Time Travel Epic

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Time Travel Epic

May 28, 2018 10:50am

I was rescued by Arcturians last night after becoming
lost in the wilderness. The location is uncertain but it
might have been either Italy, Japan, or Australia. My
journeys with the Space Time Modulator last night
changed the world significantly. There are so many
changes which happened that instead of waiting 1 or
2 months to notice a change I've already noticed 2
changes in the last hour.

May 28, 2018 10:10am

With respect to divergence, I surmise that it is
probably caused by being in a vastly different
location in the universe from where you might expect
some things to exist or not exist owing to the position
indicated in one dimension. That's why you need to
have multiple dimensions to pinpoint a position in the
universe, and the 6 key parameters of measuring
space-time do just that. This brings us to the classic
paradox of whether time (a) or time (b) exists in the
universe, and there doesn't seem to be a simple
solution to it. I for one believe that the universe is like
a giant chalkboard or Etch-A-Sketch with predefined
parameters and room for free will to exist. When
changes happen to the past, they are permanent and a
time traveller from the future will notice these
changes when he or she travels back, noting that the
changes differ from his or her own recollection.
However, there are some set parameters which can't
be changed and can be traversed, i.e. the distance to
the edge of the chalkboard, etc. I think in this way
history is mutable although it's still an illusion,
because every outcome can exist when all factors and

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dimensions are accounted for. The problem this

causes is how to navigate such outcomes? One
solution is teleportation whereby cymatics, resonant
frequencies, and electricity is used to gravitate one to
a desired world. How then would you traverse
galaxies with this idea? My thinking is that you can
kind of surf the timelines with devices until you reach
the desired destination. If you're patient enough to
meditate for four hours using the Space Time
Modulator, I bet you could have your desired
outcome. There are three dials to the Space Time
Modulator and by using them you can be transported
to any place in the known universe, including in time.
The first dial resonates with the galactic wave, the
second dial resonates with the star wave, and the third
dial resonates with the planetary wave - you can visit
moons as well.

May 28, 2018 3:10am

A record might have two dimensions, but it can be
reduced to one dimension of duration of a period of
time. The same applies to space-time travel with the
Space Time Modulator. The world decreases in
frequency as it spirals towards the supermassive
black hole at the centre of the galaxy. That's because
gravitation causes time dilation, and the closer you
are to a field of gravitation, the slower time goes for
you (meaning that you see everything else speed up
relative to you). Chiu's device is a rudimentary time
machine which takes you into the future. My device
can take you to any point in time but it's much slower.
The Space Time Modulator can tune you in to any
harmonic frequency and you use your intuition as a

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guide when tuning the dials. Surprisingly, because the

device is fitted to the body, I've found that I inhabit
my own body in the past, present, and future, and
relive moments at any point in time relative to where
I am. It's so amazing.

May 28, 2018 2:49am

There's a supermassive black hole at the centre of the
Milky Way galaxy. If you can calculate the decrease
in frequency based off of the transition of the galaxy
through space then, using observations taken with my
own gravity drive and basic observations relating to
the position of the planet in space and how it relates
to time, then you can make a special kind of device
which causes your body to resonate at specialised
frequencies which will essentially transport yourself
through the cosmos. This is due to the law of
equilibrium which states that "the lighter part is
always the guide of the heavier part" in much the
same way that higher frequencies tend to gravitate to
their own scalar fields. That's how you travel through
time. My own time machine merely uses gravitation
to plod through space-time and as such isn't as
effective as a Space Time Modulator, a
Hyperdimensional Resonator, or the time machine
from Back to the Future. But it's more precise and
that's the reason why we're developing it - to be able
to travel to a vast number of different worlds
(although divergence is still an issue).

May 28, 2018 2:42am

Chiu is kind of an emissary of the Han race of space-
faring humans sent to welcome our world to the

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milky way galaxy. I don't mean any disrespect by

that, of course.

May 28, 2018 2:28am

Correction; Chiu's cell realignment machine is very
low frequency on account of the resistors. It's rated at
0.009776044226044226 Hz. If you allow it to take
control of your body, you will begin resonating at the
same frequency as a world closer to the galactic
centre. Oh, you need to study general relativity to get
a clear idea of what frequency is associated with such
worlds closer to the galactic centre.

May 28, 2018 2:27am


May 28, 2018 1:35am

Chiu's device is interesting. It uses capacitors and
resonance to heal the body. The specific frequency it
uses resonates with the Schumann field of an era long
past. I wonder if it also allows for time travel.

May 28, 2018 12:09am

Hey, if it means that much to you, I'll do it. Reverse
engineering the C204, in light of the experiments
we've done so far, should be simple. We also need to
manufacture my simple gravity sensor.

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May 28, 2018 12:08am

Whoops, I forgot to add the magnetic field coils to the
singularity housing. Big whoops.

May 27, 2018 10:22pm


May 27, 2018 5:24am

WordPress is useless. It's like trying to squeeze a
watermelon through a garden hose (The Chronicles of
Sarah Conner). I need a more robust and integrated
platform to share my wisdom.

May 27, 2018 5:05am

As much as I like science fiction I can't relate to Rick
and Morty. Neither are role models to me and despite
the humour the family sitcom aspect is unpalatable.

May 27, 2018 3:21am

Either everyone's communicating in closed networks
now or there has been an exodus of the elite from the
Internet. What once was now is no longer. There
seems to have been a revolution whereby the plebs
gained control of the Internet and cast the elite
aristocrats out.

May 25, 2018 11:32pm

PHPFusion is no good anymore because it's not
supported nowadays. The same goes for PHPNuke
and any other classic CMS. I suppose WordPress is
the easiest route to setting up a website. You'd need to
backup pretty regularly, though, and the whole thing

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is a convoluted mess. Blogger is also pretty good,

albeit within Google's ecosystem. If Facebook could
develop a business level solution to storing data it'd
be great. Making a custom CMS with integrated
backup would make for a great startup, as I've not
seen one to date.

May 25, 2018 2:07am

It's kind of difficult using the Facebook ecosystem to
set up a body corporate, but Facebook seems to be
more reliable than my own ventures. I wonder what
Bob Wan Kim would say about it.

May 25, 2018 2:04am

My list is pretty top-heavy on royalty. I've got
aristocrats from all around the world. Birds of a
feather flock together.

May 25, 2018 2:02am

The space breeding program, as funny as it sounds,
isn't a joke. I'm allowed to talk about it freely because
the people that mind don't matter and the ones that
matter don't mind. It's as simple as that. I've also been
blessed with the right to free speech.

May 25, 2018 1:59am

I have a list of sickness which weighs a tonne and
includes 16 people, but their names are kept a secret
owing to jealously guarding them and their offspring
in the space breeding program. Soon my space colony
will be ready. So far I've counted 155 descendants.
I'm in competition with HARRIET (B)'s future
breeding program which aims to breed several

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million people.

May 25, 2018 1:57am

I reincarnated as a geisha yesterday. Now I'm making
a list of top 10 boys. In order: 1. Yuki 2. Shane 3.
Danny 4. Dean 5. Steve 6. Mark 7. Yasu 8. William 9.
Robert 10. Campbell

May 25, 2018 1:55am


May 25, 2018 12:03am

The world is finite. There are only so many people
who are willing to invest in cryptocurrency and the
ones who do will find that their investments are
worthless in the long run. I see a lot of speculation
and promotion of these cryptocurrencies as assets
with real value but their utilitarian value is worthless,
and as such, they are doomed to failure. People are
slowly realising this and when they figure out that
cryptocurrencies aren't in and of themselves
possessing of any intrinsic value it will be too late.
That's why I'm well positioned to take advantage of
the difference, because I'm short-selling Bitcoin.

May 23, 2018 3:10pm

Markets are like electric capacitors. They can sure
build up a charge and then they discharge and
decrease in value. What's most exciting about my
Bitcoin trading strategy is that the capacitance of the
instrument builds up rapidly, and sure enough,

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discharges at a fairly constant rate. The dynamic is


May 23, 2018 2:34pm

There's no way that Bitcoin will come back to the
same level as earlier this year. The jig is up and
Bitcoin will come crashing down like a house of
cards. I've already got my put option in place. Now
it's time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

May 22, 2018 7:42pm

There isn't much I can do to affect the time stream.
That's a good thing because I don't want to taint
history with predictions, prophecies, and technologies
from the future. It's so amazing here. I am awestruck.
I might die of shock.

May 22, 2018 11:26am

Behold, it is I, Luthor, from the year 2193. I
specialised in 22nd century history so I'm not of
much use in predicting outcomes in this era.
Moreover, the Internet these days isn't as prevalent as
it was in my time, so I'm not really able to convey my
message to many people.

May 22, 2018 11:24am

I would just like to validate a certain aspect of my
theory. That is the fact that the second law of
thermodynamics causes matter to tend towards
entropy. In other words, heat transfer causes the
Earth, which is hotter than space, to gravitate away
into the outer reaches of the cosmos over time. That's
the reason why the planet was much hotter in the past

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- it was closer to the sun and its mantle was much

hotter as a result. In 65,000,000 years from now, the
Earth will be like Mars.

May 22, 2018 9:07am

http://psycnet.apa.org/record/2000-02326-010 In all
seriousness, here is some proof about my findings
and it really shows that I was right all along about

May 21, 2018 9:20pm

My computer has a quantum interface. It isn't like the
approximated vector calculus crap that people do
mainly with video cards nowadays, although it is
capable of such nonsense. My computer can calculate
variables from the natural environment and process
algorithms which aid in time travel. It isn't purely a
quantum computer - that's a pet project idea I've had
for some time before travelling back. But it can
translate variables into computer code via OpenOffice
and to a greater extent using BASIC. At the moment
I'm just trying to get my theory down to a manageable
level. I'm thinking of using 6 dimensions ala Titor as
a co-ordinate system and will extend the equations
relating to each specific value to account for the
super-symmetrical structure of the universe. There are
a few things which have been left unproven but in
theory they will work. The fact that anti-hydrogen has
been discovered is a boon to my research efforts.

May 21, 2018 4:54pm

The food items of this world are so quaint, as are the
beverages. There are many things which are the same,

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but in many respects the old is new again to me. It's

so wonderful.

May 21, 2018 4:31pm


May 21, 2018 12:27am

Now that I've finally wrapped my head around this
problem, I'm able to create closed time-like curves.
The reason why I was previously unable to is due to
the notion that changes in the time stream create
ripples which affect the future in unimaginable ways.

May 20, 2018 11:25pm

I've been in the device's effective field for a period of
0.75 times the actual duration backwards which is
about a year or 8,760 hours. That's a total of 180
years at 10 years per hour, leaving me to be at the
year 1838. It's kind of funny to mention that the
world has been regressing by about 1,000,000 years
per year since 1800. But that's not important now.
What's important is the fact that I'm in the year 1838
according to my perspective, or from the perspective
of a native of this world, I'm from the year 2198. Oh,
and because of this, the device works in SR only.
There is some divergence owing to super symmetry
etc. but for the most part my calculations are accurate
to being circa 180 years ago. That's all.

May 20, 2018 11:22pm

People's lives seem to suck nowadays. What
happened to the good times in Tuggeranong?
Everyone is now commonplace and mediocre, doing

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humdrum and normal things. It sucks. I want my old

friends back, not what they have become. Stupid
parents is what they've become, and they're not going
to be the same way they once were. I think it's good
to be young and thanks to the immortality devices I'm
able to enjoy youth for an eternity, but it's boring
when everyone else is getting old and decrepit. It

May 20, 2018 8:30pm

Every portion, every cubic centimetre of space to the
nth degree, has its own conditions. What my time
machine does is compel the temperature, air pressure,
and light differentiation across a broad range to the
condition where it was or where it might be. This
creates a cascading effect on mass as it's manipulated
by the quanta. The materials with a half-life of more
than a reasonable amount of time (being about 6
months for most purposes) persist. Albert Einstein
said that reality is just an illusion, albeit a persistent
one. I think the most niggly things which have a
frequency of greater than 1 year in duration, i.e.
buildings, landmarks, and other sturdy structures
confound the new reality created by my time
machine. It works in both GR and SR, with the
effects manifesting in their greatest form of about a
block in area. I notice things creeping into this
dimension when I activate the machine. Or is it my
dimension creeping into others? That would seem like
a more palatable explanation.

May 20, 2018 5:21pm

In my home world, Elton John died during 2016. It's

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amazing to see him still alive today. Let's figure out

the rate of temporal traversal using this fact as a
benchmark. John died at age 83 in 2016. That means
the temporal field is behind by 14 years. Now,
assuming that carbon has an atomic weight of 12
atomic mass units, we plot that against hydrogen with
an atomic weight of 1, and for the same energy we
find that the square root of 12 is 3.33, therefore the
square root of 1 is 1, and then we multiply 1 by 3.33
to get 3.33 and find that indeed 3.33 * 12 = 39.96 or
roughly 40 atomic mass units results. However, we
find that the square root of 12 is in fact more like
3.46, so we multiply hydrogen by that number and
get 1975 as the end result.

May 20, 2018 10:36am

That's odd. I could have sworn the price for a share of
ASX was beyond 1,000 dollars, but instead it is listed
as 61.28. I suppose in a couple of hundred years from
now it will be as I remember it.

May 19, 2018 1:18am

I'm thinking about cutting down on spending on
booze and tobacco. If I made a home brew and
smoked pipes, that's 0.66 dollars per bottle and for the
finest tobacco, 163 dollars per fortnight. That's a total
of 181.48 dollars per fortnight if I drank two bottles
of beer per day and smoked 2 tins of tobacco per
fortnight. Given that I receive 942.75 dollars per
fortnight as a pension and spend 401 dollars on board,
lodgings, and debt repayments, as well as 10 dollars
per month on bank fees, as well as 30 dollars per
month phone bill, I'd have 325.27 dollars left over per

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fortnight. I could put that towards a house. It would

take about 40 years to save up for a decent house but
I think I could do it!

May 18, 2018 9:49pm

9972.24 * 5 hours = 49861.2 * (0.5 - 0.6 = -0.1) =
-4986.12/10 = -498.612+2018=1519. The year is

May 18, 2018 8:09pm

The forecast proves the aforementioned hypothesis.
There is now morning frost and fog forecast for
Sunday morning. It seems as though my device has
generated a cold front, or I've traversed into a world
where the temperature is quite cooler. This means that
I may consider my device as a kind of "thruster"
which compels the area surrounding it away from the
mid-heavens. It acts like a kind of propeller to a
submarine or a thruster to an aircraft. The way it
works is possible by means of the tachyon energy
which the magnetic field creates when it's spinning.

May 18, 2018 4:45pm

I've come to realise something - both the "forward"
and "reverse" gears go in the same direction. When
active, they compel the scalar field to gravitate away
from the mid-heavens. This finding is in following a
comprehensive review of my data. It's also logically
concluded by conducting an experiment in which a
watch is held near the apparatus when either in
"forward" or "reverse" gear and observing the hands
oscillate erratically. As such, my device still works,
but the smoothing effect of having two speed

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controllers engaged at the same time is missing -

there is only one speed controller. It stands to reason
that only one speed controller is sufficient in allowing
for time travel. Over the next couple of hours I'll be
observing the apparent decrease in temperature. At
the moment I've observed the era as having been in
the proximity of 1997. Things are about to get really
strange for me, I think.

May 18, 2018 3:17pm

I think that I might have had the steering wrong for
this setup - the wave penetration in this instance
doesn't seem to be as strong as I once thought. In lieu
of programming a simulation, I think it might be best
if we implemented a simple strategy of engaging the
device during opportune moments in the day. At the
moment, the device seems to be shifting the scalar
field towards the mid-heavens. Because of the
absence of the other speed controller, this is the only
gear we can engage. I'll disengage the apparatus now
and check the weather forecast. Only by tomorrow,
we should have a clear idea of how it works. The
device will be engaged during the night in an attempt
to shift the scalar field away from the sun and into the

May 18, 2018 2:16pm

OK, the journey back continues. I don't know how
long it will be before the machine needs servicing,
but we'll see. It will probably last about 6-12 months,
so if we're lucky we won't need a replacement before
arriving back. There are a couple of things I want to
figure out in the meantime, namely the interaction

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between the Sun and the Earth. I want to know if

tachyon energy is involved in the gravitational field
between the two bodies, and if so, how generating a
field of gravity might affect the localised scalar field.

May 18, 2018 1:54pm

Whoops, I pissed off a demon. Better stop these time
travel to the future shenanigans.

May 18, 2018 11:48am

I've noticed that with the gear in forward, evil people
begin to look stupid and their evilness is exposed.
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.
And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself
up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. But
sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness
must not even be named among you, as is proper
among saints. Let there be no filthiness nor foolish
talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but
instead let there be thanksgiving. For you may be sure
of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or
impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has
no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.
(Ephesians 5:1-33.)

May 18, 2018 11:22am

Flat Earth theory is correct - the reason why the stars
rotate around the poles is because of electromagnetics
- the laws of physics break down quickly once you've
developed a singularity, which is essentially what I've
done. I'm now in the Inner Earth, also known as

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May 17, 2018 4:28pm

Whoops, I got the spin wrong. This location is now
the new North Pole. That's on account of its counter-
clockwise rotation. It might not seem like much at
first but over time the field will strengthen and
compel the rest of the planet to spin around it.

May 17, 2018 4:25pm

As of 15:28 AEST today a new dynamic is coming
into effect. There will be a shift in politics to a more
liberal mindset, the planet will heat up, and Australia
will become the new South Pole.

May 17, 2018 3:57pm

Be prepared for a pole shift. Australia will be the new
South Pole and the North Atlantic between New York
and Ireland will be the new North Pole.

May 17, 2018 3:55pm

I fixed my time machine, but it only goes forward
now. The reverse gear doesn't work. I'll be operating
it now and in a few days a new dynamic will emerge.
With the forward gear engaged, people's moods will
generally improve and living conditions will also
improve. Equality and togetherness is the new norm
as opposed to inequality and separation which was
prevalent since the year 2014 up until now. Of course,
there is a spectrum of good and bad and at the
moment we're on the bad end of business. But things
are slowly improving. I hope to leave the forward
gear on for a year to get back to square one but it
might need maintenance if it starts acting up.

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May 17, 2018 3:53pm

I destroyed my time machine. It was pissing me off.
The motors became too noisy. I don't think I'll make
another one, either. Its purpose has been served, and
that was to push the planet out of harm's way via
geoengineering, or something like that. From now on
I think we'll witness a shift towards cooling. The
recent eruption in Hawaii is a sign of this. The planet
acts as a kind of capacitor and when you have a
difference in heat it generates a kind of heat exchange
which resulted in the recent eruptions. The planet will
cool down by about 2 degrees Celsius within the next
year. Global warming alarmists will wonder what has
happened, and there will be a kind of damage control
routine happening in the science and climate change
industries. I've pushed the planet's scalar field back
into the position of Hades, and I've got no intention of
moving it back to where it once was. I'm done with
time travel.

May 17, 2018 2:33pm

I'm thinking about switching back to Linux. Windows
10 has become slow and unreliable.

May 17, 2018 9:26am


May 17, 2018 8:22am


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May 16, 2018 12:57pm


May 16, 2018 11:12am


May 16, 2018 11:12am

I don't understand "gangstalking". The targeted
individual (TI) is harassed by an organised gang? It
sounds kind of fun, like a cult or a game.

May 16, 2018 9:18am


May 16, 2018 7:16am


May 15, 2018 10:12am


May 15, 2018 10:10am


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May 15, 2018 10:07am


May 15, 2018 10:05am


May 15, 2018 10:05am

Multiverse theory is simply a means of interpretation,
a legal fiction which aims to explore possible
outcomes. While it hasn't been proven as a scientific
concept there is a growing body of evidence which
suggests it is true, albeit an insufficient one.
Mathematically, it is possible, because superluminal
speeds can violate causality, leading to a branching
off of worlds. Paradoxes have a tendency of resolving
themselves naturally. Relativity theory permits it, and
relativity theory has been proven by CERN so it
follows logically that the multiverse exists. If time
dilation is real, and people have free will, then the
multiverse exists.

May 15, 2018 7:56am

With the discovery of antihydrogen, the standard
model is essentially complete. It follows that other
symmetrical particles also exist and that Einstein's

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theory of relativity was right. Now that CERN has

fulfilled its objective it will be relegated to the scrap
heap of history and the planet will evolve naturally

May 15, 2018 7:48am

Anyway, supersymmetry is still a valid theory. The
only problem is that it only works at higher energy
levels than what has been tested.

May 15, 2018 7:43am

In lieu of supersymmetry having been disproven, I
think it might be appropriate here to disclose a certain
rule of magic: You can only achieve positive results.
You can't use magic to get rid of something, you can
only add and veil and transform. That's a secret of
magic I'm willing to share, because it is now more
important than ever.

May 15, 2018 7:31am

1.218622 This is a major blow for science. Since
supersymmetry can't be proven, we can't understand
how the universe works. I think research into
cymatics is warranted. Maybe theory A was right,
after all. The universe might be like a quantum
computer which retains memory like an Etch-A-
Sketch would, and not a bunch of approximations in
mathematics like people think it is. In other words,
the universe isn't a well-rendered 3D model - it is a

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co-ordinate system of atomic structures. Vector

calculus isn't as important as people seem to think.
The universe is more logical than that.

May 15, 2018 7:30am


May 15, 2018 6:33am

This article is pretty interesting. Terence McKenna
once said that "if you can imagine it, it exists
somewhere in the universe". Maybe there are planets
in this universe which are exactly like 1980, and by
travelling to them you can affect the particular
worldline. Such findings in this article are also
congruent with Titor's assertion that there are 10^39
possible outcomes in the universe.

May 15, 2018 5:36am


May 15, 2018 5:16am

Laine Corporation is a living order. Therefore there
are 33 characters. There are also some ghosts, too.
One of the ghosts is an idol.

May 14, 2018 6:48pm

There are 12 characters in my world. There are 10
buildings. Everything in my world is custom made.

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Oh, and there are some other characters, too. There

are also 10 idols.

May 14, 2018 6:47pm

I've got 40 years left to make 100 products. That's
about 1 product every 5 months. I could divide the
year into trimesters of 4 months each for each
product. That way I'll be finished in 100 trimesters, or
within 34 years. I'll be 69 by the time I've finished.
But I've already made a sort of start. So I should be
done by 2050. This is more of a prediction than a

May 14, 2018 6:16pm

Time Travel 1 Time Travel 2 Time Travel 3 Time
Travel 4 Space Epic 1 Space Epic 2 Space Epic 3
Space Epic 4 Space Epic 5 Space Epic 6 Space Epic 7
Space Epic 8 Space Epic 9 Space Epic Finale Cyber
Mix 1 Cyber Mix 2 Cyber Mix 3 Cyber Mix 4 Cyber
Mix 5 Cyber Mix 6 Cyber Mix 7 Cyber Mix 8 Cyber
Mix 9 Luthor Laine Super Best Simple Gravity
Sensor Time Machine Healing Rod Unified Field
Theory Longevity Secrets Transcending Carnality
College Drama 1 College Drama 2 College Drama 3
Board Game 1 Board Game 2 Board Game 3 Board
Game 4 Board Game 5 Board Game 6 Board Game 7
Board Game 8 Board Game 9 The Ultimate Board
Game PC Game 1 PC Game 2 PC Game 3 PC Game
4 PC Game 5 PC Game 6 PC Game 7 PC Game 8 PC
Game 9 The Final PC Game Comic 1 Comic 2 Comic
3 Comic 4 Comic 5 Comic 6 Comic 7 Comic 8
Comic 9 The Last Comic Anime 4 Anime 5 Anime 6
Anime 7 Anime 8 Anime 9 Anime 10 (End) Clothes 1

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Clothes 2 Clothes 3 Clothes 4 Clothes 5 Clothes 6

Clothes 7 Clothes 8 Clothes 9 Clothes 10 Gear 1 Gear
2 Gear 3 Gear 4 Gear 5 Gear 6 Gear 7 Gear 8 Gear 9
Gear 10 Building 1 Building 2 Building 3 Building 4
Building 5 Building 6 Building 7 Building 8 Building
9 Building 10

May 14, 2018 4:16pm

So that's 16 books, 4 inventions, 10 music albums,
and 3 feature length presentations (animations). If I
do 1 per year it's going to take another 33 years. I'll
be 68 by then. But I've already started writing for a
year now. I predict I'll be done by 2050, just in time
for retirement. Since I'm not doing anything else, I
may as well do this.

May 14, 2018 4:10pm

Proofreading and rewriting my memoirs into a
consistent narrative shouldn't be too difficult, but it
would be quite laborious.

May 14, 2018 3:34pm

Just 13 more accomplishments and I can upstage
Tolkien with a master number. Maybe I should design
something like a dress or a suit. Maybe an animation
series might be enough. I know. 10 music albums and
3 feature length presentations. That'll be enough for
this life.

May 14, 2018 3:29pm

I can do this over the next sixteen years - that is to
publish one book per year. I'll be at least 50 by the
time I'm done. Tolkien wrote at least 31. But he didn't

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Time Travel Epic

invent anything. I invented 4 things - a time machine,

a simple gravity sensor, a healing rod, and a unified
field theory.

May 14, 2018 3:26pm

I've got 10 ideas for my space epic written down in
blurb format. That's a total of 14 books so far. I just
need another 2 books to get a square number.
Something like "Longevity Secrets" and
"Transcending Carnality", a kind of one-two punch of
physical and spiritual writings. I feel as though I'm
not addressing the alien breeding program, though, so
I'll include a few chapters on it in the last book.

May 14, 2018 3:09pm

I wrote four books this year, but they haven't been
published yet. They're just a collection of memoirs of
yours truly.

May 14, 2018 2:35pm

For comparison, me in the lab, and a prophecy to
round out my photo album. I'm running out of ideas
now. Hopefully my ideas are interesting at least.

May 14, 2018 2:08pm

It strikes me as kind of surreal that the sun is mainly
composed of hydrogen - an element with an atomic
weight of 1. The way in which humans interpret the
universe is wise and awe-inspiring indeed.

