2 Mathematical Language and Symbols-1

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Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of the chapter, the students should be able to:
1. Discuss the language, symbols, and conventions of mathematics
2. Explain the nature of mathematics as a language
3. Perform operations on mathematical expressions correctly
4. Acknowledge that mathematics is a useful language

“Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe.”

― Galileo Galilei

According to Ethnologue, there are currently 7,111 known languages in the world. It is by
using language that we communicate each other. However, mathematics has its own language
which is foreign language for most students especially those who doesn’t like mathematics. The
language of mathematics was purposely designed so one can express his ideas on something
such as writing about numbers, sets, functions, or expressions and explain what he can do with

Mathematical concept is often very vague which causes anxiety in understanding among
students. The language of mathematics is referred to as the system that is often used by
mathematicians to accurately communicate mathematical ideas, and abstract ideas. Setati
(2002) describes mathematics as a language as it uses notations, symbols, terminology,
conventions, models and expressions to process and communicate information. Mathematics
uses different symbols and variables instead of words. The common symbols/operations are +,
- , ÷, x, =, >, <. The variables / letters in the alphabet are very special to mathematics since it is
used to represent the unknown number.

Teaching and learning the language of mathematics is vigorous for the improvement of
mathematical proficiency. Students’ mathematical vocabulary learning is a vital part of their
language improvement and ultimately mathematical proficiency. Riccomini, Paul J., et al (2015).

In this chapter, we will focus on the following

2.1 The Mathematical Langauge

2.2. The Basic Concepts of Mathematics (Sets, Relations and Functions)

2.3 Logic
2.1 The Mathematical Language
What is a Language?

There are multiple definitions of language. Language is…

▪ a system of words or codes used within a discipline.

▪ a systematic way of communication using symbols or sounds.

▪ a code humans use as a form of expressing themselves and communicating

with others
▪ facilitates communication and elucidates meaning

▪ allows individuals to express themselves and maintain their identity.

What is Mathematics?

There are multiple definitions of Mathematics. Mathematics is...

▪ a universal language, shared by all human beings in every country of the

world regardless of culture, religion, or gender.
▪ a method of communication about objects like numbers, variables, sets,
operations, functions and equations
▪ a collection of symbols and their meaning shared by a global community of
people who have an interest in the subject

Importance of Mathematical Language

▪ To communicate and understand the expressed ideas to others

▪ Communication helps in the thinking ability

▪ Mathematical way communication and mathematics thinking is necessary for

students to achieve success in life especially when working with real-life
▪ To provide a powerful means of communication which can be used to present
findings in figures, tables, charts, graphs and symbols

Characteristic of the Language of Mathematics

▪ Precise – able to make very fine distinctions

Example: The use of mathematical symbol is only done based on its meaning
and purpose. Like + means add, - means minus, x multiply and ÷ means
▪ Concise - to be able to say things briefly
Example: The long English sentence can be shortened using mathematical
symbols. Five plus two equals seven which means 5 + 2 = 7
▪ Powerful - able to express complex thoughts with relative ease
Example: The application of critical thinking and problem-solving skills
requires the comprehension, analysis and reasoning to obtain the correct
Components of a language

▪ a vocabulary of words or symbols

▪ has syntax to make the expression well informed to make the characters and
symbols clear and valid that do not violate rules.
▪ a grammar consisting of rules on the use of these symbols

▪ community of people who use and understand these symbols

▪ a range of meanings that can be communicated with these symbols

MATHEMATICS: expressions versus sentences

▪ Mathematical expression is correct arrangement of mathematical symbols used to

represent a mathematical object of interest. It doesn't make sense to ask its truth
value. The common types: numbers, sets and functions.
o Examples: 5, f(x), sin x, 2x-7
▪ Mathematical sentence - is a correct arrangement of mathematical symbols that
states a complete thought. It makes sense to ask about its truth value. It contains
verb (equal sign or inequality symbol) may contain a connective (operations, logical
o Examples: Six is divisible by 2 and 3.; x + 3 = 5; 6x2 + 3x - 2 = 0
Mathematical Symbols

1. Common Mathematical Symbols

▪ The symbol +. Words associated with this symbol are ‘plus’, ‘add’, ‘increase’ and
▪ The symbol −. Words associated with this symbol are ‘minus’, ‘subtract’, ‘take
away’, ‘negative’ and ‘decrease’.
▪ The symbol ×. Words associated with this symbol are ‘multiply’, ‘lots of’, and
▪ The division symbols ÷ Division is symbolized in several different ways: 10÷ 5, 5/6

▪ The = sign and its variants

o ≠ which means ‘is not equal to’
o ≈ which means ‘is approximately equal to’
o > which means ‘is greater than or equal to’
o < which means ‘is less than or equal to’

2. Variables
Variables are another form of mathematical symbol. These are used when quantities
take different values. Most variables that is being used are the letters of the alphabet
from a to z.
3. Greek Alphabet
▪ You will find that Greek letters are used in many calculations.

