Practise Script

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Slow reveal, camera coming from above...

Harajuku Neiborhood- Tokyo- morning- ext.

Time: 10:35am

We can see the sun peeking through the leaves of the pink blossom
trees that are guarding the two-story shops behind which have brown
beams climbing around the exterior. The blossoms blow in the strong
wind, falling like snow, and melting the tiny bit of frost on the
street signs which indicate supermarkets, parks, and cafes...
(Indicates the weather and loc portrayed in the story). Continuing the
far view, we can see the neatly narrow paved pavements and tidy street
area clearly shown but the lack of filth.
Short shot-
Jumps to behind the blossom trees where the streets revel the high
end, up to date clothing and luxury shops, where you get a closer view
of the two-tiered residential area, we can see a short woman hanging
lanterns around the barrier of her balconette, she is singing in
Japanese (indicates the location).
Character 1 is reveled and is looking at himself fixing himself up,
tucking in his shirt to his trousers until he is distracted by a
slightly older girl with deep brown chestnut hair, kinked from the
back by being improperly styled walks past, uninterested in her
surroundings, slowly and casually carrying a costa coffee. The
narrator notices the girls dressed in a denim skirt which half meets
her knees and a faux black leather jacket which drapes over her from
the back, the little sound of her music booming from her headphones is
recognized. The girl holds eye contact for less than three seconds
then looks down at herself and smiles.
The camera pulls off focus, back on to character 1 and shows his
interest has grown. His face creates an intrigued expression, and he
sees the girl walk away from him, holding a lot of thought = (will I
ever see her again? Should I get her number? would she talk to me?)
sweat begins to run and his breaths become shorter and more frequent
leading to a big gulp.
The camera shifts focus to his eyeline where he takes out his phone
and receives a notification from one of his many mental health apps
which alarms him to blog himself, he begins to write down how he feels
and his interaction will this girl, as he is leant against a wall
having a cigarette listening to the busy roads. Inhaling the hot smoke
into his lungs he writes how he does not have a particular type of
girl and how the imperfections are attractive to him, the quiet scene
matches the energy of the surroundings as writing down your feelings
is considered peaceful.
Midway writing, he receives a phone call- camera shifts to a shoulder
view shot ... he answers, and it is his friend reminding him to meet
for lunch.

: Scene skips to him walking to the café and arriving in the café,
looking down at his watch is the precise time 11:03am.
Long shot:
Character 1 sticks his hand up and waves to him indicating where he is
sat, initiating him to walk over to him, as walks over to two large
brown leather chairs which were cracking at the sides from heavy usage
as the café was popular character 1 looks around intuitively
inspecting the walls which are covered in oil painted flowers which
look delicately painted strung with poetry across the bottom. Big
windows drape the floor to the ceiling with warm red walls.
Conversation starts...

Camera shot swaps at each spoken word to shoulder shot:

Character 1
“Yesterday I walked past the 100 percent girl”
Character 2
Oh yes, good looking?
Character 1
Not really
Character 2
Your type then (laughs under breath)
Character 1
I do not know, cannot remember anything about her
Character 2
Character 1
Yes strange (boredom face)
Character 2
So, what did you do...? Talk to her, follow her? (leaning
forwards in curiosity)
Character 1 no, just saw her (shrugging.


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