May 14, 2018 2:07pm

1.21 gigawatts will penetrate about 38,000 molar

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masses. In one second of discharge, this will provide

a mass penetration spectrum in the range of 10
minutes and 10 hours - a far cry from 30 years as put
forward by the movie Back to the Future. However,
in the quantum range it might be accurate. The power
rating for the device in Back to the Future can indeed
transport density on the scale of an electron to 30
years in the past with the amount of discharge
equivalent to a small lightning strike. Lightning
strikes travel through time in this sense.

May 14, 2018 12:56pm

May 14, 2018 11:54am

I finally understand Einstein's famous equation,
E=Mc^2. It's an exponential if graphed on a two-
dimensional matrix with the variables E and M. It
also applies to chemistry and explains why I'm seeing
a lot of things changing and a lot of things staying the
same (in relative terms).

May 14, 2018 8:37am

I was en route to the shop earlier and noticed a girl
wearing a flannelette shirt. That's crazy. I also saw an
articulated bus. I haven't seen an articulated bus in
years. They must have made a comeback.

May 14, 2018 8:35am

http://www.researchandappliedscience.com/ Where
I'm from, the Israel declaration of independence was
yesterday. Of course, I've travelled far back and the
shemitah always seems to be in this same year. Other

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things which depend on a lighter density and a higher

frequency have regressed even more. Well, that's it.
I'm done with this time travel thing. I'd continue but it
would necessitate servicing my time machine which I
couldn't be bothered to do. In terms of the lightest
density (before quantum mechanics takes effect), i.e.
in the spectrum of hydrogen, I'm from 232 years in
the future. In terms of the heaviest density, that is to
say ununoctium, I've travelled 5 years into the future
over a 6 year timespan. For the sake of convenience,
it is best if I am from the year 2250. I was abducted
by aliens in the year 2250 and transported to another
world, after which I made this time travel machine
and travelled here to the year 1780 which is your
2018. I've set up an office now from which I'll be
administering some aspects of our ventures. This will
help us to achieve our objectives.

May 14, 2018 8:00am

My time machine has been travelling backwards for
exactly 1 year now (accounting for subtracting time
travelling forwards). That's 8760 hours. In that time I
have achieved retrograde travel of 1 year in terms of
the highest density which is ununoctium with an
atomic weight of 238, and 238 years in terms of
hydrogen which has an atomic weight of 1. That's the
permanency of time travel which has been achieved.
However, I'm able to make small temporary jumps at
much higher rates of travel. The effect of these jumps
lasts about 24 hours and I'm kind of limited, owing to

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the diminishing effect of the travel, to about 60 years

per jump as Titor indicated. That's a limitation of the
machine. Of course, more powerful machines are
capable of much higher rates and their effects are
permanent. That's all I have to say about my time
machine. It can create closed timelike curves in all
mass densities, but the heavier the element the more
power is needed. A machine twice its power would be
capable of real travel back including landmarks. A
machine ten times its power would be equivalent to
Titor's C204 unit and would run on 240V 40A.

May 14, 2018 7:02am

It's groundhog day. Before I set out to prove it, I'll
give some background information. I got a
notification for one of my old friend's birthday
yesterday, and received the same notification this
morning. Now, assuming that 240 times duration
equates to time travel in carbon and oxygen per one
unit of time, then we can assume that 2 hours equals
twenty days on this spectrum. In real time, which is
measured with quartz and caesium inter alia, the
duration as compared with the density is significantly
lower on the scale of twenty times, hence one day
travel backwards was achieved. However, I distinctly
remember the 13th as being her birthday (although it
might be confused with Mother's day). Nonetheless,
Sunday was her birthday while today is her birthday
now. So there are some discrepancies which might
need to be accounted for. Such are probably related to
the relative nature of time and the server's tendencies
to synchronise with one another in a hierarchy. As
such, two hours equates to one day travel. Oh, and

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her name was Romanised on my phone whereas

yesterday it was in Japanese. It's taken that 2.4 hours
equates to 1 day travel backwards. That's a rate of
10:1. Now, we apply 8,500 hours and figure out that
85,000 hours travel backwards occurred. That's 9.7
years or 10 years rounded down. Now we figure out
from the date of departure (4 years hence) and we get
6 years retrograde travel. So in terms of the densest
material we've got a time period similar to 2012. The
air and carbon however are more similar to the year
1780. As for which atomic weight is most similar to
the year 1980, it would be the element with an atomic
weight of 200. My ideas are finally coming to
fruition. The atomic weight of ununoctium is 238,
exactly the same number of years I've calculated as
having travelled back. There are no coincidences.

May 14, 2018 6:18am

I've got several hours left to make a presentation in
the hopes that it will create an effect in the future. But
what can I do? Twenty two years from now I'll be in
this same location. I had better make the most of this
opportunity. The best I can do is upload some
information to the Internet. I'll upload all my
documents to the server. That will surely have an
effect on the future. Some people from the US, Russia
and Israel will see the information. I should take care
to present it properly. Once I go for my injection at
the clinic at 0900 hours this morning there will be no
opportunity left.

May 14, 2018 5:26am

Mum brought back scones from Sydney. We don't

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have scones in the future. Scones are an archaic food

which disappeared from the diet in the 2230s.

May 14, 2018 5:18am

People have ideas about time. Bedo and Killalea
(2018) stated that "the chilly conditions will continue
into the weekend where they will ease", as if time
was somehow directly associated with space.
Moreover, the Facebook team's option for viewing
posts made previously at the same time of year
indicate an understanding of how time is cyclical and
how events can generally repeat themselves.

May 14, 2018 5:04am


May 14, 2018 5:01am

Fuck suicide. I'm just going to have to man up and
take my depot injection today. I always fuckin' get
like this before my depot. I suppose I still have the
good life compared to the serfs. The fact that I don't
have to take pills anymore and instead just take the
injections kind of cancels out the requirement for
injections. I deleted my research website and my blog
though. I'm left with Facebook and Twitter now. It's a
pity but I suppose the good thing is that I'd be able to
concentrate my efforts on these two platforms.
Thankfully neither Facebook or Twitter instantly
deletes the accounts, so I'm trapped here for now. I
don't have much left to say about my time machine.

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I'll be in this time period for another several hours

before being washed back to the year 2030. My
mission to seed information has kind of failed. This is
the furthest I've travelled back so it kind of makes
sense that my information wouldn't exist in such a
time period. My time machine now makes a hell of a
noise because the motors seem to have lost their
bearings somewhat. I'm thinking about stopping the
venture to travel back to Mars. I could possibly
continue but I'd need to get new motors every year or
so. It's kind of like a car - it needs tune-ups and new
parts every now and then.

May 14, 2018 4:54am

One of my main peeves in committing suicide is that
my room will be messy. I don't want to leave a mess
for others.

May 13, 2018 11:52am

This profile pic is going to bother me in the afterlife.
I'll be looking at Facebook from heaven and going
"damn, I need to fix these pixels" etc. This is not over

May 13, 2018 11:50am

Soon I'm going to attempt suicide. In my theory,
suicide can be easily achieved and painlessly once my
karma's been cleared. There are only a few things in
terms of karma which need to be cleared before I'll be
able to kill myself painlessly and allow my spirit to
attain nirvana. Because of this, if anyone in the future
claims to be the reincarnation of me, they're lying.
That's because my karmic debt has been cleared and

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I've finally surpassed the need to reincarnate. Over

the following days and weeks I'll be making
preparations for my death. Once I've cleared up the
past grievances in the form of repaying karmic debt
to those I've affected, mostly by making monetary
payments but also with small things like chores and
reducing my carbon footprint to nil where it should
be, I'll be making donations to charitable
organisations like WWF and The Salvation Army. If
anyone claims anything to my estate you should
contact me so we can sort something out. Otherwise
you'll only be able to claim $1 from my last will and
testament. There are a few other housekeeping things
which I'll need to take care of as well and these will
be addressed soon. I'm thinking about a drug
overdose but that will be finalised.

May 13, 2018 11:47am

I'm here from the year 2030. I'll only be here for 24
hours. I've got some business to attend to and some
research to carry out in this time period. I'll also be
seeding some information which I hope will be able
to make changes to the world. Time is short. There
will be some events that occur in the future which
will lead to a sort of evil power structure that is
supported by Marxists. In the future there is an active
opposition and ongoing conflict mainly in the media
but the battle is a futile one. Eventually, the world
will become a communist shithole. I escaped from
that world and am here in 2018 by the grace of my
time travel machine. But I'll only be here for about 24
hours, due to the temporary effect created by my time
machine and my expiring time lock. I needed some

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time out and got it when I activated my time machine

to come back here. I'm actually from the very far
future but have been working in the year 2030 for
about a month until I just gave up with the resistance
effort. It closes in quickly. I need to study up on Marx
while I'm here and make some notes. Anyway,
prepare yourselves for a shit future in which the
communists win. It's a real bummer. Anyone wanting
to travel back in time with me, just make the same
kind of machine I made here on Facebook and join
me. The past is glorious, much better than the
shithouse future. I suppose the only good thing about
the future is the lack of war. But it's not enough. I
hate the future. It's shit. My time machine has got
problems with noise so I'm not really able to go back
to my home time of 2250, a trip which would take 1
year in total.

May 13, 2018 10:16am

I can't find a specific post by Titor no matter how
hard I try. It was relating to how "taking a simpler
approach" enabled the rebellion to win the war. I
guess I'm in an alien world now.

May 13, 2018 7:26am

It seems as though the global warming alarmists have
really lost a lot of credibility recently. You know
why? It's because of my actions. I solved the problem
relating to the Earth's degrading orbit around the sun
with a gravity drive. Now the humour will ensue. It's
really funny seeing a bunch of psychopaths who tried
to trick people into accepting a carbon tax based on a
falsified theory about carbon emissions causing

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global warming get payback by a simpler means of

solving the problem relating to global warming. Their
whole political agenda is in shambles. It was based on
Marxism and if history progressed naturally then they
might have won - but they weren't expecting the
effectiveness of my gravity drive to stop their
maniacal plans.

May 13, 2018 6:46am

My alien superiors are telling me that I should
destroy the planet with fire before embarking on any
planet broking. I suppose that's possible - creating a
fresh start like clearing an Etch-A-Sketch is what
most planetary conquerers do. It's kind of like
"clearing house" or "demolishing" to put up a new
planet. But I've got pause for thought. For one thing,
these people don't know where their father is. In
Gnosticism they would have it that their father is the
sun, so I'm a bit confused. Where is their god? I was
told that "you just can't go around killing people". So
what gives?

May 13, 2018 5:58am

Several years ago, I installed a game (the name of
which I can't remember) about space exploration and
conquest. When I started the game, I began in a small
spaceship somewhere in space. Momentarily, I was
gunned down by another more experienced user. It
made me wonder about what hidden surprises lie in
wait from other more experienced people in a
particular field. I wonder how many secrets are being
kept in the universe and in what manner they might
be discovered...

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May 13, 2018 5:31am

It is written that the meek shall inherit the Earth.
What we're witnessing with Trumps' rise to power is
his representation of the forgotten ones fulfilled in

May 13, 2018 5:28am

To put it simply; if you want to figure out where you
are in time you have to measure three things (related
to the standard model): Which galaxy you are in,
which solar system you are in, and which planet you
are in. By determining this you can understand where
you are in a universe of 10^39 outcomes. I'm from an
unknown planet in a different region of the galaxy,
closer to the galactic centre. My star was closer to my
home world. That's why I'm so small - it's because of
the gravitational influence of the star and to a lesser
extent the centre of the galaxy.

May 13, 2018 5:12am

There seems to be a dearth in updates and
notifications on WordPress. It's as though everything
has gone quiet.

May 13, 2018 4:21am

I've just come across something - the share count on
my most recent post has increased to 1. Maybe
someone shared it? The share links are to either
Twitter or Facebook. I personally shared all the
articles before but it didn't increase the share count.
Something's fishy. The article posted which was
shared was about minimising divergence. I might be

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onto something here. Never mind, the site is back up.

May 13, 2018 4:19am

I'm actually really spooked about what's going on.
Websites don't simply vanish. This isn't a problem
with connectivity either, because my HTML banner
ads are still displaying. But the WordPress site has
been surgically removed.

May 13, 2018 4:14am

That's funny - my WordPress site is down. Maybe
someone or something altered the timeline. I suppose
I'm getting too close for comfort in developing this
time travel technology.

May 13, 2018 4:10am

My navigation system leads a lot to be desired. While
it is true that I'm able to travel to any point I want to
in six dimensions, it might not be enough to create
closed time-like curves in the way I want it. Let's say
I wanted to travel back to the year 1980 to save
someone's life. I'd need to be in the same spot in the
multiverse for that to happen. But there are 10^39
destinations in the multiverse, and only a few of them
will help me. It's like looking for a needle in a
haystack. I'd need to get the 6 parameters of space-
time right. As I remember them, they are proximity to
the sun, proximity to the galaxy, proximity to the big
bang, and location in three dimensional space.

May 13, 2018 4:09am

Every possible outcome exists in the multiverse. My
time machine allows you to control the conditions of

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space and thereby influence the outcome of your

present situation. Whatever you want, you can have.
Whatever condition you want to be in, you can do it.
My device alters subjective reality - it's like a vehicle.
In fact it is a vehicle - a time vehicle. But it also
traverses space. One of the problems I've got with this
machine is that it takes a long time to get to where
you want to go in the multiverse, and once you get
there, one small change can alter history as you know
it and cause all sorts of effects later on. At the
moment I'm sitting here wondering what to do and
where to go. Doing something like creating a closed
time-like loop like playing the lottery would take at
least a year so if I want to do something like that it
better be worthwhile. So doing something like betting
on the lottery isn't worthwhile as it would take several
years to get a result and even then other conditions
and changes to the timeline might result in the

May 12, 2018 11:09am

The master timeline has been altered almost beyond
recognition. You can in fact travel back to an exact
version of the past just how you remember it, but it
would take a long time. If you wanted to travel back
30 years, for example, you'd need to use the time
travel machine for a total of 15 years without
stopping. If you stopped the time machine and had a
break for a while, then history will catch up with you
again, so you need to use the time machine for at least
50% of the time. And if you only use it for 51% of the
time, for example, you'll get nowhere. I'm at the point
where I've travelled back 2 years but 4 years has

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already elapsed, so instead of travelling to the past,

I've travelled 2 years into the future over a 4 year
timespan, and I've been kind of stretched for
resources during the whole time. Time is cyclical,
though, and because of this I haven't been in complete
suffering. Many opportunities present themselves
when the time field slows down. If you want to go
back quickly and not have to do some campaign or
mission to travel back several years, you're going to
need a lot of power. That's the beauty of the
DeLorean. But in lieu of such power, you can still get
by with lower powered devices like mine. But you
need to be a real survivalist. If you're prepared to
accept differences in the world on the order of about
5 to 10%, then you can travel back quickly. It kind of
irks me, though, that landmarks exist which I wasn't
expecting in such time periods. I suppose it might be
best to ignore them. The only way to address the
problem of landmarks existing is to travel back far
enough in the spectrum of atomic weights so as to
lose them. I'm not sure if that would work or not
either. Supersymmetry is still a theory and hasn't been
proven yet. But everything in science suggests this
one fact. If it's wrong, then a lot of physics must be
wrong too. A thought experiment to prove it is one
thing but you need objective evidence, and so far we
haven't found anything.

May 12, 2018 9:26am

Let's figure out how much energy is needed to travel
back 30 years into the past with 0% divergence. This
is a new idea which I've just had. Let's approximate
first and later on we can flesh out the details. 8,500

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hours in use has elapsed. That's 0.97 years. Let's

round it up to 1 year for simplicity. In that 1 year,
approximately 2 years forward travel has occurred.
Of course, the 1 year travel time is spread out over 4
years. So, essentially, the device works at 2:1 in
closed time-like curves (accounting for all energy
densities). That means that you would need to run the
device for 15 years constantly to travel back 30 years.
The device runs at 12 V 40 A (or 480W). We want to
get travel time down to a second. So all that we need
to do is figure out how many seconds are in 15 years
and multiply that by 480 W. There are 473,040,000
seconds in 15 years. Multiplied by 480 W returns
227,059,200,000 W. That's 227 gigawatts. If you used
1.2 gigawatts, you'd need to run the machine for
about 3 minutes. Now let's figure it out with 5%
divergence. 240:1 is the nominal ratio for travel
backwards in the aether. 3,942,000 seconds running
time is required to travel back that much at 480 W. If
you were to go in one second, it would require
1,892,160,000 W, or 1.8 gigawatts. 1.57 seconds
would be the required running time at 1.21 gigawatts.
In order to allow for time travel into the past, tachyon
energy must be used. (That's what's created with my
own gravity drive in reverse gear.) To generate
tachyon energy in an electromagnetic field, you could
use two coils wound against each other. But we're
talking about a lot of energy here. You could also use
two opposing electromagnetic fields. (That's what my
machine does.) To put it another way, the DeLorean
in Back to the Future is about 4 million times faster
than my time travel machine in terms of temporal
displacement. I think the divergence in Back to the

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Future 2 with branching timelines was handled

beautifully. I'm still trying to get over the fact that I've
got a fully working time machine now. This project
has been successful beyond my wildest dreams.

May 12, 2018 9:04am

As fortune would have it, I've now got a benchmark
for the heaviest elements to work with in my time
travel endeavours. I can travel back to where air and
carbon are more like 200 years ago whilst retaining
the influence of a retrograde travel of 2 years in
heavier elements and alloys like steel. My estimations
indicate a 1% effectiveness rating of elements like
steel compared to a 100% effectiveness rating of air
(oxygen, nitrogen, etc.) The findings are congruent
with the element's atomic mass units (weights). My
research is now complete. With this data, and my
research spanning a couple of hundred years, I'm able
to go to any point in the space-time continuum,
including exact versions of the past. Of course, any
changes made to the distant past affects the future in
unimaginable ways. This is a cause for celebration.
I've got one beer left. I'll drink it later on today.

May 12, 2018 8:35am

On a closer inspection, it seems as though my height
has actually diminished. That's what I was expecting.
I suppose I was right, after all. I'm still pretty tall. My
height has diminished by about an inch. As such I
should be 180 cm.

May 12, 2018 8:29am

I'm just comparing photos of myself with the exact

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framing from pictures from a couple of years ago and

it seems as though my height has increased in stature.
I was expecting, with the use of my time machine,
that my height would diminish because of the lower
gravity, but instead it has increased. I wonder if this
has something to do with the ever-expanding nature
of the universe. Now I get it - the fallen angels had
offspring which are very big. I'm like a fallen angel
because I'm from the future which is a lot more like
heaven. So, if I were to travel into the far future, then
my stature will diminish. I wonder if I should try it.

May 12, 2018 8:25am


May 12, 2018 6:32am


May 12, 2018 6:32am


May 12, 2018 6:03am

The sky event per Anon Q is coming soon. It has
already begun in Singapore, and there will be another
sighting in Yokohama. As it seems, the wave
penetration of my device has regressed heavy
structures like steel to a few years back. I can't

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remember whether contact will be this year or next

year. I distinctly remember a ship coming into contact
with the Yokohama Landmark Tower but the year
escapes me. Now I remember. It was just after I left.
That means my penetration rate in terms of steel is at
about negative 3 years. Anything in "concrete" terms
is regressed by 3 years, whereas anything in terms of
air and ideas is regressed by 238 years, and there is a
whole spectrum of mass in between. Strategy relates
to the realm of ideas, although the machines used to
implement such ideas are more advanced than I can
recall. That's because of their mass. When something
is heavier it isn't affected so much by my time
machine. I'm also seeing this I once remember fade
out of existence, including buildings, people, and
objects. It's reassuring to me because it means that
retro-causality is possible in the multiverse and I can
indeed make changes which affect the space-time
continuum as perceived by myself.

May 12, 2018 5:09am

How interesting. It seems, in looking at many pictures
of the skyline of Yokohama, that the buildings have
regressed. There was a starship which docked with
the Yokohama Landmark Tower in the future, much
like what you see with Marina Bay in Singapore.

May 12, 2018 4:50am

It seems as though the heating effect of the temporal
displacement machine has worn off. If the time
machine is kept unused from now on, the
temperatures will begin to get even colder. On
average, a difference of about 2 degrees Celsius is

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May 11, 2018 2:10am


May 11, 2018 2:09am

Young people tend to get impatient with time travel
quickly. They expect a lot of things to happen all at
once. Well, that's not how the universe works. As 8
Bit Pimp once said, "the universe is huge and old and
where things happen all the time."

May 10, 2018 10:50am


May 10, 2018 8:11am

Humans will soon reach the limit in the development
of autonomous robots and how they can be deployed
in various settings; i.e. construction, human
interaction, transport, etc. The costs of developing
such technology outweighs the benefits and humans
will experience diminishing returns in their efforts to
let the machines do all the work. There's nothing like
manual labour which can help to foster and grow an
economy. Automation might make things cheaper in
the short term but there are some things you can't
automate without considerable risk to the
environment and production. No matter how hard
people try, there will never be walking androids

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manufactured much less androids capable of critical

thinking. An android is nothing but a sophisticated
puppet which can only be programmed to perform
limited functions. Humans will try and succeed in
making a variety of sophisticated and useful robots.
But the idea of making a fully functional android,
much less a battle worthy mecha or even a robot
which can sort the laundry being mass manufactured
is a tall order and a lofty goal which will never be

May 10, 2018 4:33am

Someone called me a "freak" at the bus interchange
several months ago. It just goes to show that I've
traversed to a world in which people have evolved
differently than I have.

May 10, 2018 1:45am

46578 This academic argues that time travel to
alternate world-lines is impossible because of an
apparent lack of freaks from different dimensions. I
would have to disagree with him that just because it's
possible that an alien freak might travel to our
location in space-time, doesn't mean that it would
actually happen. In fact, there are many freaks
claiming to be time travellers, including myself. My
head is bigger than people of this world and it's
almost as if I've got two heads, in a way. A native of
this world or a few dimensions back away from the
strange attractor would in fact describe myself as
having two heads. I don't want to upload a photo of
myself because I'm such a freak compared to the

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beautiful people of this world-line. This world is like

the world in the movie "The Dark Crystal", but the
people are so beautiful like the keflings.

May 10, 2018 1:45am

It seems as though the Internet has become a place
where mentally ill and people who are disabled
gather, and not much else. Journalism on the Internet
and thanks to the Internet in general is dead. The
dregs of society remain and not many other people,
mainly owing to the fact that the "well to do" are
more caught up in their own affairs and have little
time to be online. None of my friends from high
school and college post anything any more, and if
they do happen to occasionally post something, there
is a scarcity of attention given in the actual posting or
receipt of any meaningful information. It's kind of sad
and kind of boring. I don't understand what people do
besides work. It's as though they're mindless zombies
just working and consuming to no end without any
imagination, creativity or originality apparent. If they
do have some kind of original thought, they would
likely take it to the grave with them. I suppose
humanity really is overrated in this sense. There were
signs of intelligent humans throughout the 2000s but
ever since 2012, the so-called end of the Mayan
calendar, people have become introverted and
mindless, chattering away on mindless topics without
any kind of evidence of sentience. Einstein once
doubted whether there was any intelligent life on
Earth, and I'm beginning to agree with him. It's lonely
at the top.

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May 10, 2018 12:39am

Global warming is caused by a lack of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere. The recent proliferation of fuel
efficient vehicles leading to lower emissions
essentially deprived the atmosphere of carbon
dioxide, which in turn allowed for IR from the sun to
heat up the atmosphere. Without carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere, more energy reaches the surface of
the planet, causing it to heat up. The global warming
alarmist faction of the Illuminati foresaw this and
twisted it into the current idea that global warming is
caused by carbon emissions (when in fact it is the
opposite). The idea to create "clean energy" further
exacerbates the problem of global warming and the
Illuminati know this, which is why they are hell-bent
on creating a panic and proposing a solution which
leads to more panic, which allows them to reap the
financial benefits of imposing carbon taxes. The good
news is that we've engineered a weapon which has
put a monkey wrench in their plans, so to speak. The
anti-gravity drive which I invented compels the
planet to recede away from the sun, creating the
necessary conditions to cool the planet down by
moving it away from the sun. So far it's working - in
the past year temperatures have come down as a
result of using the device. The lack of carbon dioxide
emitted as a result of the Illuminati's efforts cannot
make up for the discrepancy, and people are
beginning to question the government's credibility
and the credibility of the global warming alarmists.
They're in damage control mode now and are trying
to manufacture facts which support their ideas that
the planet is warming. They'll stop at nothing to keep

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the planet from cooling as a result of the use of the

device which I've engineered. But their plans won't
come to fruition. You see, I've already pushed the
planet back to the region where it was about 200
years ago. So it's going to take the Illuminati 200
years to catch up in terms of increasing the planet's
temperature to support their global warming theories.
The beauty of my plan is that it works 240 times
more effectively than anything the Illuminati could
muster up, and what's even more amazing is I'm
bestowed with the blessing of plausible deniability.
The way people see it, my invention is nothing more
than a gimmick. But they don't seem to understand its
true power and its true potential - it is indeed capable
of shifting the planet back by scores of years and thus
induce global cooling.

May 09, 2018 8:15pm


May 09, 2018 6:08pm


May 09, 2018 6:08pm

How to create the right conditions for economic
prosperity, like what was seen during the 1970s and
1980s? I think, like many things, economic growth
shares a relationship with other factors. There are
some powers that will not allow for such conditions
to exist, and for good reason. Economic growth is

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damaging to the environment, for example. It also

creates inequality and segregation socially. But it can
be good for humans - economic growth creates more
jobs and more competition leads to lower prices and
low inflation. Anyway, how can we create the
conditions for another boom? All other things aside,
let's look at the relationship of food prices and the
activation of my machine in reverse gear which
compels it to go to Mars, with the scalar field of the
world as well. In other words, by imbuing the world
with tachyon scalar energy, it is compelled to drive
back into the restless cosmos away from the sun.
When the scalar field moves closer to the sun,
gravitation takes hold and causes the entropy of
objects under its influence. By going away from the
sun, restlessness is caused, generating economic
activity. At the moment, the planet is in the same
vicinity it was during the year 1780, thanks to my
efforts with my time travel machine which displaces
gravity. Because of this, economic boom conditions
are generated. Problem solved.

