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[Form No.

BS FYP Proposal form (CLO-1)

1- Project Details
Project Title Autonomous Farmer
Supervisor Name: Hammad Shahab
Co-supervisor Name (if any): Abdul Basit
Area/Domain of Project Image Processing, Neural Networks, Robotics
Nature of the project Hardware
(e.g, Hardware, simulation,
Fabrication etc)
In Pakistan Agriculture sector imports about 20 – 30 percent of
the Pesticides from other countries, majorly from china (90%).
Approximately 40 percent of the world's potential crop
production is already lost annually to weeds, pests and
diseases. These crop losses would be
Doubled if pesticide uses were abandoned. That means that an
Economic crop production is not possible without the
application of pesticides. As, pesticides are crucial for the
economic crop production and on the other hand they have
adverse effects on healthy plants as well as on human beings.
Brief description In order to reduce consumption of pesticides we aim to spray
only the weeds found in the crops rather than the whole crop.
By using this method we can save up to 70 % of the pesticides
consumption and can automate and speedup the task using
For, the mentioned problem we aim to build an autonomous
Robot, which would be able to differentiate between the
weeds and crop, and would only spray pesticides on the weeds.
For this approach, we aim to use techniques of object
detection, Robotics and electronics to complete our project
within the given time limit.

2- Group Details

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Student ID Name CGPGA Signature
CPE-172041 Muhammad Umair Malik 3.08
CPE-172029 Muhammad Atif Ashraf 3.28
CPE-172020 Muhammad Imtiaz 3.36

Average CPGA of the group __3.24_______

3- Supervisor Remarks

Supervisor Signature: _______________

Date: ____________________________

4- FYP Committee Remarks

Member 1: _____________________________ Member2: _____________________________

HoD: _____________________________

Date: ____________________________

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