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1. latitude: vĩ độ

2. equator: xích đạ o

3. to erode: xó i mò n the erosion of the coastline by the ocean

erosion: sự xó i mò n soil erosion

4. Estimate (v) (n): ướ c tính I can give you a rough estimate of the amount of wood you
will need.

5. amphibian: độ ng vậ t lưỡ ng cư

6. ramification: hậ u quả khô n lườ ng These changes are bound to have widespread social

7. ecology: sinh thá i họ c

8. reptile: bò sá t Snakes, crocodiles, and turtles are all reptiles.

9. mammal: độ ng vậ t có vú

10. satellite: vệ tinh a weather/communications satellite

11. moisture: độ ẩ m a material that is designed to absorb/retain moisture

12. catastrophic (adj) thả m họ a catastrophic effects/losses/results

catastrophe (n) = disaster Early warnings of rising water levels prevented another
major catastrophe.

13. meteorologist: nhà khí tượ ng họ c

14. advance warning: cả nh bả o trướ c

15. property: tà i sả n Be careful not to damage other people's property.

16. anti-clockwise: hướ ng ngượ c kim

đồ ng hồ
17. installation: sự cà i đặ t; install (v) The hotel chain has recently installed a new booking system.

18. cordless transferable unit: má y bộ

đà m khô ng dâ y

19. indispensable (adj): cầ n thiết, A good dictionary is indispensable for learning a foreign
khô ng thể thiếu đượ c language.

20. business transactions: cá c giao

dịch kinh doanh

21. to keep track of sth: để theo dõ i cá i -Bank statements help you keep track of where your money
gì >< lost track of sth: is going.

-I lost all track of time (= forgot what time it was).

22. electronic memo pad: má y ghi chú

điện tử

23. electrical outlet: ổ cắ m điện

24. instantaneous (adj): ngay tứ c an instantaneous response

khắ c

25. transmission: sự truyền đi; -The ceremony was transmitted live by satellite to over fifty
transmit (v) countries.

-signals transmitted from a satellite

26. hard copy: bả n in từ má y tính

27. itinerary (adj) lộ trình (củ a 1 -Visits to four different countries are included in your
chuyến đi) itinerary.

-a detailed itinerary

28. compatible (adj) tương thích>< The new system will be compatible with existing equipment.
incompatible (adj)
Are measures to protect the environment compatible with
economic growth?

29. element: yếu tố = aspect (n) Customer relations is an important element of the job.

30. impersonate (v) giả dạ ng He was caught trying to impersonate a security guard.
31. legend (n) truyền thuyết

32. tribe (n) bộ lạ c

33. imitate (v) = copy =mimic: sao


34. recitation (n) sự kể lạ i At that time children were encouraged to learn poems
for recitation.

35. conduct (v) = carry out: tiến hà nh to conduct an experiment/an investigation/a survey

36. narrate (v) kể chuyện She entertained them by narrating her adventures in Africa.

narration (n) ; narrator (n)

37. diminish (v) là m yếu đi, giả m = The world's resources are rapidly diminishing.

38. blood pressure: huyết á p

39. boost (v) thú c đẩ y The movie helped boost her screen career.

40. psychobiology: sinh tâ m thầ n họ c

41. journal: nhậ t ký, ghi chép He kept a journal of his travels across Asia.

42. technique: kĩ thuậ t

43. leach (v) rử a trô i (khỏ i cá i gì) Nitrates leach from the soil into rivers.

44. byproduct (n) sả n phẩ m phụ When burned, plastic produces dangerous byproducts.

45. hazardous (adj) nguy hiểm, độ c hạ i a list of products that are potentially hazardous to health
= dangerous

46. waste (n) chấ t thả i

47. landfill: bã i chô n lấ p rá c

48. decomposition: sự phâ n hủ y; As the waste materials decompose, they produce methane
decompose (v) gas.

49. critical (adj) cấ p bá ch, nguy kịch

50. dissolve (v) hò a tan Heat gently until the sugar dissolves.