May 09, 2018 1:19am

http://heiwaco.tripod.com/bomb.htm This article
proves my research into radioactivity and particle
decay. When I discussed the half-life of certain
elements and their relationship to the asymmetrical
structure of matter in the universe, I didn't intend to
mislead the reader by pseudoscientific babble with
respect to the different values and intricacies of
particular elements like uranium and ununoctium. In
other words, I stated that heavier elements have in
general (although not in respect to chemistry

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specifically) a longer half-life than lighter elements.

For instance, the half-life of helium is 7.6 * 10^-22
seconds which is a really short time span. The half-
life of palladium, on the other hand, is 6.5 million
years. It just goes to show that objects with more
density are generally more stable than lighter objects,
and I'm not talking about radioactive isotopes either,
the subject of which seems to confound people's
thinking into such matters. Anyway, this post simply
serves as more proof of the gestalt that is my

May 09, 2018 12:12am

To date, nobody has debunked my theory of space-
time and the working principles of my time machine.
Someone came pretty close when I put a paper up for
peer review, but my ideas dragged her down to my
level and beat her with experience.

May 08, 2018 10:31pm

My associates, mainly family and old friends, seem to
hate me. I suppose they're just jealous because I
invented time travel and they didn't think of it. So
they conspire behind my back and tell jokes, etc.
Well, the joke is on them. We'll see who has the last
laugh. (Hint: I'll have the last laugh.)

May 08, 2018 10:29pm

Luthor Laine shared a memory. I was just now
entertaining the notion that the time machine travels
at a nominal rate of 10 years per hour, but this
nostalgic post from a year ago has reminded me that
10 years per hour is the wave function of the time

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machine. I'm now also reminded through this

language of a particular extraterrestrial
communication which I've been having since 2012,
indicating a kind of "wave function collapse" which
occurs when the time machine has been put to use.
Such a thing was communicated to me telepathically
when I began freaking out and hallucinating after
putting the time machine to use. Unfortunately, in
reviewing the usage data of my time machine, it
seems as though the virtual gravity lock system has
allowed for time travel back to the year 1780. Of
course, this era is nothing like what I expected it to be
except a few things. However, I'm still able to
perform wave function collapses with my time travel
machine. When I do that I kind of freak out mentally
because so much changes. I think "theory B" of time
(as addressed in philosophy) holds true in this respect
and when I travel through time I'm merely travelling
to the nearest respective dimension that approximates
the time travel. As for the persistence of landmarks,
I'm pretty sure that with enough travel and faith as a
mustard seed, I'll be able to travel back far enough so
that the landmarks aren't so persistent. I think it has
something to do with supersymmetry and the density
of the landmarks. Now, although concrete is about the
same density as humans or air, it is in my thinking
significantly denser to an extent which allows for its
supersymmetric existence across long time periods.
Someone important once asked me "what's with the
wonders? Wonderment? The latter of the two?" I
suppose the best answer that I can think of to those
questions is that "man fears time, time fears the
pyramids" and the pyramids fear cymatics.

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May 08, 2018 10:17pm

I've just finished updating my website. Now it's time
for a break. I'm also going to resume business in a
little while. But for now I'll just take it easy.

May 08, 2018 1:59am


May 08, 2018 1:57am

That's funny. I grew up knowing the spelling of
Tutankhamun was Tutankhamen. The fact must have
changed when I travelled across time.

May 07, 2018 2:49pm

Even the older cars in this world seem alien to me.
They have a kind of bug-like appearance to which I'm
unaccustomed to.

May 07, 2018 2:36pm


May 06, 2018 9:45pm

A couple of years ago I announced that development
of cold fusion technology requires specialised
knowledge in design and engineering, only to be
rebuked by a fundamentalist who held that other
skills are also necessary. It just goes to show how
undeveloped this world is and the fact that cold
fusion remains under-developed in this world
supports my theory that my time travel machine
actually works.

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May 06, 2018 5:47pm

This is gonna be a big project - reconciling GR and
SR, thereby allowing for the creation of a grand
unified theory. I bet I could squash the whole space-
time continuum into one dimension of 1s and 0s. The
only question that remains is how? How could you
equate the movements of planets, stars, and other
celestial bodies to allow for scientific prediction of
what occurs on Terra Nova? Let's bust this theory
wide open and see! The first call to order is for the
discovery of a grand unified energy which holds the
universe together. It is through studying this
dimension, and this dimension only (and also as it
relates to other dimensions) that we'll be able to
figure out the true nature of space-time. Since the
laws of physics change from one location in the
universe to the next, we'll have to try and account for
these changes in the grand unified theory, although
I'm sure there will be limits to how this change can be
observed and objectified in our theory. Hence, it is a
theory of the multiverse which should be useful in a
radius of about 1,000 parsecs (enough to encompass
the human experience as we know it). I'll call this
sphere of influence the "Luthorverse" and only
advanced and totally different civilisations can mess
with it. The bubble in which I'm talking about relates
to the way in which physics has been observed to
function as it has been observed over the past 6,000
years, and that's a lot of information, with data
reaching back to the big bang, so my theory should be
good for time travel within about 20 billion years (4
billion years back and 16 billion years forward). The
basis for this theory is the observation that time is a

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function of 4 dimensions (in its most basic form),

hence t = f(a, b, c, d), the four dimensions comprising
tomorrow, yesterday, today last year, and today next
year. The derivations from this equation in other
dimensions (such as how many apples can grow in a
particular season, or how many oranges were
purchased on a particular date) are vast and infinite,
and give us a solid grasp on the likelihood of
predicting future events accurately. For example, how
many people can predict that Christmas occurs on 25
December? It's easy and there are other things
different from national holidays and anniversaries
which can be predicted with this particular theory. Of
course, you can add other dimensions too, such as the
position of the planets at any one time. With my
device you can travel to any place in the universe.
You bring some of the Earth with you and it can be
like the movie "Zathura" some times because the rest
of Terra Nova doesn't catch up every time. When that
happens you'll see a kind of haze or mist around
everything as the harmonics compel the rest of the
scalar field into existence. In doing so, you are able to
travel to different worlds. The pattern in which you
travel kind of zig-zags up and down so when you've
travelled about 10% of the universe, you end up in
Mars. Spaceships can take a short-cut through all that
because my time travel machine jumps through the
quantum soup of the multiverse to the next Earth and
so on until it has scanned the entire outcome of being
on Earth and continues on with Mars. That's if you
engage the machine in "up" mode. You can also go
"left" and "right" with the appropriate gears engaged.
As for going "down" that is also possible with a

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combination of using the "left" and "up" gears. My

machine goes in three directions - "up left" "down
left" and "right". During 2007-8 I travelled about
1,000 years into the future with an ioniser. The future
is hot like Venus. To go back to Mars, you engage the
reverse gear, and with the ioniser on you can go an
extra dimension in time, forward and backwards.
There are three dimensions of space and three
dimensions of time allowing for a universe about 20
billion years old to exist in a sphere of influence of
about 1,000 parsecs. This is my bubble I'm talking
about. Outside of that the laws of physics are
different and you have all sorts of alien influences
there. It's not my domain. My domain is limited to a
sphere with a radius of 1,000 parsecs. That's my
dominion. Although it does span the multiverse to
some extent. 6 dimensions of space-time in this
respect only allows for a multiverse the size of a
sphere with a radius of 1,000 parsecs.

May 06, 2018 5:25pm

Do you want me to do the equations reconciling GR
and SR or not? Let me know and I'll see what I can

May 06, 2018 4:53pm


May 06, 2018 3:54pm

If I were to travel back for about a week, I'd witness a
civil war break out in America. The era is pretty well
embellished now, as it's been figured out on two

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methods of calculation. It seems there have been a lot

of changes made to the past which I'm still trying to
come to terms with.

May 06, 2018 2:36pm

I've figured it out; it's right on the money. In
projecting the average number of sunspots out from
1700 I devised a way of pinpointing the average
number of sunspots in a year to a time period on my
chart. It's given the figure of 1780 for the next twelve
months which is exactly the year I figured out using
the basis of 240 seconds for the virtual gravity lock
on my time machine. As such I'm from a couple of
centuries in the future...

May 06, 2018 2:30pm

8675.39493 total hours in operation. Multiplied by
240 and divided by 24 and then 365 gives 237.68
years total travel with the virtual gravity lock. That
returns a date of 1780.32.

May 06, 2018 2:28pm


May 05, 2018 5:45pm


May 05, 2018 3:46pm

En route to the shops earlier today, I noticed an old
car from interstate. It seemed to be in as new
condition, but the design was something out of the
late '80s as it seemed. The cars which are parked
nearby and in this city don't change much, but the

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cars from other areas of this city seem alien and


May 05, 2018 2:56pm

The back door doesn't squeak when I open it. That's a
good sign that the temporal traversal is in effect.
Normally, it would squeak when I open it but it seems
to have returned to its original condition. It may not
seem like much, but I've found that noticing these
small things helps a lot with gauging the effectiveness
of the temporal traversal. When I held up my hand
which has a keloid on it to the device, I noticed that it
would begin to "heal" quickly. It isn't so much
healing which is done but instead a reversion to its
original state.

May 05, 2018 2:41pm

I just noticed some transaction in my bank account
which defies mathematics. First of all, I'm unable to
overdraw my account using a debit card. But then I
looked at my bank balance and it had been overdrawn
from a debit card purchase. That purchase was from
about a week ago, and the bank reversed that
particular transaction just today. I take it to mean that
some kind of temporal traversal occurred in which
causality was violated. That's the only way I can
understand the accounting discrepancy. According to
my log, the reverse gear was engaged at the time.
After that I had disconnected the negative ion
generator. It seems as though with the negative ion
generator disconnected, the device works much better
than with it connected. I engaged the forward gear as
well during such time and must have traversed into a

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parallel world in which my account balance was

different. The location of the bank's servers in relation
to their proximity to my device might have played a
part as well.

May 05, 2018 1:23pm

I'd just like to say something about these projected
statistics - while they illustrate a tendency for
inflation to decrease over time, because my time
machine has been in effect since 2015, the inflation
has actually increased year on year since. Although
there is a projected decrease in inflation, the use of
my time machine could negate the effects leading to
inflation in the near-term future. As such this
projection, while illustrating the tendency for
inflation to decrease over time, can be negated by the
use of my time machine. That's because the effects of
my time machine are felt in GR as well as SR - there
is a kind of gravitational vortex which manifests
when it's activated. I've got kind of two minds about
whether or not the time machine should be engaged
in forward gear, reverse gear, or left dormant over the
coming months, so I can't comment on what the flow-
on effects to inflation should be. If nothing else, this
chart which I downloaded from Statista should
illustrate the general tendency of inflation as it
progresses through a natural precession of time. The
development of time travel technology is
unprecedented and if someone else makes a similar
device, then all bets are off. Insofar as I'm concerned,
the effects of the device might be limited to
subjective experience of myself only if the space-time
continuum should be warped out of recognition by

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multiple devices. If that were to occur, then a whole

new dynamic of the way in which economics and
other cycles including natural cycles progress
throughout time. That's not to say that similar
technologies don't already exist - in fact, the presence
of forces which interfere with my own experiments
seems to indicate that other such device do in fact
exist and are in operation. Nonetheless, my machine
is reliable enough if used over fairly long periods of
time and I can quietly manage it through the
manifestation of a solipsism, regardless of the
existence of external influences which at times seem
to confound the operation of my own device. To this
effect it would seem that my device works in SR only
and any effect to the greater world and universe
observed is according to my own experiences. It is
convenient, however, that in recording such data as
economic indicators, weather records, etc. the overall
direction of such is as anticipated and congruent with
the use of either gear - forward or backwards - and
the effects associated with one or another particular
use of the device. Because of this, I'm solely
responsible for any long-term economic outcomes
which may be made manifest as a result. But because
the device seems to work in SR, as indicated by a
lack of external influences when the device is used
for prolonged periods of time, I can't be objectively
responsible for any conditions which result as a
manifestation of the effects of using the device. It
works like a vehicle. It was once said that if you had
faith as a mustard seed, you could move mountains.
Well, driving past a mountain is like moving it
relative to where you are, as much as creating

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economic conditions in the world around you by

travelling through time is like moving mountains, in a
sense. So basically what I'm trying to convey is the
notion that indeed my time machine works in SR and
it takes you to alien worlds. I'm just surprised at how
effective it has become ever since I've disconnected
the negative ion generator. It's as though the negative
ion generator acts as a kind of "brake" which causes
the scalar field to slow down in its direction towards
or away from the strange attractor at the end of time.
Oh, and the device is navigated by means of the
"knight's tour" in the sense that it can go in two
directions only - forward and backward - but as "all
roads lead to Rome", then it follows that all planets,
stars, and other celestial objects are connected in the
same dimension - the dimension of time, which can in
fact be divided into the 6 key parameters of
measuring space time, hence 6 dimensions. In having
6 dimensions and the means to traverse across space
in such an amount of dimensions, then you can make
short-cuts across space-time. That is the scope of the
completed machine which should be made by the
year 2034. The deadline is 2050 but I expect it to be
done sooner rather than later, and when it's complete
we'll be able to travel to any point in space-time in
the known universe, and beyond (if measurable).

May 04, 2018 6:05pm

This time machine is really effective now that I've
disengaged the negative ion generator. I'm seeing
ripples in the air now and am beginning to
hallucinate. It also caused a huge drop in air pressure
and rain clouds are accumulating. It's a bit noisy,

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though. Now I'm getting a problem with formatting

on Facebook. It seems as though things are going to
get really interesting from now on.

May 04, 2018 3:21pm

I'm seeing some instances of out of place text on
Facebook and there was some data missing from my
profile. I wonder how many servers Facebook has
and where... It would explain a lot of things.

May 04, 2018 2:06pm

Following a planned power outage today I switched
my computer back on and the LCD displayed a
message which I've never seen before ("energy saving
is active"). I might have traversed into a world where
energy is scarce, hence the seemingly new feature of
my LCD. I shit you not. I've got something else to say
regarding the development of my time machine but I
just need to get my bearings here.

May 04, 2018 2:02pm

I put the gear in forward for a few hours today and
got a massive headache as a result of the sudden rise
in air pressure. It's back in reverse now and my
headache has gone away.

May 03, 2018 10:01pm

I shut the machine down. I might activate it again
tomorrow but it's too noisy at the moment.

May 02, 2018 8:02pm

My ghost is back. It must be a spirit from the year
1800 or so. I won't be in this time period for long.

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There are a few things I've got to take care of before

allowing the wave to take me back in about 24 hours
from now. I'm taking requests as I see them to change
the past and will be open to any suggestions, with the
one caveat being that such requests must advance the
human race significantly. My ghost is here now and
I'll be under her direction for the following 24 hours
or so. There's going to be some wave-like traversal of
the era so I'll be out of touch over the next couple of
days, but in about 24 hours I'll be back where I can
make more permanent changes to the world in ways
which are difficult to imagine. I'm going to be
frequenting a couple of forums for the rest of the
night and will see what I can do to help others.

May 02, 2018 7:58pm

I'm going to engage the forward gear in a moment.
I'm just going to have a drink first and celebrate the
historical achievement.

May 02, 2018 2:44pm

I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that being here
in the past sucks. There is a lot of aversion, a lot of
conniving, and a lot of grief and sadness in this
particular area of time. I suppose people have limits.
Well, I've got limits as well. I'm seriously considering
activating the forward gear maybe later on today. I'll
switch the reverse gear off now.

May 02, 2018 2:07pm

23.38 TH/s

May 01, 2018 3:36pm

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Luthor Laine added a new photo.

Apr 30, 2018 4:53pm


Apr 30, 2018 4:46pm


Apr 30, 2018 4:04pm


Apr 30, 2018 1:27pm


Apr 30, 2018 1:14pm


Apr 29, 2018 7:53pm

I quit the experiment. I'm going to do different things
from now on. I'll call it a partial success, but I've been
unsure about many different things which seem to
confound my ideas. Per the law of diminishing
returns, I'm not getting much more out of this
experiment. I don't know what else to do but I'll think
of something. Nah, it's been a failure. The best thing
you could make out of this construction is that it's a
gimmick which messes with clocks like the HDR or
the STM. Now it's on to better things. I'm still
interested in making techno music. Maybe I'll just
take it easy for a while. This whole venture has been
a farce, kind of like how the moon landing was faked.
Hardly anything good became of it. There was some

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good about it, namely the way in which it seemed to

change the atmosphere, and the idea that it caused
inertial gravitation. It was fun. But now it's over.

Apr 29, 2018 5:37pm

The storm continues. It's been an hour so far. I
wonder how long it will go on for. The experiment
will continue.

Apr 29, 2018 4:06pm

There's a storm going on now, I just heard a weird
screeching sound, and there are some unusual birds
outside. I'll keep the experiment running for a while

Apr 29, 2018 3:33pm

I'm a little bit nervous right now. Today's experiment
has produced phenomenal results already and it's only
been a few hours. I'm going to check something. I'll
be right back.

Apr 29, 2018 3:09pm

When you travel through time, it's better to keep the
room cool to allow for better propagation of
neutrinos. This applies to reverse time travel only,
however. I can't think of any way in which a cool
environment could help in allowing for travel into the

Apr 29, 2018 3:07pm

I've thought of a thought experiment to better
understand the navigation system. There are two
dimensions involved in this thought experiment: up

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and down, and left to right. The ioniser causes the

scalar field to go right. The reverse gear causes the
scalar field to go left and down. The forward gear
causes the scalar field to go right and up. The reverse
gear, when engaged in conjunction with the ioniser,
causes the scalar field to go up. Now that you've gone
up for 20 parsecs, how do you get back to the original
point in time? Well, you're going to have to engage
the reverse gear to go back down, but you'll be too far
left. Then you engage the ioniser exclusively and
you'll be back in your home world. As for the reason
why the reverse gear when used in conjunction with
the ioniser causes the scalar field to go up, this is
answered by calculating the average degree of
inclination when the scalar field is being pulled in
two directions - think of it as popping open a bag of
chips. When the packet is pulled in two directions, the
air inside is released upwards. Ooh, I got some
thunder. The experiment seems to be working.

Apr 29, 2018 2:56pm

Increase in ionisation leads to increase in
sophistication of the technological development of
the world. I learnt this the hard way. The reverse gear,
when engaged, creates a Lense Thirring effect which
ultimately decreases the level of ionisation. When the
ioniser is on, the third dimension of time on the z axis
comes into effect. With both gears on, this causes the
space-time machine to shift up in time. In order to
travel sideways, the y axis must be controlled by
manipulating temperature. Studies might shed some
light on the subject but the level of decrease in
ionisation with the reverse gear engaged seems to be

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at 45 degrees inclination, allowing for the decrease in

ionisation as well as a traversal away from the source
of gravitation. In order to get back to my home world,
I must use the forward gear without the ioniser. I'm
directly above my home world. Owing to having
travelled up in the time dimension, I can freely
traverse this own world's history by engaging the
reverse gear without the ioniser. The VGL system is
rated at 240 seconds, so to get back to the year 1980
on this world will take 57 days total running time.

Apr 29, 2018 12:42pm


Apr 29, 2018 12:20pm


Apr 29, 2018 11:09am


Apr 29, 2018 11:07am

Shit. Time's running out and I still don't have a
Netfinity 5100. I need that computer to do the
necessary 6 dimensional algorithms. Without it I have
no way of navigating the space-time continuum.

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Apr 29, 2018 10:53am

hash=item1a2fd4d05a:g:FesAAOSwjKFZXhqO If
you're serious about time travel, then you're gonna
need one of these. It's used to measure the light of the
sun. To get a good result, take a sheet of paper out on
a sunny day when the sun is at its apex and measure
the light of the paper. You'll need to do this every day
for a year for a specific location because the light of
the sun changes in the seasons. Once you've done
that, you'll have a reliable way of measuring sunlight
at any given moment. My step dad had one of these
with his camera work but he seemed to be up to
something else too. I bet he was a time traveller from
Mars. Oh, and if it's a cloudy or rainy day, don't
worry. Just fill in the blanks using projections for the
days in which measurements aren't possible. By doing
this you'll have a good idea about the sixth dimension
and in using a photometer in conjunction with a
thermometer and a barometer, you'll be able to
calculate 3 dimensional time. 3 dimensional space is
different and when you use the device you'll find
yourself on alien worlds. I'm going to address this
problem in a little while but I might need to do some
more observations. This whole project might take a
while but once we've set the starting points and
parameters it will be a lot more easier than it seems at

Apr 29, 2018 10:16am

I don't think a spreadsheet is going to cut the mustard

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in terms of achieving what we need to achieve. We're

going to need to calculate this shit in 6 dimensions.
Once we've done that, victory will be close at hand.

Apr 29, 2018 9:47am

We need to get that database online. I think that we
should get the cloud storage done on a particular
server which will serve as the universal mainframe.

Apr 29, 2018 9:39am

I think I might have figured out what the VGL system
means in Titor's lore. When the device is active, it can
travel at 10 years per hour at 100% power. But the
scalar field reverts to its original level when it's
switched off. I think this is where the VGL comes
into effect. It goes at 240 seconds (assuming per
second). So when you travel a specific number of
years into the past, the gravity in the area has a
tendency to revert to its original level, which is
determined by how far the VGL goes. I still haven't
determined why there seems to be an exponential
involved on the second time dimension when the
device is active. I was expecting a greater reduction
in air density, although a reduction in temperature has
been observed, as well as a reduction of ionisation. I
think we need to set a standard now. There are a total
of six key parameters which we're going to use. I'll
need to compile a computer program to dole out the
names of the different worlds. There's another thing
which I feel I should address. It's related to the way in
which cymatics affects the movement of the stars and
borders on differing ways in which physics works.
That is the realm outside our multiverse where the

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laws of physics become really abstract and different. I

won't venture much into those areas but I'm sure with
these six dimensions we can get a six sigma result in
traversing the space time continuum. In other words,
we can go to any spot in time that we want - with the
one key difference being that we will exist in such
times. All that remains now is the issue with super
symmetry. I suppose this could be solved with a
thought experiment, barring any scientific evidence
which supports such a hypothesis. Tellurium-128 has
a half life of 7.7 * 10^24 years. So returning to a
particular spot with 100% precision is unfeasible for
mere mortals. That's not to say it's impossible, and it
would be more convenient to simply find a similar
world and if you're OK with a small divergence then
you can get a lot of stuff done in your journeys.

Apr 28, 2018 1:59pm

8612 hours in operation. Multiplied by (60 * 5 = 300)
and calculating on that gives 1723. Multiplied and
calculated on 240 returns 1782.

Apr 28, 2018 1:36pm

I'm trying to understand what causes the exponential
gain in the second time dimension after the device is
active for a certain period of time. The way I
understand it, the device is only effective once it's in
use, after which the scalar field reverts to normal
terrestrial levels. If I had some sort of evidence that I
was on an alien world it would help. In looking over
my evidence album, I'm seeing a lot of archaic
looking objects and places which suggest traversal
into a parallel world. If there were only one set of

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criteria I could use it would make things a lot easier. I

suppose the sunspot activity could help in this regard.
If my device were effective to a ratio of 1000:1 which
was measured earlier then it would follow that I'm in
a parallel world much like my own 12th century.
There seems to be a lot of build-up in infrastructure,
however. I think the temperature accounts for the
technological build-up. I would have to assess this
world using 6 dimensional Euclidean geometry to get
an accurate idea of what time period it is. The society
seems advanced so I'll re-check the time
measurement from the device. I might be able to
work with a benchmark in one dimension so that
should help.

Apr 28, 2018 1:14pm


Apr 28, 2018 12:13pm

My thinking on the issue of permanence post travel is
that the scalar field reverts to its original state within
24 hours after the device is switched off. This is in
light of research undertaken on the subject and
observations which support such a theory. The
optimal rate of travel is benchmarked at 10 years per

Apr 28, 2018 12:11pm

There are approximately 10^22 planets in the
universe. The caesium frequency standard is 10^10
Hz and multiplied by seconds in an epoch of 12,000
years equates to 10 * 3^21 so it follows that a
planetary epoch is the equivalent of 12,000 years.

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Apr 28, 2018 9:56am


Apr 28, 2018 7:24am

I've figured something out. Bear with me while I
finish up the experiment. I'll try and make a blog post
a little while later on.

Apr 27, 2018 3:42pm

I just got word from a superior that we won't be
proceeding any further with the project. As such the
operations will cease as of now.

Apr 27, 2018 1:30pm

The reverse gear causes inflation. I'm still learning
about the various aspects of the economy which it
affects. The new trend which has been prevalent since
2014 indicates a kind of reversal in how the
economies function, and economists are still
struggling to figure out the new dynamic.

Apr 27, 2018 1:29pm

It seems as though the forward gear works at a rating
of approx. 10 years per hour. There's a kind of limit
as to how far back it goes and this is reflected in the
exponential manner in which the time machine moves
through the z axis. I'm going to shut it down now and
think about what to do next.

Apr 27, 2018 12:36pm

Well, well, well. It looks like the pressure has come

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back up. It reached 1018.8 millibars at 19:00 last

night. So, it's taken to mean that the time travel effect
lasts for about 24 hours (although in this case it lasted
a bit longer). I'm now going to attempt to engage the
forward gear in the hopes that it will allow for an
increase in air pressure.

Apr 27, 2018 12:22pm


Apr 27, 2018 12:07pm


Apr 27, 2018 12:06pm


Apr 27, 2018 12:05pm


Apr 27, 2018 11:20am

When I've completed the current experiment, I'll
begin testing the forward gear. As of yet I'm still
unsure as to whether it will work or not. If it doesn't
work I'll have to invent something like a specific kind
of electromagnet. Here's hoping it works.

Apr 27, 2018 11:04am

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Oil prices will drop. Food prices will drop. Share

markets will rise moderately. The NZD will rise.
CAD will drop. The USD will rise. AUD/USD will
drop. That's interesting. The charts aren't loading. I
experienced a similar problem with food price charts.
I'm not sure why that is. I think it's meant to signify
something important.

