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Drilling and Testing Hot,

High-Pressure Wells

As cars get more powerful, driving is made safer by widening roads and enforcing speed limits.

Similar tactics are used to safely drill and test high-temperature, high-pressure wells. To meet extreme well

conditions, higher capacity hardware is deployed—the road is widened. Then, to maintain a speed limit,

tight controls are implemented to ensure that safety margins remain unbreached.

Robert MacAndrew nThe HTHP challenge. High-temperature, high-pressure, usually deep and often corro-
Ranger Oil (UK) Ltd sive wells impose the most severe constraints on drillers and well testing engineers.
Aberdeen, Scotland
High-temperature, high-pressure (HTHP) For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Willy
Nigel Parry wells present special challenges to drill and Brandt, Sedco Forex, Aberdeen, Scotland; Andy Vigor,
Schlumberger Wireline and Testing, Aberdeen, Scotland;
Phillips Petroleum Company test (above ). Predominantly gas producers, Robbie Rounsaville and Benoit Vidick, Schlumberger
United Kingdom Ltd HTHP wells may yield significant reserves Dowell, Aberdeen, Scotland.

Aberdeen, Scotland in some areas. But the wells stretch conven- KickAlert, MDS (Management Drilling System), IDEAL
tional equipment beyond normal opera- (Integrated Drilling Evaluation and Logging system),
CemCADE, and CSI (Combinable Seismic Imager) are
Jean-Marie Prieur tional capacities. To safely meet these marks of Schlumberger.
Conoco (UK) Ltd extreme conditions, traditional procedures SideKick is a mark of Borland International; Fann is a
have been modified and extra operational mark of NL Industries Inc.
Aberdeen, Scotland 1. “Applications for Consent to Drill or Reenter High
controls devised.
Pressure High Bottom Hole Temperature Exploration
Jan Wiggelman What constitutes HTHP is debatable. Per- and Appraisal Wells: Supplementary Information to be
Shell UK Exploration and Production haps the best definition has been coined by Supplied in Addition to That Required by CSON 11,”
Continental Shelf Operations Notice No. 59,
Aberdeen, Scotland the UK Department of Energy: Department of Energy, London, England, May 1990.
“Wells where the undisturbed bottomhole In 1992, the UK Department of Energy (DOE) was
Eric Diggins temperature at prospective reservoir depth subsumed into the Department of Trade and
or total depth is greater than 300°F [150°C] Industry. At about the same time, some of the DOE’s
Brunei Shell Petroleum duties were transferred to the UK Health and Safety
Brunei and either the maximum anticipated pore Executive.
pressure of any porous formation to be
Patrick Guicheney drilled exceeds a hydrostatic gradient of 0.8
Montrouge, France psi/ft or pressure control equipment with a
rated working pressure in excess of 10,000
Doug Cameron psi is required.”1
Adrian Stewart HTHP drilling is not new. In the late 1970s
Aberdeen, Scotland and early 1980s, many gas wells were

April/July 1993 15
North Sea East Shetland Basin nUK Central Drilling Safety
Graben. Reserves Preventing and controlling influxes of reser-
Shetland in this area may voir fluid into the well—called kicks—are
be a source of gas
Bergen to replace the always central to drilling safety, but in
Norway declining produc- HTHP wells the dangers from a kick are
tion from the UK amplified. The volume of a HTHP gas kick
Southern Basin. remains virtually unchanged as it rises in the
The Central
Graben has the annulus from 14,000 to 10,000 ft [4265 to
additional attrac- 3050 m]. From 10,000 to 2000 ft [610 m]
Norwegian Stavanger
tion of relatively its volume triples. But from 2000 ft to the
rich condensate surface, there is a hundred-fold expansion.
deposits—1 to 2 Put simply, a gas influx of 10 barrels at
barrels of fluid per
10,000 standard 14,000 psi becomes 4000 barrels under
St. Fergus
Central Graben cubic feet of gas. atmospheric conditions. As reservoir fluid
22 7 8 However, to fully rapidly expands, it forces mud out of the
1 2 exploit this poten- well—unloading—reducing mud in the
UK tial, HTHP wells
sector Danish are required. well, cutting hydrostatic pressure at the for-
29 30 sector mation, allowing additional reservoir fluids
39 to enter, and ultimately causing a blowout.
Edinburgh Wells drilled in the Central Graben have
another complication—an unpredictable
and sharp increase in pore pressure over a
short vertical interval, sometimes less than
sector 100 ft [30 m]. And, while the pore pressure
may rise rapidly, the fracture pressure does
Dutch not. In some cases, convergence of pore
UK sector and fracture pressures means that a small
The decrease in the mud weight of 0.5 pounds
per gallon [lbm/gal] or less changes the
The well from losing circulation to taking a kick
Great Yarmouth Southern Amsterdam
Basin (next page ).5
Rotterdam The difficulty of drilling in the Central
Germany Graben was highlighted in September 1988
when a blowout on the semisubmersible
Ocean Odyssey resulted in fire and loss of
drilled in the Tuscaloosa trend, Louisiana, The Central Graben contains several Juras- life.6 Consequently, the UK Department of
USA, and other southern US states. These sic gas condensate prospects at 12,000 to Energy essentially banned the drilling and
encountered temperatures above 350°F 20,000 ft [3660 to 6100 m], with pressures testing of prospects with anticipated reser-
[177°C] and pressures of more than 16,000 of 18,000 psi or more and temperatures of voir pressures exceeding 10,000 psi.
psi, not to mention highly corrosive environ- up to 400°F [205°C]. As a result, the UK Offshore Operators
ments.2 When HTHP interest switched to the Water depth in the Central Graben varies Association (UKOOA) collated the experi-
North Sea in the mid 80s, new hazards were between 250 to 350 ft [75 to 105 m]. Both ences of those involved in HTHP wells and
introduced. The wells were drilled offshore, jackups and semisubmersibles have suc- drew up guidelines.7 In addition, in 1992,
in extremely hostile conditions and some- cessfully drilled wells in the sector, harsh the Institute of Petroleum (IP), London, Eng-
times using floating semisubmersible rigs environment jackups up to about 300 ft [90 land, published a comprehensive set of rec-
rather than fixed jackups. m] and semisubmersibles for deeper water. ommended practices to provide information
Most of the North Sea HTHP wells are sit- Jackups offer the advantage of contact with and guidance on HTHP well control activi-
uated in the Central Graben—a series of the seabed, eliminating heave and simplify- ties. 8 With these two sets of guidelines,
downthrown and upthrown blocks (above ).3 ing many drilling and testing operations. On drilling and testing has resumed.
the downside, in an emergency, jackups Before an HTHP well is spudded, contin-
cannot be moved off location quickly. Also, gency plans are made. The maximum vol-
few deepwater jackups are available.4 ume and flow rate of formation fluid, and
This article looks at three key areas of associated peak temperatures and pressures
HTHP operations in the UK Central Graben: are anticipated for a number of worst-case
drilling safety, casing and cementing, and scenarios. Well-control hardware may then
testing. It also examines how North Sea
experience has been used to help convert a
jackup to drill demanding wells off Brunei
(see “Readying a Jackup For Brunei’s HTHP
Wells,” page 18 ).

16 Oilfield Review
500 nLithology versus
pressure in the
Central Graben. In
the highlighted
Frac pressure area, an increase
2500 in pore pressure
from 13.5 to 17.5
Mud weight lbm/gal can occur
over an interval of
Tertiary 4500
less than 100 ft, yet
the fracture gradi-
ent of the perme-
able formations
remains below

Approximate depth, ft
6500 18.5 lbm/gal.
The increase may
occur in the Lower
Cretaceous, Kim-
Pore pressure meridge clay or
8500 the top of the reser-
voir sands, but the
Paleocene location and mag-
nitude are difficult
Cretaceous 10,500
to predict.

Lower Cret.