Salt dissolves in water.

51. salinity (n) sự nhiễm mặ n; to measure the salinity of the water

52. irrigation water: nướ c tướ i tiêu

53. evaporate (v) bay hơi; Heat until all the water has evaporated.
evaporation (n)

54. contaminate (v) là m nhiễm bẩ n

55. have one thing in common: có 1

điểm chung

56. altitude: độ cao

57. amateur: ngườ i nghiệp dư The tournament is open to both amateurs and professionals.

58. take sthing into account: tính tớ i, Coursework is taken into account as well as exam results.
xét đến cá i gì

59. barometer: phong vũ biểu

60. wind meter: đồ ng hồ đo hướ ng gió

61. static: sự nhiễu (só ng radio) do tĩnh


62. atmospheric pressure: á p suấ t khí


63. reading: chỉ số (trên đồ ng hồ đo)

64. obsolete (adj) cũ , lỗ i thờ i With technological changes, many traditional skills have
become obsolete.

65. sensory receptor: cơ quan cả m

giá c

66. interact (v) tương tá c

67. obstruct (v) cả n trở The pillar obstructed our view of the stage.

obstruction (n) vậ t/sự cả n trở

68. perception: cả m giá c, sự cả m nhậ n a campaign to change public perception of the police

-> perceive (v)

69. function (n) chứ c nă ng

70. record (n) hồ sơ, ghi chép

71. report (n) (v) bá o cá o

72. facilitate (v) tạ o điều kiện, là m cho Structured teaching facilitates learning.
dễ dà ng hơn
The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid
economic growth.

73. transition: sự chuyển đổ i

74. automobile: ô tô

75. commercial jet airline: hã ng hà ng

khô ng thương mạ i

76. enable (v) cho phép = allow (v) = a new subway line to enable easier access to the stadium
permit (v)
The software enables you to create your own DVDs.

77. accommodate (v) đá p ứ ng The plane is capable of accommodating 28 passengers.

78. exotic (adj) độ c lạ brightly-colored exotic flowers/plants/birds

79. hatch (v) nở (trứ ng)

80. cell (n) chỗ ở , ô nhỏ

81. paralyze (v): là m tê liệt The accident left him paralyzed from the waist down.

paralysis (n) sự tê liệt The airport is still paralyzed by the strike.

82. venom: nọ c độ c -> venomous (adj) Venomous snakes

có độ c

83. larvae: ấ u trù ng

84. intrinsic (adj) nộ i tạ i, sẵ n có , thuộ c Small local shops are intrinsic to the town's character.
về bả n chấ t
the intrinsic value of education

85. reproductive (adj) sinh sả n Reproductive organs: cơ quan sinh sản

86. fend for oneself: tự chă m só c mình

87. postpone (v) trì hoã n

88. the vagaries: sự biến độ ng, thay đổ i

bấ t ngờ

89. shield (v) = protect (v) bả o vệ

90. give s.o an edge = give s.o an The success of the project definitely gives them an edge in
advantage the next round of the competition

91. reproductive (adj) thuộ c về sinh

sả n

92. remedy (n) phương thuố c, giả i an excellent home remedy for sore throats
phá p
There are a number of possible remedies (=solutions)
to this problem.

93. currency: tiền tệ You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use
your credit card.

94. matter: vậ t chấ t

95. composer: nhạ c sĩ

96. rhythmic (adj) thuộ c nhịp điệu

97. emphasize (v) nhấ n mạ nh - put on emphasis on sthing

>emphasis (n)

98. accessible (adj) có thể tiếp cậ n Have access to sthing

đượ c - access (v) (n) tiếp cậ n, truy
cậ p
99. auditory (adj) thuộ c thính giá c

100. stratified society: xã hộ i có phâ n

tầ ng

101. social class: tầ ng lớ p xã hộ i

102. income: thu nhậ p

103. constitute (v) tạ o thà nh, cấ u thà nh Female workers constitute the majority of the labor force.

