Pressbooks). In essence, it is better

to craft a short and precise email to ensure effective communication. Before crafting the email, I

will have to make various communication decisions such as What the communication needs to

achieve, inform, request, propose or instruct, what action should I expect after the audience reads

it, and the information my audience already knows about the subject.

Works Cited

Pressbooks. Chapter 2. Understanding Your Audience. 2022.


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