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IJPTher, Volume 02, Number 3, 2021 September; 112-123

ISSN 2745-455X (Online)

Indonesian Journal of Pharmacology and Therapy

The potential effect of natural compounds from

Indonesian spices in alleviating inflammation due to the
coronavirus disease (COVID-19): a narrative review
Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia


Submitted: 16/08/2021 COVID-19 causes increasing of inflammatory cytokines even cytokine storm
Accepted : 06/12/2021 in the severe condition. Enhance body immune system is one strategy against
COVID-19. Spices in traditional Indonesian cuisine are believed as boost
Keywords: immunity. They contain active compounds such as curcumin, allicin, quercetin
capsaicin; and capsaicin which can be used to alleviate inflammation. In this literature
COVID-19; review, the potency of curcumin, allicin, quercetin, and capsaicin in alleviating
curcumin; inflammation due the COVID-19 was reported. Literatures were gathered from
allicin; PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar search engines. COVID-19 causes the
quercetin; increase of proinflammatory cytokine levels such as TNFα and IL-6. Curcumin,
allicin, quercetin, and capsaicin regulate the expression of proinflammatory
cytokines. These nutritional agonists of peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) showed inhibitory effects on pro-inflammatory cytokines
and promote immune cell differentiation into anti-inflammatory phenotypes.
Curcumin has an anti-inflammatory effect that can prevent pneumocytes, renal
cells, and cardiomyocytes damages. Allicin and quercetin can decrease TNFα
and IL-6 levels due to they can increase the superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels.
In conclusion, curcumin, allicin, quercetin and capsaicin can enhance body
immune system due to their anti-inflammatory effect through down-regulation
of the inflammatory cytokines expression. These spices could be used as adjuvant
therapy to boost body immune system against COVID-19.


COVID-19 menyebabkan kenaikan sitokin inflamasi bahkan badai sitokin

dalam kondisi yang parah. Peningkatan sistem imun tubuh adalah salah satu
strategi melawan COVID-19. Rempah dalam masakan tradisional Indonesia
dilaporkan dapat meningkatkan sistem imun. Rempah mengandung senyawa
aktif seperti kurkumin, alisin, kuersetin, dan kapsaisin yang dapat digunakan
untuk mengurangi inflamasi. Dalam kajian pustaka ini, potensi kurkumin,
alisin, kuersetin, dan kapsaisin dalam mengurangi inflamasi akibat COVID-19
dilaporkan. Pustakan dikumpulkan dari PubMed, Science Direct, dan Google
Scholar. COVID-19 menyebabkan kenaikan kadar sitokin proinflamasi seperti
TNFα dan IL-6. Kurkumin, alisin, kuersetin, dan kapsaisin mengatur ekspresi
sitokin proinflamasi. Nutrisi yang merupakan agonis peroxisome proliferator-
activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) ini menunjukkan efek penghambatan pada sitokin
proinflamasi dan memicu diferensiasi sel imun menjadi sel antiinflamasi.
Kurkumin mempunyai efek antiinflamasi yang dapat mencegah kerusakan
pneumosit, sel ginjal, dan kardiomiosit. Alisin dan kuersetin dapat menurunkan
kadar TNFα dan IL-6 karena dapat meningkatkan kadar superoxide dismutase
(SOD). Dapat disimpulkan, kurkumin, alisin, kuersetin dan kapsaisin dapat
meningkatkan system imun tubuh karena efek antiinflamasinya melalui
penurunan regulasi ekspresi sitokin inflamasi. Rempah ini dapat digunakan
sebagai terapi tambahan untuk meningkatak sisitem imun melawan COVID-19.

*corresponding author:

IJPTher, Volume 02, Number 3, 2021 September; 112-123

INTRODUCTION Patients with comorbidities (diabetes,

cancer, hypertension) might have a
The first case of COVID-19 was worse prognosis than normal healthy
reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province, people. The COVID-19 infection might
China in December 2019. At first, the progress into pneumonia and acute
World Health Organization announced respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
it as an epidemic. However, when In the later stage, it will develop into a
the mortality rate was increased and multi-organ failure and death.1,8
the affected countries were getting The coronaviruses are one of the
more, the WHO declared it as a global largest RNA viruses.9 The ‘S’ protein of
pandemic on March 11th, 2020.1,2 The coronavirus binds to host cells through
corona virus sufferers are getting more the ACE2 receptor. The receptors are
and more everyday.3 It spreads from in the oral and nasal mucosa, lungs,
Wuhan to other countries in the world. intestine, stomach, bladder, heart, and
It is also complicated by the high-level of kidney. The pathogenesis of COVID-19
influenza like illnesses.4 can be divided into two categories, i.e.
In Indonesia, the COVID-19 outbreak non-severe and severe. Severe clinical
started with the case of two people presentation is commonly found in the
from West Java Province. Their test elderly, immune-compromised, and in
results were positive for infection after those with pre-existing comorbidities.
contact with someone from Japan. The Viruses cause cell destruction through
positive cases of COVID-19 infection direct cytopathic effects and immune
increased until now.5 The death rate has response mediated destruction. The
risen sharply, therefore the Indonesian cell lysis is mediated by immune
government implements large-scale destruction.10
social restrictions.6 In the non-severe stage, the
Severe COVID-19 is characterized coronavirus fuses with the host cell
by a cytokine storm. A cytokine storm membrane. The virus enters inside the
is an excessive immune response to host cell through the airway epithelium.
a viral infection. It is often obtained The virus undergoes multiplication inside
in severe COVID-19. It is related to the host cell. After that, the virus reaches
complications, mortality rate, and death. the lower airway and alveoli. In people
Therefore, managing the cytokine storm with good immunity, the multiplication
could help in alleviating the COVID-19 and propagation of viruses are limited.
associated mortality rate.1 The key for The viral load is reduced. Therefore,
fighting against the coronavirus is by recovery is reached within 2-3 weeks
strengthening the immune system by with mild symptoms.10
good nutritional intake.7 Spices are The severe stage of SARS-CoV-2
inexpensive and may have a potential infection is characterized by the disorder
role to alleviate the inflammatory process of the immune system. The virus
through their antioxidant mechanism.1 reaches the lower respiratory tract and
The cause of COVID-19 is severe penetrates the alveoli lead to viremia. The
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus cell-mediated immunity then releases
2 (SARS-CoV-2), a novel human many pro-inflammatory cytokines such
coronavirus. It is categorized as a as interferon, interleukin, and tumor
zoonotic origin with bats as the reservoir necrosis factor (TNF) and chemokines
host. The COVID-19 transmission is by which cause cytokine storms in severe
direct or indirect contact from coughing, COVID-19.8,10 A cytokine storm is an
sneezing, or any droplets from the excessive immune response to a viral
infected person, also from the dirty infection. It is related to complications,
surfaces. The length of incubation is about mortality rate, and death. Therefore,
2-14 days. The symptoms of COVID-19 managing the cytokine storm could help
are fever, shortness of breath, cough, etc. in alleviating the COVID-19 associated
Sometimes it remains asymptomatic. mortality rate. Spices are believed can

Yuliana, The potential effect of natural...

alleviate the inflammatory process various countries have been published.

through their antioxidant mechanism.1 However, this paper was focused
The body immune system must on curcumin, allicin, quercetin, and
be strengthened anytime to against capsaicin which a lot of reported can
the COVID-19. Spices in traditional regulate the expression of inflammatory
Indonesian cuisine can boost immunity. cytokines. These nutritional peroxisome
In this paper, we discussed curcumin proliferator-activated receptor-γ
(Curcuma longa, Linn.), allicin (Allium (PPAR-γ) agonists showed inhibitory
sativum Linn.), quercetin (Allium cepa effects on pro-inflammatory cytokines
Linn.), and capsaicin (Capsicum annum and promote immune cell differentiation
Linn.) in alleviating inflammation into anti-inflammatory phenotypes.1
against the COVID-19. Those spices are Although, nutrition is not a drug for
the most commonly used in Indonesian COVID-19. However, it plays important
cuisine. role in the maintenance of health against
various diseases including COVID-19.
MATERIALS AND METHODS A healthy diet of nutrition can
strengthen the immune system, reduce
This is a narrative literature review. the risk of infectious disease, and
References were taken from PubMed also improve body metabolism.11 The
and Google Scholar search engines. The good nutrition is important during the
keywords were capsaicin, curcumin, COVID-19 pandemic. Stress related to
COVID-19, allicin, quercetin. Inclusion quarantine makes changes of nutritional
criteria were full text, review, and habits.12 Nutrition should be our priority
research. Exclusion criteria were only to boost our immune system against
abstract and more than ten years of the virus.13 Nutritional problem usually
publication date. The screening was happens in adolescent.14
conducted by the title, abstract, and full
text. Finally, there were 28 journals and Curcumin
2 web pages.
The study selection began with Curcumin is major constituent
the removal of duplicate records. The of turmeric (Curcuma longa, Linn.)
irrelevant literatures were excluded belonging to Zingiberaceae family
by screening the titles and abstracts. If which grows in every region in Asia
the free full text is available in English such as Indonesia, India, and China.17
or Indonesian, then the reading and Turmeric is used for a long time ago
selection would be continued. Otherwise, in various traditional cuisine and
it would be removed. Full-text screening medicines. Curcumin (77%) is primary
steps are reading the abstract and constituent of curcuminoids, followed
conclusion and examining the type of the by demethoxycurcumin (17%), and
text. Case reports and pre-print articles bisdemethoxycurcumin (3%) which found
were excluded. in the polyphenol form.1,15-18 Curcumin
is 1.7-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-
RESULT AND DISCUSSION 1.6-heptadiene-3.5-dione and also called
diferuloylmethane.15 The chemical
Many biological activities of active structure of the curcuminoids is
compounds isolated from spices in presented in FIGURE 1.17