104. pesticide: thuố c trừ sâ u;

insecticide: thuố c diệt cô n trù ng

105. inhibit (v) cả n trở , là m chậ m lạ i A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the
unborn child.

106. absorb (v) thấ m hú t

Plants absorb oxygen.

Let the rice cook until it has absorbed all the water.

107. nervous system: hệ thầ n kinh

108. resistance: khá ng thể, sự khá ng lạ i - AIDS lowers the body's resistance to infection.
> resist (v)
Resistance to change has nearly destroyed the industry.

109. cellular (adj) thuộ c tế bà o -> cell

(n) tế bà o

110. enzyme: men sinh họ c, enzyme

111. metabolic (adj) thuộ c trao đổ i

chấ t-> metabolism (n) hệ trao đổ i

chấ t

112. confiscate (v) thu giữ, tịch thu The teacher threatened to confiscate their phones if they
kept using them in class.

113. make ends meet = make a living = Many families struggle to make ends meet.
make a livelihood: kiếm số ng
114. street vendor: ngườ i bá n hà ng


115. devastating (adj) = disastrous (adj)

thảm họ a, tà n khố c

116. debris (n) các mả nh vụ n Emergency teams are still clearing the debris from the plane

117. permanent: vĩnh viễn, lâu dài

118. settle down (v): định cư When are you going to get married and settle down?

119. scene: cả nh tượ ng, cả nh vậ t

120. depict (v) mô tả = describe The advertisements depict smoking as glamorous and
depiction (n)

121. stone hearth: bếp lử a bằ ng đá

122. reconstruction: sự xâ y dự ng lạ i

123. interpreter: ngườ i thô ng dịch viên

124. mark … event: đá nh dấ u sự kiện

125. link: sự kết nố i, liên quan

126. fossil fuel: nhiên liệu hó a thạ ch

127. emission: sự xả ra, phá t ra the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

128. minimize (v) giả m thiểu Good hygiene helps to minimize the risk of infection.

129. spur (v) kích thích, là m cho Her difficult childhood spurred her on to succeed.
nhanh/mạ nh lên
The agreement is essential to spurring economic growth
around the world.

130. flock: bầ y đà n

131. juvenile: ngườ i/vậ t cò n non/trẻ

132. crow/raven: con quạ

133. mate (v) giao phố i; (n) bạ n tình

134. adaptability: sự thích nghi -> Older workers can be as adaptable and quick to learn as
adapt (v) anyone else.

135. mythology: thầ n thoạ i

136. subjective (adj) chủ quan a highly subjective point of view

137. variable (adj) dễ biến độ ng

138. exposure: sự tiếp xú c prolonged exposure to harmful radiation

expose (v) tiếp xú c

139. byproduct: sả n phẩ m phụ , dư thừ a

140. detract from: lấ y đi = take away He was determined not to let anything detract from his
from sthing enjoyment of the trip.

141. irritate (v) là m khó chịu ->

irritability (n)

142. penetrate (v) thấ m và o, chui/luồ n The sun's radiation penetrates the skin. (Bức xạ mặt trời
và o xuyên qua da)

penetration (n) The troops had penetrated deep into enemy lines. (quân đội
đã thâm nhập vào hàng ngũ của kẻ thù)

143. accustomed (adj) quen thuộ c + to She was a person accustomed to having eight hours' sleep
sthing every night.

144. mechanism: cơ chế, cá ch thứ c hoạ t The mechanism for locking the door of the washing machine
độ ng is childproof.

145. psychological: thuộ c tâ m lí họ c

146. tension = stress: sự că ng thẳ ng

147. efficiency: sự hiệu quả , nă ng suấ t I was impressed by the efficiency with which she handled the

148. alarming (a): đá ng bá o độ ng

149. to proceed: đang diễn biến

150. deforestation: sự phá rừ ng

151. astounding (a) gâ y sử ng số t an astounding (= very great) victory/achievement/success

152. to be fueled by: đượ c duy trì bở i

153. regulatory organization: tổ chứ c

có chứ c nă ng điều tiế

154. oversee (v): giá m sá t United Nations observers oversaw the elections.

