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Latvian Questions

If you're trying to learn Latvian Questions you will find some useful
resources including a course about Questions and interrogative
expressions... to help you with your Latvian grammar. Try to
concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time
the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our
other lessons listed on Learn Latvian. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

Latvian Questions

Learning the Latvian Questions displayed below is vital to the

language. Latvian questions may be either a linguistic expression used
to make a request for information, or else the request itself made by
such an expression. Usually it starts with why, how, where, when ...

Grammar Tips:

In Latvian there are 3 ways of asking a question to get

a yes or no answer, and they are the following.

The most common way is the following

- Particle “vai” + pronoun + verb: Similar to English, where the

auxiliaries do and does are used. Vai viņai ir brīvs laiks? (Does she
have free time?)

- Pronoun + verb: Only the intonation makes the sentence

interrogative: Viņai ir brīvs laiks? (Does she have free time?)

- Finally you can also make a question by adding a tag question to the
end of a statement. Viņai ir brīvs laiks, vai ne? (She has free time,
doesn’t she?)

Here are some examples:

English Questions Latvian Questions

Questions Jautājumi

how? kā?

what? kas?

who? kas?

why? kāpēc?

where? kur?

Notice the structure of the Questions in Latvian.

List of Questions in Latvian

Below is a list of the Questions and interrogative expressions in

Latvian placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very
useful and important words to your Latvian vocabulary.

English Questions Latvian Questions

where is he? kur viņš ir?

what is this? Kas tas ir?

why are you sad? kāpēc esat skumīgs?

how do you want to pay? Kā jūs vēlaties maksāt?

can I come? Vai varu nākt?

is he sleeping? Vai viņš guļ?

do you know me? Vai mani pazīsti?

do you have my book? Vai jums ir mana grāmata?

how big is it? cik liels tas ir?

can I help you? Vai varu jums palīdzēt?

English Questions Latvian Questions

can you help me? Vai varat man palīdzēt?

do you speak English? Vai runājat angliski?

how far is this? cik tālu tas ir?

what time is it? Cikos tas ir?

how much is this? Cik tas maksā?

what is your name? kāds ir jūsu vārds? /kā tevi sauc?

where do you live? kur tu dzīvo? /kur jūs dzīvojat?

Questions and interrogative expressions have a very important role in

Latvian. Once you're done with Latvian Questions, you might want to
check the rest of our Latvian lessons here: Learn Latvian. Don't forget
to bookmark this page.

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