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Title: The Legend of Malacca: The Naming of a Kingdom


(Parameswara shown in the palace)

Narrator: Malacca, a well known place in Malaysia, yes. Though, ever wonder how it got its
name? Well, hopefully this role-play will help. Take your seats and enjoy the show!

(Assistant enters, bowing to Parameswara, then stands up)

Assistant: Sultan, the guards are outside waiting for you. They said it is for the hunt.

Parameswara: Ah, yes. The hunt. Very well. May you please get my bow while I get ready?

Assistant: Yes, sir.

(Assistant leaves and comes back with bow)

Assistant: Your bow, sir.

(He gives him the bow then turns to leave)

Parameswara: Wait! I suggest you come with me…I’ll need some extra hands.

Assistant: Won’t you need someone in the palace?

Parameswara: It is okay. We will need extra hands.

Assistant: Of course sire.

(Parameswara and Assistant leaves stage)


Guard 1: Sire. Everyone is ready for the hunt.

Parameswara: Alright. Shall we go on?

Narrator: And so they went. They walked through the forest, passing by trees, rivers and
wildlife. Parameswara’s dog was barking in the front, leading them on where to go.
(Dog barks at river confusing everyone)

Guard 2: Sir,your dog is barking at the river. Shall we go?

(Parameswara thinks, then nods)

Parameswara: Yes, my dog is never wrong about anything.


Narrator: A dog, huh? That is quite strange for Parameswara to follow a dog, isn’t it? Well, little
does he know, the little fella just might be onto something…

Guard 3: Sir, how certain are you to follow a dog..? You don’t know what could be there, it’s far too
much of a journey anyway.

Parameswara: So be it. The more we explore, the more we can provide for the kingdom.

Guard 3: Very well sir.

(They arrive at the river)

Assistant: Sir if you don’t mind me asking, what are we doing here?

Parameswara: Take this as your break, you all deserve it after the long journey.

(Assistant nods his head then leaves)

Parameswara: (Whispers) I know this is my destiny..but what is it..?


Narrator: Ah, you’re still here? Good to know. Just wait very soon, the exciting part is soon to come,
of course, unless you don’t care about it. Though, I doubt that will ever be true. (Narrator laughs)

(Parameswara sighs, sitting down to rest against the tree, closing his eyes)

(Suddenly, a mouse deer appears making Parameswara’s dog bark)

Parameswara: (Opens eyes) What is it that you’re barking at..?

(He trailed off, watching as his dog continued barking and growling at the mouse deer)

(Suddenly, he watched as the mouse deer kicked his dog into the river making him laugh
(The mouse deer looked around for a bit before leaving)


Narrator: Oh, hey there. Still watching? Great, you’ve made it to the end! Now, watch carefully, this
is the moment you all have been waiting for.

Parameswara: That was incredible..odd but fascinating.

Assistant: Sir? I don’t mean to interrupt but we noticed you haven’t given a name for this kingdom
yet. Why is that?

(Parameswara thinks then gets an idea, finally realising everything.)

Parameswara: Because it wasn’t my time yet to name it back then. I wondered what my true destiny
was, after all, everyone has their own destinies. Then I realised. This is it. Malacca. That is what I
shall name the kingdom.

(Assistant looks at him confused)

Assistant: Why is that?

Parameswara: Because I watched something happen. Something I never thought would be possible.
A mouse deer kicked my dog into the river. Could you believe that? And the tree that I was resting on
during’s name is Malacca. And so, I will name my kingdom after the tree. Malacca.

(Parameswara smiles)

Narrator: And so Parameswara smiles, realising that after all these years, his destiny was to rule his
kingdom, Malacca. He was a great leader, providing excellent materials and such for his people. Well,
this surely was a journey. But, as always, journeys have their ends and this is the ending to ours. I
hope that this story gives you all a bit of hope for finding what you truly have to do. Give it a chance,
and you’ll see. That is all ladies and gentlemen, goodbye and happy Merdeka.

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