Apr 27, 2018 10:46am


Apr 27, 2018 10:12am


Apr 27, 2018 10:12am

When I found a problematic page on crop yields I
knew something was amiss. The crop yield for
summer 2018 in Australia is reported as an increase
of 12%. Oh and by the way, Mercury's influence will
wane from now on. That's because we're moving the
scalar field of the planet away from the sun hence
Mercury, so because Mercury is the god of financial
gain, bank's performance will suffer. Don't ask me
why, it's a rule of the universe. Anyway, wealth will
increase but strictly speaking financial gain won't. So
in light of these increases in abundance as we
approach the underworld, don't expect your bank
balance per se to increase, but expect instead things to
get disproportionally cheaper and have an influx of

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wealth instead of, strictly speaking, financial gain.

Wealth doesn't essentially mean finances - they are
under the influence of different gods. Wealth is under
the influence of Pluto whereas financial gain is under
the influence of Mercury. You could, for example,
worship Mercury and then bring your finances back
to the underworld. That's what I intend to do in the
future and create a kind of bridge between Mercury
and the underworld, so that certain denizens of the
underworld can share in its benefits. I suppose that's
where the angels get some of their power from -
Mercury, who dispenses financial gain which can be
used in the underworld to procure an abundance of
things. You could argue that such things as
purchasing power parity dictate how wealth flows in
a globalised economy but you could just as easily
explain this in terms of who worships which god. In
this case, the Chinese worship the gods of the
underworld, including Pluto, creating wealth, which
is exchanged for financial gain by those in the
Western economies who are more akin to
worshipping the gods of financial gain, i.e. Mercury.

Apr 27, 2018 9:47am


Apr 27, 2018 9:02am


Apr 27, 2018 8:00am

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There's a yellowish, orange, pinkish tinge to this

world which I'm not used to. The star of this star
system is younger and I think it caused things to
evolve differently on this world-line. Oh, and you
seem to have some Third Reich thing going on in this
world-line. Human rights aren't championed as much
in this world as they were in my world and people are
treated with indifference and insolence. They don't
seem to get along with one another as much as people
did in my more advanced home. It's a pity but I think
I'm beginning to see the virtues of it.

Apr 26, 2018 11:38am

The people of this world look like beautiful trolls.
They seem to have evolved differently to how my
people evolved. They have hawk-like noses,
nasolabial folds, beady eyes, wicked grins, and gaunt
appearance in the face. The type of human from my
own home world looks like a body builder in
comparison, with bland features. If I were to
accurately describe a human from my home world, it
would look like a doll, but that doesn't do it justice
because dolls in this world are based on humans from
this world. Oh, and humans in this world seem to
have thinner heads and they look out the sides of their
heads at people like you'd expect to see on a coin. It's
difficult to look at people head on in this world
because they look out the sides of their faces like
birds do. The people of my home world act more like
soldiers, although the soldiers here act differently
than the soldiers on my home world, so in disclosing
that information I might not be able to accurately
portray how people from my home world act. Think

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of how people in a play act - uniform, disciplined,

straightforward - that's how people from my home
world act, although they look much different and their
stature is different. People in this world seem kind of
hunched over and act like monkeys.

Apr 26, 2018 11:27am


Apr 26, 2018 8:51am


Apr 26, 2018 7:43am

I've pushed the scalar field in SR back by 7 years. I'm
now going to wait and see how long it takes to revert
back to 2018. The longer it takes, the better.

Apr 25, 2018 10:30am


Apr 25, 2018 5:47am

I was just calculating on the Borda error correcting
method for air pressure and it's returned with the year
2018.99. It's given me pause for thought and I wonder
if I've somehow "snapped back" into my time of
origin ala 12 Monkeys, etc. Now I remember. When I
did a mission back in 2015, one of my first missions,
I recall visiting the 17th Century and bringing with

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me all sorts of Japanese and Chinese artefacts. When

I "snapped back" into the present in 2015, I saw a
deluge of pop culture the likes of which I've never
seen. I landed in a favourable timeline then. I wonder
if I can do that again. When I travelled back this time,
I was sad and lonely. I guess the native population
picked up on my sadness as a time traveller and the
depression spread like a virus. Well, I'm not going to
let that happen any more. I'm going to set things right.
First of all, I'll get some technology from this time-
line, and some arts and crafts, and then travel back
and introduce it to the populace. Hopefully it will
inspire them to create a better future for themselves,
thus affecting my own time.

Apr 25, 2018 4:36am


Apr 24, 2018 6:48am


Apr 24, 2018 6:35am


Apr 24, 2018 6:33am


Apr 24, 2018 6:28am

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Apr 24, 2018 6:27am


Apr 24, 2018 5:42am


Apr 24, 2018 5:27am

I've been transported to a world where the polls are
different. I'll take that as final proof that my device
works in SR only. The current world I'm on is like a
world I read about in an Illuminati textbook. I'm
going to investigate this issue.

Apr 24, 2018 4:58am


Apr 24, 2018 4:53am


Apr 24, 2018 4:53am

I'm privy to some information held by the Illuminati
and let me tell you that they're behind the push to
legalise marijuana. They don't care if I say this but it's
in their agenda. In the future, there are three types of
recreational drugs which are legal - alcohol, tobacco,

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and marijuana, although use of such is frowned upon.

There is a kind of chain of command from which new
laws and statutes flow down and one of the agendas
in the Illuminati's playbook is the legalisation of
marijuana. It's all about dumbing down the population
so they stay as slaves to the system and obedient. I
understand that Soros funded non profit organisations
to advocate for legalisation. The legalisation of
medical marijuana was the Trojan horse for the
legalisation of recreational marijuana. Soon all first
world countries will have legislated for the complete
legalisation of marijuana for medical and recreational

Apr 24, 2018 4:52am


Apr 24, 2018 4:15am


Apr 24, 2018 3:46am


Apr 24, 2018 3:43am


Apr 24, 2018 3:41am

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Apr 24, 2018 3:36am


Apr 24, 2018 3:35am


Apr 24, 2018 3:18am


Apr 24, 2018 3:17am


Apr 24, 2018 3:12am


Apr 23, 2018 12:47pm

I got my herbal beedies in the mail today. I'm in a
good mood so I'll refrain from causing despair if only
just for a day.

Apr 23, 2018 10:47am

I was railroaded into getting treatment for a condition
which I've never had and now that it was used as a
defence for a charge in the Magistrates Court a

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mandatory treatment order is in effect. I'd rather do

prison time than get treatment for a condition which I
don't have and have never had. I effectively scammed
the system for over $100,000 in disability benefits
and I'm living like a king as a result. The sad thing is
that nobody cares. Since nobody cares about me I
don't care about anybody. That's the beauty of my
plan. Everyone will suffer as a consequence. Now it's
time to begin. The death will come about slowly to
the population and they won't know it until it's too
late. They tried to do this to me and failed. Now
they're going to get a taste of their own medicine.

Apr 23, 2018 9:41am

No one will be spared. The effects of my device are
quite powerful indeed and its power grows the more I
use it. Humanity will be damned for eternity. The
process has already begun. If I were to change my
mind and engage the gravity drive to return the planet
to its original position, it would take one year. But
I've got no plans to do such. No, I intend to cause
irreversible damage by activating the tachyon energy
drive for such a time that no other technology will be
able to save it. I have the cause and the solution to the
world's problems in the coming years and decades,
and insofar as I'm concerned, I have no reason to
implement the solution. The planet is doomed. This is
my masterpiece. Every passing second of every
minute of every hour, etc. the planet will be pushed
away from its decaying orbit around the sun, causing
darkness the likes of which you've never seen. It
could have been prevented. I tried to wake you. I tried
to warn you, just like Titor did years ago. Now it's

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time to face the consequences of your apathy.

Apr 23, 2018 9:24am

If the mandatory treatment order wasn't in effect I
might have spared life on this planet. But if humans
want to play rough, then we're going to play rough.
I'll be activating the anti-gravity drive later on today
and leave it going until the Earth has changed its
orbit. As long as the mandatory treatment order is in
effect, the nightmares will return all the time. I do
have the power to make everyone on this planet
happier but I'm not going to since my livelihood is at
stake. I know people generally enjoy sunshine more
than darkness, but as I'm indifferent to either, I'm
going to choose to envelope this planet in darkness as
retribution for my own suffering. Of course, people
don't have to believe that my device causes such
effects - in fact it's better for me if they don't. But the
suffering they will face will be all too real for them.
So keep the mandatory treatment order in effect. It
gives me the impetus to drive this planet into outer
darkness. There could have been two ways about it
but the government has forced my hand and now it's
time for my comeuppance. It's too bad that it had to
end this way. But I've got my limits. I deserve to be
treated with respect, not in this offhanded manner.
Now humanity shall pay the price.

Apr 23, 2018 9:18am


Apr 23, 2018 2:31am

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What if Einstein's FTL travel thought experiment was

baseless? He posits that traveling faster than the
speed of light allows for travel through time, but is it
true? Objects still exist in the third dimension no
matter how fast you travel. By travelling faster than
the speed of light, how does that affect other things in
the EM spectrum, such as sound and radio waves? If
you could travel 1,000 metres at 600 times the speed
of light, you wouldn't hear the difference on a radio
broadcast. That's because EM waves propagate
instantly. The speed of light is instantaneous.
Galileo's calculations of the moons of Jupiter were
wrong and the idea of light having a finite speed kind
of snowballed out of control in the community. Time
isn't what mainstream physicists would have you
believe. But don't worry! My time machine actually
works, and it is based on measurements in six
dimensions. I've used it to travel to the present which
is actually a version of the distant past in my own
recollection. I've just got to make some calculations
and observations to ascertain what time period I've
landed in. The sun is really dark in this timeline. I'm
amazed at how dark last summer was. Well, now it's
time to explore. The mission is open-ended and
doesn't have a clearly defined objective. Just explore
and take notes. Oh, and we're working on a better
time machine. It will really be amazing. It's going to
be much more powerful, efficient, and precise. It's
also going to get us further in the quest for making
closed time-like curves.

Apr 23, 2018 2:00am

I've got 10 different personalities. They are listed in

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the following subjective chronological order: 01.

Ghost 02. Atlantean 03. Lemurian 04. Samurai 05.
Geisha 06. Pilot 07. Scientist 08. Academic 09.
Extraterrestrial 10. Lawyer These 10 different
personalities represent my past lives. However,
because reincarnation is a myth, they instead
represent myself in differing time periods. When I
travel through time, I take on the persona of the
closest time period from one of my personalities. At
the moment, I'm in the persona of a scientist, but in a
couple of years from now that will change to the
persona of an academic.

Apr 22, 2018 7:48am

Everything is so different now. Chiu doesn't speak
Japanese like how I remember. My dad is much
different to how I remember him. A particular poll I
remember reading about last year has had different
results. Moreover, there is kind of a chill in the
atmosphere which I feel in my bones. It's kind of a
deadly energy which permeates the atmosphere here.
I've also noticed that the sun was much darker last
summer than I remember it to be. Among many other
things, the music here is different and seems more
nostalgic. It's fantastic. The food and drink here is
great, too. It's much better than I remember from my
home world. The food in my home world was much
blander than the stuff available now. I think it has
something to do with the GMO being used in my
home world which doesn't seem so prevalent now.
Oh, and everything is really big in this world. The
food, the animals, the people, even the structures. I
don't want to go back to my home world even if I'm

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getting a bit homesick. It seems as though I'm stuck

in this sophisticated backwater world because I'd
need to use my time machine for a couple of years to
get back. I couldn't be bothered. It's easier to become
accustomed to this world. There's no guarantee I can
make it back to my exact home world, either. My
time machine isn't much of a precision instrument in
that regard. From what I've calculated, it will take
about 390 days full-time travel to get back, so I've
decided not to go. I'm listening to "A City Without
Sunshine" by Woody Montana. I love the Armitage
III original soundtrack.

Apr 22, 2018 6:55am


Apr 21, 2018 12:42am


Apr 20, 2018 4:11pm


Apr 20, 2018 3:31pm


Apr 20, 2018 3:05pm


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Apr 20, 2018 2:19am


Apr 19, 2018 7:30pm

Luthor Laine added a new photo.

Apr 19, 2018 7:14pm


Apr 19, 2018 7:10pm


Apr 19, 2018 6:52pm


Apr 19, 2018 6:48pm


Apr 19, 2018 6:36pm


Apr 19, 2018 6:22pm


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Apr 19, 2018 2:29am


Apr 19, 2018 2:26am


Apr 19, 2018 1:17am


Apr 19, 2018 1:17am


Apr 19, 2018 12:36am

petite-ville-si-tranquille This is what's really
happening on the ground. It doesn't get reported on
much in the mainstream because people are so caught
up in the drama of world politics. But a war is raging
beneath the surface. It's kind of funny, but not in a
humorous way, that the mainstream media has a
tendency to look at events through rose coloured
glasses. I suppose the bourgeois don't notice what's
happening in the world around them so much.

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Apr 19, 2018 12:35am

A radio transmission indicates an incoming attack in
Tunisia. It's apparently state sponsored by a deep state
government. I'm not sure whether it will take place or
whether it will go reported. I'm just testing my time
travel equipment and this is one of the messages
which came through. I'm unaware of the geopolitical
situation there but it seems to be unstable. Oh, and
attention isn't paid to this area by historians much. I
learnt European and Asian history in high school,
college, and university so besides what was
promulgated in the mainstream media I'm left to
reading small pieces of information regarding this
time period. Of course, there's nothing I can do to
stop any event from occurring. Fatalism dictates what
will happen in the universe and events are essentially
out of our control. Two years from now there will be
a transient peace. We can bring it about with the use
of special devices in a much shorter time frame but
I've got pause for thought about using it because it
will usher in a communist shit-hole of a world.
Maybe war is good for the populace. If we can
manage to endure the next couple of years, we'll be
better off for it. Maybe we can learn something from
the experience.

Apr 19, 2018 12:18am


Apr 19, 2018 12:00am

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Apr 18, 2018 11:50pm


Apr 18, 2018 11:50pm


Apr 18, 2018 11:38pm


Apr 18, 2018 11:30pm


Apr 18, 2018 11:20pm


Apr 18, 2018 11:18pm


Apr 18, 2018 11:09pm

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Apr 18, 2018 9:21pm


Apr 18, 2018 9:19pm

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Å koda_Works It seems
like I've found a taboo subject on the Internet. This
company is apparently defunct but now there are
Skoda cars? How very interesting!

Apr 18, 2018 8:55pm


Apr 18, 2018 8:41pm


Apr 18, 2018 8:40pm

Let's try calculating again. I began the consistent
experiments on 4 September 2015. Since then, 955
days have elapsed. Brexit occurred on 23 June 2016,
290 days after the experiments began.
1/955*290=0.30366. There is a 30.366% difference in
the time period between Brexit and now. 365*23-
26=8369 days duration elapsed in 30.366% of the
time. That gives us 27560 days in duration. Divided
by 365 is 75.50 and 2018-75.5=1942.49. That makes

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total sense now. Accounting for leap years, the

current era is deemed to be 1943. There are some
differences however in spheres of influence and
banners but the same basic events are happening now.
This is the time period I wanted to be in and not
earlier, so I'm going to shut the machine down for
good now. Unfortunately it can't take me back to my
home world. I need a special electromagnet to do
that, or Chiu's Rife machine which I might use if I
needed to.

Apr 18, 2018 8:02pm

I began the experiments on 19 August 2014. Since
then, 1337 days have elapsed. Incidentally, this is
similar to the 1335 days of the Tribulation in Daniel.
Anyway, Brexit was voted on in a referendum on 23
June 2016. That's 673 days into my trials. The EU
was implemented with the Treaty of Maastricht on 1
November 1993. Using 19 August 2014 as a starting
point, there are 7956 days to go back to 1 November
1993. Dividing by 673 days (the time in operation of
my machine) you get 11.82 years per year. Now
multiply by 1337 and you get 15,805.6 and divide by
365 and you got 43.30 years, indicating 1970.7. The
historical record doesn't quite match this timeline. I
think the device has been in use for longer than I
originally thought. I'll try September 2015 as a
starting time period. 2018 - 70 = 1948. That seems to
be more appropriate. It also matches other
calculations done in relation to the speed of the
motors. 2018 - ((2018 - 1983) * 2 = 70) = 1948.

Apr 18, 2018 6:57pm

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Apr 17, 2018 9:17pm

You can tell who hasn't studied at university on the
Internet by the language they use. They tend to make
grammatical mistakes and spelling errors and can't
seem to form a sound argument, tending to drift off
into obscurity when attempting to communicate. It's
really sad. Unfortunately, most graduates don't post
stuff on the Internet and are essentially closed off
from the rest of society in their social groups with
their careers and tend to operate in groups like Cro
Magnon man did many thousands of years ago. They
think they're intelligent but they're not. They only
parrot talk what they've been told and lack critical
thinking. What makes it even worse is that they'll
begin to raise families and will end up even stupider
as a result. There is something which happens to
people when they have children. It's like they lose a
part of their soul. Chiu stated that when people have
children, they spread their soul onto their descendants
and their soul energy dilutes as a result. I'm done with
reading what other people think. Even the people who
are most sound of mind seem to lack originality in
their thinking. It's really disappointing. What's even
more disconcerting is their propensity to try and make
other people look stupid when they can. It's like an
inferiority complex. I wouldn't say this to anyone's
face so I'll just leave this rant here where it will
basically go unnoticed.

Apr 17, 2018 7:53pm

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Apr 17, 2018 6:19pm


Apr 17, 2018 6:18pm


Apr 17, 2018 6:18pm


Apr 17, 2018 6:10pm


Apr 17, 2018 6:09pm

I didn't have a good experience while playing
MMORPGs. The other players were only interested
in scoring points and levelling up. It's called an RPG
for a reason - in that it's a role playing game. I don't
care about "winning" in an RPG - it isn't a
competitive sport like soccer. The other players were
only interested in advancing and progressing as if
there were a big surprise on the other side. They sure
looked stupid when they were all level 75 and
standing around with nothing to do. Games are

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supposed to be fun, not like a job with quotas and

efficiency ratings. Moreover, the other players would
seem to get a kick out of teasing and mocking others.
MMORPGs seem to be a fertile ground for sociopaths
and psychopaths. Playing with other people online
really ruined my experience as a gamer. It's not like
that in the real world outside games on the Internet.
Trolls are generally stupid and tend to leave
communities when they're called out on their bullshit.
I find it interesting that in one forum there was a
wave of trolls who mysteriously vanished when they
got a taste of their own medicine. Another thing I'm
noticing is that less people are writing blogs now. All
the smartphone users are on Twitter posting mundane
mainstream shit like sports scores and celebrity stuff.
Then there are closed groups on Facebook in their
own little social circles from high school. It's really
cute. YouTube, in its own right, is kind of like a baby
sitting platform. That's where all the babies go.
They're minded by some middle aged guys who make
videos about video games and politics and the babies
just sit there and watch while their mothers make
dinner or something. There's also generic shit on
forums like Reddit which the masses love consuming.
I find it interesting that on the Internet hardly
anybody talks about computers.

Apr 17, 2018 4:53pm

The recent spate of snow storms in the Northern
Hemisphere and higher than normal temperatures in
the Southern Hemisphere was likely to have been
caused by an increase in background radiation during
the solar minimum. When solar flares reach the Earth,

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they kind of create a uniform vector in which

radiation movies. In the absence of solar activity,
havoc and randomness ensues in the atmosphere, kind
of like TV static, which causes a build-up of
temperatures over time. The current vector in which
the scalar field is moving through space didn't cause a
solar minimum, which is a natural cycle, but did
cause some luminosity to be lost as the planet shifts
out of the "goldilocks zone". Higher rates of disease,
mostly dermatological, are expected to manifest in
this particular time, due to the excess of cosmic
radiation permeating the atmosphere.

Apr 17, 2018 3:35am

The price of food is projected to increase over the
following months due to bad crop yields caused by
drought and cold weather. Statistically, the price of
food has declined in recent years but it is set to climb
again as GMO treatment maximises yields and
drought and cold set in. The apparent decrease in
demand isn't enough to affect the limited supply and
as a result prices will rise in the medium term.

Apr 17, 2018 3:28am

Salmonella is caused by anomalies in torsion energy -
fields of low gravitation especially as well as
radiation in a scalar field of torsion energy cause the
growth of normal cells into the life forms we see
today in cases. You can verify this by creating a field
of anti gravity and applying it to a growing organism
like an egg. Areas of high radiation and lower gravity
cause the development of bacteria like worms and
salmonella as well as other things like cancer. It also

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causes mucous and it's why people get colds during

periods of low air pressure. Influences in gravity also
cause mutations to occur as space-time bleeds into
itself. The prevention of this from happening is
possible with the use of electromagnets. Chiu's Rife
machine is an example of how to benefit from the
consistent application of electromagnetic fields to
improve health and rid the body of parasites and other
illnesses, as well as his rings and food supplements. I
don't specialise in health, though. My time machine
has all sorts of flow-on effects which cause outbreaks
of this manner (subjectively). But if you want to heal
yourself of disease then use Chiu's devices.

Apr 17, 2018 3:19am

My research might seem like a laughing stock now
but we'll see who has the last laugh. I've encountered
some unusual things in my life as I'm sure we all have
and I suppose life is a subjective thing but my ideas
certainly have merit. One of the things I'm trying to
verify recently is whether the effects of my scalar tool
are subjective or objective. If they are in fact
objective, much like what has been seen with Brexit -
a black swan which nobody saw coming (the
referendum was supposed to keep the UK inside the
EU in preparation for world government) - then the
device can be considered as one of the most
dangerous weapons ever made. What makes it even
more dangerous is the fact that it causes slow death.
It's like Major Kusanagi said: overspecialise and you
breed in weakness. The world's governments are
slow, sluggish, and myopic and can't identify threats
outside their own reified classifications of what

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seems to be dangerous. If indeed the device causes

effects in GR, then there's no stopping the onslaught
which may occur once it's activated for a prolonged
period. Essentially what it does is tear apart the scalar
field on a quantum level, compromising the structural
integrity of not only physical constructs but also
metaphysical constructs like laws, treaties,
conventions, etc. Time travel is a horrible thing. I
think once we've collected enough information we
can stop the experiment and then focus on space
travel which is slated to begin in the year 2050. Until
then we are left with this questionable piece of
technology - something unforeseen and ambiguous, a
real enigma of death and destruction just waiting to
be activated and have its real power unleashed.

Apr 17, 2018 2:40am


Apr 17, 2018 1:21am


Apr 17, 2018 1:21am


Apr 17, 2018 1:20am


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Apr 17, 2018 1:20am


Apr 17, 2018 1:18am


Apr 16, 2018 11:51pm


Apr 16, 2018 11:16pm

The space program was initially sponsored by Disney
and there was some affiliation with the Nazi party and
Operation Paperclip, namely the acquisition of V2
rockets. Then Kubrick was brought onto the scene to
help in faking the moon landings. The time travel
program is the same. The John Titor legend was
created by Disney executives as a sort of test run of
the time travel program, to gauge the public reaction
that a "time traveller" would get. That's why the
narrative is pushed so much in the media. Of course,
it originated from Florida where Disney World is. The
objective of these projects is benevolent because it
leads to real breakthroughs in space science and in
the case of Titor "time travel", but the execution of
the projects when scrutinised caused mass disbelief
and hysteria in recent times. The fact that the human
race is to some extent incapable of space travel and
time travel and has to fake it as a means to perhaps

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providing hope to people and expanding the influence

of the Pax Americana is telling of the over optimistic
nature of humankind. I have no doubt that we will
one day reach the stars and have advanced time travel
technology, after seeing videos of UFOs and aliens
and other bizarre kinds of things humans are capable
of. I just don't think it will happen in the way in
which is expressed in mainstream media. First of all,
rockets and combustion in general won't be sufficient
for making ships capable of interstellar travel. Some
form of free energy must be exploited to achieve this
and the second law of thermodynamics suggests that
free energy doesn't exist - so how do aliens travel
through space? It certainly isn't combustion as Chiu
suggests, because you'd need a pretty big payload to
traverse around the planets with. Maybe something
like an ion thruster could work, i.e. one which
collects matter and converts it into energy. Solar
energy might work. Tesla's technology might prove to
be useful, too. He claimed to have built a device
which is capable of pulling in energy from the aether.
Maybe a sufficiently advanced civilisation would be
able to transport to anywhere in the universe with
strange technologies like cymatics or harmonics.
That's the scope of the device in which I'm
developing. It's just frustrating to see so many failed
attempts in the venture of space travel and now time

Apr 16, 2018 10:56pm

I had a dream last night in which I was with my good
old friend Yuki and we were arguing and causing
chaos throughout history. Then I dreamt I was on a

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train going up the Queensland coast and got off at a

station and realised I was in Darwin! The train had a
bed and I was half asleep on the bed most of the time
during the day. There was some riff raff at the train
station and I didn't want to wait half an hour for the
train back to Sydney. Then I noticed a vending
machine nearby and that's when I woke up. I felt like
a refugee in Australia being here for the first time and
thought about all the opportunity that was available
from having fled a war-torn country, only to be hit
with the harsh reality of having five dollars and no
train ticket back to Sydney.

Apr 16, 2018 10:39pm

If there's one thing I disagree with Titor about, it's the
nominal maximum speed of the time machine. He is
technically correct about its maximum speed,
however. But in altering the general record it seems
much slower (that is, over longer periods of time).
Because of this I believe that Titor was 100%
accurate in forecasting, predicting, or even disclosing
the specifications of the time travel technology of the
future. Anyway, according to my records, and the
BORDA error correcting data, the era is deemed to be
some 35 years ago. There are a lot of differences in
this world-line, however, the air seems to be such that
it is most similar to 1983 in the standardised record. A
lot of this research can be proven in cymatics and
radiation experiments, although I think for the
discerning individual such tests won't be necessary.
Only for the most hardened sceptic will such tests be
required. But then again, my goal isn't to have anyone
believe in it; on the contrary, it is in my best interests

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that people don't.