Bryne 14,500

10 12 14 16 18 20
Pressure gradients, lbm/gal

be designed to cope with these worst cases 2. Huntoon GG: “Completion Practices in Deep Sour 7. “Procedures for High-Pressure Drilling,” UK Offshore
for at least an hour, the minimum time Tuscaloosa Wells,” Journal of Petroleum Technology Operators Association Drilling Practices Committee,
36, no. 1 (January 1984): 79-88. no. 2, London, England, January 1990.
needed to evacuate a rig. Schultz RR, Stehle DE and Murali J: “Completion of Hoopingarner JB, Greif CV, Neme EE, Rodt GM and
Because the consequences of failure in a Deep, Hot, and Corrosive East Texas Gas Well,” Bates TR: “Rig Modifications Meet New UK High-
HTHP wells are so great, worst-case scenar- paper SPE 14983, presented at the SPE Deep Pressure Requirements,” paper IADC/SPE 19976,
Drilling and Production Symposium, Amarillo, presented at the 1990 IADC/SPE Drilling Confer-
ios tend to be more conservative than for Texas, USA, April 6-8, 1986. ence, Houston, Texas, USA, February 12-March 2,
normal wells. Usually, the maximum antici- 3. JM Peden: “The Central Graben—The Next North 1990.
pated size of a kick is set at the limit of Sea Challenge,” presented at the Petroleum Science 8. “Well Control During the Drilling and Testing of
and Technology Institute Seminar, The Central High Pressure Offshore Wells,” Model Code of Safe
detection—often 10 to 20 barrels. In HTHP Graben, The Next North Sea Challenge, The Need Practice, Part 17. London, England: Institute of
wells, many contingency plans are based on for Joint Industry Research, Edinburgh, Scotland, Petroleum, 1992.
the worst case of an influx completely filling September 10, 1990. 9. Prieur JM: ”Control Aspects of Drilling High Pressure
the well at reservoir pressure.9 4. Low E and Seymour KP: “The Drilling and Testing of Wells,” paper SPE 19245, presented at Offshore
High-Pressure Gas Condensate Wells in the North Europe, Aberdeen, Scotland, September 5-8, 1989.
When drilling with oil-base mud (OBM), Sea,” paper IADC/SPE 17224, presented at the I988 10. The majority of wells have been drilled using low-
there is a likelihood that gas entering the IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, Dallas, Texas, USA, toxicity OBM, which is relatively easy to design for
February 28-March 2, 1988. HTHP duty. Today, more environmentally safe
wellbore will dissolve into the mud’s oil
Seymour KP and Mackay A: “The Design, Drilling water-base muds (WBM) are being used. These tend
phase.10 This affects the how the kick moves and Testing of a Deviated High-Temperature, High- to be more difficult to use in HTHP wells since they
up the annulus and may mask detection. Pressure Exploration Well in the North Sea,” paper may gel or thin. WBM sometimes proves problem-
Since 1986, researchers at Schlumberger OTC 7338, presented at the 25th Annual Offshore atic because of difficulty in maintaining fluid
Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, May properties. “Well Control When Drilling With Oil-
Cambridge Research (SCR), Cambridge, 3-6, 1993. Based Mud, Recent Experience in Deep Wells,” UK
England, have been studying the behavior of 5. Ross I, Seymour K and Whyte B: “The Role of Jack- Department of Energy, Offshore Technology Report,
ups and Permanent Completions in Central Graben OTH 86 260, London, England: HMSO 1990.
gas kicks, particularly in OBM. This work
Exploration Drilling,” presented at the Petroleum
has resulted in Anadrill’s SideKick software Science and Technology Institute Seminar, The Cen-
(continued on page 20) tral Graben, The Next North Sea Challenge, The
Need for Joint Industry Research, Edinburgh, Scot-
land, September 10, 1990.
6.”Ocean Odyssey Blowout Fuels UK Sector Safety
Debate,” Offshore Engineer (October 1988): 11.

April/July 1993 17
Readying a Jackup for
Brunei’s HTHP Wells

Brunei Shell Petroleum has a number of offshore work was defined to bring the rig up to 15,000-psi Some critical items were inspected and pres-
drilling prospects with formation pressures status. The plans were based largely on North sure tested by certification authorities. Designs
exceeding 10,000 psi. The first well in an HTHP Sea experience, and included: for the structural modifications to the rig—like
campaign was spudded in August 1992 and com- • Replacement of the 20 3/4-in., 3000-psi BOP by the upgrade of the BOP handling system—were
pleted in December. These wells are expected to a 21 1/4-in., 5000-psi BOP—necessary because also reviewed and approved by an authority,
be about 13,125 ft [4000 m] deep with bottomhole the large diameter casings were to go deeper; which also surveyed the work when completed.
pressures greater than 14,000 psi and bot- replacement of the 13 5/8-in., 10,000-psi BOP Because this was an upgrade and not a new
tomhole static temperature peaking at approxi- by a 13 5/8-in., 15,000-psi BOP; and an upgrade build, available space could rarely be increased,
mately 300°F. of the hydraulic control unit and the and never by much. For example, the 15,000-psi
At the planning stage, one of the first consider- handling systems to accommodate the larger choke manifold weighs twice its 10,000-psi coun-
ations was choice of rig. With no suitable unit in BOPs. terpart, yet had to be located at the same place
the sector, Brunei Shell could have mobilized a • Upgrading of the choke, kill and cement lines to and offer increased circulating options—both
North Sea rig. But the milder weather offshore handle 15,000 psi. Also replacement of choke, lines from the BOP to the choke manifold can be
Brunei does not merit such ruggedized units with kill, and safety valves by equipment with either a choke or a kill line.
high mobilization costs. A more cost-effective 15,000-psi working pressure. The MDS system, which had been installed two
option was to upgrade a rig already in the sector. • Installation of a 15,000-psi choke pressure years previously, was upgraded to monitor more
Attention turned to the jackup Trident XII, oper- manifold and addition of a glycol injection unit. parameters in real time with screens on the rig
ated by Sedco Forex and contracted by Brunei • Upgrade of the MDS system to monitor HTHP floor, and in the operator representative and tool-
Shell since February 1990 (next page). Prior to parameters. To achieve this, temperature and pusher offices. New measurements included:
modification, the rig could drill in water up to 300 pressure sensors were installed in strategic • Pressure and temperature upstream of the
ft deep, had topdrive and was fitted with the MDS positions. chokes, on two flow paths as choke and kill
computerized drilling monitoring system. But it From agreeing on this plan to spudding the first lines were dual purpose, to ensure BOP and
could handle only a maximum wellhead pressure HTHP well took only six months—including valve elastomer ratings are not exceeded.
of 10,000 psi. By early January 1992, the scope of drilling a normally-pressured “shakedown” well. • Pressure and temperature downstream of the
Rig work took three months and included an choke. Temperature monitoring enables detec-
extensive program of inspection and maintenance tion of possible hydrate formation beyond the
on key rig equipment not strictly part of the high- choke, indicating when glycol injection is
pressure upgrade—like the topdrive, drawworks required. Pressure monitoring ensures the
and blocks. 10,000-psi rating downstream of the choke
To meet the schedule, Sedco Forex determined manifold is not exceeded.
equipment needs while engineering the modifica- • Mud-gas separator (MGS) pressure. This
tions. Although time was vital—especially con- ensures that low-pressure vessel capabilities
sidering the increased delivery time on some are not exceeded. If the pressure approaches
high-pressure components—care was taken to the limit, a hydraulic valve is opened to divert
ensure equipment was delivered with a specific mud overboard.
quality file including traceability, interim inspec-
tion, test reports and certificates of conformance.

18 Oilfield Review
n The jackup Trident XII

• MGS seal height. This ensures that the operat- Sedco Forex rig manager. Additional representa- But it did more than just ready the fabric of the
ing capabilities of the separator are not tives—like geologists, equipment engineers and rig. The group also prepared personnel who
exceeded. If this happens, mud flow is reduced production engineers—attended when needed. would be involved in the drilling. First, it drew up
or the line overboard opened. The team’s work was judged a key element in the a set of HTHP drilling and well control procedures
From the beginning, a joint Shell-Sedco Forex smooth startup and safety of subsequent drilling. to fit local conditions and equipment. Particular
HTHP team was established and met regularly The group fine-tuned technical matters of the attention was focused on stripping drillpipe into
during the six-month project. The team included a rig upgrade—for instance, new requirements for the well (see page 24). Second, it coordinated
core of representatives from Brunei Shell, partic- the MGS system—and monitored the timing of HTHP-awareness sessions for project personnel.
ularly from the drilling department, and the project landmarks and their impact on the startup
date. It established a rig commissioning list to
ensure the upgrade met objectives of the initial
plan and that the rig was ready to safely start the
HTHP campaign.