▪ For example, the Greek letter ‘pi’, written π, is used to represent the number
3.14159.... This number continues forever without repeating.
▪ We often use α (‘alpha’), β (‘beta’), and θ (‘theta’) to represent angles. ▪ The Greek
capital letter ‘sigma’ or Σ is frequently used to represent the addition of several
numbers, and you will see it provided for this purpose on the toolbar of any
spreadsheet program.
▪ For future reference the full alphabet is given here

Using Mathematical Symbols/ Notations

Learning mathematical symbols/ notations is a little like learning another language.

Rather than using words, it uses symbols and often letters to represent numbers to make

The first step in learning is to consider the most commonly used words to translate
English words, phrases and sentences into mathematical symbols, expressions and equations
+ - X ÷ Plus Minus Times Divide Add subtract Multiply quotient
Increased by Decreased by Product the ratio of Sum Difference …of…
Total Less twice
More than Less than
Subtracted from
Diminished by

Translating mathematical sentences into mathematical symbols

1. 8 increased by x Answer: 8 + x
2. 8 more than x x + 8
3. 8 is more than x 8 > x
4. 10 less x 10 - x
5. 10 subtracted from x x - 10
6. 10 is less than x 10 < x
7. 6 added to the product of 11 and m 11m + 6
8. twice the difference of m and 3 2 (m -3)
9. the difference of 6 and k divided by 9 (6 – k)/ 9 or (6-k) ÷ 9 10. 4 times the
sum of 12 and y 4 (12 + y)
11. The sum of 20c and c cubed C3 3
20 c +
divided by 3
12. Eight less than twice the sum of four and y 2(4 + y) – 8 = 19
is 19.
13. Five less than x is less than five less x. x – 5 < 5 – x
14. The quotient of m and 3 is six less than the
product of 10 and m. (m÷ 3) = 10m - 6
15. Six more than x is more than thrice the
difference of x and 8. X + 6 > 3(x – 8)

Conventions in Mathematical Languages

▪ Merriam dictionary defines convention as a general agreement about basic principles or

procedures. In mathematics, a mathematical convention is a fact, name, notation or
usage which is generally agreed by the mathematicians. Mathematicians abide by
conventions in order to allow other mathematicians to understand what they write
without constantly having to redefine basic terms.
Some common conventions used in mathematics are listed below.

▪ In Geometry for instance, by convention, capital letters are used to label vertices of a
polygon or to name a dot. Infinite lines are often named using small italic letters, such as
a, b, and c. Line segments are sometimes named using upper-case letters that denote
the two endpoints. Angles can be named using three letters (3 vertices), a number or a
small letter. When naming an angle using three letters, the middle letter must be the

▪ As is common in algebra, italic letters like x are used to denote numbers, constants, and
variables. Letters are also used to label various objects, such as like l, point P, function f,
set S, list T, event E, random variable X, Brand X, City Y, and Company Z. The meaning of
a letter is determined by the context.

▪ When numbers, constants, or variables are given, their possible values are all real
numbers unless otherwise restricted. It is common to restrict the possible values in
various ways.

▪ Sometimes juxtaposition of letters does not denote multiplication, as in “consider a

three-digit positive integer denoted by BCD, where B, C, D are digits.” Whether or not
juxtaposition of letters denotes multiplication depends on the context in which the
juxtaposition occurs

▪ Mathematical expressions are to be interpreted with respect to the order of operations,

which establishes which operations are performed before others in an expression. The
order is as follows: parenthesis, exponentiation, negation, multiplication and division,
addition and subtraction.
Take note that each area of mathematics has its particular conventions and somehow you are
expected to “just know what they are” when you’re studying a certain area.

2.2 Basic Concepts of Mathematics: Sets, Relation and

A. Set

Definition of a Set

A set is a collection of well- defined collection of objects, persons, or things that

contains no duplicates. It is said to be well-defined if one can tell whether or not one element is
a member of a set.


