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Objective: The students will be able to perform fundamental operations

on integers.

Subject: Mathematics

Grade Level: Grade 7

Learning across curriculum:

1. Science - Understanding temperature changes and its relation to positive and

negative numbers.

2. Social Studies - Analyzing population growth and decline using positive and
negative numbers.

3. English - Writing and solving word problems involving integers.

Review Motivation:

1. Show a video clip of a football game where positive and negative yardage is used
to explain the concept of integers.

2. Present a real-life scenario where a bank account balance is used to introduce the
concept of positive and negative numbers.

3. Engage students in a group discussion about how integers are used in everyday
life, such as in weather forecasts or stock market predictions.

Activity 1: Integer War


- Deck of cards (with face cards removed)

- Whiteboard or chart paper

- Markers

1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups.

2. Give each group a deck of cards.

3. Explain that red cards represent positive numbers and black cards represent
negative numbers. Ace is considered as 1.

4. Each group should shuffle the deck and place it face down.

5. Each group member takes turns drawing two cards and performing the indicated
operation (addition or subtraction).

6. The group member with the highest result wins the round and earns a point.

7. Continue playing for a designated number of rounds or until time runs out.

8. Record the scores on the whiteboard or chart paper.


- Correctly performs the operations: 2 points

- Accurately determines the highest result: 2 points

- Active participation and collaboration within the group: 1 point

Assessment questions:

1. If a player draws a red 3 and a black 5, what operation should they perform? What
is the result?

2. How can you determine who wins a round in Integer War?

Activity 2: Number Line Hopscotch


- Masking tape or chalk

- Number line (laminated or drawn on the floor)


1. Create a number line on the floor using masking tape or chalk. Include positive
and negative numbers.

2. Divide the class into small groups.

3. Each group selects a player to start.

4. The first player stands on the number 0.

5. Give a series of integer operations (addition or subtraction) to each group.

6. The player must perform the operation and hop to the resulting number on the
number line.

7. Repeat the process for each player in the group.

8. The group with the most accurate hops wins the round.

9. Repeat the game for a designated number of rounds or until time runs out.


- Accurately performs the operations and hops to the correct number: 3 points

- Follows the given integer operations: 2 points

- Cooperation and sportsmanship within the group: 1 point

Assessment questions:

1. If a player starts at -3 and performs the operation -5 + 2, where should they hop to
on the number line?

2. How can you determine the winner in Number Line Hopscotch?

Activity 3: Real-Life Word Problems


- Handout with word problems involving integers


1. Distribute the handout with word problems to each student.

2. In pairs or individually, students solve the word problems using the fundamental
operations on integers.

3. Encourage students to show their solutions and explain their reasoning.

4. Discuss the solutions as a class, highlighting different strategies used by students.


- Correctly solves the word problems: 3 points

- Shows the steps and provides a clear explanation: 2 points

- Active participation in the class discussion: 1 point

Assessment questions:

1. A temperature drops from 5°C to -3°C. What is the change in temperature?

2. A bank account has a balance of -200 pesos. If 150 pesos are deposited, what is
the new balance?


- Observe the students' performance in Activity 1, Integer War, to assess their

understanding of performing operations on integers.

- Evaluate the accuracy of the students' hops in Activity 2, Number Line Hopscotch,
to assess their ability to apply integer operations on a number line.

- Analyze the students' problem-solving skills and explanations in Activity 3, Real-Life

Word Problems, to assess their application of fundamental operations on integers in
real-life situations.


- Summarize the key concepts and strategies learned in performing operations on


- Emphasize the importance of understanding positive and negative numbers in

various contexts.

Give the students a real-life problem that is related to the objective, such as
calculating the temperature change from morning to evening or determining the profit
or loss in a business transaction.


- Conduct a written test or quiz that includes various types of integer operations,
word problems, and real-life applications.

- Observe and assess students' participation and engagement during class activities.

- Review and provide feedback on students' completed assignments and



Assign students to create their own set of word problems involving integer
operations. They should provide solutions and explanations for each problem.
Students can present their word problems to the class or submit them as a written

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