April/July 1993 19
model which simulates gas kicks and may (next page ). Training is then used to com- tine is usually adopted to check whether
be used to plan methods of controlling municate these procedures to drilling per- swabbing will cause an influx.
HTHP wells (below ).11 sonnel. Long before drilling starts, specific Before the assembly is pulled out of
Planning requires realistic data: well tem- HTHP training courses may be run. Once hole, the mud at the bit is circulated to
perature profile, nature of the anticipated on the rig, there are prespud meetings, crew surface—a procedure called circulating
reservoir fluids, expected maximum bottom- safety meetings before starting key sections bottoms up. If this is free from gas, ten
hole pressure and pressure gradient, and of the well, preshift meetings to discuss the stands of drillpipe are pulled. The string is
rock strength and permeability. These are current situation, and regular drills to prac- then run back to total depth (TD), and
most often estimated using offset data—rela- tice important techniques like closing bottoms up are circulated. Gas in the mud
tively plentiful in the North Sea. But where blowout preventers (BOP).12 is measured again, with an increase indi-
offset data are sketchy, predictive modeling The three issues at the heart of HTHP cating swabbing.
may be employed. Koninklijke/Shell Explo- drilling safety are kick prevention, kick If swabbing does cause an influx, the
ratie en Produktie Laboratorium (KSEPL), detection and well control. mud weight may be raised slightly and
Rijswijk, The Netherlands, has developed a the string pulled out of hole more slowly.
model to predict rock strength and pore Kick Prevention: The best way of avoiding Also, circulating mud while pulling out of
pressure in many areas of the North Sea. well-control problems is to anticipate situa- hole helps stop swabbing—a process
KSEPL has also modified a model designed tions known to precipitate kicks and take made easier by topdrive. If the well is
to predict wellhead temperatures in offshore preventive action. Here are four examples: being drilled from a semisubmersible,
production wells to estimate surface equip- •When high-pressure formations are drilled, severe vessel heave may swab the well. If
ment temperature when controlling a kick. kicks commonly occur when the drilling heave becomes too great in stormy
Worst-case scenarios are used not only to assembly is being pulled out of hole. The weather, drilling may have to stop until
specify equipment but also to draw up spe- movement of the assembly creates a pis- conditions improve.
cific operational procedures, for example ton effect reducing pressure below the bit, •The combination of relatively high-viscos-
detailing what to do if the well takes a kick called swabbing. A time-consuming rou- ity mud, deep wells and small annular

Free Dissolved Free Dissolved Free Dissolved

gas gas gas gas gas gas
0 10% 0 10% 0 10% 0 10% 0 10% 0 10%
n Influx simulation

using SideKick soft-


ware showing the

development of a
gas kick of about
10 barrels at
14,000 ft as it is cir-
Measured depth, ft

culated out of the


well. Mud is blue;

gas in solution,
red; and free gas
is white.


20 Oilfield Review
Well influx clearances leads to higher than normal
friction pressure during mud circulation.
At the formation, mud hydrostatic pres-
Operation in
sure and friction pressure then combine to
give the equivalent circulating density
(ECD). This may be designed to balance
Drilling Tripping, Pulled out of hole,
bit on bottom bit off bottom no pipe in BOP formation fluid pressure. But during a
connection, mud flow stops and friction
Install open Close pressure is zero. With reduced ECD, small
Raise kelly kelly cock shear rams quantities of gas, called connection gas,
may permeate from the formation. If bot-
Close Open toms-up circulation time exceeds the time
Stop pump kelly cock choke line to drill to the next connection point, gas
that entered during the previous connec-
Close annular
Close annular tion may remain undetected. Additional
preventer gas may then enter as another connection
is made, significantly increasing risk of a
Open serious kick. The safe procedure is to
Open choke line
choke line ensure that bottoms up has been circu-
lated before making the next connection.
Close in BOP? •Kicks don’t occur just during drilling. Cor-
kelly cock ing also causes problems. The relatively
No Yes small clearance between core barrel and
Install kill open hole increases the possibility of
assembly & test Install kill swabbing when pulling out of hole. This
assembly & test Check surface may be combated by limiting the amount
Check of core cut at any one time—usually to 30
space out Check ft [10 m] or less—and pulling out of hole
space out Upward very slowly, checking for flow and moni-
force acting on
Close 5-in. toring gas in the mud.
Close 5-in. collars greater than
pipe rams
pipe rams string weight? •Tight margins between pore pressure and
No rock strength, as in the Central Graben,
Land string, Land string,
make lost circulation common, compli-
close Posilocks close Posilocks Yes cating well control. The normal practice
Drop string,
on encountering losses is to pump lost cir-
wait then close
Pressure up to shut Open shear rams culation material (LCM) in the mud. If
in drillpipe pressure kelly cock LCM fails to block the formation, the strat-
egy is to pull out of hole, run back in with
Open kelly cock
open-ended pipe and spot cement across
Observe well
the loss zone. Some slurry is squeezed
into the formation and, once set, the
Muster all crews Withdraw all Advise remainder drilled out. However, in HTHP
for information work permits standby boat wells, the swabbing effect of pulling the
bottomhole assembly out of hole prior to
Prepare to kill well spotting the plug may induce a kick else-
where in the wellbore. In this case, the
n Generalized decision tree for controlling kicks.
only solution is to spot the cement plug

11. Leach CP and Wand PA: “Use of a Kick Simulator as 12. Lindsay G and White D: “The Use of a Gas Kick
a Well Planning Tool,” paper 24577, presented at Simulator to Produce an Oil Based Mud Training
the 67th SPE Annual Technical Conference and Package,” presented at the 1993 IADC European
Exhibition, Washington, DC, USA, October 4-7, Well Control Conference, Paris, France,
1992. June 2-4, 1993.
Hornung MR: “Kick Prevention, Detection, and
Control: Planning and Training Guidelines for
Drilling Deep High-Pressure Gas Wells,” paper
IADC/SPE 19990, presented at the I990 IADC/SPE
Drilling Conference, Houston, Texas, USA,
February 28-March 2, 1990.

