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Teaching Dates September 18-22, 2023 Quarter 1
5:50-6:50 7 FIDELITY
Grades 1 to 12 7:50-8:50 7 COMPASSION
9:10-10:10 7 FORTITUDE
11:10-12:10 7 DILIGENCE


Day 1
A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and the real number system.
B. Performance Standard: The learner can formulate challenging situations involving sets and real numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives:
The learner represents the absolute value of a number on a number line as the distance of a number from 0. (M7NS-IC-1)
a. Illustrate the absolute value of a number on a number line as the distance of a number from 0.
b. Find the absolute value of a number.
c. Appreciate the value of distance in real life situations.
Content: Absolute Value
Classroom-Based Activities
A. Elicit
While the students are seated, ask them about the distance of their classmate if one of them will be the center. Tell that
each student is equivalent to 1 unit so that it will be easy to identify the distance from left to right.
B. Engage
Guide Question:
Based on the activity, what have you noticed with the distance between your classmate from the left and right? Explain
your answer.
C. Explore
Illustrative example #1: Look at the ff. diagram. Find the distance of Agatha’s house to school, to church, and vice versa.

a. Distance from Agatha’s house to the school. b. Distance from the school to their house.

c. Distance from their house to the church. d. Distance from the church to the Agatha’s house.

Notice that while both are equidistant from the house, the two are not located at the same point. The school is 400
meters to the right of Agatha’s house and vice versa while the church is also 400 meters to the right of the school and vice

Illustrative example #2: Find the absolute value of the following.

a. │3│=3, since 3 is 3 units away from 0.
b. │0│=0, since there is no movement.
c. │-5│=5, since -5 is 5 units away from 0.

Illustrative example #3: Use a number line to find the absolute value of +3, -3, +7, +5,+9,4,-4,-1.

D. Explain
E. Elaborate
The absolute value of a number is the distance on the number line between the number and zero without any
regard to its direction. Thus, the absolute value of any number is a nonnegative number.
For any number n,

Speaking mathematically,
│5│= 5 is read as “the absolute value of 5 is 5.”
│-5│=5 is read as “the absolute value of negative 5 is 5.”

Determine whether each statement is true or false. Justify your answer.

______1. 3 = |-3|
______2. 8 > |-8|
______3. - |-2| < 0
______4. |5| ≤ - |-8|
______5. |9| ≥ -|9|

F. Evaluate
Test I. Give an integer which is the simplest value for the expression.
1. │24│= _____
2. -│36│= _____
3. │-8 │= _____
4. -│-6│= _____
5. - │10│ = ____

Test II. Read, analyze, and answer.

1. If |a| = -5, what are the possible values of a? Justify your answer.
2. Explain what is meant by absolute value of a number?
Day 2
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives:
The learner represents the absolute value of a number on a number line as the distance of a number from 0. (M7NS-IC-1)
a. Identify the symbol of inequality to be used to find absolute value of a number.
b. Find the possible values of a number involving absolute value.
c. Appreciate the value of distance in real life situation.
Content: Absolute Value
Classroom-Based Activities
A. Elicit
Mental Math: Give the absolute value of the following.
1. |16|
2. |-67|
3. - |5|
4. - |-20|
5. |46 – 25|
B. Engage
Determine whether each statement is true or false.
______1. 5 = |-5|
______2. 16 > |-16|
______3. |-10| < |-11 + 1|
______4. -|-2| < 0
______5. |5| ≤ -|-8|
C. Explore
Activity 1: Answer the ff. questions:
1. Is |-9 | ≤ |9|? Yes, because |-9| and |9| = 9, therefore 9≤9.
2. If |x| = 7, what are the possible values of x? Since |-7| = 7 and |7| =7, then x = 7 or x= -7.
Guide Questions:
a. Explain what is meant by the absolute value of a number using example number 2.
b. Can you cite some other examples where you can apply the lesson absolute value?

