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Rua: Dr. Aníbal de Toledo, 420, Santa Dorotéia.
Campo Grande - MS, Cel. (67) 99243-6988.

Prova Bimestral de Língua Inglesa- Profª: Ruth Prado

Aluno(a):______________________________Nº____Ano: 2º _______
Leia o texto e responda ás questões de 1 a 3:

The rent man

Someone is knocking on Amanda’s door. Amanda is home, but she does not answer. It is the man who owns
the house where she lives. His name is Mr. Campbell. Amanda calls him the Rent Man. He has come by to get
the rent money Amanda owes. Amanda does not have the money to pay him. Amanda lost her job at the auto
factory three and a half weeks ago and the others workers lost theirs as well. “I worked there for 15 years,”
Amanda thinks to herself. She is bitter. “But it took them just one day to take my job away.” Amanda has no
idea when she will find another job. Lots of other people from her factory lost their jobs three weeks ago, too.
She looks for work every day. She looks for work at a restaurant. “You have never worked at a restaurant,” the
owner tells her. “This job is not for you.” She looks for work at the bookstore. “We don’t have any jobs right
now,” the clerk tells Amanda. She looks for work at the grocery store. “I will call you to let you know,” the
manager says. Amanda is worried. She is running out of money quickly. There is another loud knock at the
door. Amanda sits quietly in her kitchen. The Rent man’s car is working! He is gone now.

1) De acordo com o texto assinale a alternativa correta:(1,0)

A) Who is knocking at Amanda's door? B)What does Mr. Campbell want?

a) the restaurant owner a) a book

b) the clerk b) a car
c) Mr. Campbell c) a job
d) the manager d) Money

2) Retire do texto 2 exemplos de GENITIVE CASE: (1,0)


3) Complete as frases abaixo usando os nomes em destaque e o Genitive Case correto: (2,0)

a) Let's go to the ________________ (Smiths)

b) The __________________room is upstairs. (children)
c) ______________ sister is twelve years old. (John)
d) __________ and _____________bags have blue stickers. (Susan - Steve)
e) ____________ shoes are on the second floor. (men)
f) My __________ car was not expensive. (parents)
g) ___________ CD player is new. (Charles)
h) This is the _____________bike. (boy)
i) These are the ________________ pencils. (boys)
j) This is ___________ and ___________ car! ( Robert – Mary)
4) Assinale a alternativa correta em relação ao Genitive Case: (2,0)

A) She bought the ______________ food. B) Have you seen those _________ dresses?
a) dog’s a) lady's
b) dog b) ladies'
c) of dog’s c) ladies's
d) of the dog d) ladye's
e) dogs’s e) of ladies'

C) I like _______ plays. D) There are my _______ toys.

a) Sophocles's a) children
b) Sophofocles' b) children's
c) child
c) Sophocles
d) of children
d) of Sophocles e) childrens’s
e) of Sophocles'

5) Make the possessive form of the given nouns. (2,0)

Example: My brother's house is in London. (brother)

a) My ______________________________________shirt is purple. (friend)

b) The ______________________________________books are on the desk. (girls)
c) It's ___________________________________________ birthday on Monday. (John and Mark)
d) Do you have _______________________newspaper? (today)
e) The ________________________bags are in the bedroom. (children)
f) My ______________________office is next to mine. (boss)
g) Your uncle is your ______________________brother. (father)
h) Your aunt is your _____________________sister. (mother)
i) My _________________ birthdays are next month. (friends)
j) A _______________ tail is long. (monkey)

6) Reescreva as frases usando os pronomes adjetivo possessivos abaixo de acordo com as expressões em
destaque : ( 2,0)


a) Mary and Bob’s child is a very smart boy.


b) Moses’ life is written in the Holy Bible.


c) Lucy’s cat is very cute.

d) Edward’s new house is huge and fancy.
e) The dog’s toy was destroyed.

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