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report on the proposal to recommend or reject that economic

migration should end from outside the uk.


in my capacity as an advisor to the uk home secretary, i have been

asked to recommend or reject the proposal to end economic
migration from outside the this report i will study closely all the
evidence available and will provide arguments for my
recommendations.i will also put forward any opposing arguments and
counter them.after studying all the evidence available i will be
rejecting the proposal to end economic migration from outside the uk.

arguments to support my recommendations.

the uk in the twenty-first century is seen by many as being a multi

cultural society with many citizens from many places around the
world migrating and making the uk their home.the different
languages, cultures and identities have contributed in making the uk
a very diverse and interesting place to live. not only is it possible for
citizens from the 27 eu member countries to travel and work freely in
any member country but also many citizens from non eu countries
now live and work in the uk and contribute socialy and economically
to our society.linda baker, spokesperson for human rights pressure
group states that "the contribution made by non - eu nationals is not
only beneficial but crucial to our job market and economy".many
people bring great experience and expertise to the uk as well as a
highly skilled workforce who are well quailfied and provide services
and work in jobs were there is a demand e.g nursed from africa living
and working in our hospitals which are often under staffed, this supply
of staff provides an invaluable service and also pay their taxes to pay
for other essential services which benefit all citizens. linda baker
states that
"our nhs would collapse were it not for the contribution made by
immigrant doctors,nurses and ancilliary staff".
in scotland a large percentage of our ancestors originated from
ireland to make this their home therfore they were also
would be detremental for our society to prevent other citizens from
entering the uk from non _ eu counties.source b reiterates this by
stating that "economic migrants do not want to "srounge" or to be
charity cases.they want to work,pay for their taxes and in turn,make a
contribution to our society"
source c2 shows that the african population has 47% of people with a
degree qualifications compared to only 37% of the white british

the 3 major killers in the uk are cancer, heart disease and

strokes.cholestorol is known to increase the chances of a
stroke.source b states that both male and female adults in the uk
have the highest blood cholesterol levels in any location in the eu.this
is not supported in source c3(a) as the bar graph shows that females
in yogoslavia, belgium and lithuania all have a higher percentage of
adults with high blood cholesterol.experienced health workers would
be beneficial in addressing the heath issues of uk and eu
citizens.source c2(b) highlights that non - eu groups have better
health than uk population.

as well as the uk benefiting from well educated and experienced

health workers there are social and cultural benefits from living in a
multi cultural society.the uk has benefited greatly from the wide
choice of dining which has become available to us from citizens from
non- eu countries who provide us with a wider choice and variety. the
asian british poulation in particular.there are many chinese
restuarants and indian restraunts both of which are often in great
demand.curry is a favourite meal for many uk citizens, demonstrating
that non eu citizens contribute and add diversity to our cultural
identities by introducing new foods and customs.

the government in the uk has passed legislation to ensure equal

opportunity for all citizens and from all races.
the race relations act 1976 and later the commission for racial
equality (cre) which was created by the race relations act to help
enforce the legislation and to promote equality of opportunity and
good relations between people of different racial groups.if economic
sanction of non eu citizens was put in place the uk would not be
demonstrating a belief in our own legislation.
the one scotland campaign is the scottish executive campaign aimed
at tackling racism.the aim is to make people aware of racist attitudes
and behaviour and to demonstrate how these harm victims and
diminish the aims to demonstrate that all cultures have
something to offer.importantly it aims to demonstrate that scotland
has no place for racism.

the criticisms of my report

many arguments are put forward to support that economic migration

should has been suggested that by allowing non eu nationals
into the uk will put an intolerable strain on our health care
actual fact source c2(b) shows that the chinese population not only
have a lower number who have not good health but also have the
highest number with good or fairly good health.this is also the case
with the african population which is rthe second highest percentage of
the population with good or fairly good health 97% as opposed to
white british were 90% recorded as having good or fairly good health.

also in relation to welfare benefits it has been suggested that non eu

nationals would put an untolerable strain on the welfare
system.source a " accepting more non - eu migrants will add an
intolerable strain on our education and health services.source c1
shows that foreign born citizens claim less sickness or disability
benefit than uk born citizens and also have less people who recieve
state pension.

the uk has a poor health record and has been called "the sick man of
europe" yet source a states "even our percentage of deaths attributed
to smoking is among the lowest in europe"however soucre c3(b)
shows that in actual fact the uk comes second only to ireland in
relation to the percentage of total deaths related to smoking.


after studying all the available evidence i will be rejecting the proposal
to end economic migration from outside of the eu.the one scotland
campaign demonstrates that racist attitudes are not acceptable in
scotland this view is also applicable to the uk.importantly it aims to
demonstrate that scotland has no place for racism.
the main reasons for my recommendations are
1.non eu nationals would be of benefit to our economy (work and pay
2.expertise of non eu nationals particulary in the field of health care.
3.many people well educated.
4.a new influx of people and their children to contribute to society.
new workforce.
5.migrants do not "scrounge" or claim our benefits
6.many of uk and scottish citizens decendents of the irish.
7.increase "greying" population in uk will require new nationals to
help address this.
the uk will benefit from non - eu nationals as well as eu members
being integrated into society contributing to our multi cultural and
diverse society.

caroline mcginley

advisor to the uk home secretary.

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