Activity 2: Fill in the blanks with >, <, or = to make the statements true.
1. |-6| ___ |6|
2. -45 ___ - |-56|
3. |18 – 12| ____ |-10|
4. - |24 – 30| ___ -|30 – 24|
5. 2 + |-4| ____ 10

D. Explain
Find the integer that satisfies each of the following equations.
1. |x| = 5
2. |y| = -6
3. - |b| = -8
4. 26 = |-y|
5. |a+1| = 7

E. Elaborate
The absolute value of a number is the distance on the number line between the number and zero without any
regard to its direction. Thus, the absolute value of any number is a nonnegative number.
For any number n,

Speaking mathematically,
│8│= 8 is read as “the absolute value of 8 is 8.”
│-8│= 8 is read as “the absolute value of negative 8 is 8.”

Find the integers that satisfy each of the following equations.

1. |a| = 0
2. -|-x| = -10
3. - |a+5| = -6
4. - |x – 2| = -9
5. 2 + |2x| = 12
F. Evaluate
Test I. Find the possible values of n.
1. |3n| > 12
2. |5n| < |-15|
3. |n + 1| < 8

Test II. Critical Thinking

Find the possible values of x to make the inequality true.
1. 5 < |x| < 10
2. -7≤|x|≤0
Day 3
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives: The learner performs fundamental operations on integers (M7NS-Ic-d-1)
1. Add integers using algebra tiles and the rules.
2. Solve simple word problems involving addition of integers.
3. Relate integers in real life situation.
Content: Addition of integers
Classroom-Based Activities
A. Elicit
Group Game “Pass my sum”
The class will be grouped into 2 and select 8 representatives by group. The students selected will form a line facing at
the back of the room. The teacher will ask the first student to pick a flash card where the given is written, and he/she will
answer it and pass the sum by moving his/her head part like eyes, tongue, or lips to the next student and so on. The first
group to finish and give the sum to the teacher will be given 1 point, 3 rounds will be given. The group with 2 points will
be declared a winner.

B. Engage
Purpose Setting Activity
The students will be asked to make signed tiles using the colored papers. Each student should have 2 different colors
and will have to assign color for positive and negative sign. The size of the signed tiles will be given by the teacher. They
can cut as many as they can. The students will follow the instructions to be given by the teacher.
1. Combine 3 positive signed tiles and 4 positive signed tiles. Count how many signed tiles you have.
2. Combine 2 negative signed tiles and 5 negative signed tiles. Count how many signed tiles you have.
3. Combine 15 positive signed tiles and 20 negative signed tiles. Count how many signed tiles you have. Is your signed tiles
C. Explore : ACTIVITY 1

Answer the following questions:

1. Based on the activity and diagrams how are we combining the signed tiles?
2. How will you identify the sum?
3. On the preliminary activity, were you able to use the tiles in finding the sum? Why?
4. On your own words how will you add integers with same sign and different signs?

ACTIVITY 3: Use the rules for adding integers to find the sum.
1. 12 + (-4)
2. -105 + 67
3. -14 + (-17)
4. 45 + 37
5. 64 + (-38)

D. Explain: Study the ff. examples.

E. Elaborate: Answer the ff. Justify your answer.

F. Evaluate
Test I: Find the sum of the following:
1. -48 + 17
2. -84 + 79
3. 63 + (-49)
4. -88 + (-33)
5. 8 + (-17) + 24
Test II: Solve the following problems.
1. What is 10 more than -2?
2. The temperature rose from 0°C by 8°C but later dropped by 10°C. What is the resulting temperature?
3. Angela deposited P800 in the bank in the first day of the month and P600 the following day. How much money does
Angela have?
4. Carrot Man gained P10 on the first day, lost P5 on the second day and gained P20 on the third day. How much profit
does Carrot Man have during his three days of selling?
5. A football team lost 5 yards in one play and gained 8 yards in the next play. What was the total yardage in the two

Day 4

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives: The learner performs fundamental operations on integers (M7NS-Ic-d-1)
1. Subtract integers.
2. Solve simple word problems involving addition of integers.
3. Cite real life situation where subtraction of integers are applied.
Content: Subtraction of Integers

Classroom-Based Activities

A. Elicit
Ask a student to do a recap of the previous lesson.
Identify the opposite of the following.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
B. Engage
12 – 6 = 6
12 the
– (-6)following:
= 18

-12 – (-6) = -6
How do you find the difference between negative and positive integers? Both positive/negative?