IJPTher, Volume 02, Number 3, 2021 September; 112-123



FIGURE 1. The chemical structure of curcuminoids
isolated from Curcuma longa Linn.17

Curcumin has various biological prostaglandin synthesis, proliferation of

activities including anticancer, lymphocytes, natural cell killer’s activity.
antiinflammatory, antidiabetic, Curcumin might have mild estrogenic
antioxidant, antimicrobial, activity via its binds to estradiol and
antiatherosclerosis, antiarthritic, progesterone receptors.
antidepressant, antivirus, and Wound healing and inflammatory
antifungal. 1,17,19
Curcumin can also disorders can also be relieved by
relieve gastrointestinal discomfort. curcumin.1 Curcumin regulates the
Curcumin also has therapeutic potential expression of numerous transcription
for cardiovascular disease, bronchitis, factors, enzymes related to inflammation,
asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis.20 cytokines, and adhesion molecules. The
Curcumin is a hydrogen donor that antiinflammatory is mediated by the
can scavenge of free radical and acts as induction of the PPARs-γ up-regulation.
antioxidant activity. Curcumin interacts This mechanism inhibits the expression
with the transcription factors, growth of TNF-α and NF-κB, a pro-inflammatory
factor, and cell signal transduction mediator.8
pathways. Curcumin can also inhibit Curcumin is an effective molecule
reactive oxygen species (ROS) and against viral infection due to it can
homeostatic enzymes in time and modulate several molecular targets
concentration dependent. The oxidative during the infection process. Those
stress and antioxidant activities of molecules’ targets are transcription,
curcumin will change gene expression replication, protease inhibition,
and inhibit apoptosis.17 attachment inhibition, and inhibition
Curcumin has alleviated some of viral entry into the cells. Curcumin
expression of inflammatory mediators in inactivates and attacks the viral
cystic fibrosis rat models. It also relieved structure. Curcumin has been studied
lung injury in diabetic rat lungs. Asthma for its effectiveness against the hepatitis
protection was also revealed by curcumin C virus (HCV), Epstein-Barr virus
consumption. Neuroprotective effects (EBV), human cytomegalovirus (HCV),
were shown against cerebral injury influenza A virus, enterovirus 71, and
via the downregulation of IL-8 and IL- respiratory syncytial virus. Curcumin is
1β.1 Curcumin inhibits leukotriene and also effective against the SARS-CoV by

Yuliana, The potential effect of natural...

