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Teens 1 Paper 2

Ingles II (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)

Studocu no está patrocinado ni avalado por ningún colegio o universidad.

Descargado por Susana Borrelli (


AACI USE ONLY Sections 1st 2nd 3rd
st A
2nd C
Ready Corrector

NAME: ________________________ SURNAME: ____________________________________

Time allowed: 1h.15’ (+ List: 1.30’)
SECTION A: Reading Comprehension
Read the text and circle the correct option, true (T) or false (F).

School outing
Ken spent all Thursday evening thinking about what was going to happen the next school day. This is
what he says: “When I woke up on Friday morning, I knew it was going to be a special day. It was the
day when I was going on an excursion with my class. When I got to school, all my classmates were
waiting to get on a van. The van had to take us to the plane for a flying trip around our country. When the
van arrived at the airport, we showed the tickets to get on the plane. The captain gave us a good
welcome and explained the rules about what we had to do during the trip. He finished by telling us, “I’m
sure that you’ll have a wonderful trip.” The plane took off and started to fly over the towns, cities and
countryside. The buildings and cars looked so small. After about forty five minutes, we landed back on
the airport. The captain was very happy with us and said, “I’m so happy to have students like you on my
plane. You can all come again for another trip free of charge.” It was a day to remember.

(Adapted from

AACI use
1) Kent went on an excursion on Thursday. T/F only

2) A plane waited for the students at the school. T/F

3) The students got on the plane at the airport. T/F 2nd

4) The captain talked to the students. T/F

5) The students flew for about 14 minutes. T/F

SECTION B: Language in Use

I. Match the questions in A with the answers in B. There are two extra answers.

A conversation between a customer and a waiter…

a. A bottle of red wine, please. AACI use

1. Good evening. Do you have a reservation? only
b. Orange, please.
2. Come this way. Are you ready to order? 1st
c. Yes, I want the mushroom ravioli.
3. What would you like to drink? d. I don’t like ravioli with tomatoe sauce. 2nd

4. Red wine is a great idea. Anything else? e. Yes. And it’s free.
f. I do. A table for Mike Murray. 3rd
5. Apple or orange?
g. Yes, some fruit juice, please.
6. Anything for dessert?
h. No, just a cup of black coffee.

1.___f___ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______ 6._______

Descargado por Susana Borrelli (


II. Read the text. Circle the right words to complete the blanks.

'Twilight': It started with a dream

“Twilight”, a love story between 0) a vampire, a human and a werewolf, 1) an international
success, and the woman who 2) it is the 35-year-old author Stephenie Meyer. She is a housewife
and a mother and one day she had a dream. The dream was about a boy and a girl talking. He
3) a vampire and she was a normal girl, 4) they fell in love. She decided to 5) her
ideas to write a novel. The writer published her first novel in 2005 and four years later, the book became a
best seller. 6) , three more books came after that. The fans 7) the “Twilight” saga. The
8)____ surprising fact about this story is that Stephanie Meyer wasn´t a 9) . “Twilight” was 10)____
first book ever.
Adapted from
0. a and the
AACI use
1. isn’t is are
2. written writing wrote 1st
3. was were weren’t
4. as because and 2nd
5. using use uses
6. They There Then
7. loving love loves
8. more most very
9. mechanic teacher writer R

10. his my her

III. Answer the questions about you. Use full sentences.

1. When do you go on holiday? AACI use
_________________________________________________________________ only

2. What time do you get up every day? 1st

3. How often do you play with friends?
4. What did you do last Saturday?
_________________________________________________________________ R
5. What are you going to do next Monday?

SECTION C: Writing
Choose ONE of the following options and write about 40 words on it.
1. You are going to see your favourite band in concert. Write an e-mail to a friend and tell him/her about it. Include
the following points:
Where you are going.
Who you are going with and how much the tickets cost.
What music the band play and what your favourite songs are.

2. Write a paragraph about your last holiday. Include the following points:
Where you went.
Who you travelled with. AACI use
What places you visited and what you did there.





Descargado por Susana Borrelli (

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