C. Explore

Or remember the acronym “KCC” (Keep-change-change).

Or in the most simpler way: In
subtracting integers, add the negative
of the subtrahend to the minuend.

D. Explain
“What’s on your mind?”
Answer the following questions:
1.Based on the illustrations, how to subtract integers?
2.State the rules in subtracting integers.

E. Elaborate
Activity I. Change each of the following into addition expression then give the difference.

Activity II. Find the difference.

F. Evaluate
Test I. Find the difference of the following:
1. 63 – (-58) =
2. -58 – 0 =
3. -36 – 105 =
4. 76 – 76 =
5. -84 – 84 =
Test II. Solve the following problems.
1. Subtract 87 from ( -23)
2.How much is 100 diminished by 45?
3. How much is (-50) decreased by 46?
4. EJ bought P96.00 worth of vegetables in GMA Market. How much was her change if she gave a 200 – peso bill?
5. A pair of pants went on sale for P450.00. How much did Angel save on the purchase of 2 pairs if the regular price was
Day 5

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives: The learner performs fundamental operations on integers (M7NS-Ic-d-1)
1. Multiply and divide integers
2. Apply multiplication and division of integers in solving problems
3. Value the concept of multiplication and division in daily life
Content: Multiplication and Division of Integers

Classroom-Based Activities

A. Elicit
“The Boat is Sinking”
The students will group themselves into the quotient on equation that will be given. The student who will not belong
to the group will be out. Those students who finish the activity will receive an additional point in the performance. While
the students are doing the activity new dance music will be played and when it stops, the student should have already
formed the group.
Example given: a. 6 ÷2 = 3 b. 3 x 2 = 6

B. Engage
Guess what?
1. What do you think will be the sign of the product of a positive and negative integer? Both negative?
2. What do you think will be the sign of the quotient of a positive and negative integer? Both negative?
C. Explore
Illustrative examples:

D. Explain
Working in Pair
Answer the following questions:
1. Based on the ff. examples, did you find the pattern or rule in multiplying integers? dividing integers?
2. What do you notice about the product of a positive integer and a negative integer?
3. What about the product of two negative integers?
4. How is the division related to multiplication?
5. Using the examples, what is the quotient of integers having like signs and different signs?

Rules in Multiplying Integers:

In multiplying integers, find the product of their positive equivalents.
1. If the integers have the same signs, their product is positive.
2. If the integers have different signs their product is negative.

Rules in Dividing Integers:

The quotient of two integers with the same signs is a positive integer and the quotient of two integers having unlike signs
is a negative integer. However, division by zero is not possible.
E. Elaborate
Rewrite the division problem as a related multiplication problem. Number 1 is done for your guidance.
1. 24 ÷- 6 =-4 -4 x -6 = 24
2. 48 ÷ -8 = -6 _______
3. 40÷ 4 = 10 _______
4. -54 ÷ 6 = -9 _______
5. -64 ÷ -8 = 8 _______
6. -72 ÷ 8 = -9 _______
F. Evaluate
Find the product.
1. 19 ( -3)
2. 23 (6)
3. -6 (-6)
4. -12 x -4
5. -8 (5)

Tell if the quotient is positive or negative. Write COC if positive and DOTA if negative.
1. -15 ÷ -3 = ________
2.64 ÷ 8 = ________
3. 96 ÷ -3 = ________
4.-144 ÷ -12 ________
5.-180 ÷ 9 = ________

Find the quotient:

1. -56 ÷ 7 = _____
2. - 72 ÷ - 8 = _____
3. 99 ÷ 9 = _____
4. 105 ÷ - 5 = _____
5. -260 ÷ -13 =_____

Write a numerical expression that models the problem and evaluate.

1. What is twice the product of -8 and -16?
2. The product of what number and -7 is 56?
3. The temperature drops 2°F each hour. What is the total change in temperature after 12 hours?
4. Three banana cost P36.00. How much does each banana cost?
5. Mr. Joe has 2 dozens of chocolate bars and he wants to give them equally among his 5 children. How many chocolate
bars were left after distributing them equally?

Checked by:


Mathematics, Chairperson

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