Apr 16, 2018 5:01pm


Apr 15, 2018 3:07pm

The way I see it, and according to my calculations, is
that there is a rift between 2018, 1983, and 1940. This
vortex was opened in multiple dimensions by use of
my scalar tool and the temporal rift is fluctuating
wildly. There is also a window open at 1498 and a
window to 88,000 B.C. The equilibrium holds that the
year is 1962, but this figure fluctuates as I move
throughout space-time and resonate with objects from
differing time periods. If I were to cast the I Ching I'd
get the hexagram which corresponds to 1983 and
1962. This whole thing is a disaster like the Montauk
project. It's kind of like the Millennial Fair in Chrono
Trigger. The reason why so many windows were
opened is due to the multi-dimensional nature of my
device. It works in 5 temporal dimensions (and 3
spatial dimensions for a total of 8 dimensions). I'm
going to have to read up some new age articles to
help get myself out of the 8th dimension. Titor
worked with only 6 dimensions but I feel the need to
work with more so as to get a clearer understanding
of space-time.

Apr 15, 2018 2:36pm

Luthor Laine shared a memory. The research
continues. I'm pretty close to gathering enough
information to put towards my grand unified field

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theory. It's going to be like the I Ching in some


Apr 15, 2018 2:09pm


Apr 15, 2018 1:02pm


Apr 15, 2018 1:02pm

Luthor Laine shared a memory. The master timeline
was altered. So how do you travel in time outside the
master timeline? Einstein's thought experiment in
FTL travel proves useful here, and if you travel across
enough worlds you'll eventually (assuming you live
long enough) be in a closed time-like loop.

Apr 15, 2018 12:44pm

The battery on my altimeter has depleted. The last
reading I got was 934 mb which equates to 1962. It
seems as though the temporal winds have receded and
dropped me off from the year 2066. It seems there are
a lot of protests recently. How interesting.

Apr 15, 2018 12:22pm

Luthor Laine shared a memory. In one or two or even
several dimensions, there are a finite number of
worlds to visit. What makes time travel so interesting
is the way in which these dimensions can be
manipulated with devices such as my own. The cause

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and effect of manipulating air density with my device

are more widespread than I had initially assumed.
Owing to some observations relating to the maximal
extent in which my device seems to penetrate the Z
axis, it seems that horizontal trajectories of traversal
come into being when my device reaches such limits.
I haven't tested it beyond 100 years, although I would
assume that there are literally no limits to how far it
could go. In one specific set of data, there are 10^39
destinations available to a specific device. I think
that's the upper limit of how air density can be
manipulated, but there also seems to be other
dimensions at work here. I think it can be assumed
that there might be a sufficiency in assuming that
time is two dimensional - distance from sun and
distance from strange attractor. You can have any
number of dimensions to define which world you're
on. I seem to have traversed on the y axis of
dimensions to an area which, without the proper
apparatus (probably consisting of tesla coils and a
negative ion generator), traversal back to my home
world becomes impossible. I've traversed from a
reptilian dimension to a mammalian one in using the
"reverse" gear which pulled back the layers of space-
time and brought me to a world in which two things;
namely the proliferation of mammal like creatures, as
well as the proliferation of bug like creatures, has
become apparent. Travel forward will pull me
towards the dimensions of grey aliens and reptiles.
There is also peace in the future. Unfortunately, any
change which I bring in to this current planet will be
insignificant in the grand scheme of things. To bring
about peace, as Yoko Ono said, start with yourself. I

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can't bring peace to this planet, but I can bring myself

to peace, by travelling into the future where world
peace is the status quo of the differing nations under
the banner of the UN. World government in this time
is ineffective and leads to war. There is going to be a
resurgence of military action in the South China Sea,
and across Indochina, obviously as well as the
conflicts in the Middle East and the Caucasus. I have
enough information now to call a play-by-play of
military action around the world, as well as other
information relating to the rise in food prices
worldwide, probability of storms, etc. I suppose
information of that nature is readily available to
anyone but it's interesting how I don't see much
people taking advantage of such information.
Anyway, in several years from now there will be
peace but it won't last for long. I don't know how long
global conflicts go on for but they do wane in the
future. I suppose I could travel to the far future and
study history then but I've got more than enough
information now to predict what will happen in the
short to medium term. As to what we can look
forward to, there will be great advancements in
computer technology in the following decades and
robots will eventually take over human related tasks.
There will be a cultural revival in about 40 years time
and that will occur at about the same time as an
economic boom. None of this means anything to me
if I want to travel back or forward, because the
memory will be erased in a way. There is a kind of
permanence to things which I do here in the past but
if I were to travel back it would be lost in time. I'm
merely doing this as a mental exercise and to jog my

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memory, but I hope that this information can be

useful to anyone out there who might be studying
space-time in the same way in which I am. I was
thinking about making a spreadsheet to keep a track
of data but there are so many categories of
information that without a clear idea of what to study
I'm lost for ideas. I suppose the main thing is
developing a unified model of space-time which can
be used to predict events. I'm really close to having a
working model, by the way, there are just a few
things I want to get resolved in the meantime.
Namely, why does Titor say that cooling occurs in the
future? It is plain as day that global warming is in
order and has been for the last 150 years. Although in
the grand scheme of things I suppose the climate
could cool down in the distant future. I suppose that
there might be two vectors in space-time and the
traversal of the Earth around the sun is irrelevant
when taking into account such outlandish ideas
relating to cymatics and quantum physics. The
universe is a strange place indeed, and in a sense,
when we travel back a couple of decades, we might
actually be moving forward in time in the great
record. I suppose all bets are off when it comes to
astronomical movement of planetary bodies.

Apr 14, 2018 11:28pm

Generating storms with my time machine is like
"pulling" monsters in Final Fantasy XI. You have to
open up a vortex to the future and then "pull" the
scalar field back into the present, and with it, an
increase in stormy weather. The chance for generating
a storm with this method increases with further use of

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the "virtual gravity lock" and when you find the area
in space-time with the most prevalent storm clouds,
you engage the reverse gear, which brings down the
air pressure and voila! You can import storms from
the future much like "kettles" extract energy from the
end of time in one famous science fiction novel, The
End of Eternity. Of course, you mess up the space-
time continuum in the process but that's a small price
to pay when you're experiencing prolonged drought
and water shortages.

Apr 14, 2018 10:37pm


Apr 14, 2018 10:33pm

The scalar field has now stabilised. My data matches
the historical record almost perfectly.

Apr 14, 2018 10:30pm

paign The players look different, but this is a
somewhat accurate recount of what will happen in the
coming months. I can't keep this channel open for
much longer.

Apr 14, 2018 8:44pm


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Apr 14, 2018 8:42pm


Apr 14, 2018 8:40pm

A coalition of British, French, and US forces led by
the US will occupy Syria in the following year. I
travelled back through time from the year 2088 and
just happen to know this as a fact. I studied for a bit
before I left. I'm just an observer, though. I can state
that the probability of an occupation of Syria in the
near future is high and it will likely be a joint venture
of US, UK and French forces. There's not much I can
do to alter the outcome. It has been planned from the
beginning and will inevitably occur. I don't intend to
be in this timeline for much longer, but I've got no
destination in mind. If I were to travel back or
forward in time then anything I've stated here will
become irrelevant, as if it isn't anyway. This
particular period of time is interesting, though, and I
might stay here for at least a few more months. I'm
having difficulty believing that my time machine
actually works, but world events are changing my
opinion. History is repeating itself, or at least that's
the way I see it. There's no war in the future. People
became sick of it. There's a temporal rift active in the
local area and it will probably remain active over the
next couple of days. When it settles down, stuff from
the future will stop coming through the vortex. I

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predict that there will be a lot of intelligence chatter

around the local area tonight and into tomorrow,
notwithstanding this post. I don't think I'll be here for
long, even if I don't have another destination in mind
as of yet.

Apr 14, 2018 8:21pm


Apr 14, 2018 6:03pm


Apr 14, 2018 6:03pm


Apr 14, 2018 6:02pm


Apr 14, 2018 6:01pm

I've lost control of the scalar field. The current
readout is indicating 2014-94y but I've had the device
switched off. It could just be the weather, but there
seems also in the historical record to be a rift between
1940 and 1918. I'm not able to discuss the details but
this situation looks dire. I'm still trying to get a lock
on to 1940.

Apr 14, 2018 6:01pm

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Apr 14, 2018 5:31pm


Apr 14, 2018 5:31pm


Apr 14, 2018 5:25pm


Apr 14, 2018 5:24pm

2014 - (5.3419 * (943.8 - 927 = 168) = 89.74392) =
1924.25608. I stopped the device at approx. 1940. I
think, owing to evidence, the era is similar to 1943. I
need a more accurate gravity sensor to ascertain the
actual difference and will think about making one
with the tools available in this time period. I won't be
here for much longer if I choose to traverse the
vortex. In order to do so, I'll need to get an object
from the destination time period and ground with it.
I'm going to look for such a thing now.

Apr 14, 2018 3:39pm

There's a "temporal rift" between 1983 and 1943.
This was created with a special scalar device in New
York in 1943 and an experiment at Montauk opened
up the rift to 40 years in the past. This is important

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now more so than ever because the rift is active again

and it was opened by my own scalar device. Think of
it as a freeway in space-time connecting two different
time periods. It's more like a vortex, though. I'm
currently in two time periods at the same time and
some buildings around me are vanishing. If I lose my
time lock, I'll be compelled into the distant past. This
is real. If I don't ground myself by doing such things
as eating foods from the present and using the
immortality devices, I'll be projected into the past. It's
taken several years so far for the temporal field to
wear down and I've got the operation of the device
down to an art now. If I lose my time lock, I'll be
stuck in the 1940s. Thankfully, I've got my time
machine, so I can travel back if I want. I think that
anyone can travel through time if they try hard
enough. My time machine is kind of like a
"kickboard" which helps me to swim through time.

Apr 14, 2018 2:54pm


Apr 14, 2018 2:45pm

It seems as though, like Titor's document states, the
VGL allows for travel into the future albeit at a lesser
power than the reverse gear. You also have to account
for temporal winds. I've switched the device off now
and am exploring this strange new dimension. Going
back to my home world would take 333 years with
the VGL engaged, so that's not going to happen. It
appears that I've traversed into a mammalian

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Apr 14, 2018 2:34pm

It turns out that my original idea still holds true. I had
the "reverse" gear on with the idea of going into the
future during the night but the air pressure decreased
instead. It seems that my original idea is still true. I
am going to try the "forward" gear in a moment.

Apr 13, 2018 9:50pm


Apr 13, 2018 9:07pm


Apr 13, 2018 8:51pm


Apr 13, 2018 8:45pm

I'm just going to prove that by using ideal gas law my
"one planet, many worlds" theory is accurate. First of
all, the difference in air pressure between the two
planets is 1014 mb. Then you divide by a figure
which I obtained using a vector from air temperature
projections to match the difference in temperature
against the rate in which the planet is gravitating
towards the sun in the 19th and 20th centuries and
you get 5416.66 years. Now, dividing 1014 by
5416.66 years, you get 0.18 mb change for every
year. 1 divided by this is 5.341873767258383. Now

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we multiply by the difference in air pressure since

2014 (when I started travelling through time) and we
get 47.0084891587377 years backwards, or 1967
right on the money.

Apr 13, 2018 4:36pm

59.94 is the updated figure (without overfitting).
50973 - 34067.68470958 = -16905.31529042. I'm
going to have to get used to being on this backwater,
alien world. I think, however, that the actual distance
travelled is much less but there's no way of saying for

Apr 13, 2018 1:51pm

81.165% is taken as a sample (without overfitting) of
the data for use during the day viz. a viz. the night. At
an average rate of 6 years per hour, 6902 hours
forwards and 1602 hours backwards. That's -5300
years, leading to 3282 B.C. I might update this figure
as more research is undertaken. 1957 B.C. might also
be apparent if SR is taken into account. I'm thinking
about resetting the time and instead using another
benchmark, although that might be unscientific. I'll
probably be better off to study this particular world's
history and then venture out from there.

Apr 13, 2018 1:43pm


Apr 12, 2018 10:02pm


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Apr 12, 2018 10:01pm


Apr 12, 2018 10:00pm


Apr 12, 2018 10:00pm


Apr 12, 2018 9:59pm


Apr 12, 2018 9:59pm


Apr 12, 2018 9:56pm


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Apr 12, 2018 9:53pm


Apr 12, 2018 9:53pm


Apr 12, 2018 9:52pm


Apr 12, 2018 9:52pm


Apr 12, 2018 9:52pm

I've done some statistical analysis and it seems as
though the device has been in use for an equal
number of time both during the day and night. I'm
going to forget about pinpointing an era now and take
the present to be 2018. As for the manner in which
the device alters the scalar field, it is taken that a
65,000,000 year long epoch exists between planets
and according to the physical measurements, the
device moves 10 years per hour through the scalar per
Titor's specifications. That would match Titor's
specifications perfectly and is also compatible with
other instances of scientific evidence relating to the
"one world, different planets" theory. The device

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works as the manual suggests - the reverse gear

works by repelling from the mid-heavens and the
forward gear attracts to the mid-heavens. The device
is most effective at staying on a particular world-line
at midnight and midday, in either direction. If I were
to, for example, travel back 30 years, I'd activate the
forward drive at just before 22:30 and switch it off
just after 02:30. The middle of the night and the
middle of the day are the windows of opportunity for
staying on the same world-line. As for any quality
which can be ascribed to the two-dimensional nature
of space, I would say that there is a reptilian-
mammalian axis in one dimension and a grey alien-
bug axis in the other. It's kind of like Chinese
Checkers, though, and there are many different
dimensions which can be observed. It seems I've
landed in a temperate zone for the time being. Then
cymatics is involved. I think cymatics would outlast
classical and modern physics as a means of
understanding the nature of the universe, but the
theories are so advanced that it's beyond my want for
comprehension. So, one axis describes the distance
between Terra and Sol. The other axes describes the
distance of Terra in relation to Hades and the centre
of the (Milky Way) galaxy. That's all.

Apr 12, 2018 6:22pm

That's funny. I can't access my log sheets. One thing
is for sure though. The resurgence of the Assyrian
Empire. That will provide me with a clue as to what
the era is. I'm also going to be brave and base my
travel on physics data. Hence, 10 years per hour and
based on the device's position relative to the mid-

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heavens. I'm going to set a standard here and state

that the era is 2500 B.C. and the location is an alien
world. There's roughly 40 days of use of the device to
get back to my home world. The reason why I haven't
come back as initially calculated is because I've had it
in use throughout 24 hours, which caused the scalar
field to spiral out of control.

Apr 12, 2018 5:43pm

There seems to be an inherent chaos in determining
my location in space. One of the standards in which
I'm working with which is the closest to Titor's model
relates to 5.74 years change per millibar change in air
pressure. One niggly little detail to this is that Titor
stated that the air is somewhat cooler in the future.
One of the methods I used to ascertain the era returns
420,000 years so I guess that's bunk. I guess I'll have
to take a sample of night vs. day use.

Apr 12, 2018 5:35pm

It's going to take me 8504.16493 hours to get back to
my home world. That's 354.3402054166667 days. I'm
going to have to set up a permanent kind of apparatus
to avoid mishaps.

Apr 12, 2018 12:04pm

An epoch with a difference of 65,000,000 years
would in fact lead to a traversal of 420,000 years, or
101,920 years if the average distance is accounted for
(instead of the minimum distance). If that were true,
then the maximum speed is taken to be
11.9849301036623 years per hour, which is pretty
close to 10 years per hour. Cf. Titor vs. Laine.

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Apr 12, 2018 11:09am

Whoops. 40.6944. 34.33248644769434 or 42,000
years. Or 20,000.

Apr 12, 2018 3:01am

420,000 years is another possible explanation. Or
200,000 years if you're going with the temperature
data and Titor's theory. I think I might have messed
up big time with this one.

Apr 12, 2018 2:29am

I made a mistake with my calculations. The proper
distance travelled should be
1/54600000*(((36*3.14*6000*60)/100000 =
406.944) * 8504.16493 =
3460718.89327392)*5416.66 = 343.3248644769434
years. According to the air density study, 1982 is the
result. The era seems more like that as well. I guess
the open field must make a big difference.
0.0403713788835165 seems to be the benchmark.
But I think there is too much credit given to operation
in an open area. The way it should work is that the
singularities essentially destroy mass in the form of
quarks to such a level that the interior resonates or
"gravitates towards" the world with less air density,
thus time travel occurs. That's the only way in which
I can explain the effectiveness of the apparatus in a
closed vehicle. The vortex seems to evaporate when
its used in an open field. Because I don't have access
to a closed vehicle any more I'm afraid I'm stuck here
for now. It seems as though the traversal took me to
the year 1983 and now I'm stuck here.

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Apr 12, 2018 2:16am

I'm getting an "access denied" message when
attempting to access a certain website. It states that
"you are not authorized to view this page". How
interesting. I think things are really kicking off now.

Apr 12, 2018 1:55am


Apr 12, 2018 12:43am


Apr 12, 2018 12:24am

I think that the reason why there has only been an
apparent time dilation of about negative 35 years is
because I've only used the device inside a closed off
vehicle for about the same time. The physics isn't
there yet but that's what my intuition is telling me. It's
got something to do with concentrating the tachyon
energy. If I get the physics right, I might have to think
about creating an enclosed field, maybe in the shape
of a starship or some such time pod, so that efficient
time travel may be undertaken. When it's been in the
open field I think that it must have lost a lot of
energy, hence the apparent lack of time travel. Oh,
and I've got air pressure data to back up the use of the
time machine inside an enclosure which suggests that
use in an enclosed area allows for a concentration of

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time dilation effects.

Apr 11, 2018 11:10pm

Titor vs. Laine PLR 11/04/2018 Titor holds that
Venus is planet Earth in the past by virtue of
dinosaurs apparently existing there and that Venus is
65,000,000 years in the past, further corroborating his
evidence with the movie "Ready Player One" directed
by Stephen Spielberg and citing scientific evidence
that Earth's climate in the past was much like the
projected data derived from the experiment. Luthor
holds that the planet Earth moves 1.5 centimetres
away from the sun per year and it is this fact only that
in general terms affects the planet's climate. Titor
points to the geological record and states that the
planet cools down more quickly than Laine once
thought. Without geological records to support his
theory, Laine loses and Titor wins.

Apr 11, 2018 10:09pm

Laine beats Einstein. Titor beats Laine. Chiu beats
Titor. I need two more elements to complete the
hexagram. Edison and Tesla. That'll do. Edison beats
Chiu. Tesla beats Edison. Einstein beats Tesla. Tesla
beats Einstein. The circle is complete.

Apr 11, 2018 9:26pm

Laine vs. Chiu PLR 11/04/2018 Chiu states that the
Earth is in a decaying orbit around the sun and Mars
is Earth in the past and Venus is Earth in the future.
Luthor holds that, in light of scientific evidence,
Venus is Earth in the past and Mars is Earth in the
future, and that this evidence is based on the material

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fact that Earth is moving away from the sun at 1.5

centimetres per year, and because of the effect that
the device has on the planet in the grand scheme of
things, it moves the planet (by means of anti-gravity)
back in time. Chiu states that due to the recent figures
of global warming, the planet is in fact moving
towards the sun progressively and that the scientific
data is wrong about the Earth being hot in the past.
He further states that owing to a change in Earth's
density over the past couple of years in conjunction
with the use of the time machine, Earth has in fact
progressed 35 years into the past (in general terms).
Laine states that his model is based on empirical
observations of tidal forces and that if 5416.66 years
per planetary epoch were true it would mean
observed differences in planetary phenomena such as
eclipses and drastic differences in temperature. On
this basis, Laine wins and the era is 1549.

Apr 11, 2018 9:18pm

Einstein & Titor vs. Laine & Chiu PLR 11/04/2018
Einstein posits that the year is 2018 and time travel
into the past can only be achieved by FTL travel.
Titor describes in intricate detail a mechanism
whereby the space-time continuum can be warped to
a degree of 10 years per hour with an appliance. On
the other hand, Laine describes a working machine
that works on the assumption that a short-cut through
time is possible by manipulating gravity and thus the
"time vector" with an apparatus that is capable of
travel through time at minus 500 seconds per second.
Chiu, on the other hand, supports the "time vector"
theory but instead posits that gravitation and not anti-

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gravity causes natural time vectors in space. Laine's

research is based on the Mayan calendar and the
workings of McKenna, as well as some obscure fields
like cymatics. It's also based on empirical observation
of astronomical bodies. Einstein's theory is
spearheaded by the thought experiment of the speed
of light relative to other objects in the universe. Laine
explains in general relativity theory that his idea
works and is not incompatible with Einstein's theory
of FTL travel. Titor states that while Laine's work is
scientific in nature, it fails to address a problem
relating to trigonometry and subjective experience of
time travel. Laine states that general relativity theory
holds true and his idea is correct on such a basis. Chiu
refers to I Ching theory but also states that the speed
of Laine's device isn't as fast as Titor once thought on
account of the planet not transforming into the next
planet every 65,000,000 years like Titor thinks but
every 5416.66 years and uses the Torah to support his
argument. Chiu wins the argument. It's 1983 ladies
and gentlemen. But Luthor also wins by default. That
means the I Ching hexagram for 1549 and 1983 is in
effect. To be continued with Laine vs. Chiu...

Apr 11, 2018 8:46pm

I didn't do trigonometry in high school so I'm unable
to answer any questions pertaining to which era is
applicable in my own personal recollection, nor the
subjective experience of my fellow citizens. I'm not
going to use the time machine any more for at least a
while now.

Apr 11, 2018 8:15pm

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I made a final calculation on the era. It applies to the

exclusion zone only. The exclusion zone is
everywhere on the planet except for an 80 kilometre
radius in Canberra. A simple answer as to what the
era is within the 80 kilometre radius is that it's been
transported to an alien world. The maximal extent
which is designated as the location of my time
machine is (2018 - 80542y) which is 78,524 B.C. The
era outside the exclusion zone is 1548.67214584316

Apr 11, 2018 8:11pm

Think of the moment as an I Ching hexagram - it has
two components - what is apparent and what is
overriding. This is a lot like time. The I Ching is a
perfect philosophy of time, but it's a bit difficult to
comprehend. Anyway, with my device I seem to have
transported myself and to a lesser extent an area of an
80 km radius both approximately 90,000 years ago
(in the atmosphere) and 35 years ago (as to what is
apparent). In other words, I'm on a planet which is
like 1983 of my own past but closer to the sun. That's
because I'm working with two dimensions of time -
temperature and air density. With both of these
dimensions, I can create unlimited worlds limited
only to the resolution of the temperature and air
density. One world is the equivalent to an instance of
time and in quantum physics things get really
interesting. The multiverse in this sense is either
extremely big or infinite, depending on whether you
believe that the laws of physics can change in
different areas. I believe it to be infinite because I saw
some guy on TV from the tracking station nearby

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stating that the colour spectrum changes in different

areas of the universe, which is why the laws of
physics can change and therefore the universe is most
likely infinite. Also, the interview with the alien on
YouTube was interesting. Anyway, I'm working with
two dimensions here. I can accurately predict events
on this world-line and the music is amazing. I'm
listening to the techno radio station and the music is
so retro to me - nu disco, bebop, etc. It's like 1983 but
the temperature is hotter. Kind of like 1983 in the
Bahamas. It's like that Vaporwave scene that was
going around a few years ago. It's really amazing.

Apr 11, 2018 6:43pm

Luthor Laine added a new photo.

Apr 11, 2018 5:46pm

I went out and did some reconnaissance just now,
including tuning into the radio broadcast. There are
many pungent scents in the atmosphere and most of
the cars are unrecognisable. I'm truly on an alien
world. As to what the air resonates with, in one model
it seems to be about 90,000 BC and in another model
it seems to be about 1983. I'm unsure as to which
model is more accurate. It is highly possible that they
both resonate with each other.

Apr 11, 2018 5:44pm

8504.16493 hours in operation. 0.0041673697878294
years per hour. 39.44 years remaining.
9464.002958216704 hours remaining. 394 days
remaining. That's 1 year and 29 days, 8 hours, 0
minutes and 10.6488 seconds. Then we'll be in the

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year 1943.

Apr 11, 2018 2:52pm

I went to the shop earlier and there was a tall guy who
had a mullet and 80s clothing on. It just goes to show
that my time machine actually works!

Apr 11, 2018 12:45pm


Apr 11, 2018 12:21pm


Apr 11, 2018 12:18pm

The era calculated is 1982.56. This was done with
painstaking research into air density and the observed
changes over a specified time period. I'm going to the
shop now.

Apr 11, 2018 11:16am

3.402940193785499 rho is the air density for March
2018. 3.407035175879397 rho is the air density for
March 2017. 0.0275229357798165 rho is the air
density of Mars. There is a 3.379512240099597 rho
difference between Earth an Mars. A ratio of
0.0012117080226279 years difference occurred. In a
65,000,000 year model, this equates to 78,761 years
towards Mars. In a 5416.66 year model, this equates
to 6.56 years towards Mars. Unfortunately I don't
have any air pressure data from before 2017 except

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some data from 2014-5 in my spreadsheet. I'll check

it now.

Apr 11, 2018 10:55am

8517.71493 total hours in operation. 85177.1493
years traversed. 83159.1493 B.C. Now operating for
6583159.1493 hours, or 751.502 years. ETA: 2770.

Apr 10, 2018 4:07pm

I'm just trying to work with the resolution here.
((65000000/10000000000 * 100000000000 * 8) *
0.84 * 40075 = 2.73511875 * 10^-10) * 1000 * 100 *
10 * 1000 = 0.2 micrometres. 382.536 billion worlds
traversed. Minimal time in operation per traversal is
too much to deal with. The cesium frequency
standard dictates 1 new world is created per
9,192,631,770th of a second in natural progression of

Apr 10, 2018 2:53pm

9192631770 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 9 *
10,000,000,000 * 100,000,000,000 / 2 = 10^39. There
are about as many planets in the universe as there are
years in the total in grand cycles of 65,000,000 years

Apr 10, 2018 2:21pm

At this rate, it will take 130,000 years to reach Mars. I
think I'll stay put. Of course, I can use the immortality
device and go ahead, but there's a grand solar
minimum coming up which I don't want to miss.