inhibits the 3C-like protease (3CLpro), were given Sinacurcumin®. The study
interacts with ACE-2 and S proteins.2,16 revealed that Sinacurcumin® could
Curcumin is approved by the US Food reduce the frequency of the Th17 cells.
and Drug Administration (FDA) as a The responses of inflammation were
natural product that has a high potential also reduced in mild to severe COVID-19
for coronaviruses. infected patients. Sinacurcumin®
There are different nanotechnological could be considered as a modulator in
carriers in developing curcumin. improving the patient’s condition during
The nanotechnological carriers are the inflammatory process.21 There
microemulsions, nanoemulsions, was a study to evaluate the curcumin
nanogels, liposomes, micelles, and nanomicelles effectiveness. It also
nanoparticles. During the COVID-19 studies the effects of Sinacurcumin® for
pandemic, there are at least three the COVID-19 treatment. However, there
nanotechnological carriers found for were no studies that had revealed the
curcumin products in the market, namely response of free or entrapped curcumin.
polymeric nanoparticles (Nanocurc™), The antiviral potential against SARS-
nano micelles (Sinacurcumin®), and CoV-2 was not tested either.16
liposomes (Lipocurc™). However, Curcumin is an active molecule for
few studies evaluated the efficacy fighting infection, inflammation, cancer,
of curcumin nanosystem in vivo for and degenerative diseases. However,
COVID-19 infection.16 it is unstable in the cell. Curcumin has
A non-randomized clinical trial improved its bioavailability when it is
to evaluate effectiveness of an oral in nanoformulation. It will enhance
curcumin nanosystem in soft gel capsule its stability and specificity. The stable
preparation (Sinacurcumin®) on mild curcumin molecules are made by
to moderate COVID-19 patients was modifying the methylenic position.
reported. This preparation containing The methylenic position could increase
40 mg of curcuminoids in nanomicelles cellular stability. This special position
was administered two times daily for 14 could remodel the affinity toward DFG-
days. The results of preliminary study in inactive conformation of Hck. Hck
showed that Sinacurcumin® improved has a potential role in cancer and viral
the recovery time of COVID-19 patients infection. Hck regulates cell migration,
faster than without Sinarcurcumin®. differentiation, proliferation, and
Further study was recommended immune receptor signaling. Inhibition
using representative sample size with Hck in COVID-19 patients protected
randomized clinical trial design. against lung injury. It also improved
Another study was conducted pulmonary function.22
to investigate the effects of Curcumin may have a broad-
Sinarcurcumin on the modulation spectrum antiviral activity with
of inflammatory cytokines using a low toxicity. The pharmacological
double-blind randomized clinical mechanism against SARS-CoV2 was
trial. The Sinacurcumin (40 mg) was proven through in silico studies.
administered to COVID-19 patients four However, the in vivo antiviral activity
times daily for two weeks and compared of curcumin has not been studied, yet.
with placebo as negative control. Curcumin nanocarriers are available in
Cytokine serum levels and mRNA the market indicated for inflammatory
expression were determined using ELISA agent not for antiviral agent.
and RTPCR, respectively. The resultas Nanosystems and nanoparticles were
showed that expression of IL-1β and IL-6 investigated because of the functional
mRNA was modulated by Sinacurcumin® and possible antiviral synergy. Turmeric
in COVID-19 patients. It may improve (C. longa extract) only contains less than
outcomes and recovery time.3 7% of curcumin concentration. Thus, it
Another study by Tahmasebi et al.21 is not a proper medicine for COVID-19. It
found that there is an anti-inflammatory also lacks FDA approval.16
response in the COVID-19 patients who

IJPTher, Volume 02, Number 3, 2021 September; 112-123

Allicin around the world. Allicin is found in

A. sativum L. together with another
Allicin is major constituent of Allium sulfur-containing compounds such
sativum L., a bulbous plant belonging as alliin, E-ajoene, diallyl sulfide etc.
to Liliaceae family. Alium sativum L. is (FIGURE 2). Allicin is well known for its
widely used as a spice in many cuisines antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, anti-
worldwide. Alium sativum L. also has inflammatory, and antitumor properties
been used for many years due to its as well as antiviral potency.
medicinal properties in many countries

Allicin Alliin

E-Ajoene Z-Ajoene

Diallyl sulfide Diallyl disulfide

Diallyl trisulfide Allyl methyl sulfide

FIGURE 2. Chemical structure of allicin and sulfur-containing compounds
isolated from A. sativum L.

