Chpter 5 Exam Communication Styles: A Key To Adaptive Selling Today

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"Behavior style" and "social style" are other ways of referring to:

A) communication style
B) emotive style
C) directive style
D) higher dominance
E) lower dominance
A) communication style

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Which of the following statements regarding communications-style bias is true?

A) Communication-style bias is quite rare.

B) Communication-style bias can manifest as a general feeling of discomfort with
another person.
C) Communication-style bias is commonly understood in our society.
D) Communication-style bias will not surface between two people with the same
communication style.
E) Communication-style bias will make a consulting sales relationship impossible.
B) Communication-style bias can manifest as a general feeling of discomfort with
another person.
Communication-style bias is most likely to occur when which of the following occurs?

A) Salespeople have contact with another person whose communication style is

different than their own.
B) Salespeople have problems understanding another person's accent.
C) Salespeople do not use a standardized vocabulary to describe the product they
D) Salespeople lack a grasp of social customs of the customer's local culture.
E) Salespeople talk more quietly than anyone else in the room does.
A) Salespeople have contact with another person whose communication style is
different than their own.

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Which of the following is true about our individual communication style?

A) It is formed in utero, before we are born.

B) It is formed during the first year of our life.
C) It is formed before we enter elementary school.
D) It is constantly changing throughout life.
E) It is based on environmental factors, not heredity.
C) It is formed before we enter elementary school.
Which of the following is a major principle supporting communication style theory?

A) Individual differences exist but are negligible in business conversations.

B) The most successful business and social relationships are those between
identical styles.
C) There are unlimited communication styles that are unique to each person.
D) Individual style differences change constantly.
E) A communication style is a way of thinking and behaving.
E) A communication style is a way of thinking and behaving.

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Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the communication-style


A) It is based on three important dimensions of human behavior.

B) It reflects research conducted in the late 1970s.
C) It is composed of four distinct quadrants, each representing a major
communication style.
D) It is composed of six distinct quadrants, each representing a major dimension of
human behavior.
E) It predicts which types of clients salespeople will have interests in common with.
C) It is composed of four distinct quadrants, each representing a major
communication style.
A customer who is higher in dominance tends to do which of the following?

A) display an eagerness to agree quickly

B) curb the desire to initiate demands
C) be overly cooperative
D) likes to control things
E) sit back and wait for the other person to speak first
D) likes to control things

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A customer who is lower in dominance would most likely be:

A) deliberate
B) hurried
C) talkative
D) cooperative
E) decisive
D) cooperative

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The scale designed to measure the amount of control we exert over our emotional
expressiveness is the:

A) communication bias
B) emotional index
C) sensitive scale
D) excess zone
E) sociability continuum
E) sociability continuum
A customer who takes the social initiative in most cases and expresses emotions
openly is displaying characteristics of which of the following styles?

A) dominant
B) reflective
C) supportive
D) directive
E) emotive
E) emotive
The combination of high dominance and low sociability defines a style known as:

A) communicative
B) reflective
C) supportive
D) emotive
E) directive
E) directive
A customer who displays the reflective communication style can accurately be
described as:

A) reserved
B) sensitive
C) frank
D) sociable
E) malleable
A) reserved
The combination of low dominance and low sociability defines a communication style
known as:

A) mature
B) supportive
C) emotive
D) reflective
E) directive
D) reflective
The words "aloof" and "stuffy" describe which side of which of the following styles?

A) the immature side of the supportive style

B) the mature side of the supportive style
C) the immature side of the reflective style
D) the mature side of the reflective style
E) the mature side of the directive style
C) the immature side of the reflective style
A customer who combines low dominance and high sociability displays which of the
following styles?

A) emotive
B) supportive
C) directive
D) reflective
E) communicative
B) supportive
The four-style model is:

A) popular and taught in many different training programs

B) useful only for training purposes
C) limited in its usefulness in the real world
D) the basis for customer strategy
E) copyrighted and may only be used as an assessment by licensed practitioners
A) popular and taught in many different training programs
The Platinum Rule is:

A) Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do To You

B) Do Unto Others As They Would Have You Do Unto Them
C) Do Unto Others As You Know You Should
D) Ask Others To Do To You As You Would Do To Them
E) Ask Others To Do To You As They Would Do To Themselves
B) Do Unto Others As They Would Have You Do Unto Them
For each person, one of the four styles is usually:

A) dominant but hidden

B) dominant and easily detectable
C) dominant and problematic
D) recessive and easily detectable
E) recessive and in transition
B) dominant and easily detectable
If you have a preferred communication style, you will:

A) use that style exclusively

B) change that style as you grow older
C) display other communication styles at times
D) not understand others with different communication styles
E) need to adapt to be able to talk to others
C) display other communication styles at times
An effective and practical way to minimize communication-style bias is to:

A) choose customers based on their communication styles

B) write presentation materials in a way that appeals to all the communication styles
C) send trained communicators to talk to customers
D) adapt your style to the way the customer communicates
E) create a corporate policy matching salespeople with customers by communication
D) adapt your style to the way the customer communicates
The word used to describe the ability to adapt communication styles to deal with
different people is:
A) directive
B) supportive
C) emotive
D) reflective
E) versatility
E) versatility
The immature characteristics of each style are:

A) fixed by the time a person reaches elementary school

B) resolved as a person matures
C) aloof and stuffy
D) characteristics that come out in times of high stress
E) offensive to those with other communication styles
D) characteristics that come out in times of high stress
The idea that the characteristics that make others respect you can also make others
frustrated with you is called:

A) sociability paradox
B) dominance paradox
C) strength-weakness paradox
D) flexing paradox
E) communication paradox
C) strength-weakness paradox
Recording a customer's communication style in CRM software can help a

A) remember the names of the customer's children and spouse

B) ask another salesperson with the customer's communication style to call the
C) know which products a customer will buy and won't buy
D) remember to adapt his or her style when calling the customer
E) avoid customers that have different communication styles
D) remember to adapt his or her style when calling the customer
People who display their emotions with less intensity are said to be in:

A) Zone one
B) Zone two
C) Excess zone
D) Flex zone
E) Comfort zone
A) Zone one
Zone one, zone two and the excess zone are used to describe which dimension of
our communication styles?

A) maturity
B) intensity
C) predictability
D) flexibility
E) adaptability
B) intensity
When we move into the excess zone, which of the following usually happens?

A) We become more measured in our speech.

B) Style flexing decreases.
C) Style flexing increases.
D) Our strengths become more prominent.
E) We are more easily able to control our weaknesses.
B) Style flexing decreases.
When a reflective salesperson moves into the excess zone, he or she is apt to:

A) express highly emotional opinions

B) become extremely competitive
C) agree with everyone
D) avoid making decisions
E) make rash decisions
D) avoid making decisions
Relative to Americans, Canadians are more likely to be:

A) passive and stiff

B) happy and casual
C) sociable and casual
D) educated and formal
E) bilingual and formal
E) bilingual and formal
Which style flexing technique is most appropriate for a salesperson to use in the
presence of an emotive customer?

A) Cite research and statistics.

B) Avoid an open display of enthusiasm.
C) Avoid too much informality.
D) Decrease your assertiveness.
E) Provide support for the customer's opinions and ideas.

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