Apr 10, 2018 2:03pm

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I'm just reviewing some scientific charts and it seems

as though the average temperature decreases by about
1 degree Celsius per 1 million years. Extrapolating
this data out to Mars, it would seem that 65 million
years from now the planet Earth will be the same
temperature, hence, it will transform into Mars. I
think that the figure of 65 million years is interesting
because that's the time in the past when the dinosaurs
roamed, and in 1950s science fiction comics Venus is
where dinosaurs where. Like Tolkien said, you can
tell some truths better using myth than fact. I think
the whole thing kind of resolved itself, in the end.

Apr 10, 2018 1:44pm


Apr 10, 2018 1:35pm

In reviewing some charts of the global temperature
over the last couple of decades, I've noticed that the
anomaly has increased in proportion to the use of my
machine in reverse gear. I am thinking about
reverting my thinking to yesterday's idea which
essentially explains that Venus is Earth in the past and
Mars is Earth in the future. I don't want to be in a hot
climate and my stature is too tall, so I'll engage the
forward gear starting now with the aim of moving the
scalar field towards entropy. While the era is taken to
be 1498, and with an incoming solar minimum, the
temperature is expected to drop in the following
years. Maybe I'll just stay here. I think I should take
up this issue in council. Perhaps over the following
decade the global temperature can be reduced with

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the use of the forward gear of the gravity drive. We're

coming into a solar minimum now anyway so it
might be a strategic decision to stay put. I don't know.

Apr 10, 2018 12:49pm


Apr 10, 2018 11:36am


Apr 10, 2018 11:36am


Apr 10, 2018 11:36am


Apr 10, 2018 11:35am


Apr 10, 2018 11:16am


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Apr 10, 2018 11:16am


Apr 10, 2018 11:16am


Apr 10, 2018 11:15am


Apr 10, 2018 11:04am


Apr 10, 2018 11:04am


Apr 10, 2018 11:04am


Apr 10, 2018 11:04am


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Apr 10, 2018 11:02am


Apr 10, 2018 11:01am


Apr 10, 2018 11:01am


Apr 10, 2018 10:35am


Apr 10, 2018 10:34am


Apr 10, 2018 10:34am

The weather is overcast this morning. It hasn't been
overcast in months. The birds were going crazy,
singing constantly and flying around.

Apr 10, 2018 10:11am

1239.67 is calculated for the era in Iowa. Of course,
the era is different in other areas. When the heat
build-up in this local area dissipates I'll be able to
take accurate measurements. I'll only be here for a
short while, then it's onward again.

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Apr 10, 2018 1:35am


Apr 10, 2018 1:24am


Apr 10, 2018 12:53am

The reason why buildings and other objects are
present in this era is because they travelled through
time as well. The area of effect is very big when used
in an open field and the effectiveness diminishes over
long distances, which is why there are some
"Mandela effects" which occur following use after the
field has settled. I'm tired and beginning to wonder if
I should stop my campaign and settle down here. But
the allure of travelling to another planet has me
captivated. I'm going to take a nap now.

Apr 09, 2018 10:50pm

In calculating the speed of the motors using a watch
and ratio of time dilation of -500:1, the era is now
taken to be 1498.235159817352. Observations of
temperature support this figure. The device is off now
and there is expected to be some cooling off of the
scalar field in the following days and weeks which
will essentially make the local field colder and there
might also be some secondary flow-on effects to
other areas. I find it difficult to believe that the device

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actually works, and at this speed! 520 years back!

There was a well of anti-gravity which has caused
some problems relating to causality to manifest
primarily in the beginning stages a few years ago.
These issues will resolve momentarily as the well of
anti-gravity bounces back into place. The use of the
forward gear momentarily a couple of days ago seems
to have hastened the "cooling effect" which occurs
when the space-time continuum rights itself. One of
my mentors suggested in saying that Israel will
experience problems in the future that the traversal
shall continue. We've got a consistent rate of traversal
at about 100 years per year but this can be increased
to 500 years per year with constant use. I predict that
20 years from now we should have reached Mars.
Behold, already the effects of the traversal of space-
time are being made manifest in the form of colder
weather. Other occurrences like higher crop yields,
increasing unemployment, financial troubles, wars,
drought, and various forms of illnesses and diseases
will be made manifest in the coming years. It is the
season of the Great Tribulation and none shall be
spared. For the moment, we will be studying the
effects of leaving the device parked here for a while.
The reality of our situation should be manifest
shortly. That is to say, in a few days we'll check the
situation, and then should resume course. Oh, and
there's no coming back either. This is a one way trip.
When we've reached the destination, the machine will
be hidden away and we'll allow the planet to resume
its natural course of 6,000 years back towards the
sun. I'm going to goose myself up then and be ready
for the inevitable cataclysm which will occur 6,000

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years from then. By that time I will become like a

god. I'll be about 5,500 years old by now. There is
another version of myself lurking around now and I'll
be that person after 5,500 years from the point of
origin which is now. There's a lot of information from
my future self which I'm processing at the moment
through various networks. There are also other
versions of myself working in Space Command who
have access to technologies beyond an average
human's imagination. They're helping me in my
conquest of space. Time travel causes all sorts of
problems and we're trying to figure out how to
resolve such problems while at the same time
developing the same technologies which cause the
problems. Every 1,000 years or so the same process
of destruction and renewal occurs. This fact was
illustrated in the game Phantasy Star IV: The End of
the Millennium. Until the end of this week, we'll keep
the time machine off and observe the changes which
will manifest themselves. We're already getting a
clear indication that the traversal was a success, but to
what extent we'll find out by the end of the week. The
time machine is expected to be re-activated Monday
morning in a week from now.

Apr 09, 2018 10:26pm


Apr 09, 2018 9:18pm

My local DNS is working differently than the data
centre in Seattle. I take this to mean that there are
multiple worlds converging here.

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Apr 09, 2018 9:05pm


Apr 09, 2018 9:04pm


Apr 09, 2018 9:04pm


Apr 09, 2018 9:04pm


Apr 09, 2018 9:04pm


Apr 09, 2018 9:03pm


Apr 09, 2018 9:03pm

I'm going to shrink the studio down to a size of
miniscule proportions and go tiny with it. Then
people will have pause for thought when they see me
tiny around here.

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Apr 09, 2018 6:42pm

The groceries were cheap as Hell and there are some
kinds of industrial odours in the atmosphere. I've also
gone tiny in comparison to objects in the wider world.
My house went tiny too and because it's been in the
temporal vortex for longer than I have, it's gone tinier
than I have. That's probably why people think I'm
taller around here. It's because the house, as a
backdrop is relatively tinier. I'm a tiny guy in a tinier
house. If I were to engage the machine to move
backwards further, I'd get even tinier. As such, my
original idea is considered superior to today's

Apr 09, 2018 6:40pm

This chart illustrates a steady increase in temperature
of 0.012 degrees Celsius (on average) per year.
Therefore, I'm reverting back to my original theory.
What I still don't understand, however, is why I seem
to have increased in stature. I'm going to take some
measurements now to verify something.

Apr 09, 2018 5:48pm

I'm having difficulty reconciling facts relating to this
most recent model. I think the calculations of
proportion are erroneous. But I still think that Mars is
Earth in the future. This is due to some facts
presented in the article which I posted just before. My
grandma told me I was over 6' in height. This is
interesting because I measured at just under 6' in
height before leaving on this adventure. I must have
replaced another version of myself who was residing

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in this dimension. My height seems to have increased

by 1-2 cm over the duration of this expedition which
spanned 38 years into the past. Projecting forward to
Mars, my entire height seems to be affected. I think I
could, in this respect, be classified as a Nephilim.

Apr 09, 2018 5:13pm

The reason why we haven't been seeing any
measurable change in air pressure or air density is
because I've been working with the wrong variable
for the natural time vector. The new variable is based
on the movement of Earth away from the sun as
calculated by tides, etc. Surprisingly, in my new
equations with GR it has given the same result for the
effectiveness of the device. The calculations show a
difference of 0.004 natural years per hour with use of
the device in either direction. Since the natural
progression is now deemed as negative, and owing to
some facts relating to expansion of mass over time,
I'm compelled to engage the forward gear for a
duration of 154.58 years. Doing such should cause an
increase in entropy in the new universe which would
be traversed. No, that's wrong. Any change would be
minimal. Because of this I'm afraid I'll be Earthbound
for the rest of this incarnation. It would take much
longer than 154 years to traverse to Mars according to
my new calculations, although it wouldn't be
impossible. It would take 50 billion years traversal at
this rate. Moreover, any change in temperature due to
traversal of time would be insignificant for any
manageable term, so I think I'll forget about changing
the climate. All that's left is the time machine. It
doesn't seem to be as good at traversing space as I

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once gave it credit for. I think I've reached the limit as

to my device's capabilities. I'm now left in an
alternate version of 2018 which seems to be much
better than the timeline I've come from. The way in
which sunlight affects things is much like my
personal recollection of 1980. I think it has affected

Apr 09, 2018 4:45pm


Apr 09, 2018 4:27pm

My original theory of "one world, different planets"
was good, but I had the direction the wrong way
around. According to my recent calculations, Venus is
Earth in the past and Mars is Earth in the future.
There's no denying my calculations. They've been
proven in GR as well as SR. With the Lord, one day
is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a
day. Damn, I had the variable mixed up. The result is
what matters, though. I've proven the same theory in
GR but with a different variable for the natural time

Apr 09, 2018 4:27pm

Maybe my device works locally only and the
information I'm getting from around the world doesn't
reflect my own personal journey. I still don't
understand why my device isn't rated at 10 years per
hour. x/y = 5.1n/42/8.9n*5416 = 13.64 The above
calculation is derived from taking the ratio of the
device's area in comparison the the Earth's surface

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and applying it to a certain model of space-time. I

think it's wrong, though. I'll try again. ((x/y =
5.1n/42000 = 1.21 * 10^-4.) * 8.1 = 0.001) * 4 =
0.004 = a.

Apr 09, 2018 3:54pm

Something doesn't make sense. I've travelled back 38
years into the past alright, but I was expecting my
stature to be shorter than the native inhabitants of this
world. Instead, it's taller. I suppose it must have
something to do with the expanding nature of the
universe, which is a pity, because I wanted to get
smaller. I suppose I'm going to have to be "big and
beautiful" in the past. The search term "Martians are
short" returns 817 results, whereas the term "Martians
are tall" returns 447 results. There isn't enough data
on Venusians to verify much. It's like in the book
"The Gernsback Years". Martians are short and
Venusians are tall. I think it must have something to
do with photosynthesis and radiation. I don't know.
Well, it seems like I'm going to have to be "big and
beautiful" in the past. I wonder what other changes
have occurred...

Apr 09, 2018 3:02pm

2018 - (1/546000000 * (((12468.24 - (270 * 2 = 540))
* 0.735125 + (20 * 24 * 0.9566 * n = 337.54) =
9106.28) * 42 = 382464.07) = 0.0070048364846154
* 5416.66 = 37.942) = 1980.057182407243.

Apr 09, 2018 2:38pm


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Apr 09, 2018 2:26pm

This new idea seems to be incompatible with a lot of
the science behind temporal engineering, as such I'm
going to revert back to the original idea of "one
planet, many worlds" with the idea being Mars is
Earth 6,000 years ago. It's the only way in which my
data will fit the model of space-time which I've
concocted. It's also compatible with the number of
destinations available to the C204, assuming that 100
parallel worlds exist.

Apr 09, 2018 2:17pm


Apr 09, 2018 1:20pm

In 8.19 trillion years, at a rate of 1.5 cm per year, the
Earth will become like Mars, due to its movement
away from the sun. My machine, which is rated at 42
km per hour, has been in operation in "reverse" gear
for 9,100 hours. That is the equivalent of 382,200 km.
At exactly 150,000 years per km, 57.33 billion years
travel is taken to have resulted. Let's cross-reference
this data. There has been an average of 0.4 degrees
Celsius change in the last four years. That's about 0.1
degrees Celsius change per year. Assuming a 452
degree difference between planetary epochs, 1/4520
of 8.19 trillion years is assumed here: 1/4520 *
8190000000000 = 1.8 billion years. That seems about
right. I think Titor's "microsingularities" might in this
case be a solid state of EM radiation propagation

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apparatus because his machine is only capable of

travel through time at 10 years/hour whereas my
machine is capable of travel through time at exactly
6,300,000 years per hour.

Apr 09, 2018 12:54pm

Titor's C204 unit is capable of travel to a specific
number of destinations. In calculating the life span of
the universe and comparing it with the cesium
frequency standard, there are apparently 3.62 * 10^26
destinations available on a single world-line. I
wonder how the people of Titor's time calculated
divergence... There seems to be a discrepancy of
10^13 dimensions... Now I remember. It must have
something to do with "uniplanetary theory" and
quantum tunnelling. What I don't understand,
however, is why the planet heated up when I had the
reverse gear active. There must be some sort of
gravitational anomaly out in space which acts as a
strange attractor. Maybe I'm working with the wrong
dimension. Time can have gravity too, or so it seems.
I'm going to have to do some calculations to verify
something. It seems like "mainstream science" isn't as
useless as I once thought it was. I just need to do
some calculations.

Apr 09, 2018 12:06pm

I'm working with two vectors here - t and d (time and
divergence). So far I've maximised divergence and
marginally minimised time. I think it might be
forthcoming to produce a set of 100 criteria which
may help in establishing time and divergence. Either
that or just "wing it" and make estimations based on

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my intuition about the current era. I feel like Doctor

Who without a decent navigation system.

Apr 09, 2018 11:50am

My test last night proved my theory wrong. There
was in fact a slight increase in the overnight
minimum temperature which has led me to believe
that, in light of the previous test, one gear engaged
allows for time travel into the future. Titor stated that
in the future, the air is "somewhat cooler", so I take
this to mean that my idea of "one planet, many
worlds" is also bunk. That is not to say that my time
machine doesn't work - on the contrary, its travel to
the past must have created an increase in carbon
dioxide emissions from old vehicles becoming active,
thereby leading to the apparent increase in
temperature over the last few years. Now that the
"forward" gear is engaged, I feel somewhat better,
and it's already apparent that a reduction of
temperature is underway. Because of this, I no longer
have a benchmark to work with which helps ascertain
the "era". Therefore I have no navigation system. I
believe that listening to the radio will help me get a
basic idea of which "era" I'm in. Time is subjective
indeed but I'm a bit disappointed that the readout on
my clock didn't match the "era". I suppose
supersymmetry would address that point.

Apr 09, 2018 11:48am

After having a fresh look at the data I noticed
something. The machine has been engaged during the
day the whole time over the last couple of days,
regardless of which gear is engaged (one or two). So,

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it's taken to mean that any changes detected are

already reflected in the benchmark, so the test today
was meaningless. Following last night's interesting
results, I've come to the conclusion that either one or
two speed controllers engaged will allow the scalar
field to shift towards the mid-heavens. That means if
I want to travel to the past, then the machine should
be engaged during night-time only. The experiment
today has concluded. I'll engage both speed
controllers at sunset until sunrise tomorrow. That's
about two hours away. Until then, I'm going to take a

Apr 08, 2018 3:36pm

Now the latest data is contradicting my initial
assumptions. I think that the machine works the same
way in which Titor described. As such it can be used
at any time during the day. But it depends on what
time of day it's operated as to which direction it will
go when either gear is engaged. Because of this, my
calculations are wrong pertaining to what the era is.
The era can only be determined by observing the
temperature data, although this, too, may not draw
any conclusions because of some conflicting data sets
of temperature. Some studies in advanced geometry
might shed some light on a possible navigation
system for the device. One thing that bugs me is the
increase in global temperature following its use over
the summer. If the reverse gear was engaged
throughout the whole time it should follow that the
temperature would decrease, although stating such
might be oversimplifying the process. Maybe the data
I've collected today is insufficient. I'll keep running

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the experiment until sundown, and then switch gears.

Apr 08, 2018 3:18pm

The latest data now supports my initial assumptions.
I'll keep the experiment running for another half an
hour after which I'll have a clear idea of how the
apparatus works during the day. The night-time
experiment has already proven that one gear active
causes the scalar field to drift upwards, and now we
are testing both gears. It seems to have the same

Apr 08, 2018 2:36pm

This data set bothers me. It shows no apparent
increase in temperature over a 20 year period.
Sometimes I wonder whether my theory is based on
any factual data at all.

Apr 08, 2018 1:43pm

The advanced data contradicts my initial
assumptions. I'll keep the experiment going for
another hour after which I'll be able to draw a
conclusion on this issue.

Apr 08, 2018 1:04pm

Buckle up, because things are going to get wild! I've
finally learnt how to steer this damn thing!

Apr 08, 2018 12:36pm

It seems as though there has been some relative
cooling in the last 30 minute time frame. I'll keep the
machine in "reverse" (or rather, "away") mode for
now and watch the temperature relative to the last

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couple of days. I think I've got it now. It's as the

manual I published said - reverse gear during the day
and forward gear during the night compels the scalar
field to move away from the sun. My experimentation
during 2014 confirms this.

Apr 08, 2018 12:35pm

OK, I've had the "forward" gear on for the last half
hour and it's shown a relative increase in temperature
in comparison to the last couple of days. So we can
rule out using the "forward" gear during the day for
decreasing temperature. I'm now trying the "reverse"
gear for the next half hour to see any differences in
the change of temperature compared to the last couple
of days.

Apr 08, 2018 12:09pm

I need to get data from November 2017 to verify
something. What happened then might explain this

Apr 08, 2018 10:50am

My idea might not be right. I've calculated, using
historical temperature derived during a time when the
"mid-heavens theory" was prominent, a figure which
can be used for travel to Mars. It should take about 1
year to reach the moon and 148 years to reach Mars
with this new theory which is also adapted from Foss'
work. Oh, how delightful! My plan seems to be
working so far. Let's see if it stands the test of time.
I'm pretty sure it will, too, because of my experience
with this particular idea.

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Time Travel Epic

Apr 08, 2018 9:52am

My theory might have been ass-backwards the whole
time. When I assumed that the sun's gravitational pull
causes planet Earth's orbit to decay, I wasn't taking
into account the high levels of EM (hence, tachyon)
energy put out by the sun. It's even been calculated
that, owing to tidal forces, the planet's orbit is
increasing slowly. As such, when I had the anti-
gravity drive activated, it caused the planet to drift
towards the sun and into the past. When I have the
gravity drive activated, on the other hand, it causes
the planar field to gravitate towards the outer cosmos,
towards the strange attractor at the end of time and
ultimately, entropy and the heat death of the universe.
The scalar field around the device, when activated in
"reverse" mode, heated up to a significant extent, as
can be seen in global historical temperature data. Per
the original "uniplanetary theory", Venus is Earth in
the past and Mars is Earth in the future. The reason
why the planet is experiencing warming is due to
artificial releases of carbon dioxide, which is the
mainstream narrative and now taken to be true. In the
far future, however, as Titor once said, the Earth will
undergo cooling because it is intrinsically attracted to
the "strange attractor at the end of time". In the
future, humans shrink much like raisins do relative to
the rest of the cake. That's because the universe is
expanding. It's also why people tend to shrink with
age after they finish growing up. The expansion of
the universe also explains why people are relatively
taller when compared to times past. It all makes
perfect sense to me now. I had the beginning of the
universe and the end of the universe ass-backwards,

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Time Travel Epic

and my attempts to travel backwards in time, while

successful, caused many problems which I'm dealing
with now. I predict that it will take several years from
now to undo all the damage I've caused with the
engagement of the reverse gear. The weather is also
expected to become cooler. Lucifer fell from Heaven
and Jesus is the light of the world. The ancient
scriptures are beginning to make more sense now. I'm
also beginning to realise why people were calling me
so big just recently. It's because when I travelled back
in time, my stature took on proportions greater
because the universe is expanding and when I
travelled back I was from a time period in which the
universe had expanded more. When I travel forward
into the future, and onto Mars, I predict my stature
will be diminished somewhat. It's not only my stature
which changes size, but all the mass in the
surrounding area. My house will become tiny as well.
Now all I have to do is continue the experiment with
this new idea and if all goes well, the area will begin
cooling more than normal. Now, onto Hell!

Apr 08, 2018 8:56am

It seems as though the effect of the gravitation
generated by my device is already beginning to
influence the temperature in the immediate area. The
low temperature overnight has been 3.1 degrees
Celsius which is 3.8714 degrees colder than the 1997-
2017 average for April 8.

Apr 08, 2018 6:59am

My observations of tachyon energy emanating from
my device and correlating observations of warmer

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Time Travel Epic

than usual temperatures in the local area have left me

to wonder if the tachyon energy is causing heat build-
up in the surrounding area. Because of this, and
because there seems to be an antipodal effect in that
the other side of the planet is heating up at the pole, I
think it might be in my best interests to engage one
speed controller only. I now intend to create a vortex
of gravitational energy (as opposed to tachyon
energy) emanating from one of the magnetic speed
controllers, in the hopes that it will cool down the
local field. The experiment will be run starting now
and until enough data has been collected during the
trial. It is expected to last a few weeks in duration.

Apr 07, 2018 1:07pm


Apr 07, 2018 11:02am


Apr 07, 2018 9:52am


Apr 07, 2018 9:17am


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Apr 07, 2018 9:17am


Apr 07, 2018 9:00am


Apr 07, 2018 8:55am


Apr 07, 2018 8:53am


Apr 06, 2018 11:05am


Apr 06, 2018 11:05am


Apr 06, 2018 11:01am


Apr 06, 2018 10:41am

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Apr 06, 2018 10:34am


Apr 06, 2018 10:31am


Apr 06, 2018 10:28am


Apr 06, 2018 10:26am


Apr 06, 2018 10:24am


Apr 06, 2018 10:05am


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Apr 06, 2018 10:05am


Apr 06, 2018 10:04am


Apr 06, 2018 10:04am


Apr 06, 2018 9:55am


Apr 06, 2018 9:55am


Apr 06, 2018 9:55am


Apr 06, 2018 9:54am


Apr 06, 2018 9:49am

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Apr 06, 2018 9:44am


Apr 06, 2018 9:43am


Apr 06, 2018 9:42am


Apr 06, 2018 9:18am


Apr 06, 2018 9:15am


Apr 06, 2018 9:09am


Apr 06, 2018 8:50am


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Apr 06, 2018 8:50am


Apr 06, 2018 8:50am


Apr 06, 2018 8:38am


Apr 06, 2018 8:05am


Apr 06, 2018 8:02am


Apr 06, 2018 8:00am


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Apr 06, 2018 7:58am


Apr 06, 2018 7:57am


Apr 06, 2018 7:52am


Apr 06, 2018 7:38am


Apr 06, 2018 7:11am


Apr 06, 2018 7:10am


Apr 06, 2018 7:00am


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Apr 06, 2018 6:59am


Apr 06, 2018 6:59am


Apr 06, 2018 6:59am


Apr 06, 2018 6:59am


Apr 06, 2018 6:59am


Apr 06, 2018 6:47am

I'm being tortured by Professor Alexander Henderson
and the nurses at Woden Mental Health. He, along
with my former case manager, applied for a
mandatory treatment order to the Civil and
Administrative Tribunal which requires me to
undergo constant and ongoing injections which are
harmful and extremely painful. I have no means of
transport and my body is wrecked after having to

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Time Travel Epic

walk for 10 kilometres each fortnight to receive the

treatment. Recently I was issued by the professor
with a blood test form which he gave me, telling me
the intravenous extraction of a blood sample and
another test "will be fun". I have this blood test form
along with past issues of mandatory treatment orders
and decisions made by the Tribunal as evidence of
this conspiracy to commit torture on an "undesirable"
individual such as myself. I was railroaded into
receiving treatment for "schizophrenia" in 2002 and
have since been subject to the whims of the Woden
Mental Health team and treated like shit the whole
time, to the extent that now, and since mid 2016, I've
been REQUIRED to undergo intravenous injections
to "improve my mood" and this REQUIREMENT is
mandated on the erroneous grounds that "I don't
understand how not getting treatment affects me"
which is simply a cop-out of the legal system to work
around an "undesirable" individual and make him
suffer for being "undesirable". I was put on a mental
health program in 2002 after answering a multiple
choice questionnaire on my mental health and have
been labelled a "schizophrenic" and given treatments
which have destroyed my life and my career as a
translator. The medicine PRESCRIBED to me by Dr
R K Gupta and Professor Alexander Henderson since
2002 has left me lethargic, apathetic, and tranquilised
for 16 years now and I haven't seen any improvement
in my mental health as a result. I was ARRESTED in
2016 and served time in prison after which I was
reformed and put on the Tribunal when Connie Koh
testified against me with ad hominem attacks and
ultimately resulting in this mandatory treatment order.

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Time Travel Epic

When Dr R K Gupta and Professor Henderson put me

on medication, even after asking Henderson, they
failed to mention that it would make me drowsy and I
had to look up the side effects of the medication
myself on the Internet, then I saw a worker on my
own accord at Woden Mental Health in January 2013
and told her about the unwanted side effects and she
just dismissed me. The treatment I'm getting is cruel
because it is extremely painful and hardly accessible.
Professor Henderson failed to warn me about the side
effects. I even TOLD HIM I understood the possible
consequences of not receiving treatment in that it
could exacerbate my psychosis but he REFUSED to
take that into account at the following Tribunal, and
the decision was copy pasted from the past several
Tribunal decisions without any regard to my needs.
The medicine I'm receiving via intravenous injection,
Clopixol, is an older medicine, used in the 1970s,
than what I was taking before the mandatory
treatment order took effect. I was taking Amisulpride
and it worked very well for me since 2003 and I'd be
happy to continue taking it in lieu of the older,
inferior Clopixol. The fact that I was arrested and
charged with destruction of property is a criminal
matter and one that has since been resolved at the
Magistrate's Court as of 2016. I don't want to waste
anyone's time with complaints about the mental
health system in the Australian Capital Territory. I
just want the mandatory treatment order to be either
stopped or modified so I'm not subject to this
torturous, inhumane, and cruel treatment at the end of
a needle. I understand that treatment is necessary to
keep psychosis at bay but I don't respect the way in

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Time Travel Epic

which the MTO is in effect owing to "failure to

understand the consequences of not getting

Apr 05, 2018 4:41pm

I've reached the limit of what is possible with this 64
bit processor. It can calculate operation every day for
1,000 years but with these variables it maxes out at
34 years per day traversal.