April/July 1993 21
through the bit (below ). To make this eas- stable and no gas is entering, the phase rela- The BOPs are the primary means of well
ier, rotary drilling is favored, rather than tionship between the pressure pulses in the closure. Once a kick is suspected, the annu-
using a downhole motor that may clog up standpipe and annulus is constant, or lar blowout preventer is first closed. A flexi-
with cement. changes gradually as the well is drilled ble rubber element is inflated using
deeper. When gas enters, the pulses travel hydraulic pressure, and is sufficiently flexi-
Kick Detection: Because no technique can much more rapidly up the annulus, dramati- ble to seal around any downhole equip-
guarantee kick-free drilling, influx detection cally changing the phase and setting off an ment. When it has been established that no
remains vitally important. Traditional influx alarm on the drillfloor. tool joints are in the way, the pipe rams are
detection relies on observing mud level The presence of high-pressure gas may then shut, sealing around the drillpipe. Now
increases in the mud pits, or performing flow also be indicated by changes in drilling con- mud can no longer return through the flow-
checks—stopping drilling to see if the well is ditions. Increases in rate of penetration, line to the shale shakers and mud pits.
flowing. Comparisons of mud flow rates into torque or mud temperature in the mud Instead it must travel through the chokeline
and out of the well are also used. To make return flowline on surface may all signify to the choke manifold, which is used to
detection more reliable, transfer of mud into the onset of a kick. Computerized monitors, relieve mud pressure at surface.
the active system is tightly controlled and like Sedco Forex’s MDS rig information sys- Most operators favor what is called a
usually not allowed while drilling. tem and Anadrill’s IDEAL Integrated Drilling “hard” shut-in—closing BOPs with the
Recently, Anadrill has introduced the Evaluation and Logging system, help drilling choke already closed. Sometimes “soft” clo-
KickAlert early gas detection service based personnel keep track of trends and spot sure is used—the choke is closed only after
on the principle that acoustic pulses created abnormal situations using quick-look inter- the BOPs have sealed. Some believe that
by the normal action of the mud pumps pretations on a drillfloor screen.13 this reduces the hydrostatic shock to the for-
travel more slowly through mud containing mation, but it has the severe disadvantage of
gas they do through pure mud. The pulses Well Control: As soon as a kick is detected, delaying closure and allowing additional
are measured as pressure variations at the drilling is stopped and the well is shut in. formation fluid to enter the wellbore. It is
standpipe as the mud enters the well and at The influx must then be circulated out also a more complex procedure, increasing
the annulus as it comes out. If the well is while keeping the pressure under control the likelihood of errors.14
(next page ). The capacity of a BOP to resist pressure
depends on the elastomeric seals inside the
rams and their likelihood of not being
extruded. As temperature increases, extru-
sion becomes more likely. Seals may have
to withstand prolonged temperatures that
top 400°F [205°C]—beyond the limits of
ordinary components. Finite-element analy-
sis has been used to identify which areas of
the BOPs are most affected by heat and
200 ft which seals need special elastomers rated to
350°F.15 Sometimes, special BOP tempera-
ture monitors are used to ensure these
Cement Lost extended limits are not breached. However,
circulation high-temperature elastomers are harder than
their low-temperature counterparts and may
not seal at ambient temperature, making
surface pressure tests difficult.
Once the BOPs and choke are closed,
n Spotting a plug without cementing the pipe in the hole. pressure builds in the annulus and drillpipe.
With the bit 100 to 200 ft above the loss zone, preferably inside The maximum drillpipe pressure is used to
the previous casing shoe, 5 barrels of mud-base oil, 20 barrels of calculate bottomhole pressure, which is
spacer, 50 to 100 barrels of cement and a further 20 barrels of
spacer may typically be pumped until the base oil reaches used to plan the kill strategy. Well-kill strat-
the bit. The annular BOP is closed and the plug squeezed until egy also takes into consideration the drilling
the top of cement reaches 50 ft above the top of the loss zone. operation underway during the kick.16
The last 10 barrels are displaced down the annulus to ensure
the bit is free of cement. While the cement is setting, the pipe is
worked up and down with the annular preventer closed. To
avoid plugging the bottomhole assembly due to gelation, sedi-
mentation or premature setting, extensive tests are needed to
ensure that the slurry has uniform, predictable properties at
downhole conditions.

22 Oilfield Review
Mud flow during Vent to top Rotary table
normal drilling Secondary of derrick
vent Stripper BOP ram elastomers
Top seal
Flowline Mud gas separator Annular Packer
Inlet for
Trip fresh mud
Blind rams
degasser Shear rams
Slip rams
inlet line Pipe rams

Shaker room tanks

Overboard lines

Active and reserve Divert flow overboard

mud pits
Kill well
Kill pump
Mud Kill line
Gas Chokeline
Mud flow when shut-in

n The well-control layout. Normally, drilling mud returns to the pits via the flowline and the shale shakers. If the well takes a kick,

the BOPs shut off flow, directing it through the chokeline to the choke manifold and then to the mud-gas separator (MGS).
Inside the MGS, gas is safely vented and the mud returned to the mud system. Fluid in the MGS acts as the only barrier preventing
gas from forcing its way into the mud room. Separator seal pressure is reduced as heavy mud is diluted by the relatively light
hydrocarbons from the influx. In some MGS systems, fresh mud may be circulated down the seal leg, displacing the hydrocarbons
and ensuring a tight seal. BOPs have a combination of annular preventer and rams—the exact choice of elements varies. At high
temperature, normal elastomers that seal inside the rams may soften and be extruded. For HTHP drilling, harder high-temperature
elastomers are usually used.

If the kick occurs during drilling, weighted as it is pumped into the well. Friction pres- 13. Weishaupt MA, Omsberg NP, Jardine SI and Patter-
mud—either from a premixed or specially sure is routinely measured by the drilling son DA: “Rig Computer System Improves Safety for
Deep HP/HT Wells by Kick Detection and Well
prepared supply—may immediately be crew at the start of every 12-hour shift. If Control Monitoring,” paper SPE 23053, presented at
pumped down the drillpipe. The formation calculations show surface limitations will be the Offshore Europe Conference, Aberdeen, Scot-
fluid influx is gradually displaced up the breached, a kill assembly rated to 15,000 land, September 3-6, 1991.
annulus, expanding as hydrostatic pressure psi must be temporarily installed after the 14. Jardine SI, Johnson AB, White DB and Stibbs W:
“Hard or Soft Shut-in: Which is the Best Approach?,”
decreases. At surface, the mud-influx mix- well has been shut in. Two valves in the paper SPE/ IADC 25712, presented at the 1993
ture travels to the choke manifold via the drillstring just below the kelly or top- SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, February 23-25, 1993.
chokeline and has its pressure reduced by drive—called surface valves or kelly
15. McWhorter DJ: “High-Temperature Variable Bore
the choke. The well is slowly brought under cocks—are closed to seal inside the drill- Ram Blowout Preventer Sealing,” paper OTC 7336,
control by carefully selecting mud weight string allowing removal of the topdrive or presented at the 25th Annual Offshore Technology
and choke opening. kelly and installation of the kill assembly. Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, May 3-6, 1993.
16. Jardine SI, White DB and Billingham J: “Computer-
It is vital that the surface drilling and Controlling a kick while the drillstring is Aided Real-Time Kick Analysis and Control,” paper
pumping equipment withstands the pres- being pulled out of hole is less straightfor- SPE/ IADC 25711, presented at the 1993 SPE/IADC
sures during the kill—for example, the kelly ward. Reservoir fluid enters below the bot- Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
February 23-25, 1993.
or topdrive are usually rated to only 5000 tom of the drillstring and cannot be circu-
psi. The surface pressure during the kill is lated out of the well until drillpipe is run
estimated by adding the shut-in drillpipe back in hole below the kick. Running in
pressure to the friction pressure of the fluid drillpipe through a closed BOP is called
stripping and requires careful coordination
of several critical operations (next page).
Once stripped back in hole, a conventional

April/July 1993 23
n Stripping
drillpipe into the
well. After the
annular preventer
in the BOP stack is
closed around the
drillstring, new
joints of pipe are
added to the string
and forced through
Internal the preventer into
BOP closed the well. While this
Kelly valves New joint of is happening, the
closed Kelly valves drillpipe internal pressure of
open the drillpipe must
be controlled. Two
kelly cocks or sur-
face valves are
always included in
the drillstring, just
below the topdrive
or kelly. For strip-
ping, they are
closed, sealing
inside the drillpipe,
then the elevators
are removed (A).
A set of internal
BOPs is fitted inside
the pipe. This acts
as a one-way valve
holding pressure
from below while
allowing flow to
pass from above.
In this way, the
kelly valves may
be reopened and
joints of pipe
added without
exposing the
drillfloor to a flow-
ing well (B). Suffi-
cient pipe is added
until the bit is
below the influx,
which may then be
circulated out (C).
This process
must take into
account the
increased volume
of the string as
joints are added,
and the increased
volume of the
reservoir fluid as it
travels up the well.
Careful control of
the choke is
needed to bleed off
calculated vol-
umes of mud and
maintain the right

