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Assingment 1

Question 1

Information security is critical for any organization in the modern digital era. It
refers to the processes, procedures, and technologies designed to protect an
organization's confidential, sensitive, or private information from unauthorized
access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.

Here are some reasons why information security is essential for organizations
in modern days:

Protection of sensitive data: Organizations collect, process, and store sensitive
data, such as financial records, personal information, trade secrets, and
intellectual property. Information security ensures that this data remains
confidential and is not accessed or misused by unauthorized individuals or
Legal compliance: Organizations must comply with various laws, regulations,
and industry standards regarding the protection of sensitive information.
Failure to comply can result in hefty fines, legal action, and reputational
damage. Information security ensures that organizations meet these
compliance requirements.
Maintaining trust: Customers and stakeholders trust organizations to protect
their personal information. If an organization's data is breached, it can result in
a loss of trust and reputation. Information security ensures that an
organization can maintain its reputation and trust with its customers and
Competitive advantage: A robust information security program can be a
competitive advantage. Organizations that can demonstrate a strong
commitment to protecting sensitive information are more likely to win
business and build long-term relationships with their customers.
Business continuity: Cybersecurity incidents can disrupt an organization's
operations and cause significant financial and reputational damage.
Information security ensures that an organization can continue to operate in
the event of a cyber incident.

In summary, information security is critical for any organization in the modern

digital era. It ensures the protection of sensitive data, legal compliance,
maintaining trust, competitive advantage, and business continuity.

Question 2

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