UCSP Module 01 Activity 01

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Name: Litan, Gabrielle Venice G.

Grade Level and Section: 12-Dewey

Date: 9/11/23
First Semester
Activity No.: 01 Problem Identification
Module 01: The Three Social Sciences
Directions: Present a problem identification that explains the social, political, and cultural
contexts of a particular phenomenon, issue or problem faced by the Filipinos at the present time.
You should be able to explain how the social sciences namely, Anthropology, Sociology, and
Political science can help understand the issue. This task will demonstrate your open and critical
perspective on the importance of studying issues/phenomenon through the use of observation and
analysis. In particular, you are tasked to do the following:
 Identify an issue or problem relevant to your immediate community or to the Philippine
society in general.
 Explain in 3-5 sentences why you are particularly concerned about this issue/problem.
 Illustrate by giving concrete examples how we can utilize the disciplines of
Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science in understanding the said issue/ problem.

The Filipino people are confronted with obstacles and concerns that must be resolved and
addressed at the community level. Poverty, a lack of education, addiction or illicit substance usage,
iniquity, criminal activity, and unemployment are just a few of the problems they face. However, poverty
in the Philippines is a crucial recurring issue that neither Filipinos nor the Philippine government have
addressed. There are several NGOs that help and assist individuals who live in poverty in the country,
such as those who live in slums, particularly in Manila, yet poverty persists as childbearing rates rise.
According to my research, as of 2023, there were an average of 7,487 live births per day, resulting in
overpopulation in the country and having one of Asia's highest population densities and rapidly
expanding populations, the Philippines lacks government-funded family planning options, waste and
housing concerns, pollution, and intrusion on city areas and watersheds have resulted in denudation and,
as a result, a significant drop in reservoirs due to the vast number of people, the government must address
this issue and find a remedy, such as making Filipino individuals more open to modern contraception.
Furthermore, we can apply Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science to comprehend this
issue in our country. By influencing population policy throughout the government, the Roman Catholic
Church holds authority and birth control methods have not been widely implemented under this regime,
and the Filipino population continues to increase uncontrollably. It assumed that taking contraception is
regarded as evil in the church, and it reinforced by the consistent teaching that using contraception to
prevent new human beings from being born is always intrinsically sinful. Political unity is needed in the
Philippines to take a stand for the good of the people since, at the moment, politicians avoid clashing with
the church on any political topic for fear of losing crucial votes, and as a result, their campaigns suffer,
given that the majority of Philippine politicians have strong religious convictions, if anything is to be
solved, riches brought to the people, economic condition improved, the demographic equation must reign
over with the absence substantial reforms, our country would continue to suffer from not only congestion
and famine, malnutrition, a lack of education, and indefinite poverty exerts immense clout among
Filipinos in order to make critical reforms, it must be removed from the equation when it comes to
developing family planning methods.

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