1. The set of students in Cebu Technological University.

2. The set of letters in the word “University”.
3. The set of all mathematics teachers in Cebu Technological University.

Set Notations

1. Capital letters are used to name a sets.

A= colors of a rainbow
2. Small letters, numbers, objects, etc… are used to name the elements of a set. In symbol,
it is written as “∈, which reads “an element of” or “belongs to”. Likewise, “∉” stands for
“is not an element of” or does not belong to”.
Example: Set A = {red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet}, the colors of the
We can say that “red” is an element of set A, and it is written as “red ∈ A”.
Likewise, we say that “pink is not an element of A”. In notation it is written as
“pink ∉ A”

Methods of Describing a Sets

There are three main ways to specify a set.

1. Verbal Descriptions. Sentences are used to describe sets.

a. Set A is the set of one digit prime numbers.
2. List Notation/ Roster Method. All elements of the sets are listed, each element is
separated by a comma (,) and is enclosed with a brackets { }.
a. Set C = {2,4,6,8}
b. T= {Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,… ,Sunday}
c. B = {Annie, Ariel, Andrew, Amanda, Axel}
3. Predicate Notation/ Rule Method/ Set-Builder Notation. All elements of the set possess a
common property. It has a property that the members of the set share a condition or a
predicate which holds for members of this set.
a. A= { x/x is a natural number and x < 8} can be read as “ the set of all x such that x is a
natural number and is less than 8”. Note that x represents any natural numbers. b. { y/y
is a letter of the Alphabet}
c. { z/z is a blood type of a person}

Kinds of Set

1. Finite Set. This is a set whose elements can be counted and which the counting
process comes to an end.
a. The set of all male students in BSED Math 2A.
b. The set of zodiac signs.
2. Infinite Set. This is a set whose elements cannot be counted or which the counting
process does not come to an end. Three dots (ellipses) are used to signify infinity or
endless counting, which is read as “and so on”
a. The set of all counting numbers.
b. M={5, 10, 15, 20, 25,…}
3. Empty Set/ Null set. A set has no elements. It is represented by ∅ or by a pair of
empty braces “ { }”
a. The set of four sided triangles.
b. The set of odd number that is divisible by 2.
4. Singleton set. A set with only one member or element.
a. The set of number that is prime and even number.
b. B = {x: x is a whole number, x < 1}

Set Relationships

1. Equal Sets. Two sets are equal if they contain exactly the same elements.


a. If A = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} and B = {x|x is a counting number less than 8}

b. {1,3,5,7} = {7,5,3,1}
2. Equivalent Sets. Two sets are equivalent if they contain the same number of
a. A = { 5,10,15,20} and B = { 2,4,6,8}
b. M = { x/x is number of months in year} and Z = { x/x is the number of zodiac
3. Subsets. A set A is called a subset of set B if every set of A is also an element of B. “ A
is a subset of B is written as A ⊆B
a. A = { 6, 7} is a subset of B = { 6, 9,12, 7}
b. A = { 1,2,3,4}, B= { 1,2,3} and C = { 3,4,5}, B is a subset of A ( B ⊆ A), while C is not
a subset of A ( C ⊄ A).
c. {9,66} ⊄ {9,14,28}
4. Power set. It is the family of all the subsets of A denoted by Power(A). The formula
2nis used to determine the total number of subset in a given set.
a. Set A = { a,b,c}
Using the formula 2n = 23 = 8
Power sets of set A ={{ } ,{ a}, {b}, {c}, {a.b}, {a,c}, {b,c}, { a,b,c}}
b. B= { 5,6}
Using the formula 2n = 22 = 4
Power sets of set B= { { }, {5}, {6}, {5,6}}
5. Joint Sets. Sets with at least one element in common.
a. W = {1,2,3,4,5,6}, Q = { 5,6,7,8,9}. W and Q are joint sets because they have
common elements which are 5 and 6.
b. V={ x/x is a vowel} and W= { x/x is a letter in the word
6. Disjoint Sets. Sets that have no common elements.
a. A= { a,e,I,o,u} , Q= { 1,2,3,4,5,}. A and Q are disjoint sets since they don’t have
common elements.
b. M= { y/y is an even number}, N = { y/y is an odd number}
7. Complement of a Set. The Complement of a set A is the set in the Universal set that
does not belong to set A. This is denoted by set A’ which means “ a complement”.
a. Consider the universal set, U= ( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} and Set A = { 2,4,6,8}. Then the
Complement of Set A are the elements in U that are not in A. Thus, A’ = (1,3,5,7} b.
U = { x/x is a letter in the English Alphabet}, C = { x/x is a vowel in the English
Alphabet}. Thus, the complement of C’ = { x/x is a constant in the English Alphabet.
Operations on Sets