24 Oilfield Review
kill operation may be started and the influx blowout—reservoir fluid flowing into
circulated to the choke manifold. another formation. Once bullheading starts, 30 in. 500
For HTHP drilling, the choke manifold is it may be difficult to keep track of what flu-
typically rated to 15,000 psi, while equip- ids are in the well and where they are. Fur-
ment downstream of the choke is rated to thermore, the operation may burst casing 2500
5000 psi, sometimes 10,000 psi. Redun- that has been weakened during drilling. 20 in.
dancy demands no fewer than two flow
paths, so the manifold comprises at least Casing and Cementing

two chokes. A large pressure drop across the In Central Graben wells, choosing the loca- 4500
choke may result in adiabatic cooling of the tion of the intermediate—usually 9 5 / 8 - Tertiary
fluid on the low-pressure side, and cooling in.—casing shoe is crucial. Ideally, casing
133/8 in.
leads to development of hydrates and must be set above the high-pressure reser-
plugged lines. To prevent this, glycol or voir and just below a zone of weak Hod 6500

Approximate depth, ft
methanol must be injected upstream of the chalk (right ). If it is set too high, the weak
choke. Remote sensing of upstream and formation will be exposed to subsequent
downstream choke temperature and pres- high pressure, and the only solution is to set
sure enables monitoring of potential hydrate a short, perhaps less than 100 ft, 7-in.
formation. drilling liner. This has the undesirable effect
Once fluid pressure has been reduced by of reducing the diameter of further drilling.
the choke, returns are routed in one of two Consequently, the shoe is usually set at
Cretaceous 10,500
directions: diverted overboard or to the the bottom of the Hod chalk, in the Lower
mud-gas separator—also known as the Cretaceous clays or in the Kimmeridge clay
Hod 95/8 in.
Lower Cret.
poor-boy separator. Flow is normally just above the reservoir. But finding the cas- Kimmeridge
diverted overboard only in an emergency— ing point is not easy—vertical seismic pro- 12,500
for example, a blocked line. file surveys may be employed.18 As drilling
The MGS is traditionally employed to approaches the likely casing point, it is
vent small volumes of free gas in the mud, intermittently halted, bottoms up circulated
preventing frothing and reducing the load and cuttings examined by a geologist or Bryne 14,500
on the subsequent vacuum degasser. Inside micropaleogeologist. 7 in.
the MGS, internal weirs allow the gas to Pressure is a key consideration when Triassic
separate from the mud and be vented (page designing the casing string. The 95/8-in. cas-
23 ). A small hydrostatic head of less than 15 ing is often designed to withstand complete n In search of the ideal casing point. In

psi prevents gas from forcing its way evacuation to atmospheric pressure with some cases, the preferred place for the
through the MGS into the mud tanks. For reservoir pressure in the annulus between 9 5/8-in. casing shoe is in the upper sec-
tion of the Kimmeridge clay, which is
HTHP duty, pressure sensors warn when the open hole and casing. Given the high pres- sometimes as little as 50 ft [15 m] thick in
gas pressure threatens to exceed the hydro- sures, heavy-weight casing is usually total. But there are potential high-pressure
static head so that the well may be shut in required throughout the string. sand lenses within the clay. This may
until the liquid seal is reestablished.17 H2S is another consideration. At high tem- mean setting the shoe in the fractured
Hod chalk. In this case, the aim is to have
In some cases, the influx may be so large, peratures, the corrosive gas does not affect the shoe at the bottom of the zone, where
the anticipated pressure so high or the con- steel. But when temperatures fall below fractures are least prevalent.
centration of hydrogen sulfide (H 2S) so about 185°F [85°C] higher up the well, cas-
great, that circulating the reservoir fluid to ing may be prone to attack. To combat this,
surface is not considered safe. In these rare special-grade steel is required. This may
cases, the only alternative is to squeeze the reduce casing inside diameter preventing
fluid back into the formation—a procedure passage of an 8 1 / 2 -in. bit. The solution
called bullheading. favored by many North Sea operators is to
Bullheading presents additional chal- use thick-walled, special-grade steel 97/8-in.
lenges. It may involve considerably higher or even 103/4-in. casing higher up the well
surface pressures and pump rates than cir- tapering to 9 5 / 8 in. as the temperature
culation and may pressure up or fracture
the formation. Also, the fractured forma- 17. Low E and Jansen C: “A Method for Handling Gas
tion may not be the source of the kick, cre- Kicks Safely in High-Pressure Wells,” paper
SPE/IADC 21964, presented at the 1991 SPE/IADC
ating the conditions for an underground Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
March 11-14, 1991.
18. Meehan R, Miller D, Haldorsen J, Kamata M and
Underhill B: “Rekindling Interest in Seismic While
Drilling,” Oilfield Review 5, no. 1 (January 1993):

April/July 1993 25
increases and H2S attack ceases to be a dan- Neat Class H Cement (16.5 lbm/gal) measured during logging and converted
ger.19 However, if the design is too conser- into BHCT using American Petroleum
Mud Compressive strength
vative, the casing string may become so Institute (API) conversions.22 Software tem-
heavy that the rig cannot bear the hook load contamination (psi at 170° F) perature models are also available. Dow-
to run the casing. (% by volume) 8 hr 16 hr ell’s CemCADE temperature simulator cal-
Once the casing string has been run, the culates BHCT versus time and depth,
0 4547 5862
shoe must be cemented to resist the high taking into account mud properties, well
5 3512 5300
reservoir pressure that will be encountered geometry and deviation, borehole geology,
10 2519 4538
almost as soon as the next section of drilling mud temperature in and out of the well,
starts. Location of the top of cement (TOC) 20 2378 2331 and the pump rate (next page ).
of the 95/8-in. casing is sometimes an issue. 50 245 471 Temperature probes have also been
In normal wells the TOC is usually above used. Heat-sensitive paper is encased in
n Effects of mud contamination on slurry
the previous casing shoe, with fluid trapped strength after 8- and 16-hour setting times. small spheres and pumped with the mud.
in the annulus above the TOC. When HTHP Recovery varies from 10 to 50%, but once
wells are drilled, hot mud passing up the The tight pressure constraints found in at surface, a color change in the paper is
drillpipe-casing annulus heats fluid in the HTHP wells mean that the traditional den- used to determine the maximum tempera-
casing-casing annulus, causing it to expand. sity hierarchy—cement heavier than the ture the sphere encountered.
For a subsea-HTHP well, the pressure has mud with an intermediate spacer—is diffi- Retardation is complicated by the need
no escape and it can burst or collapse the cult to achieve without exceeding formation to design a slurry that may encounter a
casing. For this reason, the TOC for 95/8-in. fracture pressure. A viscosity hierarchy is shoe up to 70°F [39°C] hotter than the
casing in a HTHP well is sometimes kept also desirable, but when cement is thicker liner top. Yet good cement is required at
below the 133/8-in. shoe to allow annular than mud, the friction pressure may increase both locations. In general, if the static
pressure to dissipate into the formation. beyond the limit. This emphasizes the temperature at the top of the liner is less
In most HTHP wells a 7-in. liner is run, importance of other good drilling and than the circulating temperature at the
although in some cases it may be possible cementing practices: drilling an even well- shoe, the slurry will set satisfactorily in
to cement a 7-in. casing to surface. In either bore, circulating and conditioning the mud both locations. However, if the situation is
case, the cement job must isolate the high- correctly, and centralizing the casing.20 reversed, there can be difficulties formu-
pressure zones to facilitate well testing. This Cement slurry rheology is usually lating a slurry to set at both temperatures.
requires good cementing practices and a designed to give the best flow regime for This requires a retarder that is not too
carefully designed slurry. mud removal using allowable pump rates. temperature-sensitive.
Mud removal is vital in achieving strong Although turbulent flow is normally pre- •In gas zones with a low overbalance, there
cement bonding to the formation and cas- ferred, pump rate restrictions often result in is the risk that high-pressure gas will enter
ing, and sealing against high pressure. Even the use of effective laminar flow. A major the cement during hydration and create
small quantities of contaminant in the constraint on pump rate in HTHP wells is large channels. Elsewhere, loss of fluid
cement slurry compromise the final setting the high friction pressure in the 7-in. liner into the formation reduces the slurry liq-
strength (above, right ). Spacers reduce con- annulus. To predict friction pressures and uid-to-solids ratio, changing rheology,
tamination, but high temperatures may thin keep ECDs below the formation fracture density and setting time. Resistance to gas
or destroy spacer polymers causing weight- gradient, a Fann Model 70, HTHP viscome- migration and fluid-loss control are often
ing agents to settle. An emulsified Dowell ter is used to measure slurry rheologies at handled using latex additives. This is also
spacer or XC polymer, both weighted by up to 500°F [260°C] and 20,000 psi. These the case in HTHP wells. In some cases,
hematite, have been successfully employed. data may then be fed into design software gas-tight, high-temperature slurries have
like Dowell’s CemCADE service.21 been designed using latex additive and
Besides rheology, HTHP cement slurries Class H cement rather than the more usual
have many other design considerations: Class G.23 At these extreme conditions, the
•Some cement slurries in HTHP wells Class H slurries show longer natural thick-
require long setting times. Depths of more ening times, advantageous rheologies and
than 15,000 ft [4575 m], high friction a right-angle set—a rapid transition to set-
pressures and low fracture gradients mean ting rather than a gradual one.
long pumping times—in some cases 7 •Set cement must exhibit good compressive
hours or more. Bottomhole static tempera- strength at the shoe and liner hanger.
tures (BHST) are high and accurate esti- Strength may deteriorate with time, some-
mation of the bottomhole circulating tem- thing that becomes more likely once the
perature (BHCT) is vital to ensure that the expected BHST exceeds 225°F [107°C].
slurry sets at the right time. Hottest North Sea wells drilled so far have
BHST—usually defined as the tempera-
ture 24 hours after the last circulation—is