= supervise (v)

155. worsening (a) ngà y cà ng xấ u đi

156. symptom: triệu chứ ng

157. appropriate (a) phù hợ p

158. response: sự phả n ứ ng

159. indicate (v) cho thấ y Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast.

160. superstition: sự mê tín According to superstition, breaking a mirror brings bad luck.

161. allergic reaction: sự phả n ứ ng dị

ứ ng

162. trigger (v) kích thích = stimulate Intense sunlight may be a trigger for skin cancer.

163. odor = smell: mù i

164. courtesy: phép lịch sự = politeness It's only common courtesy to tell the neighbors that we'll be
having a party (= the kind of behavior that people would

165. the common thread: đặ c điểm


166. take advantage of: tậ n dụ ng, lợ i She took advantage of the children's absence to clean their
dụ ng rooms.

167. take sthing by storm: là m cá i gì

khuynh đả o

168. mimic (v) bắ t chướ c

169. feature: đặ c điểm

170. come to an abrupt end: kết thú c

độ t ngộ t

171. triviality: điều nhỏ nhặ t, vụ n vặ t, ko I don't want to waste time on trivialities.
quan trọ ng

172. clamber (v) trèo lên

173. Heap = file: đố ng

174. elated (adj) hâ n hoan

175. fantasise about sthing: mườ ng He sometimes fantasized about winning the gold medal.
tượ ng, ả o tưở ng về

176. endow (v) ban tặ ng

177. exhibit (v) thể hiện ra, trình bà y = They will be exhibiting their new designs at the trade fairs.
display (v)

178. precocity: tà i nă ng có sớ m a precocious child who started her acting career at the age
of 5

179. exceptional (adj) xuấ t chú ng

180. regime: chế độ a dietary regime

181. fortune: sự may mắ n

182. mental retardation: chậ m pt trí tuệ

183. autism: tự kỉ

184. prodigy: thiên tà i = genius

185. hallmark = typical feature: đặ c

điểm đặ c trưng

186. aptitude = talent: tà i nă ng She showed a natural aptitude in math and science

187. infancy: thuở sơ sinh to die in infancy

188. emerge (v)xuấ t hiện She finally emerged from her room at noon.

emergence (n) the emergence of new technologies

189. superior (adj) nổ i trộ i hơn This model is technically superior to its competitors.

190. auditory (adj) thuộ c thính giá c

191. segment (n) phầ n

192. remarkable (adj) nổ i bậ t

193. extraordinary (adj) phi thườ ng an extraordinary achievement

She was a truly extraordinary woman.

194. constitute (v) tạ o thà nh

195. mastery: sự thà nh thụ c

196. symphony: bả n giao hưở ng

197. hit (n) sả n phẩ m thà nh cô ng (bà i

há t, phim…)

198. hilarious (adj) rấ t hà i hướ c

199. dreadful (adj) tồ i tệ, kinh khủ ng It's dreadful the way they treat their staff.

= terrible They suffered dreadful injuries.

200. cast (n) dà n diễn viên

201. scattered (adj) nằm rả i rá c

202. luminous (adj) phá t sá ng

203. enchanted (adj) bị mê hoặc, quyến

204. reservation (n)sự dè dặ t, nghi ngờ I have serious reservations about his ability to do the job.
reserved (adj)

205. frail (adj) yếu, mỏ ng manh = fragile Mother was becoming too frail to live alone.
= feable = weak

206. in advance: trướ c

207. lay still: nằ m yên

208. overwhelming (adj) gâ y choá ng There was overwhelming support for our policies.
ngợ p

209. come across = discover: phá t hiện She came across some old photos in a drawer.

210. sample (n) mẫu thử , mẫ u vậ t

211. voyage (n) chuyến hà nh trình (biển, The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage (= first journey).
khô ng gian

212. substitute (v) (n) thay thế Paul's father only saw him as a substitute for his dead

Margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe.