1. Union is an operation for Set A and B in which a set is formed that consists of all the
elements included in A and b, it is denoted by the symbol ⋃ as A ⋃ B.
A = { c,e,b,u} ; B = { t,e,c,h,n,o,l,g,i,a } ; C= { u,n,i,v,e,r,s,t,y}
a. A ⋃ B = { a,b,c,e, g,h,i, l,n,o, t, u}
b. A ⋃ B ⋃ C ={ a,b,c,e, g,h,i, l,n,o, r,s, t, u, v, y}

2. Intersection. Set A and set b is said to intersect if there is at least one element
common to both sets A and B. In other words, it is just the set of elements common
to both sets A and B. It is denoted by the symbol ⋂ as A ⋂ B.
a. A = { l,o,v,e}, B = { f,o,r,e,v}
A ⋂ B = { o,v,e}
b. E = { 2,4,6,8} , F = { 1,3,5,7}
A ⋂ B = { } or ∅

B. Relations. A relation is a set of ordered pairs. Domain is the set of all x values in the
relation. Range is the set of all y values in the relation.
a. { { 1,4), (2,5), ( 3,6)} is a relation. The domain of the relation is the set {1,2,3} and the
range is { 4,5,6}.

C. Functions. It is a relation in which each element of the domain corresponds to exactly

one element of the range. It means no two ordered pairs have the same value of x.
The function can be represented using the following:

1. Table. It displays the inputs and corresponding outputs of a function. Function tables
can be vertical (up and down) or horizontal (side to side).
Input 0 3 6 9

Output -5 -3 5 7

2. Ordered pairs.
{ ( a,1), ( b,2), (c,3), ( d,4)}
3. Mapping. Is assigning to each object in one set a particular object in another set. The
use of arrow is needed.

abcd 4213

4. Graphing. Using vertical line test, that is, a set of

points in a plane is the graph of a function if and only if no
vertical line intersects the graph in more than one point.

2. 3 LOGIC
In this lesson we present the student to the principles of logic that are essential for
problem solving in mathematics. The ability to reason using the principles of logic is key to seek
the truth which is our objective in the field of mathematics.


One area of mathematics that has its roots deep in philosophy is the study of logic. Logic
is the study of formal reasoning based upon statements or propositions. According to Wikipedia,
Logic comes from the Greek word logos, originally meaning "the word" or "what is spoken", but
coming to mean "thought" or "reason". In the Western World, logic was first developed by
Aristotle. He was the student of Plato and the tutor of Alexander the Great. His logic was used
to distinguish valid arguments from invalid arguments.


• A proposition (statement) is a declarative sentence that is either true or false, but not
both true and false.
• The truth value of the statements is the truth and falsity of the statement.


1. 2 + 5 ≠ 7
2. Manila is the capital of the Philippines.
3. Do you have an instagram account?
4. This article is false.
5. X+ 2 = 5


1. Proposition (false)
2. Proposition (true)
3. Not a proposition, it is interrogative.
4. Not proposition, it is a paradox.
5. Not proposition, open sentence.

Simple and Compound Proposition

Simple Proposition is a proposition that conveys one thought with no connecting words.

Compound Proposition is a proposition that contains two or more simple propositions

that are put together using connective words. Words such as and, or, not, and if…then
are examples of connectives.

1. The school dean will visit classes starting next week.

2. The instructor started the lesson yesterday.
3. She is beautiful and I am handsome.
4. If you will recite the VMGO of the school, then you will pass the oral examination.
5. Julienne is good in Mathematics but she is not good in Social Studies.


1. Simple proposition
2. Simple proposition
3. Compound proposition, the logical connectives used is and
4. Compound proposition, the logical connectives used is if… then.
5. Compound proposition, the logical connectives used is but

Logical Connectives and Truth Tables

A propositional variable is a variable which used to represent a statement. A formal

propositional written using propositional logic notation, p, q, and r are used to represent

A. Conjunction
A conjunction is a compound statement formed by joining two statements with the
connector and. The conjunction "p and q" is symbolized by p ꓥ q.