26 Oilfield Review
exhibited BHSTs of around 400°F, so Testing manifold. Periods of flow and shut-in allow
cement recipes always include silica flour, Cores are taken and logs run where possible collection of data like flow rate and pres-
which prevents a loss of strength and and used to decide whether and where to sure changes. In HTHP tests, fluid samples
increase in permeability that may other- test. Coring may be limited by its propensity are usually gathered at surface during a
wise occur in set cement over time. to swab the well and cause kicks. For log- flow period (see “An HTHP Test in Depth,”
•Narrow margins between pore pressure ging, the tolerance of all standard wireline page 30 ).
and fracture pressure mean that the logging tools to high temperature may be The rates and pressures experienced dur-
hydrostatic pressure during cementation is boosted by thermal insulation.24 Wireline ing testing HTHP wells are prodigious. One
crucial. To achieve the correct density, a must also be protected. Choice of insulation test by Ranger Oil Ltd. in the Central Graben
weighting agent—usually hematite—is material and armor is influenced by depth, using a jackup rig resulted in 44 MMscf/D of
required. In the field, a 100-barrel batch wellhead pressure, bottomhole temperature gas and 4400 B/D of condensate. The maxi-
mixer is often used to produce a homoge- and pressure, the possible presence of H2S mum recorded tubing-head pressure was
neous slurry with a very accurate density. and job duration. A dedicated suite of tools 12,500 psi, the bottomhole temperature was
•Solids in the slurry must remain in suspen- and wireline reel is often prepared, tested 386°F [197°C] and the surface temperature
sion. This is sometimes difficult to and certified for HTHP use. reached 300°F—even though surface equip-
achieve. For example, weighting agents Once cores and logs have indicated the ment was cooled with water.26 Equipment
are obviously heavy and need to be sup- presence of hydrocarbons, a well test is has been designed and built to test 20,000
ported to avoid settling. However, to needed to determine parameters like reser- psi and 400°F formations.
achieve the desired flow properties the voir extent and permeability, and to sample Well-control equipment used during
slurry may need to be thinned. But if it is reservoir fluid. In almost all cases, a cased- drilling is designed to handle reservoir fluids
too thin, settling may occur, threatening hole drillstem test is used.25 The well is nor- for relatively short periods. During a test, the
the quality of the set cement. mally shut in using a downhole valve and surface equipment must cope with long
To balance design factors like these, exten- flow is controlled at surface using a choke flow periods. Where possible, elastomers
sive laboratory testing is required to ensure
that the slurry exhibits the right properties Circulating Cementing Waiting on cement
at downhole conditions. Tests should also
reflect field mixing technique. Batch-mixing 19,000
Maximum temperature, °F

is usually simulated by stirring the slurry in CemCADE-predicted BHCT

a consistometer for the appropriate period
to impart an appropriate mixing energy.
Once the 7-in. liner is cemented, casing

Depth, ft
pressure tests simulate losing control during API-derived BHCT
well testing and exposing the entire string to
formation pressure. Tests are generally car- 330
ried out using a retrievable packer set above
the theoretical top of cement in the annulus.
This avoids creating microannuli, tiny con- 310 20,200
0 70 140 210 280 350 420 490
duits between cement and casing that form
Time, min
when the casing expands under pressure and
compacts the annular cement. But the tests n Predicting maximum bottomhole circulating temperature.

use mud, creating a different fluid gradient in This plot shows the magnitude and depth of the maximum BHCT at
the well than would be found with gas. To any given time. Traditionally, API conversions have been used to
transform bottomhole static temperature to bottomhole circulating
combat this, the packer is progressively temperature. This gives a single value. Increasingly, software systems
moved up the well in a series of tests to like the CemCADE temperature model are used to simulate cement
reproduce the worst case of a gas-filled well. jobs and show how temperature varies with time and depth.

19. Krus H and Prieur JM: “High-Pressure Well Design,” 23. Cement is traditionally divided into classes defined 26. Ford J, Peden J and Rae G: “A Review of Completion
SPE Drilling Engineering 6 (December 1991): 240- by the API that broadly describe the proportions of Design for Deep, Hostile, High Pressure, High Tem-
244. the different chemicals making up the compound perature Wells,” presented at the Petroleum Science
20. Bittleston S and Guillot D: “Mud Removal: Research and their particle size distribution. and Technology Institute Seminar, The Central
Improves Traditional Cementing Guidelines,” Oil- 24. A universal Dewar flask protects logging tool elec- Graben, The Next North Sea Challenge, The Need
field Review 3, no. 2 (April 1991): 44-54. tronic cartridges. For example, if a CSI Combinable for Joint Industry Research, Edinburgh, Scotland,
Seismic Imager tool is put in an oven at 415°F September 10, 1990.
21. Vidick B and Acock A: “Minimizing Risks in High
Temperature/High Pressure Cementing: The Quality [212°C] for four hours, its internal temperature rises
Assurance/Quality Control Approach,” paper SPE to about 350°F. However, if the tool has been pro-
23074, presented at the Offshore Europe Confer- tected by UDF equipment, its internal temperature
ence, Aberdeen, Scotland, September 3-6, 1991. increases only to about 200°F [93°C], comfortably
within its operating specifications. Insulation
22. API Specification for Materials and Testing for Well
increases tool outside diameter from 33/8 to 35/8 in.
Cements, 5th ed. Dallas, Texas, USA: American
Petroleum Institute, 1990. 25. Vella M, Veneruso T, Le Foll P, McEvoy and Reiss A:
“The Nuts and Bolts of Well Testing,” Oilfield
Review 4, no. 2 (April 1992): 14-27.