Allicin could decrease the expression Allicin showed inhibition effects

of pro-inflammatory cytokines. It against allergic asthma in the in vivo
could reverse the immunological study. It downregulated the levels of
abnormalities. It is suggested as a some cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5, Il-13
preventive measure for COVID-19 of the mice. It also decreased the levels
infection. Allicin is famous for its of IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-1β. Another sulfur-
antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, containing compounds isolated from A.
anti-inflammatory, and antitumor sativum L. such as diallyl disulfide and
properties. It also has antiviral potency. S-allyl-L-cysteine were also proven to
It is related to some immune leptin, have an anti-inflammatory action. In
leptin receptor, peroxisome proliferator- the in vivo study, S-allyl-L-cysteine can
activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-ɣ) have reduce the mRNA expression of fibrosis
been interpreted. Allium sativum L. can markers such as fibronectin, α-smooth
boost immune system cells. It represses muscle actin (α-SMA), collagen-I, and –III.
the secretion of pro-inflammatory S-allyl-L-cysteine also downregulated the
cytokines.23 mRNA expression of markers regulating

Yuliana, The potential effect of natural...

the inflammation process such as IL-6, could ensure biofunctionality, it also

TNF-α, and IL-12p35. S-allyl-L-cysteine provides controlled release and delivery
was also reported can suppress the Akt/ to the targeted sites. Therefore, the
NF-кB pathway in the in vivo study. In consumption of functional foods which
addition, S-allyl-mercapto cysteine contain encapsulated or free bioactive
reveals potent anti-inflammatory, anti- compounds containing allicin might
oxidative, antifibrotic, and antimetastatic have a potential role in reducing the
effects. It alleviates inflammation by incidence of COVID-19 infection.24
showing inhibition effects on several
pro-inflammatory cytokines such asl IL- Quercetin
6, TNF-α, and IL-1β and suppresses the
NF- кB pathway in the mice models.24 Quercetin is found in onion (Allium
Allicin was reported to have antiviral cepa L), a plant also belonging to
activity against HSV-1 and -2, human Liliaceae family. Allium cepa L. is widely
rhinovirus type 2, and parainfluenza consumed due to its nutritional value.
virus type 3.25 Allicin (organosulfur) and Onion is a long time used as traditional
quercetin (flavonoid) could decrease medicine. Allium cepa L. is believed has
the risks of viral infection caused by several beneficial medical properties
SARS-CoV-2. It may be due to their such as cardioprotective, anticancer,
interaction with the Mpro protease. antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral,
The encapsulation of those bioactive etc. Quercetin together with biological
substances at the microsized and also active compounds such as cycloalliin,
nanosized particles could maintain alliuocide, N-acethylcystein, etc. have
oxidative stability. Besides, nanoparticles been isolated from onion (FIGURE 3).

Quercetin Cycloalliin

Alliuocide N-acethylcystein

S-methyl-L-cystein S-propyl-L-cystein sulfoxide

Dimethyl trisulfide S-methyl-L-cystein sulfoxide

FIGURE 3. Chemical structure of quercetin and other active
compounds isolated from A. cepa L.

IJPTher, Volume 02, Number 3, 2021 September; 112-123

Red onion extract decreased the quercetin might active against COVID-19
levels of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-10. Whereas, by reducing the length of SARS-CoV-2
quercetin, one of active compound from infection. Quercetin is might useful
A. cepa L. showed protective effects as prophylactic use. Nevertheless, the
against atherosclerosis in mice. Those preliminary evidence must be confirmed
protective effects are due to reactive by randomized clinical trials to ensure
oxygen species (ROS) suppression. its validity.26
Quercetin modulates the expression
of superoxide dismutase (SOD), H2O2, Capsaicin
malondialdehyde (MDA), and O2.
Quercetin suppressed inflammation Capsaicin is major component of
and apoptosis by regulating the PI3K/ belle pepper (Capsicum annum L.)
AKT and NF-κB pathway, respectively. belonging to Solanaceae family.1,11
Quercetin also decreased IL-6 and TNF-α Capsaicin with other derivatives such as
by increasing SOD levels.26 hidydrocapsaicin, nordihydrocapsaicin,
In silico studies have revealed that homodihydrocapsaicin and
quercetin inhibits the entry of SARS- homocapsaicin have been isolated from
CoV into the host cell by inhibiting the bell pepper (FIGURE 4).
virus main protease (Mpro). Therefore,