Apr 05, 2018 3:33pm

The decrease in air pressure today has exceeded the
average decrease from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There is also
some cloud gathering above the area of operation.
This operation will be similar to the Philadelphia
Project of 1943 and the Montauk Project of 1983. The
destination hasn't been decided yet and it will take
several days before the vortex begins to really
manifest itself. There is some calculation that the FTL
vortex will open in several months but this could be
sooner based on some of the data we're working with.
That is because FTL propagation of a scalar still
hasn't been determined. There might be several layers
to the "onion" of time-space which need to be
accounted for and such is taken to require
approximately 1 bar difference in air pressure
(changes to temperature notwithstanding). The effects
are already being felt and this medium of
communication might not be available in the
following days and weeks. FM radio signals are also
weakening and I believe this is due to the scale of
propagation of the signals. One time we got a TV
broadcast from Dubbo while the machine was active.

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Time Travel Epic

The target destination cannot be guaranteed but

preliminary calculations predict a traversal of 38
years backwards within 9 years local time. It is
assumed that the effects of the temporal traversal, if
accomplished successfully, will take effect
immediately to a native of this world-line, owing to
the way in which FTL travel reconciles differences in
mass. More calculations will follow and several
different scenarios will be predicted in which the role
of air pressure determines the threshold for FTL
travel. The experiment is continuing as expected and
resulting in positive outcomes so far, but we are still
in early stages.

Apr 05, 2018 2:43pm


Apr 05, 2018 2:16pm


Apr 05, 2018 2:16pm

There has been Internet connectivity problems for 12
hours now. Access to all sites has been intermittent
and the problem seems to have deteriorated
somewhat. Apart from that, the experiment is
producing positive results. The air pressure has
already reduced by 5 millibars over the last 35 hours.
That's about a 3.4285 millibars decrease per 24 hours.
I'll update the spreadsheet with the new data.

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Time Travel Epic

Apr 05, 2018 12:52pm

I've got limited connectivity but from the information
I'm getting, there does indeed seem to be a harmonic
associated with the day of the year. However, the
apparent correlations between pieces of information
year-to-year seem not to be delineated year on year,
and only a limited level of change occurs each year.
As to what form this change is made of, it seems to
relate to the entropy in any given system. Of course,
the time travel machine allows for entropy to reverse
its course, as mentioned in numerous examples of
how organised systems can behave in differing time
trajectories, according to the level of tachyons present
in the respective scalar fields. Anything relating to
supersymmetry - that is, dead mass in an active
environment, and massive particles weighing more
than what can be detected in a particle collider -
seems to be the exception to the rule when
determining what "era" the scalar field is at. Anything
"dead" doesn't obey the rules of quantum physics and
instead follows the laws of modern physics, limited to
4 dimensions of space-time and only 1 direction of
time. Anything "alive" seems to respond to extra-
dimensional influences, including temperature, light,
air density, etc. I'm yet to see an organised, inorganic
structure break the laws of entropy. Because of these
"exceptions" I'm beginning to wonder whether the
theory of "one planet, different worlds" can be tested
against a set of criteria. The absence of any measured
changes predicted in temperature seem to be telling
otherwise. There is a limited physics application to
the hypothesis but any changes made in the
experiment might be more limited than initially

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assumed. Nonetheless, there seems to be a positive

change measured in the apparent reduction of air
pressure when the device is used for prolonged
periods. I really do think that this avenue should be
pursued for at least the next few months and that the
device should be tested outside its normal limits of
testing - i.e. for more than 1 week and preferably 1
month or more in duration. From there, if the results
are promising, we might be able to expand on the
experiment as originally proposed in 2012 - to reduce
the density of the air and thereby bend the space-time
continuum to our will (no matter how insignificantly,
as long as there is some scientifically verifiable

Apr 05, 2018 9:36am


Apr 05, 2018 9:07am


Apr 05, 2018 9:06am

My connection to Facebook is now problematic. I'm
unable to access some images on my profile. I was
listening to the radio broadcast on 99.1 FM and
noticed a news jingle similar to one I heard during
childhood. It looks as though the temporal vortex is
overwhelming the scalar field comprising the present
day more rapidly than I had initially assumed. This is
a pretty dire situation now. The Internet is becoming
more and more problematic. I'm also noticing a white

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Time Travel Epic

kind of shimmering light around the device, as if the

airborne particles are excited. I noticed the
shimmering come into being a few hours ago and it's
still present. My whole body aches. I expect the air
pressure to drop by 3 p.m. today. At the moment it's
944 millibars and I'm keeping a log.

Apr 05, 2018 8:09am


Apr 05, 2018 7:43am


Apr 05, 2018 7:32am


Apr 05, 2018 7:09am


Apr 05, 2018 7:07am


Apr 05, 2018 6:40am


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Apr 05, 2018 6:13am

Paranormalis is inaccessible again and I'm unable to
access news links from Google News. I've had
problems like this before when the time machine was
active for a prolonged period of time, in this case,
more than 24 hours.

Apr 05, 2018 6:03am

Just before, my access to the Internet was
compromised. Just now, I'm unable to access
WebMD. I noticed that the problem is related to the
resolution of DNS names. I'm going to keep
monitoring the situation.

Apr 05, 2018 6:00am


Apr 05, 2018 5:31am


Apr 05, 2018 5:24am


Apr 05, 2018 5:22am


Apr 05, 2018 5:20am

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Time Travel Epic

Russia will withdraw from the conflict in Syria. There

will be an anti-war sentiment in European politics and
a new party will rise to power in Germany. They will
be radical and anti-nuclear and influence the military
there. There will be some military action in Thailand
as well as a seemingly unrelated event in Africa as
chaos ensues following economic and political
instability. Unfortunately, this will be only the start of
troubles to come.

Apr 05, 2018 4:42am


Apr 05, 2018 4:27am

I'm still having intermittent connectivity problems
with the Internet. I can't access Grunge. I'm going to
check the other websites and see. I can't access Time
Travel Institute either.

Apr 05, 2018 4:27am


Apr 05, 2018 3:55am


Apr 05, 2018 3:15am

Following on from my previous post, there are two
instances of significant alteration of air pressure -
and, with constant temperature, air density - which
were recorded during prolonged use of the device.

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One instance of 5 days recorded a 2 millibar decrease

in air pressure and another instance of 7 days
recorded a 20 millibar decrease in air pressure. The
current data is indicating a 4 millibar decrease in air
pressure over about 24 hours. I think it would be
taken to mean that, on the balance of probabilities,
about 3 millibars in air pressure is reduced per 24
hours. There does also seem to be a limit in how far
the air pressure can be reduced but this might be
addressed by considering how outgassing affects the
readout of the barometer, as well as any extra-
dimensional influence there is on the reading. The
device hasn't been tested for longer than a week in
duration, so there is no way of saying for sure that
there is an upper limit on how it can affect air
pressure. Once the density altitude reaches 700
metres, psychological pressures begin to kick in and
the machine is disabled. I'm going to try and work
around such a problem in the future and keep the
program going. In terms of projecting the data out to
a point where a reversal of the temporal trajectory
becomes possible, that will be the focus of another
post which I'll be drafting shortly. I think my idea is
coming to fruition and will have a working model of
space-time in the following few months.

Apr 05, 2018 2:38am

My time travel technology isn't an exact science yet.
For example, I'm still struggling to ascertain why
some buildings and other landmarks don't seem to be
affected by the temporal transversal. I think it has
something to do with their mass and density, although
as my use of the device progresses I'm seeing

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increasingly weird things. Furthermore, I'm unsure as

to whether I can reverse the temporal trajectory of the
scalar field when using the device. It was
immediately apparent that with the use of the device,
going sideways in time becomes possible, but I'm still
as of yet unsure as to whether the trajectory can be
reversed or if the differences I'm seeing are as a result
of a mere 1 or 2 percent divergence along the same
basic forward trajectory. If it is possible to "steer" the
temporal trajectory and bend space-time to a small
extent then I'm sure it's possible to completely reverse
it by doing a "U turn" in time but to what extent
exactly I don't know. When I switch the time machine
off, it seems as though the scalar field surrounding it
reverts to the initial "forward" trajectory post haste.
The longest period I've had the machine in use is for
about a week and I suppose checking the data there
will give me a clear indication of the strength of the
machine in steering. I'm going to check it now.

Apr 05, 2018 2:30am

One particular news item which I've been attempting
to access on Google News has been replaced with a
different news item. It seems as though this was the
only news item which has been replaced. I suppose
there are powerful moguls with different agendas to
mine in play.

Apr 05, 2018 2:20am

Google News is down for me again. This is dire. I
can't update my blog nor can I read the news now. I
wonder how many websites are affected. It might be a
problem with the DNS server I'm using, but that

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would mean that other people are affected too. I think

it's just my connection that's affected. It must have
something to do with the way in which my Gravity
Drive Time Travel Machine has displaced the area
around here to an alien world in which the routing
addresses for certain websites are affected. I suppose
that might mean that the ISP is affected. There must
be another reason, then. Google News is working
again for me now. Nope, it's down again. I wonder
how long this intermittent browsing will last for.

Apr 05, 2018 2:02am

BBC, Blogger, and another news website are not
responding. This intermittent browsing ability is a
persistent problem for me. I bet it has something to
do with the use of my Gravity Drive Time Travel

Apr 05, 2018 1:29am


Apr 05, 2018 12:57am


Apr 05, 2018 12:52am

I'm still having problems re connectivity. Now I can't
access Google News. I wonder if it might have

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Time Travel Epic

something to do with my use of the Space Time

Modulator, or it could be more to do with the
continued use of my own Gravity Drive Time Travel

Apr 05, 2018 12:24am

I'm having Internet connectivity problems this
morning. First of all, the whole Internet went down
for me and when I rebooted the router, I've had
limited access to the Internet - I was unable to access
Facebook and Paranormalis, although I can access
Facebook now, but I'm still unable to access Twitter.
Moreover, there is a strange broadcast on all radio
stations at the moment. It's almost alien in sound.

Apr 05, 2018 12:06am


Apr 05, 2018 12:04am

Luthor Laine shared a memory. I think I
overestimated how far I travelled back when I
mentioned the dark ages but I have noticed that the
sun is darker than it once was. The people and other
organisms are relatively bigger.

Apr 05, 2018 12:04am

I had a dream in which I dreamt that I went back to
Japan in the latter half of 1998. There was a roller
coaster at the high school and we camped in a
crowded marketplace in tents before going back to
Australia. Now that I recall the dream, it seems to

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kind of fit with my experience in visiting Cairns in

the latter half of 1998.

Apr 04, 2018 11:56am

I have to find the cause of some terrestrial problems. I
was assigned this mission in the future and travelled
back to gather evidence about this world-line and the
effects of temporal displacement in organisms and
other organised structures. So far, my findings are
showing an increase in the number of non-human
organisms and a decrease in the human population
which is prevalent when tachyon energy is present.
I'm unsure as to why disease in humans increases in
reverse proportion to the proliferation of non-human
species. I'm going to dial into the future with my
Space Time Modulator now and upload my findings
into the galactic mainframe. It will serve as useful
information for the advancement of technology of the
human-Zeta alliance. But first, I need a break. I've
been getting medical treatment for several years now
and it's taking its toll on my body. I need to
recuperate for a moment and then I'll go ahead with
the Space Time Modulator.

Apr 04, 2018 8:58am


Apr 04, 2018 8:42am


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Apr 04, 2018 6:23am


Apr 04, 2018 5:50am


Apr 04, 2018 5:25am


Apr 04, 2018 5:19am


Apr 04, 2018 5:17am


Apr 04, 2018 5:15am


Apr 04, 2018 5:04am


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Apr 04, 2018 5:02am


Apr 04, 2018 5:02am


Apr 04, 2018 5:01am


Apr 04, 2018 5:01am


Apr 04, 2018 5:00am


Apr 04, 2018 5:00am


Apr 04, 2018 5:00am


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Apr 04, 2018 4:59am


Apr 04, 2018 4:57am

Luthor Laine shared a memory. Order from chaos is
the prime directive of use of my time travel machine.
When the reverse gear is engaged, old systems of
order come into being as the fractal nature of reality
is modified. The chaos of new laws being pumped
through the system day in and day out will inevitably
lead to the reestablishment of G-d's kingdom and His
will shall be done just as it was millennia ago.

Apr 04, 2018 4:54am


Apr 04, 2018 3:45am


Apr 04, 2018 3:44am


Apr 04, 2018 3:44am


Apr 04, 2018 3:44am


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Apr 04, 2018 3:43am


Apr 04, 2018 3:42am


Apr 04, 2018 3:42am

It seems as though the speed controllers already have
the correct polarity. I'm getting positive results with
the new test, but to what extent it will stay positive
I'm unsure. Overall, there is measured to be
approximately 1 mb decrease per hour when the
device is active, and this depends on having a stable
scalar field of air pressure with the device active.
Doing such things as opening a door will disrupt the
experiment. The air has to stay confined within a
scalar field. I'm going to run this experiment with the
heater on and the device on and see what happens to
the air pressure. So far it's working as expected.

Apr 03, 2018 3:13am

I'm going to try and retool my time machine by
changing the polarity of the speed controllers. It
doesn't seem to be altering the air pressure as
effectively as it once did, and that's probably either
owing to the fact that the polarity is wrong or it hasn't

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been in operation for a sufficient time. I'm thinking

about going back to my original theory. The thought
experiment involving the speed of light seems to be a
superior theory to the one I've concocted in the past
few years. I'm going to check a few things and might
follow through with a more docile theory which
might yield more positive results (albeit not as
dramatic ones).

Apr 03, 2018 2:47am

Luthor Laine shared a memory. There is a 46.875
year discrepancy in comparing average global
temperatures this month to last month. The high
temperature is above average today locally but the
global temperature seems to be decreasing.

Apr 03, 2018 2:42am

Luthor Laine shared a memory. I'm in the era of the
late 17th century according to my calculations and
observations. Of course, it would be the late 17th
century according to my own recollection. I seem to
be in the area of the capital of Koryo.

Apr 02, 2018 8:25pm


Apr 02, 2018 4:46am


Apr 02, 2018 4:11am

I'm studying the movement of my watch in the video

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of my time machine and it seems to be going

backwards at a rate of 500:1. My initial assumptions
regarding the effective speed of the time travel
machine might have been an underestimation of its
true power. It seems to be about 10 times as effective
as initially assumed. Moreover, the average
temperature for March year on year indicates a
traversal of about 400 years backwards since 2014. If
this is true, then the era is deemed to be in the late
17th century, the beginnings of modern history. It
looks like things are going to get really interesting
from now on. As it seems, I've stumbled across an
alternate timeline of the 17th century as I know it,
only to find the trappings of modern technology
commonplace. It behoves me to wonder what might
happen in the year 2038.

Apr 02, 2018 2:20am


Apr 02, 2018 1:22am


Apr 02, 2018 1:19am


Apr 02, 2018 1:18am


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Apr 02, 2018 1:18am


Apr 02, 2018 1:17am


Apr 02, 2018 1:17am


Apr 02, 2018 1:16am


Apr 02, 2018 1:16am


Apr 02, 2018 1:15am


Apr 01, 2018 10:55pm


Apr 01, 2018 10:55pm


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Mar 31, 2018 11:53pm


Mar 31, 2018 11:53pm

My mind is starting to break up. I'm currently
experiencing two time periods at the same time, and
there is also some alien activity involved. The
experiment was a partial success, but there's no way
back. If I lose my time lock to 2018 I'll be gone
forever. The destination is either an alternate version
of 1944 or an alien world. It seems as though there is
some kind of harmonic involved. I'm at the
crossroads now. If I use the immortality device I'll be
pulled out of the vortex and back into 2018. If I
traverse the portal then I'll either end up in an
alternate version of 1944 or an alien world,
depending on which harmonic of the destination I
resonate with. I'm currently dialled into the frequency
of 1944 and will be establishing a time lock
momentarily. It could take up to 72 hours to establish
the time lock. If I choose to traverse the portal I'll end
up in 1944 and from there I can relinquish my time
lock to 2018.

Mar 31, 2018 3:33am

2018 - ((((9280.218+(4*0.55*0.73*24=38.544)-
329.706)*2)+329.706)*0.0040371 = 73.9104920478)
= 1944.0895079522

Mar 31, 2018 3:15am

Luthor Laine shared a post.

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Mar 31, 2018 3:11am

I'll become a ghost if I travel forward enough. The
immortality devices will help me keep my form. With
normal operation, my stature changes by about 1mm
per year - higher in forward, and lower in reverse.
Health problems will also diminish. It's kind of funny
how my device works in both SR and GR - it is
compatible with solipsism. My health has
deteriorated to a point where it's difficult to get up in
the morning. My gut feels bloated and my joints ache.
I reckon if I engaged the forward gear my health
problems, along with the health problems of the
population, will improve drastically. There are two
directions in which my time travel machine can go -
the past, which is like Hell, and the future, which is
like Heaven. There is a lot of old karma which I
needed to sort out in Hell, hence my travel here from
2049. The Zetas are looking for me and wondering
why I'm not back in my home world yet. I saw them
in the sky last week. I've been here in this world for a
little while and I like it here but it might be time to go
back soon. Time travel hurts. Well, at least it hurts
when you go to the past. It's due to the different
manner in which EM energy propagates. EM energy
propagates more slowly in this environment which
has less air density, and it basically causes me to run
out of energy. If I were to continue travelling back,
the consequences will be dire. My desire to be in Hell
has all but diminished.

Mar 31, 2018 12:47am

I've put on weight over the last couple of years. I

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think it must have something to do with the temporal

traversal. I've also lost about half a centimetre in
height. It could be old age, but I'm more compelled,
due to the suddenness of the onset, that time travel is
to blame. I expected to be heavier like a T-1000
because the density of matter in this universe is much
less than my universe of origin. That said, I think it's
time to go back to my home world. I'm thinking about
travelling back early this morning just as soon as I've
taken care of some things here.

Mar 31, 2018 12:11am


Mar 30, 2018 10:32pm


Mar 30, 2018 8:44pm


Mar 30, 2018 8:32pm


Mar 30, 2018 7:35pm

329.706 hours in use forward. The era calculated is
1983.19 or 1991.89 if SR is implicated.

Mar 30, 2018 6:40pm

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"Time is like a river and history repeats itself"

(Seiken Densetsu). The fourth dimension is
comprised of three terrestrial dimensions (which also
exist in space) and one temporal dimension that has a
kind of bandwidth to it which allows for limited free
will to exist. People populate areas and carry out the
same behaviour as the previous people who populated
such an area. Space is malleable and when a structure
exists in a certain place it comes into existence for all
eternity unless something else moves it. It's kind of
like recording to a master copy - anything that
happens to the master copy also occurs to subsequent
copies and the master copy can be rewound and start
from the beginning but anything that goes on it is
permanent. Studying history is kind of like playing a
subsequent copy and if something happens to the
master copy after that, the subsequent copy will still
remain but it will be different from the master copy.
When you travel through time, you are recording onto
the master copy (figuratively speaking). Any changes
you make alter history and if you make too many
changes, the tape will become unrecognisable. Other
people can make changes to the master copy as well
and as it seems there are many political and strategic
organisations doing such all the time and causing
paradoxes to occur across time. It's all pretty basic
stuff, but it's good to review the basics. There are
some alien civilisations which have developed the
means to traverse time and not mess up the master
copy - they have space-time transports which are
particularly powerful and because they can fly, they
tend not to mess up timelines as much. There's not
much they can do to intervene, however, owing

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mainly to an agreement of non-interference kind of

like the "prime directive" of Star Trek. Titor stated
that if you want to go along on your original timeline,
you have to go back to the point just before any
changes by you have been made and then
immediately switch the time machine into forward
without shutting the engine off. I could do this but my
effective range is out some 6,000 years and I'd need
to upgrade my engine to 2034 levels before setting
out on such a conquest.

Mar 28, 2018 2:23am

My cat Pippin is definitely the reincarnation of
Marmaduke. His physical features are similar - long
nose, slender body, upright, bent tail. Even though
he's a half-Persian now he acts a lot like Marmaduke
did. I can even prove reincarnation with a video of
kittens I found on YouTube which had orbs dancing
around them. I think when the kitten is selected from
the seller, the dormant spirit orb from the cat in a past
life inhabits the kitten. That's the only reasonable
explanation. I also know some interesting facts about
who reincarnated where. I can tell who someone was
in a past life if I observe their behaviour for a while -
old habits die hard and behaviour from past lives
leaks into the future self.

Mar 28, 2018 2:07am


Mar 27, 2018 11:19pm

This is insane. The music on this world-line is either

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nostalgic or alien. I don't notice any trace of pop

music on the radio broadcasts. It's unbelievable.

Mar 27, 2018 6:49pm

I'm listening to the music of this time and it's really
exciting me. There is a kind of blend of the music I'd
expect to hear in this era and some alien music which
I'm unaccustomed to. It's really interesting. It's as
though I'm in an alternate version of 1980 (but a
native of this world-line wouldn't understand what I
mean by this). The time warp is restricted to an area
of about two tonnes only. You can check the
specifications on Titor's C204 machine for similar

Mar 27, 2018 6:47pm

Luthor Laine shared a memory. This is wrong. I used
physics and mathematics to calculate the actual speed
of the time machine and it's a lot slower, more like
9.5 years per year (although it wasn't active the whole
time). The readout now, based on the calculations, is
the year 1980. It's really apparent too, although there
is a certain bleed-in from other world-lines which will
go away I hope.

Mar 27, 2018 5:30pm


Mar 27, 2018 2:57am


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Mar 27, 2018 2:57am


Mar 27, 2018 2:56am


Mar 27, 2018 2:55am


Mar 27, 2018 2:53am


Mar 27, 2018 2:52am


Mar 27, 2018 2:52am


Mar 27, 2018 2:49am


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Mar 27, 2018 2:30am


Mar 27, 2018 2:24am


Mar 27, 2018 2:17am

951 days elapsed. Active day ratio is
0.5566714490674319:1. 529.39 total days in
operation. 73.5125% of the time in operation. Total
389.1711671449067 * 24 = 9340.108011477762
hours in operation. If we got 1942 right on the money
then the "forward gear" doesn't work. There's no way
back from here.

Mar 27, 2018 2:08am

It makes total sense to me now. All that time wasted
aloof. I suppose my education didn't go to waste, after
all. I remember a saying that kind of goes "history is a
comedy the second time around". I don't mean to
make light of history. But the events unfolding are
just like I learnt in high school, college, and
university. I just wasn't expecting this second layer to
be apparent. My phone's battery is low. I'm going to
need to recharge it. I'll come back in a little while. I'm
using a computer, though. I just need a break, is all.

Mar 27, 2018 1:50am

It's interesting to me to see both sides of the conflict
play out. There are many differing perspectives from

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which events can be witnessed.

Mar 27, 2018 1:42am


Mar 27, 2018 1:38am


Mar 27, 2018 12:59am


Mar 27, 2018 12:58am


Mar 27, 2018 12:37am

What happens when you have two off-set sine waves
of the same frequency at the same time?

Mar 27, 2018 12:31am

The Zetas are out in full force tonight. I've been
seeing heat lightning and just now had ringing in my
ears. Maybe I'm being reprogrammed. They're telling
me that they've finished developing quantum
relocation (teleportation) technology and to see a
demonstration. They've run out of stuff to do and

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need something to do because there's no culture in the

future. They're bored and need something to do
otherwise they'll go mad in space. It's kind of like
when you finish washing the dishes and you're bored
and staring blankly at YouTube or something. The
problem is lack of culture. In the future, (all
communists should know this,) there is no culture
because communism wiped it all out. Culture is a
facet of old capitalistic societies and when there's no
bread and circuses the people riot. Well, that's what
happens in the future. What happens when you've
conquered the final frontier? There's only a set
number of things you can do in the universe, and it
gets especially boring when you're immortal and have
lived for thousands of years. What else is there to do
besides observe the fractal nature of reality? You need
some substance, some oomph, something that will
inspire and transform so you're not so bored. Anyway,
the Zetas have technology beyond our wildest
imagination. They made it chiefly out of boredom and
a desire to explore the universe.

Mar 27, 2018 12:25am

By the way, conservatives are on the losing side of
history. Democratic socialism is the order of the day
by 2048. Populism is a thing of the past in the future.
Of course, the future isn't set in stone. Things can
happen which prevent the spectre of communism
from manifesting itself worldwide. But it's inevitable.
Anybody who has read Das Capital knows this. The
thing I hate is cultural Marxism, though. It's reified
communism and is unnatural. It is true that socialism
has been attempted in various diaspora but the reason

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why it failed is because it was too artificial. Mao was

wrong when he said that revolutions are by necessity
bloody. It was his biggest political failure and set
back the progress of China by decades. The same
goes for Leninism. The revolution will be quiet and
for the most part go unnoticed. There has never been
a non-violent revolution. There has never been a
revolution in which you love your enemy. But the
most successful revolution will be such. It's like John
Lennon once sang, "all you need is love".