April/July 1993 27
emergency Relief line diverter
stations To port flare
control Shutdown
panel Panel To starboard
To port flare

T P Gas manifold

To starboard
SC flare
P T P Separator
manifold To port flare
Surface To starboard
test tree SC flare
Stand-alone Oil manifold
shut-in valve
valve T
Water line
to overboard Surge
Methanol injection unit tank

Steam Steam
exchanger supply

Condensate Relief line

to overboard overboard
High Pressure Low pressure

Hydrocarbon process line n Simplified process and instrumentation diagram of the surface testing system. Well fluid

Relief line flows through the surface test tree to the choke manifold where pressure is reduced by the
Separator oil line choke from 15,000 psi to about 1000 psi. If limits are breached, the flow may be shut in at
Separator gas line the subsea valve, surface test tree or stand-alone isolation valve. To prevent hydrate for-
Pneumatic signal mation, methanol or glycol may be injected upstream of the choke and the fluid heated
Hydraulic signal by the steam exchanger downstream.
T Temperature monitoring
P Pressure monitoring

are replaced by metal-to-metal seals, and wellhead temperature, downhole tem- When the equipment package is deter-
removing the temperature limitation of test perature and pressure, and flow rate. These mined, a piping and instrumentation dia-
equipment. Surface and subsea equipment maxima are used to select equipment with gram may be prepared, which specifies all
are monitored using temperature and pres- the necessary operating capabilities. If these the equipment, piping, safety devices, and
sure sensors that report back to a real-time capabilities are exceeded, the test must stop their operating parameters (above ). A rig
monitoring system, which initiates the emer- or the test objectives be reviewed. In estab- layout diagram highlights the positions of
gency shutdown (ESD) system if limits are lishing the maxima, attention must be paid key well test equipment making sure that
breached. In addition, the number of down- to data collection. For example, to acquire they interface with existing rig ESD systems
hole test tools and the number of operations the correct data, the test will have a mini- and fit into limited space. Safety checks and
they perform are kept to a minimum. mum flow period, and the length of this analyses are carried out according to API
Because of the extreme conditions, HTHP period will then affect temperature of recommendations.27 Procedures are estab-
test planning and equipment selection have seabed equipment. lished for key operations like perforating the
to be meticulous, and the personnel per- Next, the individual safety requirements well, changing chokes or pressure testing all
forming the tests highly trained. With infor- of each component are determined—for equipment. Contingency plans are made to
mation from offsets, the first task is to antici- example, pressure relief valves and temper- cope with a range of possible incidents:
pate likely maximum values for several key ature monitors. Then the components are downhole leaks or failures, surface leaks, a
parameters like shut-in tubing-head pressure considered as part of the whole test system, deterioration in the seastate or weather, or
allowing elimination of any redundant the formation of hydrates at surface.28
safety devices.

28 Oilfield Review
This information is submitted to an inde- Although the number of downhole tools is
pendent certifying authority that must reduced to a minimum, HTHP tests still
approve the plans before the test can pro- Upper single-shot require a number of components to allow
ceed. In addition, inspection certificates are reversing valve downhole shut-in, pressure testing of the
checked before each piece of equipment is string, reverse circulation to remove hydro-
dispatched offshore. Finally, the certifying safety valve carbons from the string prior to pulling out
authority has to approve the rig up. of hole, and downhole measurement of
Tubing-test flapper
Test equipment and operations may be valve pressure changes (left ). Sometimes to sim-
divided into three sections: downhole, sub- plify the test procedure surface shut-in is
sea and surface. Multicycle reverse- substituted for downhole shut-in. However,
Downhole Equipment: Sealing off the circulation valve this introduces wellbore storage—the spring
candidate formation requires a packer. Dur- effect of the column of fluid in the well
Tester valve
ing an HTHP test, differential pressures below the surface valve that must be
across the packer may exceed 10,000 psi. accounted for by data analysis and usually
For this reason, permanent packers are usu- necessitates longer shut-in periods.
Lower single-shot
ally chosen, rather than the retrievable reversing valve In most cases, test tools are operated
packers used in lower pressure tests. With using annular pressure. The condition of the
Gauge carrier subs
wireline (or very occasionally drillpipe), the fluid in the annulus, usually drilling mud,
packer is installed complete with a sealbore, plays a critical factor. High-density, high-
and a seal assembly is then run with the test solids drilling fluid may plug pressure ports
string to seal into the packer. The seal Gauge carrier subs and reduce tool reliability. Solids may also
assembly is usually about 40 ft long to allow settle, potentially sticking the test string. The
for the thermal expansion of the test string effects on heavy, water-base mud of being
as hot reservoir fluid flows. Locator and seal static in a hot well have been thoroughly
Perforating with wireline guns is generally assembly
avoided during HTHP tests, so tubing-con- Permanent packer
nDownhole test string.
veyed perforating (TCP) is preferred. Unlike • Upper and lower single-shot reversing
Seal assembly valves—opened using annular pres-
wireline perforating, TCP allows the reser- sure to communicate between the
voir to be perforated underbalanced and annulus and the tubing and allow
immediately flowed through the test string.29 Sealbore extension reverse circulation. Once open, these
Because the guns will spend hours in the may not be closed.
Upper circulation sub • Pump-through safety valve—closes
well prior to firing, high-temperature explo-
when the annulus is pressured to a
sive is used. In most cases, the TCP guns are predetermined value (usually signifi-
run as part of the test string, rather than cantly higher than the pressures used
hung off below the packer. This reduces the to cycle the tester valve). It is a one-
time that the explosives spend downhole shot tool for emergencies only.
• Tubing-test flapper valve—holds pres-
and allows the guns to be retrieved in case sure from above to enable tubing and
of total failure. tools to be pressure tested but allows
In most HTHP wells, TCP guns are fired fullbore flow from below. The flapper
Gun release sub
using a time-delay, tubing-pressure firing is permanently locked open during
Shock absorber testing using annular pressure.
mechanism. Tubing pressure initiates the fir-
• Multicycle reverse-circulation
ing process, but the pressure is then bled valve—in some cases, a recloseable
down to underbalance pressure. The guns recirculating valve is included in the
fire after a preset delay, long enough to Hydraulic firing string. It is opened by cycling tubing
system pressure a preset number of times and
achieve underbalanced conditions. A sec-
closed by circulating through it at a
ondary firing system is usually included in Safety spacer
preset rate.
case the primary system fails. • Tester valve—annular pressure opens
TCP guns
and closes the ball valve, allowing
27. Recommended Practice for Analysis, Design, Instal- flow and buildup periods during the
lation and Testing of Basic Surface Safety Systems test. The valve also acts as an addi-
for Offshore Production Platforms, API Recom- tional emergency barrier to flow.
mended Practice 14C, 4th ed. Washington, DC, • Pressure gauges in carrier
USA: American Petroleum Institute, 1986. subs—gauge reliability at high temper-
28. Davidson AR, Prise G and French C: “Successful atures is major bugbear. At 350°F,
High-Temperature/High-Pressure Well Testing From most electronic gauges are at the limit
a Semisubmersible Drilling Rig,” SPE Drilling & of endurance. Combinations of high-
Completion 8, no.1 (March 1993): 7-13.
accuracy electronic and less accurate
29. Cosad C: “Choosing a Perforation Strategy,” Oilfield mechanical gauges, with a limit of
Review 4, no. 4 (October 1992): 54-69.
500°F, are often run.

