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Combat Order Using Nudges Circumstances

1. All participants make a If facing two or more conditions, dice pool grows/ shrinks by no more than 1.
● Inflict 1 extra damage.
wits roll (+ Favourable examples:
● Eliminate one of the target’s Action of Defense Dice (from what remains after the attack).
●Successful ambush (generally with Wits vs. Wits Contest).
circumstance/power ● Gain a bonus Action Die in the following round.
●Character took last round to aim, brace, focus, or catch their breath.
advs.) to determine the ● Gain an insight/detail/hint about the Conflict or target.
●Character has the high ground or the sun at their back.
combat order. ● Add a dramatic flourish (e.g. leave a small scar / sever strap)
●Flanking or unseen by the target.
The same attack may be Nudged in the same way more than once.
2. On a character’s turn, With three or more Nudges you can spend them all to catch a Beat, immediately gaining another
Adverse examples:
action before anyone else can act. This does not grant more dice.
they may move and take ●Character distracted by a successful attack at least once this round.
an action (tactic). ●Character is also moving this round.
●Character’s senses are impaired (watery eyes, ringing ears, etc.)
3. When a character is first ●Ranged attack against partly obscured target.
attacked, they choose an ●Target is partly behind solid cover.
●Target is within Striking Range of one or more allies.
attribute/power to
represent their defense
for that round. They must
spend dice from the
defense dice pool each Range and Movement
time they are attacked.
The pool is replenished ●May normally take one step toward or away from any opponent during each Beat (adverse
after their turn. condition.
●May take two steps but not gain any Action or Defense Dice for the round.

Physical Burdens
- ¼ of current Health grants a Serious Burden.
- ½ of current Health grants a Grave Burden.

Reaching 0 health - especially in a violent manner- may grant a Grave or Mortal Burden.

Form a dice pool form relevant attribute/power. Contest against target’s defense. Half defense dice pool this round.
Attack Successful attack deals 1 damage to target health, plus any bonuses, minus any armour etc.

Active Defense No penalty to defense dice pool this round.

● Aim to hit a particular spot. The Narrator and the player discuss the effect if the called shot hits, which may include damaging/destroying an item (e.g. a
misting vial), assigning a Serious Burden (like “Nicked by…”), or something else entirely.
Calling a Shot ● Shot is successful is contest is won with at least to Nudges. Whole attack fails otherwise.
● If contest is won with four or more Nudges, the called shot has a greater effect (e.g. shattering two vials, or inflicting a Grave Burden). Called Shots can not be
used to inflict a Mortal Burden.

● Wrestling a weapon, shield, or other item from target: With successful Physique vs. Physique, item falls to target’s feet.
Disarm ● With an additional two or more Nudges, the disarmer can also seize the item.

● Physique vs. Physique to grapple and pin target. Whilst grappled, target can only spend Action Dice only to break free (once per round), and cannot spend
Grapple Defense Dice until free.
● The Grappler may only take one step each round, and cannot perform other actions whilst grappling.

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