213. became quite the rage: trở nên nổ i


214. recipe (n) cô ng thứ c nấ u ă n a recipe for chicken soup

215. receive credit for: đượ c cô ng

nhậ n/khen ngợ i vì điều gì

216. staple (n) thự c phẩ m chính Aid workers helped distribute corn, milk, and other staples.

217. reputation (n) danh tiếng

218. mass- produced (adj)đượ c sả n xuấ t

hà ng loạ t

219. pastime = leisure pursuit/activity = Watching television now seems to be the most popular
entertaining activity: national pastime.

220. boundary: ranh giớ i

221. indicate (v) chỉ ra - indication:

222. genuine (adj) thà nh thậ t, thậ t (trá i vớ i Is the painting a genuine Picasso?
giả )
Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of
the genuine article

223. blockbuster (n) phim bom tấ n Spider Man is a Hollywood blockbuster

224. costume (n) trang phụ c

225. hit our screens: chiếu, ra rạ p (phim)

226. frenzy (n) sự cuồ ng nhiệt, cuồ ng loạ n

227. nomination (n) đề cử He has had nine Oscar nominations.

228. hassle (n) sự rắ c rố i, tình huố ng khó Send them an e-mail—it's a lot less hassle than calling.

229. influential (adj) có ả nh hưở ng lớ n

230. villain (n) vai phả n diện, ngườ i xấ u He often plays the part of the villain.

231. approach (n) cách tiếp cậ n (v) tiếp cậ n The school has decided to adopt a different approach to

232. unwillingness (n) sự khô ng sẵ n lò ng

233. naivety (n) sự ngâ y thơ - naïve (adj) I can't believe you were so naive as to trust him!

234. profound (adj) sâ u sắc My father's death had a profound effect on us all.

235. universal (adj) có chung Such problems are a universal feature of old age.

universal facts about human nature

236. take your breath away: là m bạ n nín My first view of the island from the air took my breath away.
thở (vì quá đẹp)

stunning (adj) tuyệt đẹp

237. ingenuity (n) -genuine (adj)

238. vandalism(n) sự phá hoạ i Her clothing was vandalized by some masked men yesterday

vandalize (v)
239. take over: chiếm lĩnh, chiếm lấ y In your teens, peer-group friendships may take over
from parents as the major influence on you.

The army is threatening to take over if civil unrest


240. in justification: để giải thích/phâ n


241. condemn (v) lên á n, chỉ trích The government issued a statement condemning the killings.

242. illusion (n) sự ả o tưở ng, ả o giá c He could no longer distinguish between illusion and reality.

243. swallow this message

244. glamorous (adj)hà o nhoá ng

245. inadequate (adj) thiếu, ko đầ y đủ There is a lack of adequate access for disabled students.
>< adequate

246. commercial = advertisement (n)

quả ng cá o

247. protest (n) (v) biểu tình, chống đối

248. removal (n) sự loại bỏ - remove (v)

249. get rid of sth: vứ t bỏ cái gì

250. carbon dating (n) xét nhiệm carbon

251. occupant (n) cư dâ n = inhabitant (n)

252. settler (n) ngườ i khai hoang, thự c dâ n

253. precede (v) có trướ c (cá i gì) the years preceding the war

254. archaeological record (n) ghi chép về

khả o cổ

archeaologist (n) nhà khả o cổ

255. scenario (n) tình cả nh, tình huố ng The worst-case scenario (= the worst possible thing that
could happen) would be for the factory to be closed down.

256. drift (v) trô i dạ t

257. colony (n) thuộ c địa

descend (v)

258. staggering (adj) to lớ n They paid a staggering $8 million for the house.

259. momentous = very important (adj)

rấ t quan trọ ng

260. civilization (n) nền văn minh the technology of modern civilization

261. spand of time = period of time(n)

khoả ng thờ i gian

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