April/July 1993 29
An HTHP Test in Depth

Planning an HTHP test may take three to six and establishing a reference pressure in the sufficient annular pressure cycles and bullhead
months. During this time a well test supervisor tester valve. Bleed the annulus and surface pres- the reservoir fluid and about 10 barrels of kill-
liaises with the oil company to ensure that a test sure to zero, open the middle pipe rams and weight mud into the formation.
program is prepared and approved. The following unsting the seal assembly from the packer. Circu- If bullheading creates too much pressure in the
example is a simplified program to test one HTHP late cushion fluid down the tubing—the cushion tubing, close the tester valve and pressure up
zone from a semisubmersible rig. Even so, it controls the underbalance during perforation. inside the tubing so there is a 1000-psi differen-
shows that a test requires a plethora of coordi- Reenter the seal assembly, close the middle pipe tial between the tubing and the annulus to open
nated operations involving most of the people rams and pressure the annulus to 1500 psi. the multicycle reverse-circulation valve. Reverse
on the rig. Prior to perforating, hold a safety meeting to out the fluid inside the test string to the burner
First, having ensured that the well is debris ensure that everyone understands what is using kill-weight mud. Once mud is recovered at
free and the mud is in good condition, run in hole expected during the test. To fire the TCP guns, surface, start pumping down the tubing directing
(RIH) with the packer on an electric-wireline set- pressure the tubing to shear the pins in the mud via the rig choke and mud-gas separator to
ting tool; a casing collar correlation log confirms hydraulic delay firing head. Bleed back the pres- the mud pits. Condition the mud to a constant
setting depth. sure to the required underbalance. The guns will weight. Stop pumping, close the reversing valve,
Hold a safety meeting and clear all nonessen- fire after 15 minutes. open the tester valve and bullhead the volume
tial personnel from the work area. Pick up the Once an increase in wellhead pressure shows below the reversing valve to the perforations plus
tubing-conveyed perforating guns. Make up the that the well has been perforated, open the choke 10 barrels into the formation.
test assembly (previous page) and pressure test valve and allow the well to flow through an Bleed down the test string pressure to zero and
the tool string against the tubing-test adjustable choke for about 15 minutes, so that the for 15 minutes check that the well is not flowing
flapper valve. volume below the tester valve is filled with reser- or losing fluid. Open the middle pipe rams, pick
RIH with the test string but do not stab into the voir fluid. Bleed off the annular pressure to close up the test string and unsting the seal assembly
production packer with the seal assembly. Pres- the tester valve for a pressure buildup of about an from the packer. The test string may be further
sure test the string, then confirm the packer depth hour. circulated. If the well is stable, rig down surface
and the space out needed by running a wireline Reopen the tester valve for the main flow, equipment and pull out of hole.
depth correlation log—gamma ray and casing which at first passes through the adjustable
collar correlation tools. choke to the burner. After several hours, when
Make up the subsea test tree to the tubing and the pressure and flow rate are constant, divert
then the landing string. Rig up the surface test flow though a fixed choke and into the test sepa-
tree and surface lines and RIH landing the fluted rator. Throughout the main flow, continually mon-
hanger at the bottom of the subsea test tree onto itor hydrogen sulfide/carbon dioxide [H2S/CO2]
the wear bushing at the top of the casing on the concentrations, base-solids and water volumes,
seabed (next page). At the same time, the seal surface pressure and temperature. Closely
assembly enters the packer sealbore. Perform the observe the surface temperature to ensure that
final pressure test against the tubing-test flapper the temperature ratings of the BOP and flowline
valve—a bypass ensures that a leak in the flap- are not exceeded.
per valve does not accidentally fire the TCP guns. After flowing the well, close the tester valve by
Commence testing operations. Close the mid- bleeding off the annular pressure for a shut-in
dle pipe rams and pressure the annulus to 1500 period that is usually one-and-a-half times longer
psi, locking open the tubing-test flapper valve than the main flow. Additional flow and buildup
periods may be required depending on the test
objectives. Once these have been met, the well
must be killed and the test string must be pulled
out of hole.
To kill the well, lock open the tester valve using

30 Oilfield Review
Jackup Semisubmersible

To choke manifold Hydraulic-actuated Hydraulic-actuated

Y-spool with double kill wing valve flow wing valve
flow wing valves and
double kill wing valve 2-in. Coflexip 3-in. Coflexip
kill line flowline
Upper valve
hydraulically actuated
Lower manual valve Rig floor

Production riser n Comparing semisubmersible and jackup

Manual master valve Check valve rig surface and subsea systems. For jack-
Swivel ups, there is no subsea system; all casing
Single master valve
hydraulically operated is cemented to surface and a straightfor-
Manual master valve To choke ward test tree, or wellhead, is used at
Rig floor manifold deck level. Rather than a temporary test
head, testing on jackups often utilizes a
permanent-type tree. The BOP stack is
usually removed for jackup testing. How-
ever, it is now possible to retain the BOP
stack and run a safety valve below it. The
Rig’s Texas deck rams seal around the safety valve, which
incorporates a nitrogen chamber to assist
Riser closure and enable it to cut wireline.
For semisubmersibles, a subsea test tree
Landing (SSTT) in the BOP on the seabed allows
Lubricator valve
String safe disconnection during testing. Above
the tree is a conventional riser-disconnect
Tubing mechanism and a riser running to the rig’s
deck. In the SSTT are two subsea control
valves below the BOP rams—a flapper
valve and a ball valve that operate
together. If the rig has to move off station,
Riser disconnect the valves may be closed using a
hydraulic control on surface, and a
hydraulic latch above the valve opens to
Retainer valve disconnect the string above. The weight of
Shear rams the string left in the hole is borne by a
fluted hanger below the control valve. The
Spacer riser may then be disconnected with the
Pipe rams upper part of the test string still inside it.
A retainer valve inside the string is
Subsea test tree always run in HTHP tests to prevent hydro-
Pipe rams carbons in the upper test string from con-
taminating seawater. The upper test string
also contains a lubricator valve—some-
Pipe rams times two for redundancy—to allow wire-
line assemblies to be used without a lubri-
cator. At deck level is the flowhead or
surface test tree. This incorporates the
Fluted hanger
shutoff, kill and choke valves, and allows
Wear bushing wireline entry.

investigated in the laboratory and the per- test tree is located in the BOPs on the mas tree, and a hydraulic isolation valve is
formance of test tools has been improved to seabed to allow quick and safe disconnec- installed between the flowhead and the
reduce downhole failures. In some cases, tion of the test tubing during testing. Above choke manifold (page 28 ). Furthermore, a
the annular fluid is changed to high-density the tree, there is a conventional riser discon- shut-in valve within the subsea safety tree is
brine, which is solids free but increases the nect mechanism and a riser running to the linked to the ESD panel.
expense of the test. rig’s deck. The choke and kill lines are flexi- At the heart of the pressure control equip-
Subsea Systems: Like drilling, testing is ble to compensate for vessel heave (above ). ment is the choke manifold. Although sepa-
generally simpler on a jackup than on a Surface Equipment: At any time during rate from the drilling choke, the test mani-
semisubmersible. On a jackup, the piping to the test it must be possible to shut in the fold has the same purpose, to reduce fluid
surface is fixed and the control valves are well. Conventionally, this is carried out
on deck. For a semisubmersible, a subsea using the choke manifold valve. In HTHP
well tests, a hydraulic actuator is fitted to
the flowline valve of the flowhead, or christ-

April/July 1993 31
Four-valve choke Eight-valve, double- pressure, usually to less than 1000 psi. The
manifold block choke manifold manifold contains adjustable and fixed
chokes. To change one of these—either
because a different size is required or
because of choke erosion—the path through
the choke must be isolated by closing valves
on either side of it. When a choke is being
changed, conventional four-valve manifolds
do not offer the double isolation required
Double-choke manifold for HTHP tests. For this reason, eight-valve
manifolds that are nearly twice the size of
the four-valve version are often used. In
other cases, two four-valve manifolds sepa-
rated by isolation valves are specified (left ).
Hydrate formation is a serious problem,
especially early in the test when the well
has not been warmed by extended flow. To
avoid plugging the line with hydrate, gly-
col or methanol may be injected into the
fluid before it reaches the choke. Addition-
ally, a heat exchanger warms fluid down-
stream of the choke. Peculiar to HTHP
tests, an extra 15,000-psi choke is some-
times incorporated in the heat exchanger.
n Choke manifold configurations. To give Therefore, early in the test when hydrates
double isolation when changing a choke could form in the line—which may be tens
during a test, either the eight-valve or of meters long—between the choke and
double-choke manifold is required.
the heater, pressure is initially reduced by
the heater choke.
Heating the reservoir fluid also aids sepa-
ration. For HTHP wells, conventional sepa-
ration and sampling techniques are suffi-
cient. Fluid volumes are then metered and
disposed of, usually by burning at a flare.
Although North Sea HTHP wells present
formidable challenges, about 50 have been
successfully drilled and many of them
tested. And there have been spin-offs. The
lessons learned in coming to terms with
HTHP wells are now being applied in less
extreme conditions.
To date, most of the HTHP wells have
predominantly been around 15,000 psi and
320°F [160° C ]. But there is a new chal-
lenge waiting around the corner: ultra-
HTHP wells topping 20,000 psi and
400°F.30 These will be even more taxing and
ensure fresh challenges for well planners,
drillers and testing engineers. —CF

30. Seymour KP, Stuart C, Simpson B, Lorenson P and

Mackay A: “The Drilling of a High-Pressure, High-
Temperature Well in the North Sea Using 20,000-psi
Well Control Equipment,” paper OTC 7337, pre-
sented at the 25th Annual Offshore Technology Con-
ference, Houston, Texas, USA, May 3-6, 1993.

32 Oilfield Review

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