Example 1
p : The integer 2 is even.
q : 4 is less than 3.
p ꓥ q : The integer 2 is even and 4 is less than 3

The truth table describes precisely when p ∧ q is true (or false). Meaning, the
conjunction of two statements is true only if each statement is true.
p q pꓥq





Example 2:

p: 4 + 6 = 12
q: Rodrigo Duterte is the 16th President of the Philippines.
p ꓥ q: 4 + 6 = 12 and Rodrigo Duterte is the 16th President of the Philippines.
Solution: Since “4 + 6 =12” is a false statement (note that 4+ 6 ≠ 12) and the
statement “Rodrigo Duterte is the 16 th President of the Philippines” is true, the
conjunction of the compound statement is false.

B. Disjunction

A disjunction is a compound statement formed by joining two statements with the

connector OR. The disjunction "p or q" is symbolized by p ˅ q.

Example 1
p : I will pass the LET examination.
q : I will be promoted in my job.
p V q : I will pass the LET examination or I will be promoted in my job.

The truth table describes precisely that p is true or q is true or if both p and q are
true, then p V q is true; otherwise p V q is false. Meaning, the disjunction of two
statements is false only if each statement is false.
p q pVq





Examples 2:
p: 12 + 7 = 19
q: 19- 53 = - 34
p V q: 12 + 7 = 9 or 19 – 53 = - 34.

Solution: Note that “12 + 7 = 19” is true while “19 – 53 = - 34” is true, the disjunction of
the compound statement is true.

C. Negation
The negation of a given statement is a statement that is false whenever the given
statement is TRUE, and True whenever the given statement is FALSE. The connective is
the word NOT. The negation is symbolized by ~ p.

1. 5+ 6 ≠ 11
2. The Philippine Broadcasting Network ABS CBN franchise renewal was approved
by the Congress.

1. 5 + 6 = 11
2. The Philippine Broadcasting Network ABS CBN franchise renewal was not
approved by the Congress.

If p is true, ~ p is false. Meaning the truth value of the negation of a statement is

always the reverse of the truth value of the original statement.
p ~p


p: A quadrilateral is not a four sided polygon.
~p : A quadrilateral is a four sided polygon.

D. Conditional
A conditional ( implication ) proposition is a compound statement formed by joining two
statements with the connector If p then q. The conditional “If p then q" is symbolized by
p → q.
The implication p → q can be expressed in words in several ways in addition to
the wording “If p, then q”, namely:
If p, then q.
p implies q.
q if p.
p only if q.
p is sufficient for q.
q is necessary for p.

Example 1:
p: The value of x = 4
q: 3x + 2 = 14.
p → q : If the value of x is 4, then 3x + 2 = 14

The truth table for the implication p → q is shown below

p q p→q





Example 2:
p: 7 + 5 = 12
q: 5 + 4 = 7
p → q: 7 + 5 is a sufficient condition for 5 + 4 = 7.

Solution: Since the statement “ 7 + 5 = 12” is true and “5 + 4 = 7” is false, thus

the conditional of the compound statement is false.
E. Biconditional
A biconditional is a combination of an implication and a reverse implication. The
biconditional p ↔ q is often stated as “p if and only if q.” or “p is equivalent to

Example 1:

p: Two sides of a triangle are congruent.

q: Two angles opposite them are congruent.
p ↔q: Two sides of a triangle are congruent iff two angles opposite them are

If p and q are true or both false, then p ↔ q is true; if p and q have opposite truth
values, then p ↔ q is false. The truth table for the biconditional p → q is shown below.

Example 2: T F F
p: 8 + 8 = 16
q: 9 – 6 = 3
p q p↔q F F T

p ↔ q : 2 + 8 = 10 if and only if 9 – 6 = 3

Solution: Since “8 + 8 = 16” and the “9 – 6 = 3” are both true, therefore the biconditional of
the compound statement is true.
Daligdig, Romeo M. Mathematics in the Modern World. Lorimar Publishing Inc.

Oronce, Orlando A. ( 2016). General Mathematics. Rex Book Store. Manila Philippines

Sirug, Winston S. ( 2012). Fundamentals of Discrete Mathematics. Mindshapers Co.,


Riccomini, Paul J., et al. "The Language of Mathematics: The Importance of Teaching and
Learning Mathematical Vocabulary." Reading & Writing Quarterly 31.3 (2015): 235-52.

Setati, M. (2002). Language practices in intermediate multilingual mathematics

classrooms. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, South Africa.

MathCentre( 2003) Mathematical Langauge


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