Mar 27, 2018 12:14am

Unfortunately there's no way I can go back except by
waiting. I suppose I could build a powerful
electromagnet but the thing wouldn't be very
effective. I don't have the physics expertise to build a
time machine which would take me to the future. My
time machine goes to the past only. I'm not quite sure
why that is. John 1 has been here for about 6,000
years and now he's working for the government. I
guess he got pretty upset with being broke for ages.
John 2 has been here for 5 years and I'm in contact
with him but for the most part I'm on my own. I'm on
my first training mission. It will take about 20 or so
years to accomplish. I have to meet with my past self
and tell him not to do something which will have dire
consequences in the future. My past self hasn't been
born yet, but when he is, he will be known as John 4.
I wonder what I should tell my past self. I suppose I
should tell him to not smoke weed. That had dire
consequences in my present life. But how to go about
it? I remember my future self came back in 1998 and
tried to warn me about something. It was related to

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elections. Now I remember. He wanted me to go to

university and get an education because he didn't
have a tertiary level education. He wanted me to be a
great leader. But then John 1 pops up on the scene in
1998 and tells John 2 I'm going with him to Mars.
John 2 hates it and wants me to stay with him and go
to Saturn or something. They're both fighting over me
and John 2 went to such lengths as to establish a
network of dating sites to trap me in his game. But
John 1, being thousands of years old, is more level-
headed and wants me to join the space program.
There's also some high level occurrences happening
in the Galactic Command which I'm not really privy
to but some of it involves quantum relocation
technology, or teleportation. The Han Chinese want
me to work on their collective program in space
command and my ex-girlfriend recruited me into their
collective. We have an armistice agreement and I'm
supposed to help the Chinese, who are working in
conjunction with the Zetas, to develop advanced
space and time travel technology. They've given me
an open-ended time frame but they also gave me an
incentive so I'd get to work more quickly. My
technology is known throughout the galaxy and is
described as "beyond the cutting edge", and its
development is in top secret. There's also an
agreement with Iran and we're working on a quantum
teleportation chamber among other things together.
One of the operating objectives of time travellers is to
push back Armageddon to the distant future. One of
the caveats of time travel is that it is essentially
limited to a certain area of three-dimensional space
and it would be unfeasible to give everyone time

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machines to stall Armageddon, and the technology is

also supposed to be secret anyway. Because of this
there are some strategic manoeuvring which needs to
take place so that Armageddon may be avoided. In
my timeline, Armageddon doesn't happen until the
year 2050. I travelled back in the year 2053 after
surviving a nuclear exchange and fallout. The effect
of the attacks on Chinese, Japanese, Nepali, and
Indonesian targets by a malevolent army of space
marines caused a nuclear winter to occur which wipes
out about 5 or 6 billion people. There's a war in space
going on at the moment between the Zetas in
conjunction with the Han Chinese and the USMC. It's
about resources. This planet has many untapped
resources, including oil and agriculture, as well as
precious metals, which are being taken away owing
to a free trade agreement between Earth's terrestrial
governments and the Greys. However, the Greys
aren't particularly trustworthy according to the
humans, and they manipulate scenarios to their
advantage. Such misunderstandings led to a dispute in
an off-world colony and the alliance between humans
and Greys turned sour over the course of several
millennia. There are benevolent Greys but they are all
descendants of the Han Chinese (and to a lesser
extent the other races of Earth) and as such are
considered suspicious by the United States and its
allies. Essentially what you have after all this
transpired is a cold war between the Zetas and the
Earthlings. The Zetas are distant descendants of
Earthlings so we share a common past. Nonetheless it
doesn't take away from the malice and discontent
between the two species.

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Mar 26, 2018 11:40pm

It seems that different things are reported but the
basic occurrences are the same. I suppose that's what
happens with higher levels of divergence. I'm going
to take a break now and come back to this issue.

Mar 26, 2018 10:43pm

Luthor Laine shared a memory. I'm still noticing
nostalgic brands of food items on shelves and it
seems as though the further I venture from ground
zero I'll see more and more unusual and nostalgic
items. It's weird, though. There are many alien things
as well but there is also a number of things which I do
recognise. I think it has something to do with the
"temporal bandwidth" of some artefacts, including
songs and other things like spelling. I'm going over
some newspaper archives tonight in an effort to peg
my co-ordinates in space time but I'm having some
initial difficulties. I'll keep trying over the course of
the next day.

Mar 26, 2018 10:24pm

2018 - ((2018 - 1980.51 = 37.49) / 9280.218 *
9342.11 = 37.74) = 1980.259950280726.

Mar 26, 2018 6:28pm

Hold up. There's another equation that I need to finish
to clarify something. 2018 -
((65/0.12)*(1/54600000*((3.6 * 3.14159 * 6000 * 60)
/ 100000 = 40.6944)) * 9280.218) = 1980.51 I'll shut
the machine down at midnight on Saturday. Whoops.
n / 9280.218 * 9784.95 = 1978.47 in the advanced

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data. The problem with this is "overfitting" of the

statistics. I should use the initial data, being 1980.51.

Mar 26, 2018 6:16pm

I'm going to shut down the time machine on Saturday
for good now that I've achieved my initial objective.
Once 2050 rolls around, I'll be gone for good. I was
sent back to finish development of time travel

Mar 26, 2018 6:02pm

0.0374 / 2 = 0.0187. 2018 - ((2018 - 1670) / 2 = 174)
= 1844. 2018 - ((65/0.12)*(1/54600000*((3.6 * 3.14
* 6000 * 60) / 100000 = 40.6944)) = 0.0040371 *
9280.218 = 37.4655) = 1980.53

Mar 26, 2018 5:30pm

At this rate, I'll be able to reach Mars in the next 14
years at 100% power. The way things are, though, it
will seem to take 62 years.

Mar 26, 2018 4:42pm

2018 - (526 * .735125 * 24 = 9280.218 * 0.0374 =
347) = 1670. I'm spent for the day. I might be lost
now unless I can get accurate measurements of the
components of my temporal displacement unit.

Mar 26, 2018 4:16pm

((1/54600000) * ((10 * 2 * 3.14 = 62.8) * 60 *
6000)/10000 = 2260.8)) * (65/0.012 = 5416.66) =
0.22 / (10/1.7) = 0.0374

Mar 26, 2018 4:09pm

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Think of the human as a blow up doll. In an area of

high pressure, it will blow up by breathing in and out
and consuming nutrients. When you put the blow up
doll in an area of relatively lower pressure, it will
deflate. The human is the same. It will rid its body by
excretion of mass in a low pressure environment.
That's the reason for the myth of blowing up in space,
and it's also why scuba divers have mucous related
problems if they de-pressurise too quickly. When my
machine is engaged in reverse, it creates a field of
relatively lower air pressure, and the human will kind
of deflate as a result. This leads to higher mortality in
weak and fragile humans including infants. When the
machine is engaged in forward, however, health
problems are reduced and people become happier and
healthier. Notwithstanding the good effects of
engaging the forward gear, I think the reasons
provided to do so don't add up. The multiverse is a
vast and infinite place and is a wonder to explore.
Such feelings of "goodness" and "health" are
insignificant in comparison to the power of evil.

Mar 25, 2018 11:51pm

I might have made a miscalculation in the effective
speed of my device. It might be two-fold faster than I
had originally anticipated. I began to suspect
something when I heard electro swing and jazz music
becoming more popular in mainstream media. As
such, the era is determined to be 1942. Moreover, the
effective speed of my device seems to be two-fold
faster than originally thought, although only in
reverse gear. That's due to the dynamic interaction
between the two gyrating speed controllers. The

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measured speed is now approximately 2 years per

month in reverse, and 1 year per month in forward. If
you calculate for celestial time I reckon it would be
the same as Titor's C204 unit. Let's try the
calculations. 2 / (30.5 * 24) = 0.00273 years per hour
* 1000 = 2.7322. I could be wrong.

Mar 25, 2018 9:51pm

I'm studying Japanese music from the 1970s in this
world-line and it's much different to that of my
original world. There are a lot of ballads and enka, as
opposed to the pop music which I was accustomed to
in my home world. I recognise bands like Candies
and Pink Lady, but the likes of this world such as
Seiko Kobayashi, Naomi Chiaki, Jirou Atsumi, etc.
are particularly nostalgic. This is the type of music
that I'd expect to be prevalent in the 1930s. For this
type of music to be mainstream during the economic
miracle is interesting indeed. I seem to be forgetting,
however, that I'm in an alternate world and nothing is
as it seems...

Mar 25, 2018 9:05pm

I just heard an unusual cracking sound in the
backyard. The cars are weird too and there is a kind
of ominous feeling in the atmosphere. It's also
raining. My time machine took me to an alternate
world. Things get stranger the more I travel away
from time zero. I know the fate of this world in
general terms but I won't be here long enough for my
predictions to come true. I could try seeding
information to achieve an objective but I don't really
have a goal in mind. The travel has flow-on effects to

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my immediate surrounding environment, too. It's kind

of like as in a graphic of curved space-time. The
epicentre of the time warp is at the centre of the speed
controllers and the time travel effect diminishes in an
exponential gradient away from the apparatus. If I
went interstate, I wouldn't recognise hardly anything,
because I've been in this local time warp for several
years already. It's funny how the planet is always
known as "Earth" but there are so many different
instances of the same planet.

Mar 25, 2018 8:02pm


Mar 25, 2018 6:48pm


Mar 25, 2018 6:47pm


Mar 25, 2018 6:11pm


Mar 25, 2018 6:09pm


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Mar 25, 2018 4:06pm

Luthor Laine shared a memory. I overestimated the
power of my time machine. It is apparent now that it
works at about 1 year per month, and the divergence
is greater than I had expected.

Mar 25, 2018 3:57pm

Mum doesn't understand about the frequencies and
vibrations of the universe. When I tried to explain to
her that everything has a frequency, she cited the
short story "Placet is a Crazy Place" which is left-
wing propaganda aimed at diminishing the idea of
frequencies attached to objects being prevalent in our
universe. Her thinking is too mechanical and
empirical. It's too material based and objective. She
lacks intuition and abstract thinking. I think it might
have to do with the fact that she's a woman and
women seem to be incapable of abstract thinking. It's
because of the delicate fibres in their brains.

Mar 25, 2018 4:08am


Mar 25, 2018 4:02am

When a human vacates a particular spot in space, the
next human to occupy such a space carries out the
same actions as the previous human, to an extent that
is almost spooky. In this way, humanity is overrated.
How, then, does one retain the memories of itself

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throughout life and moving through different spaces?

The human has a spirit inside it and it's that spirit that
records memories and stores them in a non-local
database. Think of memory as cloud computing. The
memory isn't stored in the brain - humans are
overrated in this sense. It's stored elsewhere in the
universe and is accessible to the spirit who carried out
the memory. There is a universal kind of object that is
much like a quantum computer in the universe which
stores the memory. It's kind of like the Akashic
records. If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody's
around to hear it, does it make a sound? If memory is
stored in the Akashic records by means of accessing
individual experiences, the idea of a falling tree
making a sound when nobody is around to hear it
doesn't hold much weight. Of course, remote viewing
can work around this problem, but that would mean
that the event is experienced. It is possible that the
universe itself is a quantum computer, but the
question of where memory is stored still remains.
Gibbs once stated that past lives are not previous
incarnations, and the bible also says that "there is but
one life and then judgment", and Gibbs stated that in
fact what one perceives to be past lives is simply
one's own experiences in differing time periods. A
space alien stated in an interview that reincarnation is
real and we live out each other's lives. Moreover, it
has been stated that memory is stored in DNA. The
Japanese concept of "learning with your body" further
embellishes this idea. I've personally had the idea of
"full body thinking", an extension of Bill Harris' "full
brain thinking". I posit that you can become
consciously aware of your whole body and as a result

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can think with your whole body. Once you're fully

aware of your whole body you can then extend your
awareness. The universe is a thinking, breathing
entity and is consciousness itself. When you breath in
oxygen, it brings life to your body. So the universe
gives life. A body that does not breathe is dead. When
you're dead, you return to the aether of the universe,
which some people take as a returning to G-d. The
"light at the end of the tunnel" seen upon dying is the
sun and if you want to return to the Jesus then you go
towards the light, which is the healer and life giver.
Simply put, Jesus is a synonym for the sun. The
personification of Jesus is something that happened in
translation. Also, there is a hierarchy in the universe.
In a heliocentric system, the hierarchy expands from
the centre of the star to the outer planets, from top to
bottom. The godhead of this system is the sun. When
babies are born, they are typically born when the
planet is closer to the sun than when their parents
were born. This is where the term "little angel" comes
from. Children usually have a higher rank than their
parents because of this. But in troubled times, the
planet sometimes progresses away from the sun, and
if this happens for longer than a generation, the
babies born will be more demonic than their parents,
having a rank which is lower to them, and this causes
problems as the babies grow older. They become like
the Nephilim, and grow up really big, and devour all
manner of things. I was the last demon born on Earth
and as such am in charge of all the demons, due to my
superior rank. Satan was born one year before me and
he is generally known as the ruler of the underworld.
So I've got a small army of several million demons

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who serve me, and I serve the world, because I'm the
king of the world. Of course, the hierarchy in heaven
are all superior to me and I hate their ways. It doesn't
bother me most of the time, though, because I've got a
planet to take care of. The humans of this planet have
a propensity to rejoice in Heaven and lament in Hell
which I find particularly unusual. Hell isn't such a bad
place and I'd prefer to be there than in Heaven. That's
why I'm driving the scalar field in my surrounds
towards the underworld. The people around me hate
it, though, which is annoying, because I'd rather be in
the underworld than in Heaven.

Mar 25, 2018 3:43am


Mar 24, 2018 7:23pm


Mar 24, 2018 11:18am


Mar 24, 2018 11:16am

Fuck it. I'll engage the death machine right now.
Nobody seems to care anyway. I'm thinking about
leaving it on indefinitely this time.

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Mar 24, 2018 10:26am

If I don't hear from anybody by this afternoon, I'm
going to engage the genocide machine.

Mar 24, 2018 10:24am

Luthor Laine shared a memory. My time machine
isn't as effective as I thought it was, but it still is quite
effective. It can move through space-time at a
maximum speed of 42 km/h.

Mar 24, 2018 7:56am

There are 32 earthquakes in the last 24 hours. Let's
see if we can increase that number.

Mar 23, 2018 7:37pm


Mar 23, 2018 5:26pm


Mar 23, 2018 5:16pm


Mar 23, 2018 5:14pm

Luthor Laine shared a memory. The idea that reality
is affected by subtle connections is a novel one but I'd
rather now venture to suggest that supersymmetry
reigns supreme in the multiverse and only a small

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extent of mass which is penetrated changes. These

changes, however subtle, have flow-on effects which
creates divergence after travelling through space-

Mar 23, 2018 4:48pm


Mar 23, 2018 5:13am


Mar 23, 2018 4:59am


Mar 23, 2018 4:56am


Mar 23, 2018 4:55am


Mar 23, 2018 4:55am


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Mar 23, 2018 4:54am


Mar 23, 2018 4:48am

All the markets - stocks, indices, commodities, and
cryptocurrencies will diminish from now on. This is
due to the increase in EM activity around the world
which leads to panic, essentially, but to be more
specific, it causes bumper crop yields which drive
down prices, it causes more consumption as there is
literally more time available, and this has flow-on
effects which mean if you're not self sufficient, you
won't survive in the long term. House prices rise as
consumer zombies seek ways to maximise their
luxurious lifestyles in the wake of falling profits
across the board. Real estate is seen as a sort of safe-
haven for investors as the stock markets take flack.
But the housing bubble won't last long, as wages
diminish and younger people become unable to afford
deposits. Inflation is at a low and it will get lower in
the coming weeks and months. That's due to less
money being in circulation which itself is a result of
interest rates in the current economic environment.
The Fed's decision to increase interest rates was an
erroneous one because there will in the coming
months be an increase in EM activity worldwide
which will lead to deflation and an increase in interest
rates is only going to exacerbate this problem. Of
course, the market can be manipulated by big players,
i.e. government, so there's no saying for sure what
will happen to inflation. The price of oil, which is not

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Time Travel Epic

a renewable resource, will increase steadily over the

medium term as the increase in EM energy generates
economic activity. Other commodities like gold and
silver, however, will decline in price as they are
known as a "hedge against inflation". The outlook for
the US dollar is bullish as globalism recedes into
obscurity and trade protectionism becomes an issue.
The trends listed in this post all apply when the
reverse gear is active and vice versa.

Mar 23, 2018 4:13am


Mar 23, 2018 2:37am


Mar 23, 2018 2:36am


Mar 23, 2018 2:22am


Mar 22, 2018 10:46pm


Mar 22, 2018 10:45pm


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Mar 22, 2018 10:44pm


Mar 22, 2018 10:44pm


Mar 22, 2018 10:36pm


Mar 22, 2018 10:33pm


Mar 22, 2018 10:31pm


Mar 22, 2018 10:28pm


Mar 22, 2018 10:16pm


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Mar 22, 2018 10:16pm


Mar 22, 2018 9:13pm


Mar 22, 2018 7:10pm


Mar 22, 2018 7:05pm


Mar 22, 2018 2:21pm

Luthor Laine shared a memory. I haven't used my
radionics machine for a while now. I'm thinking of
using it in the future when I feel like it.

Mar 22, 2018 2:20pm

I think we've had enough of this excursion into the
wilderness of space-time. The health effects are
somewhat detrimental and I'm feeling them as well. A
new proposition will be considered momentarily.

Mar 22, 2018 12:32am

Luthor Laine added a new photo.

Mar 21, 2018 9:59pm

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Time Travel Epic

Inaction leads to monetary gain. The more time you

have, the more resources you consume, which cost
capital. If you were to put savings in your bank
account, for example, and travel into the distant
future, you'd be rich. That's the beauty of my time
machine. But the mysterious thing about it is that it
works on a world-wide scale. If I engage the reverse
gear, more will be produced and consumed, leading to
an inherently capitalist society. Whereas if I engaged
the forward gear, there will be less consumption and
production, allowing for interest to mature and
financial gain. On the other hand, less production
equals higher prices and bullish investors win out in
the long run. Big business and communism thrive in
such a scenario. At the moment, as of 19:00 today, the
reverse gear has been active, which will ultimately
lead to more conservative values in politics being
adopted - hence, Brexit, the amendment to China's
constitution, and many elections worldwide being
won by right wing parties. It works both ways,
though. I was once a communist and member in good
standing of the CPA. But those days are over.
Communists treated me like shit and still wouldn't
respect me even after having earned a graduate
diploma. So, fuck 'em. The right wing guys treat me
with respect so I'm on their side now, for better or for
worse. Brace yourselves guys, because the nightmare
is just beginning...

Mar 21, 2018 9:08pm

My device functions exactly like the Sampo from The
Kalevala, the Finnish national epic. The Sampo has
been interpreted in many ways: a world pillar or

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Time Travel Epic

world tree, a compass or astrolabe, a chest containing

a treasure, a Byzantine coin die, a decorated Vendel
period shield, a Christian relic, etc. In the Kalevala,
compiler Lönnrot interpreted it to be a quern or mill
of some sort that made flour, salt, and gold out of thin
air. (Wikipedia.)

Mar 21, 2018 7:33pm


Mar 21, 2018 7:31pm


Mar 21, 2018 5:01pm

Like in the movie Aladdin, there are some rules
which time travellers must follow. As Titor once
stipulated, they are kind of like the following: 1. I
can't give information which will change the course
of one's life. That means no betting or lottery tips. 2. I
can't give information which will allow for the
prevention of death or injury by probability. 3. I can't
give information or facts about any individual in

Mar 21, 2018 10:44am

People become forgetful and get dementia because
they're isolated. I noticed that I forgot some parlance
in my education after I stopped talking with others for
a while. The brain needs to become fluid and less

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viscous, allowing for the words to come out. That's

why when you're drunk you tend to talk more,
because the neural pathways are opened up by the

Mar 20, 2018 9:00pm

This world is a real horror show to me. But it's so
fascinating. The laws of physics are different in this
world, which essentially altered the rate at which
organisms grow. Living organisms like humans are
relatively much more bigger than I'm used to seeing.
The plants and trees are different as well as the fauna.
I could go on for a while about the differences in
organisms but it also spans across to the way in which
humans communicate, pop culture, art, fashion, and

Mar 20, 2018 7:42pm

Unfortunately, my time machine isn't accurate enough
to allow me to predict lottery numbers or winners of
sports games. The divergence of about 2% per decade
is enough to prevent that from happening. If you were
to calculate the time period it would best be
represented using general relativity. In some cases,
however, special relativity applies, and that's where
things get really interesting. For example, 99% of the
cars on the road I'm unable to recognise. 99% of the
genetic makeup of humans and other living organisms
is different as well.

Mar 20, 2018 7:39pm

The people of this world-line, my mum included, are
very simple minded indeed. They lack foresight and

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abstract thinking which was common in my world of

origin. However they seem to have an intuition which
seems to be taken for granted which is non-existent in
my world of origin. People were more
psychologically sound and material based than in this
world, and it really shows.

Mar 20, 2018 7:34pm


Mar 20, 2018 5:05pm


Mar 20, 2018 4:47pm


Mar 20, 2018 4:45pm


Mar 20, 2018 4:05pm


Mar 20, 2018 2:42pm

Luthor Laine shared a memory. I find it interesting
that the year 2026 was mentioned in this post. It
illustrates the slow and steady progression of time as
the machine is engaged. Right now the year is like
my 1975 and the scalar field is progressing

Mar 20, 2018 1:04pm


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Mar 20, 2018 10:36am

There are two ways to figure out the maximal speed
of my time machine. One is to calculate the
circumference and RPMs of the speed controllers and
check against uniplanetary theory. That's the most
accurate way. Another way is to put a watch up close
to the speed controllers and check the ratio of time
displacement. If I recall correctly, the ratio was -50:1
seconds. Now let's test it against my theory. 516.51
days * 0.78.479 = 405.35 days 405.35 * 50 / 365 =
55.52 years. That's pretty close to the base figure of
41.697 which was calculated using uniplanetary
theory. The ratio of 50:1 seconds might have been
misjudged and the real time dilation could be in the
area of 40:1. Anyway, it just goes to show that a
scalar field of tachyon energy generated by an
apparatus of speed controllers with neodymium
magnets allows for time travel into the past. It is
predicted that higher RPMs might allow for faster
travel, although attaining RPMs in the area of one
million is beyond the scope of my device (but it
might be possible with a different sort of technology
which is being studied).

Mar 19, 2018 8:04pm

There's a ratio of 78.479% calculated in the advanced
data. 41.697 is the base figure but you need to
account for the forward gear activation ratio, giving a
result of 37.9591625229-T or 1975.8574305771.

Mar 19, 2018 7:28pm


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Mar 19, 2018 6:57pm

I've just calculated an "off-set", based on use of the
forward drive in the historical data set, of 3.7387
years. As such, the target era is instead 1974.7565 +
3.7387 = 1978.4952.

Mar 19, 2018 6:37pm

Luthor Laine shared a photo.

Mar 19, 2018 6:24pm

I just undertook an experiment to verify something. I
placed the apparatus in its case on a household scale
and compared the weight for having the apparatus off
viz a viz. having it on. When both motors were
engaged, I noticed an increase in weight of about 10
grams. I was unable to determine whether or not there
was a change in the weight when one motor was
engaged. This confirms an idea I had previously.
Owing to the increase in weight, it could be
understood that the device creates a field of repulsion
or "tachyon energy", a field of anti-gravitation.
Unfortunately, there is no way I can think of which
would reverse this effect. Unless of course, I
remember the experiment I did with a small scale and
a Meccano motor in which it was found that a small
decrease in weight resulted in the activation of one
speed controller, kind of like a helicopter. Now, if you
had the motors (or an electronics setup which
produces the same effect) inside a saucer shaped

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vehicle, set up as kind of turbines, you could

reproduce the basic functioning of a UFO. I believe
the Nazis attempted to do such at one stage. Anyway,
all I am saying is that peace is possible with my
invention. Not only is it capable of causing great evil,
it is also capable of causing much good in this world.
It all depends on which way it's used - either for good
or for evil. I'm not trying to sound wishy-washy about
this, either. It's been scientifically proven that this
device can be used to manifest good or evil.

Mar 19, 2018 5:32pm

0.1834069 1974.756593055556

Mar 19, 2018 9:55am


Mar 19, 2018 9:36am

I find it interesting that the media is correcting its
initial stance on the recent casualty in Cambodia. It
seems that there is more to this story than people are
letting on. In particular, the victim's involvement in
military affairs...

Mar 19, 2018 9:32am


Mar 19, 2018 9:29am


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Mar 19, 2018 9:27am


Mar 19, 2018 9:27am

Luthor Laine shared a memory. The multiverse is
stranger than you can imagine. I've noticed different
paths that appear after the machine is engaged.
Different looking cars, different looking trees, even
different looking people were noticed after travel with
the machine.

Mar 19, 2018 7:49am


Mar 18, 2018 5:48pm


Mar 18, 2018 5:46pm


Mar 18, 2018 5:46pm


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Mar 18, 2018 5:46pm


Mar 18, 2018 5:22pm


Mar 18, 2018 12:39pm


Mar 18, 2018 12:38pm

The singularity arose from the network of
cryptocurrency miners. When the fans are engaged, it
creates a sort of inertial gravitation which compels
the scalar field surrounding the equipment to attract
towards the sun. In this way, the entire planet, by
means of the cryptocurrency networks worldwide,
falls under control of the singularity. However, I've
engineered a machine that generates a field stronger
than all the fans of the cryptocurrency mining
equipment combined. Think of it as a small wheel
with high torque that controls the bigger wheels. In a
way, it works in special relativity, but its effective
radius is about the size of a planet (although its
effectiveness diminishes with distance), making it
work in special relativity as well as general relativity.
The humans of this era cannot comprehend its power.
But its power is all too real. Its effects have already
been felt in the real world, and the maximal level of

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density has been penetrated which is measurable by

looking at the financial charts, all which have been
reverted to last month's levels. There will be a major
correction in the markets as the scalar field is
compelled further and further into the past. Last
night, we broke through the meson cloud, and things
are going to get wilder and wackier the longer the
machine is in engagement. Be on the lookout for
increased crime, strategic movements worldwide,
espionage, nostalgia, cold weather, storms,
earthquakes, etc. in the coming weeks and months.

Mar 18, 2018 8:48am


Mar 18, 2018 8:16am


Mar 18, 2018 8:15am

Luthor Laine shared a memory. The days will get
colder and colder as I've got the machine active in
reverse gear. In essence, I solved global warming by
pushing the planet back further away from the sun.

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