Dihydrocapsaicin Nordihydrocapsaicin

Homodihydrocapsaisin Homocapsaisin

FIGURE 4. Chemical structure of capsaicin and its derivatives isolated from

Capsicum annum L.27

Capsaicin is widely used in many the antiviral activity of CD8+ cytotoxic

pharmaceutical formulations to treat T-cells. Studies in China reported the
various human mild diseases. Capsaicin possible therapeutic role of traditional
exerts antiviral properties by reducing Chinese medicines in the treatment of
recurrent infection of the herpes COVID-19.1
simplex virus. Another study in Australia Capsaicin has anti-inflammatory
reported that there is a relationship properties by reducing the expression
between influenza A virus inhibition of the pro-inflammatory cytokines such
in the lungs with capsaicin intake.11 as IL-6 and TNF-α. In addition, capsaicin
Capsaicin acts as an agonist at vanilloid showed protective effects on the liver by
receptor-1 of dendritic cells and enhance decreasing the concentration of MDA in

Yuliana, The potential effect of natural...

the liver. Malondialdehyde is a specific people to use the Indonesian spices in

marker for peroxidation of the lipid, order to enhance the body immune
together with aspartate transaminase system against the COVID-19. The Ministry
(AST) and alanine aminotransferase of Health supported the use traditional
(ALT) as the markers for liver damage. medicine to maintain, prevent and care of
Capsicum alleviated the increasing health during COVID-19 pandemic. Some
levels of cytosolic Cu-Zn-SOD and the formulation of herbal medicines have
mitochondrial in Mn-SOD. The extract of recommended to be used including C.
capsicum increases the concentration of longa L. and A. sativum L.28 Furthermore,
Th type 2 cytokines, namely IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 the NADFC was also launched the books
in the mouse models of asthma. Capsaicin containing information concerning
inhibits the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- traditional medicines and health
induced production of TNF-α by PPAR-γ supplements against COVID-19 such as
activation. It is a naturally occurring the Guideline of Use Herbal and Health
ligand for PPAR-γ. It can stimulate anti- Supplements Against COVID-19, the
inflammatory mechanisms.1 E-book of Informatorium of the Original
Capsaicin exerts protective activities Indonesian Modern Medicine during
against diabetes, cancer, asthma, etc. It COVID-19 Pandemic and the Handbook
reduces inflammation by decreasing the of Traditional Medicine for Enhance
levels of IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-1β. Capsaicin Body Immune System.29
has a potential role in enhancing Some researchers from Universities
the expressions of liver X receptor-α have also involved in the encourage
(LXR-α). It is done through the PPARγ the use of traditional medicine during
pathway. Capsaicin can attenuate the COVID-19 pandemic. Krisnawan et al.30
inflammation of the salivary glands. implemented a program of community
It decreases the mRNA expression empowerment in Denpasar aimed to
and protein expressions such as IL-6 spread the skills of making functional
and TNF-α. Capsaicin decreases the drinks from Indonesian herbal as
concentration of IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-1β.1 immune booster. Furthermore, Sunadi et
al.31 trained the community in Denpasar
The consuming of Indonesian spices City in the good and healthy preparing of
during the COVID-19 pandemic functional drinks from C. longa L during
COVID-19 pandemic. Tuloli and Taufik32
Indonesian spices are well known conducted the Thematic Community
worldwide due to their wide variety. Program aiming empowering and
They are not only used as cooking spices, utilization of family medicinal plant
but also as medicines. It is believed that (TOGA) for immunostimulant beverage
the spices can be used to maintain of a product during COVID-19 pandemic in
healthy. During pandemic, the use of Wubudu Village in Gorontalo District.
the spices as herbal medicines for the
treatment of COVID-19 significantly CONCLUSION
increased in some countries in the world
including in Indonesia. However, the In conclusion, curcumin, allicin,
data of the herbal consuming in the quercetin and capsaicin can enhance
health care services during the COVID-19 body immune system due to their anti-
pandemic in Indonesia is limited. The use inflammatory effect through down-
of the herbal medicines as an adjuvant regulation of the inflammatory cytokines
for the treatment of COVID-19 in the expression. These spices could be used as
health care services should be approved adjuvant therapy to boost body immune
by the National Agency of Drug and Food system against COVID-19. However, their
Control (NADFC), Republic of Indonesia. use is still based on the empirical and
Therefore, the use of the herbal preclinical studies. Further clinical study
medicines is limited by the individually should be performed in order to prove
patients with COVID-19 in community. their clinical efficacy.
The Government has encouraged

IJPTher, Volume 02, Number 3, 2021 September; 112-123

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Molecules 2020; 25:1-15.
The author has no conflicts of molecules25092076
interest to declare. 9. Woods JA, Hutchinson NT, Powers SK,
Roberts WO, Radak MCG-CZ, Berkes
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