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I pretend that I been in Palawan Philippines to experienced scuba diving with

my friends and family.So first thing that I do is scuba diving with my family im so
happy that time because I saw many beautiful species like coral and reef. And I saw
also many different fishes and they are so beautiful.When im diving. it's a totally
different ball game because being immersed underwater is such a
sensory experience. Everything you can feel, hear and see comes into
sharp focus. Your breathing becomes slow, purposeful and
rhythmic. And you're suddenly aware of how your movements connect
with each intake of breath.The scuba gear is the one of equipment that
use in scuba diving.And also the scuba regulator and tank provide the
air you need. Fins allow you to swim efficiently, and a wetsuit helps you
stay warm. Whether you're just starting as a scuba diver or you're an
experienced diver looking for new equipment, you'll find helpful
suggestions and tips in this section.Scuba diving can be a great
experience because it allows you to move freely underwater and makes
you feel you are part of the marine life. And scuba diving is good for
health because it increase lung capacity, strengthen the respiratory
system and balance the nervous system, it also increases our oxygen
intake. It is more fun when your friends and family are joining with this
kind of activity because it is a good bonding and good exercise.

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