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planning of health and welfare: tional study. suring fertility. in Egypt 3 Ss elect the single best answer to each of the following q Nosnch z ‘Scanned with CamSeanner SS i Lea __. Answer all the following questions | 1- Choose true (1) or false for the following statements: Statements. Quantitative continuous variables are numerical values which have no fraction. The most important advantage of wo is that it is not affected by extreme we the best rate for me 4 i i inator 70 | For calculating jaternal mortality ratio. the denomin: [ | Live births. 2- Seiect the single pest 2 wer {o ea ho q 2 follow estan 1 st ans) 9 eat! f hi gq = hat can actually prove ca sation 5+ c- Itis only serve one purpose. _ i ees d- Itis confined to sector of community or the whole community. 7- Which of the following best describes the retrospective design where subjects are sample by disease status and is often used when the investigator is interested in rare diseast a-Intervention trial b- Case control study c- Retrospective cohort d- Ecologic study . ined workers in weaving industry was $-The degree of hearing impairment of exam! The type of this variable is: classified into ; mild, moderate and severe. - Nominal. - Continuous. reentage of total females ina 9. - When the number of educated females is expressed as afpe ce V village. It is known as: a- Proportion- < b- Rate. —iY~ eae Frequency. | ye found to have coronary he «ae TaN af 1200 participants Were TT as ayoged’as COFONS Scanned with Camscanner > oF Mansoure, eotly : 2nd Sernenter (O2/06! 2016) Year Faculty of Nursing : Putlic Health Departmpst == vars Medical statistics Cou (30 Marks) ian is . ee i Js _| Bistogsam can represent Fixciete hon continuous quantitative dats. 1 “sy _| Small value > of standard deviation means much distribution of data. I i | Medicz zcords serve 3S & ‘basis for planning individual patient care. 1 A 4 Bin standard jrormai curve, the area between zone SD is equal to 95.5%. } =] | Ss ‘Cartogram shows the geographic distribution of & particular variable cr | | ] | characteristic. 2 —_ u 4 de deach rate, *he denominator sais | For calculating om AaMaAL 2 XamM yr cor aliikiann eee — Answer all the following questions i- Choose true (T) or false (F) for the followin _ne Statements, “s : Wee can obtain incidence rate from cohort study. il | The only function of statistics as a science is collecting | ; & Statements: (10 ma LT data. WS" Age is considered a quantitative continuous variable ig | ay \ Medial feans the most frequent observation amonga | j | Seties of readings. a x __ / 5 | To find the association in case control study we can ' | caiculate relative risk. ae tt. / Cluster sample is a probability sample. \ | 7 “Population census is used for planning of health and \ ; _hwe elfare. __ ba 4 2 T Relative risk equal to three means equal Tisk in exposed \ / group. ihan unexposed. ' Denominator in calculating maternal mi iortality ratio is | ihe total live births . NF

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