Simple Present Tense Tvri

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 Fungsi Simple Present Tense

1. Menyatakan General Truth
e.g. Water freezes at zero degrees.
2. Menyatakan Habits
e.g. My Father goes to work every weekdays.
3. Menyatakan Instruction
e.g. Do not enter this area!
4. Menyatakan Fixed Schedules
e.g. The Show starts at 7 p.m.

 Pola Simple Present Tense

1. Pola Kalimat Nomina

Kalimat nomina adalah kalimat yang menyatakan kebendaan, bisa berupa nama
orang, tempat, profesi, dan segala hal yang dibendakan, jadi predikatnya berupa
“to be”.

 Kalimat Positif

Subject + To be + Complement

o He is a teacher.
o I am smart.
o We are friends.

 Kalimat Negatif

Subject + To be + not + Complement

o My mother is not a Doctor.

o I am not Lazy.
o She is my sister.

 Kalimat Interogatif

To be + Subject + Complement?

o Are you a Chef?

o Is she your bestfriend?
o Am I right?
2. Pola Kalimat Verba
Kalimat verba adalah kalimat yang menyatakan tindakan atau perlakuan, jadi
predikatnya berupa “verb1”.

 Kalimat Positif
I/You/We/They + Verb1 + Complement

She/He/It + Verb1+s/es + Complement

o I go to school every weekdays.

o She goes to school every weekdays.

 Kalimat Negatif
I/You/We/They + do+not + Verb1 + Complement

She/He/It + does+not + Verb1 + Complement

o You do not go to school every weekend.

o He does not go to school every weekend.

 Kalimat Interogatif
Do + I/You/We/They + Verb1 + Complement?

Does + She/He/It + Verb1 + Complement?

o Do you go to school every weekdays?

o Does she go to school every weekdays?

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